Podgy Chooses Pound

W-L-T Winrate Points W-L Point Ratio
6-9-0 40% 20.57-24.43 45.7%


Current Players

Player Joined

Recent Competitions

Competition Division Format Team W-L-T WR PW PL PR
Sixes S3 Intermediate Sixes Podgy Chooses Pound 6-9-0 40% 20.57 24.43 46%

Recent Matches

D/M Competition Division Round Opponent PW PL Maps Date
Sixes S3 Intermediate Week 8B MF_RAT fanclub 1.00 2.00 cp_process_final
Sixes S3 Intermediate Week 8A baldware 2.00 1.00 cp_process_final
Sixes S3 Intermediate Week 7B Weyonaise 0.66 2.34 koth_product_rcx
Sixes S3 Intermediate Week 7A whatever worse 2.67 0.33 koth_product_rcx
Sixes S3 Intermediate Week 6B LANAR 0.75 2.25 cp_metalworks
Sixes S3 Intermediate Week 6A Nectar 3.00 0.00 cp_metalworks
Sixes S3 Intermediate Week 5B Skate or Die 0.66 2.34 koth_clearcut_b15c
Sixes S3 Intermediate Week 5A Crystal Meth Gaming 0.33 2.67 koth_clearcut_b15c
Sixes S3 Intermediate Week 4B team 2.75 0.25 cp_snakewater_final1
Sixes S3 Intermediate Week 4A Hard Pack 0.75 2.25 cp_snakewater_final1
Sixes S3 Intermediate Week 3B Kings of the Hill 2.00 1.00 cp_villa_b15a
Sixes S3 Intermediate Week 2B slow down minion 3.00 0.00 cp_sunshine
Sixes S3 Intermediate Week 2A Pregame Head 0.00 3.00 cp_sunshine
Sixes S3 Intermediate Week 1B arena_legacy 0.25 2.75 cp_gullywash_final1
Sixes S3 Intermediate Week 1A We Overslept.. 0.75 2.25 cp_gullywash_final1