Season 7 powered by SteelSeries
Division 3a
Week 8
XEN Team
6 |
0 |
cp_gorge, cp_freight
Season 7 powered by SteelSeries
Division 3a
Week 7
teh team
4 |
1 |
cp_granary, cp_gorge
Season 7 powered by SteelSeries
Division 3a
Week 6
Catching Bullets
1 |
4 |
cp_freight, cp_obscure
Season 7 powered by SteelSeries
Division 3a
Week 4
3 |
3 |
ctf_turbine, cp_gullywash
Season 7 powered by SteelSeries
Division 3a
Week 2
3 |
3 |
ctf_turbine, cp_well
Season 7 powered by SteelSeries
Division 3a
Week 3
6 |
0 |
cp_granary, cp_gullywash
Season 7 powered by SteelSeries
Division 3a
Week 1
Virtual Troopers
6 |
0 |
cp_badlands, cp_well
Season 6 powered by SteelSeries Xai
Division 3d
Week 9
0 |
6 |
cp_badlands, cp_well
Season 6 powered by SteelSeries Xai
Division 3d
Week 8
21 BlackJack
2 |
2 |
cp_granary, cp_well
Season 6 powered by SteelSeries Xai
Division 3d
Week 7
Rest in peace, gentle Jedis.
6 |
0 |
cp_granary, ctf_turbine
Season 6 powered by SteelSeries Xai
Division 3d
Week 6
The Hampshire Heavies 2nd Team
3 |
3 |
cp_gullywash, cp_fastlane
Season 6 powered by SteelSeries Xai
Division 3d
Week 5
0 |
6 |
cp_badlands, cp_freight
Season 6 powered by SteelSeries Xai
Division 3d
Week 3
0 |
6 |
cp_badlands, cp_gravelpit
Season 6 powered by SteelSeries Xai
Division 3d
Week 1
Karnage eSports
1 |
4 |
cp_badlands, cp_well
Season 5
Division 3c
Week 9
The Conquers
3 |
3 |
cp_badlands, cp_granary
Season 5
Division 3c
Week 8
Ethanol Monkeys
3 |
3 |
cp_badlands, cp_well
Season 5
Division 3c
Week 7
3 |
3 |
Season 5
Division 3c
Week 6
Virtual Troopers
6 |
0 |
cp_granary, cp_well
Season 5
Division 3c
Week 5
0 |
6 |
cp_badlands, cp_granary
Season 5
Division 3c
Week 4
6 |
0 |
cp_badlands, cp_fastlane
Season 5
Division 3c
Week 3
Gathering of Tweakers Team 1
4 |
1 |
cp_granary, cp_well
Season 5
Division 3c
Week 2
6 |
0 |
cp_well, cp_fastlane
Season 5
Division 3c
Week 1
0 |
6 |
cp_badlands, cp_granary
Season 4
Division 4f
Week 7
6 |
0 |
cp_granary, cp_well
Season 4
Division 4f
Week 6
FakkelBrigade 2
3 |
3 |
cp_granary, cp_fastlane