Sigafoo's Angels

W-L-T Winrate Points W-L Point Ratio
5-3-0 62% 14.60-9.40 60.8%


Current Players

Player Joined

Recent Competitions

Competition Division Format Team W-L-T WR PW PL PR
P7 Season 2 Amateur Prolander Sigafoo's Angels 5-3-0 62% 14.60 9.40 61%

Recent Matches

D/M Competition Division Round Opponent PW PL Maps Date
P7 Season 2 Amateur Rec Bonus Week Bubble Blowing Double Babies 3.00 0.00 cp_steel
P7 Season 2 Amateur Rec Mid Finals The Brave Little Toasters 1.00 2.00 koth_product_rc8
P7 Season 2 Amateur Rec Mid Playoffs - Week 1 Low Poly eSports 2.00 1.00 pl_upward
P7 Season 2 Amateur Week 5 - Badwater Gucci Gang 0.00 3.00 pl_badwater_pro_v9
P7 Season 2 Amateur Week 4 - Ashville The Brave Little Toasters 0.60 2.40 koth_ashville_rc1
P7 Season 2 Amateur Week 3 - Borneo Jager & Anime 3.00 0.00 pl_borneo
P7 Season 2 Amateur Week 2 - Product B-Cubed Logicians 3.00 0.00 koth_product_rc8
P7 Season 2 Amateur Week 1 - Upward Low Poly eSports 2.00 1.00 pl_upward