
W-L-T Winrate Points W-L Point Ratio
1-3-0 25% 3.80-8.20 31.7%


Current Players

Player Joined

Recent Competitions

Competition Division Format Team W-L-T WR PW PL PR
P7 EU ODC #2 Amateur B Prolander Nintendo 1-3-0 25% 3.80 8.20 32%

Recent Matches

D/M Competition Division Round Opponent PW PL Maps Date
P7 EU ODC #2 Amateur B Semi-Finals The Fellowship of the MGE 0.00 3.00 Forfeit
P7 EU ODC #2 Amateur B Map 3 Bagel Aggression Gaming eSports 3.00 0.00 koth_bagel_b4
P7 EU ODC #2 Amateur B Map 2 Gravelpit IBUYBEER 0.00 3.00 cp_gravelpit
P7 EU ODC #2 Amateur B Map 1 Warmtic The Fellowship of the MGE 0.80 2.20 koth_warmtic_b6