Logs 2388025, 2387985

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 4 Amateur Swiftwater Vindicators Shearing Sheep 1.0 2.0 pl_swiftwater_final1

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #287289 - SS vs VND pl_swiftwater_final1 Highlander Vindicators Shearing Sheep 0 1 23:09 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #287289 - VND vs SS pl_swiftwater_final1 Highlander Shearing Sheep Vindicators 0 1 24:02 Remove log
Totals 0 2 47:11


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Blue Xeme Scout 29 23 11 157 156 48 7419 7362 2293 5 0 73 0 0 9 47:11
Red Blue {vnd} trout.boy Pyro 25 30 10 152 210 134 7184 9924 6334 3 0 18 0 0 1 37:40
Red Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 Demo 38 24 14 341 199 226 16126 9403 10691 10 0 28 0 0 1 47:11
Red Blue Joquer Engineer 16 20 13 158 148 100 7475 7023 4753 2 0 8 0 0 4 47:11
Red Blue a1ex Heavy 38 18 15 284 368 362 13411 17377 17085 14 0 16 0 0 2 47:11
Red Blue Voodoo Doctor TryHard Medic 5 12 30 13 102 618 4849 0 2 0 22 0 0 1 47:11
Red Blue john Sniper 38 23 7 259 178 115 12247 8431 5465 9 0 12 0 24 1 47:11
Red Blue Gepicc Spy 48 45 0 385 170 12 18180 8065 604 4 0 45 34 0 0 47:11
Blue Red smarty daniel is so cool Scout 31 45 4 195 204 77 9244 9637 3657 3 0 28 0 0 6 47:11
Blue Red Skelxton Soldier 29 29 7 198 258 91 9372 12204 4319 4 3 92 0 0 2 47:11
Blue Red i want to sleep with Undyne Pyro 28 25 19 181 207 164 8549 9808 7766 5 0 74 0 0 0 47:09
Blue Red Slav K***ht Gael Demo 25 20 14 376 232 208 17765 10980 9815 6 2 5 0 0 1 47:11
Blue Red sntry Engineer 12 15 7 84 76 74 4000 3597 3504 4 0 16 0 0 2 47:11
Blue Red PicklePyro Heavy 12 27 17 92 330 277 4359 15574 13103 2 0 4 0 0 5 47:11
Blue Red TramTrane Medic 2 18 17 4 148 195 7010 0 1 0 10 0 0 0 47:11
Blue Red burger Sniper 25 31 5 163 171 30 7737 8071 1443 7 0 10 0 14 0 47:11
Blue Red djax Spy 30 31 2 237 122 14 11213 5779 694 4 0 50 24 0 1 47:11
Blue stjson Soldier 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 0:38
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Ü Duration
Red 126 107 56 1764 1629 902 40852 37717 20887 14 0 106 13 12 9 3 23:09
Blue 107 129 51 1629 1764 888 37717 40852 20562 5 2 156 14 8 9 7 23:09
Red 87 112 41 1444 1739 987 34717 41808 23739 7 3 133 10 6 8 7 24:02
Blue 111 90 44 1739 1444 1098 41808 34717 26395 9 0 116 21 12 10 5 24:02


Teams Player Class H% H/M H Ü MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Blue Voodoo Doctor TryHard Medic 100% 1002 47282 24 1 7 3:22 5 0 47:11
Blue Red TramTrane Medic 100% 938 44301 16 5 9 1:57 5 1 47:11



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Gepicc 3 11 4 5 7 2 7 8 1 48
Red Blue john 6 5 3 3 4 3 4 8 2 38
Red Blue a1ex 4 2 8 3 8 2 2 3 6 38
Red Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 11 4 3 4 4 4 1 2 5 38
Blue Red smarty daniel is so cool 3 0 5 3 4 2 3 4 7 31
Blue Red djax 2 0 0 4 2 8 3 9 2 30
Blue Red Skelxton 7 0 4 4 0 2 2 1 9 29
Red Blue Xeme 8 2 1 3 1 1 1 7 5 29
Blue Red i want to sleep with Undyne 2 0 1 4 2 1 2 2 14 28
Red Blue {vnd} trout.boy 5 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 8 25
Blue Red Slav K***ht Gael 0 0 7 4 6 3 2 0 3 25
Blue Red burger 4 0 5 2 3 4 0 5 2 25
Red Blue Joquer 5 2 3 1 1 0 0 1 3 16
Blue Red sntry 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 1 5 12
Blue Red PicklePyro 5 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 3 12
Red Blue Voodoo Doctor TryHard 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 5
Blue Red TramTrane 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Gepicc 7 9 14 3 3 5 0 2 2 45
Blue Red smarty daniel is so cool 8 0 5 11 4 5 2 6 3 44
Blue Red burger 7 0 1 2 3 1 1 8 8 31
Blue Red djax 5 0 8 5 6 3 1 2 1 31
Red Blue {vnd} trout.boy 5 4 1 7 2 4 2 5 0 30
Blue Red PicklePyro 1 0 2 4 8 1 0 4 7 27
Blue Red Skelxton 2 0 1 4 2 2 0 5 11 27
Blue Red i want to sleep with Undyne 1 0 1 3 8 3 1 3 4 24
Red Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 3 4 4 4 1 2 0 2 4 24
Red Blue john 4 1 2 0 1 1 0 5 9 23
Red Blue Xeme 3 7 2 0 5 0 0 4 2 23
Blue Red Slav K***ht Gael 3 0 1 4 3 1 0 3 5 20
Red Blue Joquer 2 2 1 3 0 0 0 4 8 20
Blue Red TramTrane 1 0 3 1 2 0 0 4 7 18
Red Blue a1ex 4 0 2 6 0 0 0 3 2 17
Blue Red sntry 1 0 3 4 2 0 0 3 2 15
Red Blue Voodoo Doctor TryHard 3 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 3 12


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue a1ex 6 4 10 4 10 4 3 4 8 53
Red Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 12 5 8 6 5 5 1 4 6 52
Red Blue Gepicc 3 11 4 5 7 2 7 8 1 48
Blue Red i want to sleep with Undyne 5 0 1 7 4 6 3 2 19 47
Red Blue john 9 5 4 4 5 3 4 8 3 45
Red Blue Xeme 14 4 1 3 1 1 1 7 8 40
Blue Red Slav K***ht Gael 0 0 11 6 7 4 5 2 4 39
Blue Red Skelxton 8 0 6 4 0 2 4 2 10 36
Blue Red smarty daniel is so cool 4 0 5 3 5 2 3 4 9 35
Red Blue {vnd} trout.boy 6 2 1 4 3 3 5 1 10 35
Red Blue Voodoo Doctor TryHard 8 2 8 2 6 0 2 3 4 35
Blue Red djax 2 0 0 4 4 8 3 9 2 32
Blue Red burger 5 0 6 2 4 4 0 5 4 30
Blue Red PicklePyro 5 0 6 6 5 0 0 2 5 29
Red Blue Joquer 10 2 4 2 2 0 0 2 7 29
Blue Red sntry 0 0 6 4 0 0 0 1 8 19
Blue Red TramTrane 1 0 7 2 3 1 1 1 3 19


na.serveme.tf #287289 - SS vs VND

Time Team Player Kills
2:23 Red Xeme 3
6:01 Blue i want to sleep with Undyne 3
8:37 Blue smarty daniel is so cool 3
10:40 Blue burger 4
12:13 Blue smarty daniel is so cool 3
12:30 Red a1ex 5
17:06 Red Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 4
21:00 Red Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 3

na.serveme.tf #287289 - VND vs SS

Time Team Player Kills
15:09 Red burger 3
19:20 Red Slav K***ht Gael 3
20:41 Blue Xeme 3


na.serveme.tf #287289 - SS vs VND

Team Player Message
Blue i want to sleep with Undyne ggs
Red john gh
Red {vnd} trout.boy gh**
Red Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 .ss
Blue sntry best of three
Red Voodoo Doctor TryHard 8 v 9 btw
Red {vnd} trout.boy .ss
Blue djax ..s
Blue djax .ss
Red {vnd} trout.boy hey guys if u didnt know we're death merchants
Blue Slav K***ht Gael o:
Blue djax that's epic
Blue djax i'm fresh meat
Red {vnd} trout.boy ^^^
Red a1ex <3
Red {vnd} trout.boy love u tho jason
Red a1ex ^
Red a1ex its against the rules i think
Red a1ex idk
Red Voodoo Doctor TryHard !extend
Red a1ex !extend
Blue Skelxton !extend
Blue djax bruh i got that
Blue djax how
Red a1ex ???
Red {vnd} trout.boy pyro spy perfect plan
Blue djax 'still not as big as my dick'
Blue djax lol
Blue Slav K***ht Gael gg
Blue djax gg
Blue djax gr*
Blue djax my bad
Blue sntry gr
Red john gr
Blue Slav K***ht Gael xd
Blue djax i prejacked
Red Voodoo Doctor TryHard we pause
Blue Slav K***ht Gael u got this
Blue smarty daniel is so cool ok
Blue djax WTF
Red Voodoo Doctor TryHard boo hoo nigga dont care
Blue djax BRUH 100 PING
Blue Slav K***ht Gael sans
Blue djax 1 more second
Blue djax shiiiiiiiiit
Blue smarty daniel is so cool congrats
Red Voodoo Doctor TryHard !extend
Red Gepicc elemayo
Blue i want to sleep with Undyne it never happened lol
Red Voodoo Doctor TryHard gh
Blue Slav K***ht Gael gg
Blue TramTrane gh

na.serveme.tf #287289 - VND vs SS

Team Player Message
Red djax yo please
Blue john ?
Red djax i just wanna play the game
Red djax please don't forfeight
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 yeah we're geting ringers
Red smarty daniel is so cool are we still gonna game
Blue john we got some real reliable players...
Red djax even if it's an 8v9 just try tho
Red djax i've been looking forward to this official pls don't take this from me D:
Blue Voodoo Doctor TryHard all because you fucks couldnt play on sunday
Red smarty daniel is so cool i'm gay
Blue Voodoo Doctor TryHard like wtf are you doing at 9:30 on a sunday
Red TramTrane sleeping
Red smarty daniel is so cool sleeping
Red TramTrane school night m8
Red djax what are you doing at 9:30 on monday tho
Red sntry lmao
Red sntry some people have work
Red sntry my dude
Blue Voodoo Doctor TryHard so do i
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 I've got a 8 am class tomorrow
Red TramTrane sorry we have lives outside of tf2
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 so i could be sleeping
Blue john we need a solly ringer
Red smarty daniel is so cool me
Red smarty daniel is so cool (kidding)
Blue {vnd} trout.boy who does something to do on Sunday at 9 fucking 30? lmao
Red sntry like i said
Red sntry work
Blue {vnd} trout.boy who works on sunday but not monday
Blue {vnd} trout.boy wtf
Red smarty daniel is so cool chad
Red sntry people?
Red sntry and chads
Red TramTrane how about you stop complaining why did you guys join rgl if you cant play on default dau
Red sntry oof
Red i want to sleep with Undyne Corey: I look like fucking skinny Jasper
Red smarty daniel is so cool slurs
Red i want to sleep with Undyne Pyro takes skill
Blue john stop killing me soldier
Blue john sto0p
Red Slav K***ht Gael sans
Blue john stop !!
Blue john STOP !!!!!!
Red Skelxton :(
Blue {vnd} trout.boy 8v9 without a solly?
Red djax please dude
Red smarty daniel is so cool sure
Red djax i beggith
Blue john if we cant get a solly by 8:40 then were gonna do 8v9
Blue {vnd} trout.boy after 9:40 we're starting
Red smarty daniel is so cool ring twammytwane
Red smarty daniel is so cool hes so good
Red i want to sleep with Undyne twammy twame gimme dat wuber duwuber in my tummy wummy
Red smarty daniel is so cool Corey: actually fag
Red i want to sleep with Undyne Corey: I look like fucking skinny Jasper
Blue {vnd} trout.boy Cha-Cha real smooth
Blue {vnd} trout.boy Cha-Cha real smooth
Blue {vnd} trout.boy Cha-Cha real smooth
Red TramTrane RLY
Red TramTrane SPY rly
Blue Gepicc what
Red smarty daniel is so cool its 9
Red smarty daniel is so cool 40
Red sntry you're gonna have to forfeit
Red sntry but we can turn it into a scrim
Red sntry if ya want
Red djax RGL don't allow 8v9 rip
Red i want to sleep with Undyne yea
Red Slav K***ht Gael dumb
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 legit?
Blue Voodoo Doctor TryHard wtf
Red sntry yep
Red smarty daniel is so cool cannot do 8v9
Red smarty daniel is so cool we dying
Blue {vnd} trout.boy reschedule?
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XliWUqQ1BPeDBAkxq1pN4g0cVIzXWktc2688DWPUORU/edit#heading=h.nsai30wf1feb
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XliWUqQ1BPeDBAkxq1pN4g0cVIzXWktc2688DWPUORU/edit#heading=h.nsai30wf1feb
Blue a1ex read that shit
Red i want to sleep with Undyne our schedules are pretty tight as is
Blue john you can play 8v9
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 WE CAN PLAY 8v9 you bitches
Red i want to sleep with Undyne ok
Blue {vnd} trout.boy hey we can play 8v9 its in the rules lol
Red Slav K***ht Gael yay
Red djax but can you count tho
Red TramTrane baller
Red i want to sleep with Undyne goood
Red djax 6v9
Blue {vnd} trout.boy theyre joining
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 we didn't ask about 6v9 did we
Red i want to sleep with Undyne ok
Red TramTrane rly
Red djax yall toxic when you're the ones who don't have players
Red Slav K***ht Gael sans
Red PicklePyro roasted
Blue john wat
Red i want to sleep with Undyne hey chill out
Blue Xeme rules say we can play 8v9
Blue Gepicc you guys are the toxic ones
Blue a1ex tf?
Blue {vnd} trout.boy 'toxic' k lol
Blue john i think we're all just misunderstood
Blue john everyone stop
Red smarty daniel is so cool be nice
Blue a1ex didnt know having fewer than 9 people toxic
Red smarty daniel is so cool please
Red i want to sleep with Undyne yeah just take a chill pill
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 y'all the people who can't accept ringers
Red Slav K***ht Gael yeah we cool boyos
Red sntry sorry about that
Red i want to sleep with Undyne chill out
Blue john fr everyone relax
Red PicklePyro joker movie
Red smarty daniel is so cool we need 2 chill
Red i want to sleep with Undyne our spy is mad sry
Blue john no body's toxic
Red sntry spy mad
Red TramTrane sorry we dont wanna play against a ringer 2 divs higher then us
Red sntry tbh i would be too if we couldnt 9v9
Red Slav K***ht Gael w
Blue Voodoo Doctor TryHard you fear a main med?
Blue Voodoo Doctor TryHard sad
Blue john we're playing 8v9
Red TramTrane i do
Red TramTrane med carries
Red PicklePyro gangsta pranks
Red i want to sleep with Undyne Yosh: Anyone have a dildo? I need one to stick up Flutter's ass
Blue Voodoo Doctor TryHard glhf
Blue john 8v8?
Blue john be fair?
Red TramTrane were not dropping a player
Red i want to sleep with Undyne idk chief
Blue Voodoo Doctor TryHard than r up
Blue Xeme then stop complaining xD
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 we ready
Blue Gepicc ready
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 ready up
Blue john ready up
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 f4
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 f4
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 f4
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 f4
Blue Voodoo Doctor TryHard r up some people have work
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 f4
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 f4
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 f4
Blue Voodoo Doctor TryHard we have lives outside tf2
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 f4
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 f4
Blue Voodoo Doctor TryHard r up
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 ready
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 f4
Blue Voodoo Doctor TryHard hurry
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 f4
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 f4
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 f4
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 aight we ready
Blue john you guys forefit?
Red burger no?
Red TramTrane were discussing it calm down
Blue john discussing what
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 what are u discussin
Blue Gepicc just ready up
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 what yall talkin about tho
Red TramTrane life
Red TramTrane the new joker movie (2019)
Blue john yall are rly gonna forefit
Blue john please just
Red PicklePyro society
Blue john read up
Red smarty daniel is so cool we aren't
Red PicklePyro hi tramtrane
Blue john it's 9:50
Red TramTrane hey man
Red PicklePyro society am i right
Red TramTrane ikr
Red TramTrane its awful
Red burger joker says society in the new Joker (2019) movie
Red PicklePyro trying to ban me slonking gang weed
Blue Gepicc wahts so hard about prssing f4
Red smarty daniel is so cool we are waiting for the admin
Red Skelxton xD
Blue Gepicc xD
Blue {vnd} trout.boy Spy is objectively the worst class in the game but valve keeps nerfing him cuz bad casuals dont know how to deal with him
Blue {vnd} trout.boy Cha-Cha real smooth
Red Slav K***ht Gael sans
Red smarty daniel is so cool we are waiting for admins currently
Red smarty daniel is so cool just wait
Blue john ???
Red smarty daniel is so cool we'd rather not play 8v9
Blue john then forefit
Blue {vnd} trout.boy bruh
Red burger yeah
Blue john we're ready
Blue Xeme kind of a personal problem tbh
Red TramTrane you forfiet
Blue john you're not
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 it's funny because our medi is talking to an admin as well
Red TramTrane u wont
Blue {vnd} trout.boy no
Blue john so you forefit
Blue john it's not against the rules
Blue Gepicc just tell us why you wont ready up?
Blue {vnd} trout.boy stop forcing us to forfiet lmao
Blue Xeme instead of trying to force us to forefeit, just fight the 8v9
Blue john ^
Blue Xeme it should be easy right?
Blue Gepicc or why your even getting an admin
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 we're ready, and 8v9 is in the rules
Blue Xeme 8v9=ez win for you guys right?
Blue {vnd} trout.boy ^^^^^
Blue a1ex apparently not
Blue Xeme at least have some respect for yourselves
Blue Gepicc lol i dont think so based on how hard theyre trying to get up forefitting
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XliWUqQ1BPeDBAkxq1pN4g0cVIzXWktc2688DWPUORU/edit#heading=h.nsai30wf1feb
Blue {vnd} trout.boy i guess the less players we have the worse chance of them winning :/
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 8v9 is in the rules
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 you cannot deny an 8v9
Blue {vnd} trout.boy you cant deny an 8v9
Red sntry 'Can we deny a 8v9?'
Red sntry 'you can, but you will not get full MP as per what i posted above'
Blue a1ex -denies 8v9
Blue Voodoo Doctor TryHard 'actually one sec'
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 [1003.1] - Gamemode RulesThe Highlander format is a 9v9 match with a class limit of 1. Highlander is primarily played on Payloa
Red sntry that's an admin
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 If a team is unable to field 9 players, then the team may choose to play 8v9. Teams with fewer than 8 players on the server mu
Blue Voodoo Doctor TryHard how badly do you fear to not take an 8v9?
Red smarty daniel is so cool we just want to make sure
Blue a1ex denies 8v9, denies 3 ringers, cant reschedule
Red sntry don't we have to agree on that
Red PicklePyro smartydaniel
Blue a1ex THEY FEAR US
Red Slav K***ht Gael sans
Blue john it
Blue john it's allowed
Blue {vnd} trout.boy its our choice to 8v9 not yours lmao
Red smarty daniel is so cool ok
Red TramTrane les go
Red Slav K***ht Gael gl hf
Blue {vnd} trout.boy Cha-Cha real smooth
Blue Gepicc you dropped something
Red TramTrane thanks
Red djax nice
Blue Xeme ty
Blue a1ex sorrybout that
Red djax nice defense
Red burger the ham
Blue john ty
Blue {vnd} trout.boy gr
Red Slav K***ht Gael yeah wp
Red djax you guys were fucking on it with spy awareness
Red djax or i just suck lmao
Blue a1ex :p thanks
Blue a1ex ur fine tbh
Blue a1ex <3
Red i want to sleep with Undyne stop being good at spy lo
Red i want to sleep with Undyne l
Blue Gepicc lol thank
Blue {vnd} trout.boy the acting from gepicc
Red i want to sleep with Undyne ikr
Red djax NOOOO
Red djax HE KNEW
Red djax RIPPP
Blue {vnd} trout.boy ah
Blue {vnd} trout.boy a sentry
Red Slav K***ht Gael xddd
Red i want to sleep with Undyne LMAO
Red djax just hit em with the assassin's creed move lmao
Blue {vnd} trout.boy gg
Red Slav K***ht Gael gr
Blue Just a Random Dood #TotH2019 gr
Blue Voodoo Doctor TryHard gh