ETF2L Highlander Season 32 (Summer 2024): Open




BGM 4-1-0 80% 22 8 73%
Disconnect Party 4-1-0 80% 22 8 73%
BRAINROT! 3-1-1 70% 21 9 70%
DALDAL_UBEZHAL 3-2-0 60% 18 12 60%
Kill with Kindness 3-2-0 60% 17 13 57%
操钱就能得到钱 VANGUARD 3-2-0 60% 17 13 57%
colon 3 3-2-0 60% 14 16 47%
Diligence 2-2-1 50% 15 15 50%
MUP TAHKOB LEGACY 2-3-0 40% 16 14 53%
European Clover Team 2-2-0 50% 12 12 50%
Renegade Team 1-3-0 25% 8 16 33%
Knights of the Order 1-4-0 20% 9 21 30%
Star Seers 0-4-0 0% 1 23 4%
HysK 0-2-0 0% 0 12 0%

Recent Matches

D/M Round Teams Score Maps Date
Week 5 Kill with Kindness colon 3 6 0 cp_steel_f12
Week 5 BRAINROT! Disconnect Party 6 0 cp_steel_f12
Week 5 BGM DALDAL_UBEZHAL 6 0 cp_steel_f12
Week 5 操钱就能得到钱 VANGUARD Star Seers 6 0 cp_steel_f12
Week 5 Diligence Knights of the Order 4 2 cp_steel_f12
Week 5 European Clover Team MUP TAHKOB LEGACY 6 0 Forfeit
Week 4 Disconnect Party DALDAL_UBEZHAL 6 0 koth_warmtic_f10, koth_proot_b5b
Week 4 BGM MUP TAHKOB LEGACY 4 2 koth_warmtic_f10, koth_proot_b5b
Week 4 Kill with Kindness Star Seers 5 1 koth_warmtic_f10, koth_proot_b5b
Week 4 Knights of the Order 操钱就能得到钱 VANGUARD 1 5 koth_warmtic_f10, koth_proot_b5b
Week 4 Renegade Team BRAINROT! 0 6 koth_warmtic_f10, koth_proot_b5b
Week 4 Diligence colon 3 0 6 koth_warmtic_f10, koth_proot_b5b
Week 3 European Clover Team DALDAL_UBEZHAL 0 6 pl_vigil_rc10
Week 3 Kill with Kindness Knights of the Order 6 0 pl_vigil_rc10
Week 3 Diligence 操钱就能得到钱 VANGUARD 2 4 pl_vigil_rc10
Week 3 colon 3 MUP TAHKOB LEGACY 0 6 pl_vigil_rc10
Week 3 Renegade Team Disconnect Party 0 6 pl_vigil_rc10
Week 3 BGM BRAINROT! 6 0 pl_vigil_rc10
Week 2 Disconnect Party MUP TAHKOB LEGACY 4 2 koth_product_final, koth_proplant_v8
Week 2 Knights of the Order Star Seers 6 0 koth_product_final, koth_proplant_v8
Week 2 HysK DALDAL_UBEZHAL 0 6 Forfeit
Week 2 Diligence BRAINROT! 3 3 koth_product_final, koth_proplant_v8
Week 2 Renegade Team 操钱就能得到钱 VANGUARD 6 0 koth_product_final, koth_proplant_v8
Week 2 European Clover Team colon 3 2 4 koth_product_final, koth_proplant_v8
Week 2 Kill with Kindness BGM 0 6 koth_product_final, koth_proplant_v8