W-L-T Winrate Points W-L Point Ratio
4-1-0 80% 24-6 80.0%


Recent Players

Player Joined Left
[URR] PedobearZz

Recent Competitions

Competition Division Format W-L-T WR PW PL PR
Highlander Season 4 powered by BlackOut Gaming Division 5E Highlander 4-1-0 80% 24 6 80%

Recent Matches

D/M Competition Division Round Opponent PW PL Maps Date
Highlander Season 4 powered by BlackOut Gaming Division 5E Week 5 RIP BlackOut Gaming 4 2 pl_barnblitz_pro
Highlander Season 4 powered by BlackOut Gaming Division 5E Week 4 eXtremists 6 0 cp_gullywash_final1, koth_lakeside_final
Highlander Season 4 powered by BlackOut Gaming Division 5E Week 3 Team §§ Tidam 6 0 pl_badwater
Highlander Season 4 powered by BlackOut Gaming Division 5E Week 1 Nine Horsemen of the Apocalypse 2 4 cp_gravelpit
Highlander Season 4 powered by BlackOut Gaming Division 5E Week 2 Crutched Potatoes 6 0 pl_upward