Think Tank

W-L-T Winrate Points W-L Point Ratio
12-7-0 63% 32.80-24.20 57.5%


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Recent Competitions

Competition Division Format Team W-L-T WR PW PL PR
Sixes S12 Intermediate Sixes Think Tank 12-7-0 63% 32.80 24.20 58%

Recent Matches

D/M Competition Division Round Opponent PW PL Maps Date
Sixes S12 Intermediate IM/Main Playoffs - Round 3 DRX 0.29 2.71 cp_snakewater_final1, cp_process_f12, cp_sultry_b8a
Sixes S12 Intermediate IM/Main Playoffs - Round 2 Dark Hearts 1.59 1.41 cp_sunshine, koth_bagel_rc6, cp_sultry_b8a
Sixes S12 Intermediate IM/Main Playoffs - Round 1 112 2.33 0.67 cp_sunshine, cp_process_f12, cp_sultry_b8a
Sixes S12 Intermediate IM - Week 8B fasttrack! 3.00 0.00 cp_sunshine
Sixes S12 Intermediate IM - Week 8A 2.75 0.25 cp_sunshine
Sixes S12 Intermediate IM - Week 7B bread n butter 3.00 0.00 cp_metalworks_f5
Sixes S12 Intermediate IM - Week 7A The Rath Of Rong 3.00 0.00 cp_metalworks_f5
Sixes S12 Intermediate IM - Week 6B SQUID'S BATHTUB FISH FARM 0.67 2.33 koth_product_final
Sixes S12 Intermediate IM - Week 6A DRX 0.00 3.00 koth_product_final
Sixes S12 Intermediate IM - Week 5B Raccoon Platoon 2.00 1.00 cp_gullywash_f9
Sixes S12 Intermediate IM - Week 5A bruh moment 0.50 2.50 cp_gullywash_f9
Sixes S12 Intermediate IM - Week 4B yeezy team 2.00 1.00 cp_sultry_b8a
Sixes S12 Intermediate IM - Week 4A baby onion alien 2.00 1.00 cp_sultry_b8a
Sixes S12 Intermediate IM - Week 3B smh my head 1.00 2.00 koth_bagel_rc6
Sixes S12 Intermediate IM - Week 3A jump map team 2.67 0.33 koth_bagel_rc6
Sixes S12 Intermediate IM - Week 2B catzoo demoman 1.00 2.00 cp_snakewater_final1
Sixes S12 Intermediate IM - Week 2A Dark Hearts 0.25 2.75 cp_snakewater_final1
Sixes S12 Intermediate IM - Week 1B Envision Crew 2.75 0.25 cp_process_f12
Sixes S12 Intermediate IM - Week 1A stardust! 2.00 1.00 cp_process_f12