kendrick farmar

W-L-T Winrate Points W-L Point Ratio
7-6-0 54% 61.84-51.66 54.5%


Current Players

Player Joined

Recent Competitions

Competition Division Format Team W-L-T WR PW PL PR
HL Season 15 Advanced Highlander kendrick farmar 7-6-0 54% 61.84 51.66 54%

Recent Matches

D/M Competition Division Round Opponent PW PL Maps Date
HL Season 15 Main Bronze Match BigBrainComp? 3.67 5.33 koth_product_final, koth_proot_b5b, pl_eruption_b13
HL Season 15 Main Playoffs 2 splort 0.50 8.50 koth_product_final, koth_ashville_final, pl_vigil_rc10
HL Season 15 Main Playoffs 1 Jokulhlaups 6.67 2.33 koth_ashville_final, koth_proot_b5b, pl_vigil_rc10
HL Season 15 Main Week 7 Never Knows Best 6.00 3.00 cp_steel_f12
HL Season 15 Main Week 6 Happy Hour On Monday 9.00 0.00 koth_ashville_final
HL Season 15 Main Week 5 splort 0.00 9.00 pl_eruption_b13
HL Season 15 Main Week 4 Ceviche de tiburon 8.00 1.00 koth_product_final
HL Season 15 Main Week 3 Reformed 0.00 9.00 pl_swiftwater_final1
HL Season 15 Main Week 2 THEM 9.00 0.00 koth_proot_b5b
HL Season 15 Main Week 1 Check m8 1.00 4.50 pl_vigil_rc10
HL Season 15 Advanced Qualifier 3 Animan Studios 0.00 9.00 cp_steel_f12
HL Season 15 Advanced Qualifier 2 Order of the Red Lotus 9.00 0.00
HL Season 15 Advanced Qualifier 1 Check m8 9.00 0.00 pl_swiftwater_final1