Logs 2334376, 2334408, 2334455

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 3 Intermediate Playoffs 1 We Overslept.. Consider 2.0 1.0 pl_upward, koth_cascade_rc1a, pl_vigil_rc5 Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #279341 - ZzZ vs cnsidr pl_vigil_rc5 Highlander Consider We Overslept.. 1 0 13:06 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #279341 - cnsidr vs ZzZ pl_vigil_rc5 Highlander We Overslept.. Consider 0 1 18:56 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #279341 - BLU vs ZzZ koth_cascade_rc1a Highlander We Overslept.. Consider 3 2 27:09 Remove log
Totals 4 3 59:11


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Blue Blue  I'm Ded  Scout 55 59 24 275 250 31 16330 14816 1888 6 0 114 0 0 8 59:11
Red Blue Blue Paper Soldier 47 64 19 365 324 74 21613 19180 4381 5 5 102 0 0 3 59:11
Red Blue Blue muddy Pyro 35 32 30 131 278 245 7774 16468 14539 11 0 4 0 0 10 59:11
Red Blue Blue LazyPurple Demo 55 42 18 457 353 266 27061 20901 15798 8 0 36 0 0 9 59:11
Red Blue Blue JAke | CASHED OUT Engineer 39 38 18 201 228 90 11921 13530 5371 4 0 25 0 0 4 59:11
Red Blue Blue jratt Heavy 44 32 23 219 437 290 13020 25894 17213 5 0 13 0 0 10 59:11
Red Blue Blue Phloppo Medic 3 16 49 14 161 872 9566 0 1 0 44 0 0 2 59:11
Red Blue Blue ianf526 Sniper 43 49 4 231 252 65 13711 14935 3878 8 0 11 0 21 3 59:11
Red Blue Blue lucki Spy 59 55 8 425 198 25 25153 11720 1487 5 0 93 51 0 2 59:11
Blue Red Red Lad #FlasheyFortress Pyro 38 31 31 174 265 212 10335 15693 12588 8 1 36 0 0 11 59:11
Blue Red Red BOYS Demo 61 36 28 550 351 311 32600 20783 18425 10 0 28 0 0 7 59:11
Blue Red Red BULLY HUNTER_77, james8470 Engineer 27 50 23 198 237 46 11756 14056 2761 5 0 26 0 0 4 59:11
Blue Red Red ZzZ | #FPS Punny #W4Flashey Heavy 28 33 25 129 356 271 7667 21093 16068 5 0 31 0 0 4 59:11
Blue Red Red ZzZ | Broken_Amy #W4Flashey Medic 0 15 30 8 130 480 7709 0 0 0 37 0 0 2 59:10
Blue Red Red ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA #W4flashey Sniper 54 52 7 295 260 77 17504 15404 4593 5 0 28 0 40 4 59:11
Blue Red Red ZzZ | SSaiyanFTW Spy 50 55 1 373 176 12 22123 10460 733 6 0 103 46 0 0 59:11
Blue Red nierxi Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ Scout 20 42 9 172 287 47 5518 9211 1521 2 0 15 0 0 2 32:02
Blue Red Lawyer #W4Flashey Soldier 24 36 12 397 339 92 12741 10861 2956 3 0 28 0 0 0 32:02
Red Flashey Scout 46 22 24 439 209 40 11926 5677 1106 8 0 52 0 0 6 27:09
Red billie lavigne Soldier 31 19 14 528 239 84 14360 6508 2287 4 5 57 0 0 5 27:09
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 91 59 46 2342 1874 1126 30690 24552 14763 8 0 94 15 8 11 4 13:06
Blue 56 95 24 1874 2342 1043 24552 30690 13664 5 0 56 3 7 3 3 13:06
Red 112 144 61 2451 2543 983 46424 48157 18612 10 1 109 18 11 5 6 18:56
Blue 138 117 62 2543 2451 1078 48157 46424 20417 11 2 159 21 5 7 5 18:56
Red 211 152 119 2800 2158 1133 76034 58608 30762 10 5 276 25 22 37 15 27:09
Blue 151 211 85 2158 2800 1081 58608 76034 29375 5 3 189 15 8 33 11 27:09


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Blue Blue Phloppo Medic 100% 1090 64555 25 2 8 1:42 5 1 59:11
Blue Red Red ZzZ | Broken_Amy #W4Flashey Medic 100% 1065 63038 31 2 6 1:02 3 0 59:10



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Red BOYS 7 11 12 9 4 8 1 4 5 61
Red Blue Blue lucki 3 3 4 5 9 10 4 21 0 59
Red Blue Blue  I'm Ded  15 11 1 5 3 10 0 6 4 55
Red Blue Blue LazyPurple 12 5 10 8 7 5 1 5 2 55
Blue Red Red ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA #W4flashey 4 4 5 8 3 3 1 24 2 54
Blue Red Red ZzZ | SSaiyanFTW 3 3 1 7 10 10 6 8 2 50
Red Blue Blue Paper 9 9 7 3 3 3 4 7 2 47
Red Flashey 9 8 1 5 3 5 4 3 8 46
Red Blue Blue jratt 6 11 1 3 4 6 0 2 11 44
Red Blue Blue ianf526 5 4 2 6 6 6 4 6 4 43
Red Blue Blue JAke | CASHED OUT 10 8 4 1 0 7 0 1 8 39
Blue Red Red Lad #FlasheyFortress 6 7 2 1 4 3 1 3 11 38
Red Blue Blue muddy 3 1 0 5 1 3 1 2 19 35
Red billie lavigne 6 5 4 3 3 4 1 1 4 31
Blue Red Red ZzZ | #FPS Punny #W4Flashey 9 5 3 1 1 0 1 2 6 28
Blue Red Red BULLY HUNTER_77, james8470 5 3 1 6 1 2 0 1 8 27
Blue Red Lawyer #W4Flashey 8 8 0 0 2 2 0 2 2 24
Blue Red nierxi Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ 2 8 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 20
Red Blue Blue Phloppo 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Blue Paper 16 13 7 11 5 3 0 4 3 62
Red Blue Blue  I'm Ded  11 14 6 7 9 5 0 4 3 59
Blue Red Red ZzZ | SSaiyanFTW 4 2 19 2 11 8 2 4 0 52
Red Blue Blue lucki 11 6 11 5 6 8 0 2 2 51
Blue Red Red ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA #W4flashey 6 7 2 5 2 1 0 6 21 50
Blue Red Red BULLY HUNTER_77, james8470 10 3 3 5 6 7 0 6 10 50
Red Blue Blue ianf526 4 3 3 4 2 1 0 24 8 49
Blue Red nierxi Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ 9 5 2 8 4 7 0 4 3 42
Red Blue Blue LazyPurple 7 3 1 9 1 6 0 8 7 42
Red Blue Blue JAke | CASHED OUT 6 6 3 8 0 2 0 3 10 38
Blue Red Red BOYS 5 3 5 8 3 1 0 6 5 36
Blue Red Lawyer #W4Flashey 7 6 1 4 8 4 0 2 2 34
Blue Red Red ZzZ | #FPS Punny #W4Flashey 3 3 1 7 4 0 0 6 9 33
Red Blue Blue jratt 4 5 4 4 1 1 0 3 10 32
Red Blue Blue muddy 2 4 2 12 3 1 0 5 1 30
Blue Red Red Lad #FlasheyFortress 1 7 0 10 1 4 0 2 4 29
Red Flashey 6 4 1 4 2 3 1 1 0 22
Red billie lavigne 4 3 0 1 3 4 0 2 1 18
Red Blue Blue Phloppo 5 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 6 16
Blue Red Red ZzZ | Broken_Amy #W4Flashey 0 4 1 1 0 0 0 4 4 14


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Red BOYS 10 12 15 11 9 11 3 9 9 89
Red Blue Blue  I'm Ded  22 12 3 8 6 11 0 11 6 79
Red Blue Blue LazyPurple 15 7 11 10 8 9 2 8 3 73
Red Flashey 12 13 2 8 6 6 4 5 14 70
Blue Red Red Lad #FlasheyFortress 13 9 5 6 7 6 3 4 16 69
Red Blue Blue lucki 4 3 4 6 11 11 5 22 1 67
Red Blue Blue jratt 9 14 4 4 6 9 0 2 19 67
Red Blue Blue Paper 13 13 9 4 5 6 5 8 3 66
Red Blue Blue muddy 7 6 5 6 2 7 1 3 28 65
Blue Red Red ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA #W4flashey 5 8 6 8 3 3 1 24 3 61
Red Blue Blue JAke | CASHED OUT 15 9 7 4 1 10 0 2 9 57
Blue Red Red ZzZ | #FPS Punny #W4Flashey 15 9 3 5 3 1 1 4 12 53
Red Blue Blue Phloppo 7 7 5 6 3 9 2 2 11 52
Blue Red Red ZzZ | SSaiyanFTW 3 3 1 7 10 10 7 8 2 51
Blue Red Red BULLY HUNTER_77, james8470 7 10 4 9 4 4 1 2 9 50
Red Blue Blue ianf526 6 4 2 7 7 7 4 6 4 47
Red billie lavigne 7 6 7 4 4 6 1 2 8 45
Blue Red Lawyer #W4Flashey 10 12 1 1 3 4 0 2 3 36
Blue Red Red ZzZ | Broken_Amy #W4Flashey 5 4 5 5 2 2 0 3 4 30
Blue Red nierxi Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ 4 8 2 4 2 2 1 1 5 29


na.serveme.tf #279341 - ZzZ vs cnsidr

Time Team Player Kills
8:05 Blue BOYS 3
8:25 Red LazyPurple 3
9:34 Blue BOYS 3
11:03 Red  I'm Ded  3

na.serveme.tf #279341 - cnsidr vs ZzZ

Time Team Player Kills
1:52 Blue ianf526 3
2:36 Blue JAke | CASHED OUT 3
3:14 Blue  I'm Ded  4
3:56 Blue ianf526 3
9:05 Blue muddy 4
10:05 Blue LazyPurple 4
11:04 Blue lucki 3
11:54 Blue LazyPurple 3
14:50 Red Lawyer #W4Flashey 3
15:39 Red BULLY HUNTER_77 4

na.serveme.tf #279341 - BLU vs ZzZ

Time Team Player Kills
4:07 Red BOYS 4
4:22 Red Flashey 3
6:30 Blue Paper 3
7:40 Red billie lavigne 3
12:19 Red BOYS 4
12:34 Red Flashey 4
13:22 Red billie lavigne 3
15:18 Red ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA #W4flashey 3
16:02 Blue Paper 5
17:10 Red Flashey 4
17:44 Red ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA #W4flashey 3
19:26 Red billie lavigne 3
20:48 Red BOYS 3
25:52 Red Flashey 3


na.serveme.tf #279341 - ZzZ vs cnsidr

Team Player Message
Blue ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA #W4flashey holy hell
Red muddy gh
Blue Lad #FlasheyFortress Al Derect: how do you T pose?
Blue BOYS gh
Red lucki what the fuck
Red jratt !LOG
Blue ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA #W4flashey i knotted
Red Phloppo .ss
Blue BOYS im screaming
Red muddy !lofg
Blue ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA #W4flashey that was one hell of a half
Red lucki yeah we're done with the map
Red lucki we're going to upward now
Blue BOYS really?
Red lucki or we should be
Red lucki cause we failed the offense
Red lucki oh wait no
Red muddy one half this map, one half upward, then decider half on cascade
Red muddy im p sure
Red lucki we play the full map
Red lucki you just have to win offense
Blue ZzZ | #FPS Punny #W4Flashey It's always BO3 halves
Blue ZzZ | #FPS Punny #W4Flashey unless you want to do BO1
Red lucki you just have to win offense
Blue ZzZ | SSaiyanFTW Guys
Red muddy BO3 halves PER MAP or each half is one map?
Blue ZzZ | SSaiyanFTW Its BO3
Blue ZzZ | Broken_Amy #W4Flashey per map
Blue ZzZ | #FPS Punny #W4Flashey BO3 per payload
Blue ZzZ | SSaiyanFTW Unless both
Blue ZzZ | SSaiyanFTW Agreee
Blue ZzZ | Broken_Amy #W4Flashey unless you agree
Blue ZzZ | SSaiyanFTW To do only 1
Red lucki just play the offense, our team just wants to do all bo3's and bo5 on koth
Blue ZzZ | #FPS Punny #W4Flashey Okay, so just to clarify
Blue ZzZ | #FPS Punny #W4Flashey you want to move on to Upward?
Red JAke | CASHED OUT no
Red lucki no
Red muddy no
Red  I'm Ded  no
Red lucki you have to play the offense to win the map
Blue ZzZ | #FPS Punny #W4Flashey okay, np
Red muddy bo3 per payload
Red JAke | CASHED OUT did you lsten at all tf
Red muddy then apparently bo5 koth
Red LazyPurple chill
Blue ZzZ | #FPS Punny #W4Flashey no need Jake
Blue BOYS so were blu?
Red lucki yes
Blue BOYS ???
Red lucki oh wait no
Red muddy wait why
Blue ZzZ | #FPS Punny #W4Flashey It will switch us automatically
Red muddy it doesn't autoswap us but we start on blu cause we started on red last time
Red Phloppo we have to start this half on offense, so stay on teams
Red Phloppo we just defended first so now you defend first
Red muddy and it won't autoswap, i have never seen it do that ever and i dunno where that superstition started
Red lucki so you just have to not let us cap last to win
Red lucki just rup and lets go
Blue ZzZ | Broken_Amy #W4Flashey I deserve
Red lucki what the headphones

na.serveme.tf #279341 - cnsidr vs ZzZ

Team Player Message
Blue lucki we have to do one more
Blue lucki since we won the round
Red BOYS yeah'
Red ZzZ | #FPS Punny #W4Flashey yes
Blue LazyPurple who knew BO3 was so complicated
Blue lucki just clarifying
Blue lucki what team would you like
Blue lucki you get to pick the decider
Red ZzZ | #FPS Punny #W4Flashey We'd like to push
Blue lucki ok
Blue muddy so as-is
Blue muddy boss
Blue lucki you only won that from the kill health
Red ZzZ | SSaiyanFTW taunt killed lazy purple
Blue lucki \o>
Red Lad #FlasheyFortress Al Derect: how do you T pose?
Red nierxi Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ \o/
Blue muddy what button make assassin go transparent
Red nierxi Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ q
Blue muddy thank you
Red Lad #FlasheyFortress kill in console :)
Blue muddy ''quit smoking'' in console makes spy say an easter egg voiceline :o
Red ZzZ | SSaiyanFTW ok
Red ZzZ | SSaiyanFTW n1
Red ZzZ | SSaiyanFTW Actually tho
Blue muddy that was vblind
Blue muddy ngl
Blue lucki ro[
Blue lucki rip*
Blue LazyPurple ns
Red ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA #W4flashey ty
Blue  I'm Ded  what

na.serveme.tf #279341 - BLU vs ZzZ

Team Player Message
Red ZzZ | #FPS Punny #W4Flashey ty
Red ZzZ | #FPS Punny #W4Flashey btw, koth is best of 5 rounds. So, 3 rounds to win the map. NOT BO3 halves
Blue muddy yea
Blue muddy koth5
Blue LazyPurple thats so crazy
Red ZzZ | #FPS Punny #W4Flashey Yeah, thanks for catching that.
Blue jratt simple
Blue lucki you guys pick sides lol
Blue muddy rojo o azul?
Red BOYS rojo
Blue lucki ok
Red james8470 rojo
Red ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA #W4flashey you guys think mushrooms belong on pizza?
Blue lucki yeah
Blue muddy they can
Blue lucki they're pretty dope
Red ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA #W4flashey epic
Blue Phloppo mushrooms just don't belong
Blue muddy depending on the other toppings
Blue LazyPurple only on a full on veggie pizza
Blue LazyPurple not as the main flavor
Blue jratt i like shrooms but i dont like mushrooms
Red BOYS mushroom pizza
Red ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA #W4flashey like extra cheese and mushrooms
Blue muddy philly cheezesteak pizza doe
Red ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA #W4flashey is a good combo
Blue LazyPurple ew bro
Red ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA #W4flashey :(
Blue muddy hmm ok
Blue Phloppo The 2.5 hour match continues, we're going in the history books kiddos
Blue muddy fav hot drink; tea, coffee, or hot cocoa
Red Lad #FlasheyFortress yes
Blue lucki hot cocoa
Blue LazyPurple coffee
Red ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA #W4flashey favorite hot drink is hot cocoa
Blue lucki you're wrong if you think otherwise
Blue lucki lazy you're cut
Red james8470 the match ends when hl3 comes out
Red BOYS shouldve picked the other payload map as the tie breaker
Blue LazyPurple coffee makes my videos
Blue muddy i personally can't stand the flavor of coffee or tea so i always go cocoa
Red ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA #W4flashey love ur vids bby
Blue lucki toxic
Blue lucki reported
Red ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA #W4flashey :(
Blue LazyPurple gotta have good coffee
Blue jratt >not drinking soda and water hot in the car
Blue jratt cant relate
Blue muddy oh yeah
Blue muddy hot water bottles left in the car
Red ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA #W4flashey milk is a good pre game drink
Red ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA #W4flashey whole milk*
Red ZzZ | #FPS Punny #W4Flashey Our medic went poo
Blue lucki you technically cant be aliased
Red ZzZ | #FPS Punny #W4Flashey I think
Blue muddy he's gotta drop that uber dude
Red ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA #W4flashey is that effect new sniper?
Red ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA #W4flashey for the sax
Blue lucki no
Blue lucki its roarin rockets
Red ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA #W4flashey o
Blue ianf526 yes
Blue lucki i bought him all of his taunts
Blue lucki :D
Blue muddy resonance_cascade_rc1a
Red ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA #W4flashey same idea
Red ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA #W4flashey O//w//O
Blue lucki pls
Red ZzZ | #FPS Punny #W4Flashey !extend
Red ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA #W4flashey wat?
Red ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA #W4flashey that was scary af
Blue ianf526 gg
Blue LazyPurple ggswp
Red Lad #FlasheyFortress gg