We still have the best player

W-L-T Winrate Points W-L Point Ratio
4-4-0 50% 10-14 41.7%


Recent Competitions

Competition Division Format W-L-T WR PW PL PR
Season 32 Preseason Map Cup Playoffs Mid Tier Sixes 0-1-0 0% 0 6 0%
Season 32 Preseason Map Cup Mid C Sixes 1-2-0 33% 3 6 33%
Beater Presents: Meet Your Map Cup! Upper Bracket Sixes 0-1-0 0% 1 2 33%
Beater Presents: Meet Your Map Cup! ClearCut Sixes 3-0-0 100% 6 0 100%

Recent Matches

D/M Competition Division Round Opponent PW PL Maps Date
Season 32 Preseason Map Cup Playoffs Mid Tier Quarterfinals Tahranpoistoaine 0 6
Season 32 Preseason Map Cup Mid C Round 3 dodruchki? Dodrysky? Do drzky? 3 0 cp_logjam_rc8
Season 32 Preseason Map Cup Mid C Round 2 SpongeKnob SquareNuts 0 3 Forfeit
Season 32 Preseason Map Cup Mid C Round 1 The Jens Weber Society 0 3 koth_isla_b14
Beater Presents: Meet Your Map Cup! Upper Bracket Round 1 De Danske 1 2 cp_cardinal_rc1a, cp_propaganda_b3
Beater Presents: Meet Your Map Cup! ClearCut Round 3 The curtasi of commradery 2 0 koth_synthetic_b5
Beater Presents: Meet Your Map Cup! ClearCut Round 2 Dyslexics Untied 2 0 cp_propaganda_b3
Beater Presents: Meet Your Map Cup! ClearCut Round 1 Cerulean 2 0 cp_cardinal_rc1a