Logs 2378474, 2378496, 2378539

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL P7 Season 7 Intermediate Playoffs VERA bana 2.0 1.0 cp_steel

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
RGL.gg Match Server: vera vs apeage cp_steel Prolander bana VERA 0 1 10:04 Remove log
RGL.gg Match Server: apeage vs vera cp_steel Prolander VERA bana 0 1 19:14 Remove log
RGL.gg Match Server: vera vs apeage cp_steel Prolander bana VERA 0 1 25:02 Remove log
Totals 0 3 54:20


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Blue Red RC4 on a plane Scout Pyro Engineer 18 40 10 111 203 77 6051 11048 4185 3 0 108 0 0 7 54:20
Red Blue Red Coolmathgamer2007 Soldier Pyro Spy Engineer Scout 40 35 10 284 282 106 15452 15340 5761 6 0 160 4 0 3 53:29
Red Blue Red ABRA-goin'-HAM LINCOLN Demo 39 31 17 414 284 232 22541 15466 12623 9 0 47 0 0 6 54:20
Red Blue Red illum Engineer Spy 35 27 5 261 149 50 14228 8149 2733 6 0 105 16 0 4 54:20
Red Blue Red BIG BOY AYOO Heavy 33 27 18 251 387 369 13688 21040 20102 6 0 48 0 0 8 54:19
Red Blue Red Хороший пиджак! Medic 0 17 39 15 123 49 858 6689 2688 0 0 37 0 0 10 54:20
Red Blue Red EG Sniper 52 27 6 344 179 135 18694 9770 7367 7 0 42 0 36 9 54:20
Blue Red Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Dikclan Soldier 57 43 7 368 304 106 20021 16522 5772 8 1 119 0 0 6 54:20
Blue Red Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Random™ Pyro 17 36 16 232 277 186 12636 15104 10125 3 0 22 0 0 6 51:52
Blue Red Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ harder Demo 38 26 7 355 262 246 19335 14251 13377 5 0 34 0 0 3 54:20
Blue Red Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ creamgravy573 Engineer 19 18 7 142 104 78 7717 5694 4255 4 0 29 0 0 5 54:20
Blue Red Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Flvffi (ASD) Heavy 25 35 12 228 407 311 12403 22136 16942 3 0 39 0 0 5 54:20
Blue Red Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Hulk Medic 1 19 36 11 113 28 613 6161 1546 1 0 23 0 0 4 54:20
Blue Red Blue www.stephanie.lgbt Sniper Spy Scout 39 44 4 271 214 60 14777 11644 3276 4 0 66 6 17 1 54:20
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 29 27 12 1485 1308 1017 14958 13173 10238 6 0 79 4 6 18 5 10:04
Blue 25 30 20 1308 1485 1126 13173 14958 11342 4 0 38 0 4 5 4 10:04
Red 67 82 30 1661 1752 1007 31949 33710 19379 7 1 143 1 3 13 5 19:14
Blue 80 71 38 1752 1661 1037 33710 31949 19952 6 0 238 4 14 14 3 19:14
Red 108 106 55 1711 1692 1009 42844 42380 25269 9 0 230 12 16 15 7 25:02
Blue 104 109 39 1692 1711 981 42380 42844 24572 8 0 151 5 10 12 9 25:02


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Blue Red Хороший пиджак! Medic 100% 980 53297 31 1 4 0:40 5 0 54:20
Blue Red Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Hulk Medic 100% 970 52757 24 4 7 0:40 2 2 54:20



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Dikclan 11 7 3 4 4 10 5 8 5 57
Red Blue Red EG 1 6 4 6 9 3 7 13 3 52
Red Blue Red Coolmathgamer2007 0 12 8 2 3 2 5 5 3 40
Blue Red Blue www.stephanie.lgbt 2 1 3 7 7 3 7 6 3 39
Red Blue Red ABRA-goin'-HAM LINCOLN 1 6 4 9 4 8 1 2 4 39
Blue Red Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ harder 6 7 4 8 3 1 1 5 3 38
Red Blue Red illum 2 7 4 6 4 3 5 3 1 35
Red Blue Red BIG BOY AYOO 0 5 11 2 13 0 0 1 1 33
Blue Red Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Flvffi (ASD) 1 2 2 5 10 1 0 3 1 25
Blue Red Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ creamgravy573 5 1 0 5 2 0 0 2 4 19
Red Blue Red RC4 on a plane 1 6 4 0 2 2 1 2 0 18
Blue Red Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Random™ 2 3 0 2 0 0 4 2 4 17
Blue Red Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Hulk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Blue www.stephanie.lgbt 4 5 0 7 2 3 0 17 5 43
Blue Red Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Dikclan 4 11 3 6 5 2 0 6 5 42
Red Blue Red RC4 on a plane 0 15 2 9 3 5 0 4 1 39
Blue Red Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Flvffi (ASD) 1 0 2 4 13 1 0 9 5 35
Blue Red Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Random™ 2 4 4 4 11 1 0 4 5 35
Red Blue Red ABRA-goin'-HAM LINCOLN 0 4 2 8 5 5 0 6 1 31
Red Blue Red Coolmathgamer2007 2 13 3 10 2 1 0 0 0 31
Red Blue Red illum 0 8 4 2 2 4 1 3 2 26
Red Blue Red EG 0 8 2 5 3 2 0 5 1 26
Red Blue Red BIG BOY AYOO 0 4 0 3 10 2 0 6 1 26
Blue Red Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ harder 0 2 0 9 2 0 0 6 6 25
Blue Red Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Hulk 1 3 2 1 0 2 0 7 3 19
Blue Red Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ creamgravy573 1 1 1 8 0 2 0 3 2 18
Red Blue Red Хороший пиджак! 0 5 4 1 0 0 0 4 3 17


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Dikclan 11 8 5 5 5 10 6 8 6 64
Red Blue Red EG 2 7 5 8 9 4 7 13 3 58
Red Blue Red ABRA-goin'-HAM LINCOLN 2 8 7 10 10 9 2 4 4 56
Red Blue Red BIG BOY AYOO 1 5 17 6 17 0 2 1 2 51
Red Blue Red Coolmathgamer2007 0 14 10 5 4 4 5 5 3 50
Blue Red Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ harder 6 7 4 13 4 1 1 6 3 45
Blue Red Blue www.stephanie.lgbt 4 1 3 7 7 3 7 6 5 43
Red Blue Red illum 2 9 7 6 4 3 5 3 1 40
Red Blue Red Хороший пиджак! 0 8 4 5 7 2 1 6 6 39
Blue Red Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Flvffi (ASD) 1 2 4 9 11 1 2 5 2 37
Blue Red Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Hulk 6 0 3 6 7 1 4 3 7 37
Blue Red Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Random™ 4 3 2 7 4 2 4 2 5 33
Red Blue Red RC4 on a plane 2 10 4 0 5 2 1 3 1 28
Blue Red Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ creamgravy573 5 3 0 5 4 0 0 2 7 26


RGL.gg Match Server: apeage vs vera

Time Team Player Kills
7:59 Red ᵛᵉʳᵃ Dikclan 3
8:09 Blue EG 4

RGL.gg Match Server: vera vs apeage

Time Team Player Kills
12:02 Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Dikclan 3
14:03 Red illum 4
14:45 Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Dikclan 4
20:11 Red BIG BOY AYOO 4


RGL.gg Match Server: vera vs apeage

Team Player Message
Blue www.stephanie.lgbt hello soapdm
Red RC4 on a plane glhf
Blue www.stephanie.lgbt whatever
Blue www.stephanie.lgbt I wrote that plugin
Blue www.stephanie.lgbt :)
Red EG sure Kapp
Blue www.stephanie.lgbt i did
Red RC4 on a plane =)
Red EG I thought women couldn't write plugins
Red EG kidding ::)
Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Dikclan :(
Red RC4 on a plane ==)
Blue www.stephanie.lgbt :(
Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Dikclan hoe r med
Red RC4 on a plane -)
Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Flvffi (ASD) ???
Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Dikclan medic dropped we poosh
Blue www.stephanie.lgbt -_-
Blue www.stephanie.lgbt : )
Blue www.stephanie.lgbt -_-
Blue www.stephanie.lgbt : )
Blue www.stephanie.lgbt -_-
Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Dikclan fuck names : I will have you know you vagina gremlin
Blue www.stephanie.lgbt vagina gremlin'
Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Dikclan *DEAD* BUGGY THE DRUGGY :& : this is why aliens dont talk to us
Blue www.stephanie.lgbt LMAO
Red Coolmathgamer2007 owned
Red Coolmathgamer2007 ape
Red Coolmathgamer2007 ddab
Blue www.stephanie.lgbt -_-

RGL.gg Match Server: apeage vs vera

Team Player Message
Blue illum !log
Red www.stephanie.lgbt [RGLUpdater] This Server is running PeePee Poo Poo 1.0.4
Blue EG !log
Blue EG =D
Red ᵛᵉʳᵃ Dikclan another solo flank?
Red ᵛᵉʳᵃ Dikclan pog
Red www.stephanie.lgbt LMAO
Red www.stephanie.lgbt HUGE BRAIN
Red ᵛᵉʳᵃ Dikclan ow
Red www.stephanie.lgbt OK
Blue Хороший пиджак! owch

RGL.gg Match Server: vera vs apeage

Team Player Message
Red BIG BOY AYOO huo long dong
Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Dikclan beef
Red RC4 on a plane per usual
Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Dikclan wtf just happened lmaooo
Blue www.stephanie.lgbt !LOG\
Blue www.stephanie.lgbt !log
Blue www.stephanie.lgbt !Log
Blue www.stephanie.lgbt .ss
Red illum nsns
Blue www.stephanie.lgbt glglglglgl
Blue www.stephanie.lgbt large
Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Dikclan lmao
Blue www.stephanie.lgbt poke
Red Хороший пиджак! that was a
Red Хороший пиджак! shoot
Red BIG BOY AYOO silence
Blue www.stephanie.lgbt shoot pok
Red RC4 on a plane wyd
Blue www.stephanie.lgbt dyin
Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ Dikclan i was so confused
Blue www.stephanie.lgbt wbu
Red RC4 on a plane wyd
Blue www.stephanie.lgbt not dyin
Red EG gg
Red Coolmathgamer2007 gg
Blue ᵛᵉʳᵃ creamgravy573 gg - meaning game good
Blue www.stephanie.lgbt gggg