Logs 2394044, 2394062, 2394070, 2394052

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL P7 AU Season 3 Advanced Playoffs W1 Portuguese Knife Fight War Crimes 0.75 2.25 Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
Qixalite Bookable: PKF vs BLU cp_steel Prolander Portuguese Knife Fight War Crimes 0 1 8:22 Remove log
Qixalite Bookable: RED vs PKF koth_ashville_rc1 Prolander War Crimes Portuguese Knife Fight 1 1 9:52 Remove log
Qixalite Bookable: war? vs PKF koth_ashville_rc1 Prolander War Crimes Portuguese Knife Fight 1 0 4:51 Remove log
Qixalite Bookable: BLU vs PKF cp_steel Prolander Portuguese Knife Fight War Crimes 0 1 23:01 Remove log
Totals 2 3 46:06


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Blue Blue Red CogMan123 Scout Engineer Spy 31 41 5 180 187 57 8315 8639 2633 4 0 58 0 0 7 46:06
Red Blue Blue Red -=TSON=- Pyro 23 25 8 198 261 158 9151 12069 7306 4 0 72 0 0 5 46:06
Red Blue Blue Red [oven] APE Demo 40 36 11 533 313 235 24611 14449 10845 4 0 84 0 0 2 46:06
Red Blue Blue Red evil deed blues Heavy 26 17 15 225 373 417 10405 17218 19250 9 0 44 0 0 6 46:06
Red Blue Blue Red ジャズ Medic 1 21 27 3 162 183 7491 0 1 0 30 0 0 4 46:06
Red Blue Blue Red sloth Sniper 43 29 9 296 162 112 13649 7490 5167 8 0 26 0 31 4 46:06
Red Red Eternal Soldier 22 26 4 222 249 67 6995 7835 2115 6 0 133 0 0 0 31:23
Blue Red Red Blue scandalous!!!!!!!! Soldier Scout Sniper 57 34 8 354 257 76 16331 11872 3546 7 1 114 0 0 10 45:13
Blue Red Red Blue Scary Cobra. Demo Sniper Soldier 39 29 13 427 302 264 19730 13958 12181 6 1 48 0 4 5 46:06
Blue Red Red Blue meeetch Engineer Scout 20 20 22 190 123 79 8804 5695 3650 3 0 36 0 0 9 46:01
Blue Red Red Blue Scary Glass Bullet Heavy 16 22 9 167 317 298 7728 14656 13738 3 0 7 0 0 5 38:03
Blue Red Red Blue sKarlet Medic 0 17 26 4 122 228 5639 0 0 0 17 0 0 3 46:06
Blue Red Red Blue trev Sniper Demo Spy Soldier Scout Pyro 43 41 6 324 223 100 14973 10316 4610 4 0 48 1 27 4 46:05
Blue Red Blue magdalen berns Pyro Soldier Spy Heavy Scout 25 23 7 214 256 187 8837 10572 7721 4 0 34 4 0 2 34:32
Red Red Smae Pyro 7 18 3 175 338 144 2576 4988 2120 2 0 4 0 0 2 14:31
Blue Blue reg Soldier 10 16 3 320 272 140 4718 4016 2061 3 1 14 0 0 1 14:43
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 26 30 11 1292 1490 1196 10814 12470 10010 6 0 64 0 3 0 3 8:22
Blue 30 28 16 1490 1292 1233 12470 10814 10324 3 0 46 1 5 14 4 8:22
Red 48 50 20 1899 1963 901 18739 19374 8890 7 1 52 0 11 11 3 9:52
Blue 50 48 28 1997 1899 1109 19705 18739 10945 8 1 68 0 5 9 8 9:52
Red 29 24 13 1879 1723 1292 9116 8359 6269 7 0 36 0 2 3 2 4:51
Blue 23 29 9 1723 1879 905 8359 9116 4391 4 0 48 0 4 5 2 4:51
Red 97 104 34 1700 1689 1044 39149 38882 24031 9 0 281 0 19 15 4 23:01
Blue 100 102 45 1689 1700 959 38882 39149 22083 6 1 174 4 13 12 4 23:01


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Blue Blue Red ジャズ Medic 100% 1073 49472 20 2 2 0:27 6 0 46:06
Blue Red Red Blue sKarlet Medic 100% 1029 47471 16 5 1 0:20 5 0 46:06



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Red Blue scandalous!!!!!!!! 13 10 4 13 4 3 5 4 1 57
Blue Red Red Blue trev 5 6 5 2 5 0 7 13 0 43
Red Blue Blue Red sloth 4 4 6 5 5 2 4 11 2 43
Red Blue Blue Red [oven] APE 5 3 8 7 6 5 6 0 0 40
Blue Red Red Blue Scary Cobra. 5 5 4 6 4 1 6 8 0 39
Red Blue Blue Red CogMan123 3 4 4 7 2 3 0 8 0 31
Red Blue Blue Red evil deed blues 2 5 5 4 3 2 1 3 1 26
Blue Red Blue magdalen berns 1 6 6 5 3 0 3 1 0 25
Red Blue Blue Red -=TSON=- 3 2 6 3 4 1 1 2 1 23
Red Red Eternal 4 3 1 1 2 1 3 6 1 22
Blue Red Red Blue meeetch 7 3 3 4 1 0 0 2 0 20
Blue Red Red Blue Scary Glass Bullet 2 10 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 16
Blue Blue reg 2 3 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 10
Red Red Smae 0 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 7
Red Blue Blue Red ジャズ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Blue Red CogMan123 10 8 2 6 2 7 0 4 0 39
Blue Red Red Blue trev 6 8 2 5 3 0 1 14 0 39
Red Blue Blue Red [oven] APE 3 10 5 5 3 4 0 3 1 34
Blue Red Red Blue scandalous!!!!!!!! 6 8 4 5 4 0 0 6 0 33
Blue Red Red Blue Scary Cobra. 7 3 3 4 6 1 0 4 1 29
Red Blue Blue Red sloth 4 2 1 7 1 1 0 13 0 29
Red Red Eternal 3 6 3 4 6 1 0 3 0 26
Red Blue Blue Red -=TSON=- 3 6 2 3 4 1 0 6 0 25
Red Blue Blue Red ジャズ 0 7 1 7 0 0 0 4 2 21
Blue Red Red Blue Scary Glass Bullet 1 3 4 5 3 1 0 4 0 21
Blue Red Red Blue meeetch 4 3 1 5 3 0 0 4 0 20
Blue Red Blue magdalen berns 1 2 5 7 2 0 0 3 0 20
Red Red Smae 2 1 3 3 4 1 0 4 0 18
Red Blue Blue Red evil deed blues 2 2 3 5 0 1 0 2 2 17
Blue Red Red Blue sKarlet 0 4 1 6 1 0 0 4 0 16
Blue Blue reg 3 2 2 0 6 1 0 2 0 16


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Red Blue scandalous!!!!!!!! 16 11 7 13 4 3 5 5 1 65
Red Blue Blue Red sloth 4 7 8 7 6 2 4 12 2 52
Blue Red Red Blue Scary Cobra. 6 9 4 8 5 1 11 8 0 52
Red Blue Blue Red [oven] APE 5 3 10 11 9 5 8 0 0 51
Blue Red Red Blue trev 7 6 5 3 6 0 7 14 1 49
Blue Red Red Blue meeetch 7 9 9 10 2 1 0 3 1 42
Red Blue Blue Red evil deed blues 3 9 8 7 5 3 1 4 1 41
Red Blue Blue Red CogMan123 4 5 4 8 2 3 1 9 0 36
Blue Red Blue magdalen berns 4 6 6 8 3 0 4 1 0 32
Red Blue Blue Red -=TSON=- 3 4 6 5 6 1 1 4 1 31
Red Blue Blue Red ジャズ 6 1 6 3 3 1 3 3 2 28
Red Red Eternal 4 3 2 2 4 1 3 6 1 26
Blue Red Red Blue sKarlet 1 6 5 1 4 0 5 4 0 26
Blue Red Red Blue Scary Glass Bullet 2 11 2 6 2 0 0 2 0 25
Blue Blue reg 2 3 1 3 1 1 2 0 0 13
Red Red Smae 0 2 1 5 0 0 1 0 1 10


Qixalite Bookable: RED vs PKF

Time Team Player Kills
0:47 Red trev 3
1:44 Blue CogMan123 3
4:25 Red magdalen berns 3
5:51 Red trev 3

Qixalite Bookable: war? vs PKF

Time Team Player Kills
1:02 Blue [oven] APE 3
2:36 Red scandalous!!!!!!!! 4

Qixalite Bookable: BLU vs PKF

Time Team Player Kills
5:06 Blue magdalen berns 3
6:36 Blue trev 3
7:24 Blue Scary Cobra. 3
10:16 Red sloth 3
19:17 Red -=TSON=- 3


Qixalite Bookable: PKF vs BLU

Team Player Message
Blue meeetch sloth upload more vids pls i need content
Blue Scary Cobra. gl
Red sloth i forgot my shadowplay binds send help
Blue Scary Cobra. sloth more like a bad pug sniper!
Blue meeetch :(
Blue Scary Cobra. <3
Red sloth i am terrible yes
Blue scandalous!!!!!!!! dill wax did u win dark souls pvp!
Red evil deed blues ^^
Blue trev :<

Qixalite Bookable: RED vs PKF

Team Player Message
Red trev first to 4
Red trev ye?
Red trev pausing
Red Scary Cobra. config?>
Blue evil deed blues bruh
Red Smae cfg?
Red Smae config not exec
Red Smae you can have 2 classes
Blue evil deed blues nah
Blue evil deed blues kee playin
Red trev \

Qixalite Bookable: war? vs PKF

Team Player Message
Red scandalous!!!!!!!! xd
Red trev :<
Red Smae horrid class
Blue sloth g
Red Scary Cobra. ggs!
Red sKarlet gg
Blue evil deed blues geeg.
Red scandalous!!!!!!!! gg
Red meeetch gg!
Red trev exec <3
Red trev gge

Qixalite Bookable: BLU vs PKF

Team Player Message
Blue meeetch gr
Blue Scary Cobra. .ss
Blue Scary Cobra. .ss
Red evil deed blues lol
Blue Scary Glass Bullet fail
Red sloth logs_down
Red evil deed blues epic fail top 20
Red evil deed blues cobra
Red evil deed blues how
Red [oven] APE incredible class
Blue sKarlet yikes i'm bad
Blue sKarlet whoopsie
Red CogMan123 hahaha
Red CogMan123 ffs
Red [oven] APE nice play
Blue Scary Cobra. xD
Red evil deed blues ^^
Red evil deed blues It's a traP1
Blue trev \
Red evil deed blues |
Blue Scary Cobra. xd
Red evil deed blues so close