DIG Deep

W-L-T Winrate Points W-L Point Ratio
20-8-1 71% 120-51 70.2%


Recent Competitions

Competition Division Format W-L-T WR PW PL PR
Highlander Season 5 powered by BlackOut Gaming Division 2 Highlander 6-2-0 75% 38 13 75%
Highlander Season 4 powered by BlackOut Gaming Division 3A Highlander 0-4-0 0% 0 24 0%
Highlander Season 3 Division 4A Highlander 4-0-0 100% 22 5 81%
Experimental Highlander cup #2 - High Highlander 0-1-0 0% 0 3 0%
Highlander Season 2 Division 5C Highlander 5-0-0 100% 30 0 100%
Experimental Highlander cup #1 MID BRACKET Highlander 1-1-0 50% 3 3 50%
Highlander Season 1 Division 6P Highlander 4-0-1 90% 27 3 90%

Recent Matches

D/M Competition Division Round Opponent PW PL Maps Date
Highlander Season 5 powered by BlackOut Gaming Division 2 Playoffs The Breakfast Club 2 7 cp_process_final, cp_steel, koth_lakeside_final
Highlander Season 5 powered by BlackOut Gaming Division 2 Week 7 cLanda 6 0 pl_barnblitz_pro4
Highlander Season 5 powered by BlackOut Gaming Division 2 Week 6 Osmoz' 6 0 cp_gullywash_final1, koth_lakeside_final
Highlander Season 5 powered by BlackOut Gaming Division 2 Week 5 Could Try Harder 6 0 cp_gravelpit
Highlander Season 5 powered by BlackOut Gaming Division 2 Week 4 Sigma 6 0 pl_upward
Highlander Season 5 powered by BlackOut Gaming Division 2 Week 3 Team Colonslash: Crash 6 0 cp_steel
Highlander Season 5 powered by BlackOut Gaming Division 2 Week 2 The Breakfast Club 0 6 cp_process_final, koth_pro_viaduct_rc4
Highlander Season 5 powered by BlackOut Gaming Division 2 Week 1 Danish Community Swingers 6 0 pl_badwater
Highlander Season 4 powered by BlackOut Gaming Division 3A Week 4 Partyvan 0 6 cp_gullywash_final1, koth_lakeside_final
Highlander Season 4 powered by BlackOut Gaming Division 3A Week 3 www.theMIPC.org 0 6 Forfeit
Highlander Season 4 powered by BlackOut Gaming Division 3A Week 2 Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia 0 6 Forfeit
Highlander Season 4 powered by BlackOut Gaming Division 3A Week 1 9 Fishies 0 6 cp_gravelpit
Highlander Season 3 Division 4A Week 4 xoxo highlander 6 0 Forfeit
Highlander Season 3 Division 4A Week 3 D9 6 0 pl_upward
Highlander Season 3 Division 4A Week 2 The Owl Exterminators 4 2 cp_steel
Highlander Season 3 Division 4A Week 1 Could Try Harder 6 3 pl_badwater
Highlander Season 2 Division 5C Week 5 Highnine 6 0 Forfeit
Highlander Season 2 Division 5C Week 4 playmate 6 0 cp_foundry, koth_lakeside
Highlander Season 2 Division 5C Week 3 William Wallaces team 6 0 pl_badwater
Highlander Season 2 Division 5C Week 2 Hippo fecal dynamite 6 0 cp_foundry, koth_lakeside
Highlander Season 2 Division 5C Week 1 see? 6 0 pl_badwater
Highlander Season 1 Division 6P Week 5 Dead Bread Squad 6 0 cp_gullywash_final1, pl_badwater
Highlander Season 1 Division 6P Week 4 Team Fortress 2 Romania 2 2011 6 0 cp_gullywash_final1, cp_gravelpit
Highlander Season 1 Division 6P Week 3 The Owl Exterminators 3 3 pl_upward, cp_gravelpit
Highlander Season 1 Division 6P Week 2 Strefa Gier Gamma 6 0 pl_upward, koth_viaduct