Logs 2425251, 2425304, 2425311, 2425281

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 4 Intermediate Semifinals WetCardBoard Bingo Night Ballers 1.0 2.0 pl_upward, pl_swiftwater_final1, koth_product_rcx Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #293706 - -WET- vs BLU pl_swiftwater_final1 Highlander Bingo Night Ballers WetCardBoard 1 0 17:03 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #293706 - -WET- vs RED pl_upward Highlander Bingo Night Ballers WetCardBoard 0 1 21:47 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #293706 - RED vs -WET- pl_upward Highlander WetCardBoard Bingo Night Ballers 0 1 19:09 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #293706 - RED vs -WET- pl_upward Highlander WetCardBoard Bingo Night Ballers 0 1 22:19 Remove log
Totals 1 3 1:20:18


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Red Blue Blue paddy Scout 89 71 26 275 204 45 22088 16401 3619 7 0 67 0 0 8 1:19:29
Red Red Blue Blue autumn Soldier 94 63 31 381 246 51 30597 19831 4168 8 9 195 0 0 2 1:19:10
Red Red Blue Blue Sci-Fi Wasabi Pyro 38 34 37 130 199 186 10483 16040 14960 4 0 47 0 0 3 1:20:18
Red Red Blue Blue Ridge Demo 66 53 20 400 293 205 32127 23576 16510 8 3 71 0 0 0 1:20:18
Red Red Blue Blue Yumz Engineer 47 45 31 176 160 48 14146 12880 3882 8 0 19 0 0 10 1:20:18
Red Red Blue Blue yopyop Heavy 82 39 42 321 448 238 25793 35996 19154 15 0 38 0 0 5 1:20:18
Red Red Blue Blue TomtheBomb.COM Medic 1 24 43 6 137 535 11024 0 1 0 45 0 0 1 1:20:18
Red Red Blue Blue Hue mew :3 Sniper 51 55 10 252 186 42 20243 14941 3432 5 0 11 0 36 0 1:20:16
Red Red Blue Blue Clore Spy 80 73 10 328 219 9 26396 17649 772 5 0 107 36 0 3 1:20:18
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- TheKiwi Scout 26 99 13 112 242 24 9031 19447 1940 3 0 65 0 0 7 1:20:18
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- kingfin Soldier 75 81 18 342 279 126 27490 22406 10143 5 8 117 0 0 0 1:20:18
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- cory Pyro 36 53 38 145 280 195 11707 22551 15706 5 1 47 0 0 3 1:20:18
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- Emperor Prince Demo 57 64 19 441 314 180 35418 25249 14500 5 2 77 0 0 5 1:20:18
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- Liquid Engineer 47 53 23 206 184 44 16618 14842 3583 5 0 44 0 0 2 1:20:18
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- Vaportonic Heavy 70 63 33 287 502 276 23121 40334 22200 7 0 43 0 0 1 1:20:14
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- flaiR Medic 2 31 51 8 139 679 11228 0 1 0 27 0 0 3 1:20:18
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- crit Sniper 99 42 9 363 149 16 29170 11977 1332 13 0 32 0 72 5 1:20:18
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- SlyGuySaysHi Spy 41 86 5 188 179 17 15104 14374 1369 3 0 65 27 0 2 1:20:18
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 105 67 42 1974 1453 741 33663 24787 12638 8 5 121 5 14 11 3 17:03
Blue 66 112 31 1453 1974 791 24787 33663 13497 5 5 86 3 5 3 3 17:03
Red 146 163 64 2327 2625 786 50693 57193 17137 7 4 167 8 8 8 4 21:47
Blue 161 153 77 2625 2327 881 57193 50693 19199 11 3 184 10 32 6 5 21:47
Red 100 136 42 1948 2178 904 37309 41717 17314 7 0 91 6 16 9 3 19:09
Blue 131 101 63 2178 1948 849 41717 37309 16265 8 0 128 8 5 6 3 19:09
Red 126 171 59 2197 2524 930 49049 56335 20763 13 3 156 8 19 10 5 22:19
Blue 166 126 81 2524 2197 916 56335 49049 20457 15 3 184 15 9 7 5 22:19


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Red Blue Blue TomtheBomb.COM Medic 100% 828 66497 30 4 5 1:10 10 1 1:20:18
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- flaiR Medic 100% 881 70773 29 2 10 2:34 9 0 1:20:18



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- crit 9 8 7 11 8 12 6 29 9 99
Red Red Blue Blue autumn 24 17 5 5 8 7 8 6 14 94
Red Red Blue Blue paddy 15 15 3 14 10 12 3 5 12 89
Red Red Blue Blue yopyop 10 15 11 13 12 8 2 1 10 82
Red Red Blue Blue Clore 7 4 6 6 11 10 10 12 14 80
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- kingfin 16 16 2 4 3 5 5 4 20 75
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- Vaportonic 12 7 11 18 7 4 1 2 8 70
Red Red Blue Blue Ridge 12 6 12 11 7 9 2 1 6 66
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- Emperor Prince 12 8 4 8 4 6 4 4 7 57
Red Red Blue Blue Hue mew :3 5 5 4 5 10 4 3 14 1 51
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- Liquid 9 9 5 2 3 7 0 2 10 47
Red Red Blue Blue Yumz 14 7 4 6 3 2 0 1 10 47
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- SlyGuySaysHi 3 2 2 3 4 7 6 10 4 41
Red Red Blue Blue Sci-Fi Wasabi 8 6 4 2 1 1 3 1 12 38
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- cory 4 6 3 3 7 3 2 0 8 36
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- TheKiwi 5 6 0 3 2 1 0 4 5 26
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- flaiR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2
Red Red Blue Blue TomtheBomb.COM 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- TheKiwi 15 24 8 12 10 14 0 5 7 95
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- SlyGuySaysHi 12 14 12 6 10 10 0 1 14 79
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- kingfin 15 17 6 6 15 7 0 5 4 75
Red Red Blue Blue Clore 5 20 8 7 8 10 2 9 4 73
Red Red Blue Blue paddy 5 16 4 12 12 9 0 9 3 70
Red Red Blue Blue autumn 6 16 6 8 7 9 0 8 2 62
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- Emperor Prince 14 5 2 11 13 6 0 5 6 62
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- Vaportonic 10 8 1 7 12 3 0 10 11 62
Red Red Blue Blue Hue mew :3 4 4 0 4 2 2 0 29 10 55
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- Liquid 12 7 1 9 8 2 0 4 10 53
Red Red Blue Blue Ridge 3 4 3 8 18 2 0 11 3 52
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- cory 3 5 4 12 11 4 1 4 6 50
Red Red Blue Blue Yumz 1 5 3 6 4 7 0 12 7 45
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- crit 5 6 1 1 1 1 0 14 12 41
Red Red Blue Blue yopyop 2 3 7 4 7 3 0 8 4 38
Red Red Blue Blue Sci-Fi Wasabi 0 2 3 4 11 5 0 7 2 34
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- flaiR 3 8 3 2 2 0 0 3 10 31
Red Red Blue Blue TomtheBomb.COM 0 5 2 4 1 0 0 6 6 24


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Blue Blue autumn 30 26 7 8 10 13 10 6 15 125
Red Red Blue Blue yopyop 16 19 18 20 16 14 3 4 14 124
Red Red Blue Blue paddy 23 17 7 17 13 12 5 6 15 115
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- crit 11 8 7 13 11 14 6 29 9 108
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- Vaportonic 20 13 13 25 9 7 2 3 11 103
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- kingfin 18 21 2 7 5 6 6 7 21 93
Red Red Blue Blue Clore 10 4 7 8 12 10 11 14 14 90
Red Red Blue Blue Ridge 17 9 13 13 10 11 3 1 9 86
Red Red Blue Blue Yumz 22 12 9 8 6 5 0 1 15 78
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- Emperor Prince 14 9 7 9 7 8 8 5 9 76
Red Red Blue Blue Sci-Fi Wasabi 12 10 8 8 7 3 3 1 23 75
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- cory 10 9 8 7 8 8 4 0 20 74
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- Liquid 13 14 8 5 5 7 0 2 16 70
Red Red Blue Blue Hue mew :3 6 8 6 6 11 5 3 14 2 61
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- flaiR 8 9 5 7 5 5 0 1 13 53
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- SlyGuySaysHi 3 2 2 3 4 9 8 10 5 46
Red Red Blue Blue TomtheBomb.COM 7 5 8 6 5 4 1 0 8 44
Blue Blue Red Red -WET- TheKiwi 7 8 2 3 2 3 0 4 10 39


na.serveme.tf #293706 - -WET- vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
7:05 Red yopyop 3
13:15 Red paddy 3
14:22 Red Ridge 3
14:34 Red Clore 3
15:45 Red paddy 3

na.serveme.tf #293706 - -WET- vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
3:23 Blue -WET- Vaportonic 4
3:59 Blue -WET- crit 4
7:46 Blue -WET- SlyGuySaysHi 3
12:23 Blue -WET- crit 4
12:44 Blue -WET- Liquid 4
13:25 Red autumn 3
13:30 Blue -WET- crit 3
13:38 Red Yumz 4
15:50 Blue -WET- kingfin 3
16:13 Red Clore 3
16:13 Blue -WET- crit 3
19:10 Red autumn 3

na.serveme.tf #293706 - RED vs -WET-

Time Team Player Kills
4:37 Blue Ridge 3
9:38 Blue Sci-Fi Wasabi 4
9:55 Red -WET- Liquid 3
13:25 Red -WET- Emperor Prince 3
14:22 Red -WET- Vaportonic 3
15:26 Blue yopyop 4
16:05 Blue Clore 3
16:26 Blue yopyop 3
16:58 Blue Ridge 3
17:50 Blue autumn 4

na.serveme.tf #293706 - RED vs -WET-

Time Team Player Kills
2:07 Blue paddy 3
2:33 Blue autumn 3
3:20 Blue Clore 3
5:17 Red -WET- Liquid 3
6:56 Blue paddy 6
8:57 Blue paddy 3
9:10 Blue autumn 4
10:25 Blue paddy 3
10:29 Blue Clore 3
11:00 Blue yopyop 3
11:35 Red -WET- Liquid 3
15:32 Blue Ridge 4
17:52 Red -WET- crit 3
18:22 Red -WET- Vaportonic 3
19:11 Red -WET- crit 7
19:38 Blue Sci-Fi Wasabi 3


na.serveme.tf #293706 - -WET- vs BLU

Team Player Message
Blue -WET- kingfin ?
Blue -WET- flaiR restart?
Blue -WET- crit who dat
Blue -WET- flaiR ringer?
Red yopyop our main demo
Blue -WET- crit were you using a sub for demo
Red Yumz ye
Red paddy ya
Blue -WET- crit mk
Red paddy im not a demo player lol
Red paddy im da scout
Red yopyop oure demo
Blue -WET- Emperor Prince whats his name on your team
Red yopyop ridge
Red paddy ridge
Red Yumz ridge?
Blue -WET- flaiR download minecraft free
Blue -WET- crit download minecraft free
Blue -WET- crit aight
Blue -WET- crit gracias
Blue -WET- SlyGuySaysHi gl
Blue -WET- cory glhf
Blue -WET- SlyGuySaysHi glhf
Blue -WET- SlyGuySaysHi *(****
Blue -WET- SlyGuySaysHi that sighline
Blue -WET- cory gr
Blue -WET- Emperor Prince GR
Blue -WET- TheKiwi GR
Blue -WET- Emperor Prince shake it baby
Red Ridge hey rona, hi hows stv...
Blue -WET- flaiR gg

na.serveme.tf #293706 - -WET- vs RED

Team Player Message
Blue -WET- Emperor Prince wp
Red paddy gh
Red autumn !uptime
Red autumn !time
Red yopyop !extend
Red Yumz !extend
Blue -WET- crit why are bullets going through
Blue -WET- crit am i crazy
Red Clore yes
Red Clore LOL
Blue -WET- crit scout down
Red Ridge my team is retarded
Blue -WET- Emperor Prince same
Red Clore wtf
Blue -WET- SlyGuySaysHi k
Red Ridge LOO
Blue -WET- cory gr
Red Clore i hate myself
Blue -WET- flaiR gr
Blue -WET- crit the never ending game
Red yopyop honestly
Red paddy im so fucking tired
Red Clore same
Blue -WET- flaiR same
Red Clore holy shit
Blue -WET- flaiR tired af
Blue -WET- TheKiwi same
Blue -WET- Liquid same
Blue -WET- flaiR gr
Blue -WET- SlyGuySaysHi gr

na.serveme.tf #293706 - RED vs -WET-

Team Player Message
Blue Clore im so fucking tired
Blue Clore help
Red -WET- Emperor Prince XDDD
Red -WET- flaiR ༼ つ ° ͜ʖ ° ༽つ
Red -WET- flaiR sly said he'd give us $1 if we win. can we win please?
Red -WET- flaiR i want $1
Red -WET- Liquid I have homework and the assignment will get pulled in an hour
Red -WET- Liquid im fucked now
Red -WET- flaiR oops
Red -WET- Emperor Prince why do we have 2 scouts but one can build mini-sentrys
Red -WET- TheKiwi ᶘಠᴥಠᶅ
Red -WET- flaiR i'm going to scream if i don't get a burrito in the next 30 hours
Red -WET- flaiR like seriously
Red -WET- flaiR it's an addiction
Red -WET- flaiR like bad
Blue Yumz everyone just needs a 5 min break
Red -WET- Liquid no
Red -WET- flaiR nap time
Red -WET- Emperor Prince its 12
Red -WET- Liquid yes
Red -WET- Emperor Prince work in 5 hours lol
Blue Yumz it wouldve been better if you accepted the bo1
Red -WET- Emperor Prince lol nice one
Red -WET- Liquid drink coffee
Red -WET- Liquid then come back
Red -WET- SlyGuySaysHi piss break
Red -WET- kingfin download minecraft free
Red -WET- Emperor Prince smoke break
Red -WET- Emperor Prince smoke the rat
Red -WET- crit my right ball is rolling
Red -WET- crit ay
Red -WET- crit sync
Red -WET- crit UH OH
Blue Ridge !extend
Blue yopyop hold on hes gaming rn
Red -WET- Liquid !exntendedrfd
Blue Yumz !extend
Red -WET- cory ye
Blue Ridge god i have such a fucking cold
Blue autumn that was actually kinda sick
Blue yopyop we're gonna pause
Blue Clore PING
Blue Clore DEMo
Blue Clore REEEE
Red -WET- crit go ahead
Red -WET- crit >:L
Blue yopyop nvm
Red -WET- crit okok
Red -WET- Emperor Prince player left
Red -WET- SlyGuySaysHi :D
Blue paddy lol
Red -WET- crit awww
Red -WET- Emperor Prince oops
Red -WET- crit i walked off
Red -WET- crit bruh
Blue autumn lmao
Blue Clore bye
Red -WET- Liquid see yah!
Blue Clore ?W??
Red -WET- cory what happened to players
Blue Yumz crash
Blue Ridge they both crashed
Blue Ridge fucking no way
Red -WET- crit wait really
Red -WET- cory why didnt you pause
Red -WET- SlyGuySaysHi you didnt pause?
Red -WET- crit uhh holy shit
Red -WET- Emperor Prince you guys wanna pause?
Red -WET- crit want to pause?
Blue Ridge because we were out of pauses?
Red -WET- crit shit man
Red -WET- SlyGuySaysHi ohw
Blue autumn god that sucks
Red -WET- kingfin i thought it was a time limit
Blue paddy ok
Red -WET- kingfin wtf
Blue autumn fuc
Red -WET- SlyGuySaysHi yikes, sorry guys
Red -WET- Emperor Prince is that appart of config
Blue Clore yup
Blue Ridge no it lasts like 15 minutes and u have three
Red -WET- crit dam
Red -WET- kingfin ah ok
Red -WET- SlyGuySaysHi QWHAYTT
Red -WET- cory GG
Blue Clore OUJTPGES{'JHGds
Red -WET- flaiR gg
Red -WET- Emperor Prince gg
Blue Clore LFSop'g
Blue Yumz gg

na.serveme.tf #293706 - RED vs -WET-

Team Player Message
Red -WET- Emperor Prince dosent away get first pick
Red -WET- Emperor Prince on 2nd map
Blue Yumz can we have blu though
Red -WET- kingfin no
Red -WET- Liquid nuh
Red -WET- Emperor Prince 15v0
Red -WET- TheKiwi ^^
Blue Yumz yeah but
Red -WET- SlyGuySaysHi no
Blue yopyop just a meme
Blue yopyop we're gonna roll red
Red -WET- kingfin hell yeah
Red -WET- TheKiwi You right
Red -WET- Liquid affirmative
Red -WET- Emperor Prince 1st map home picks
Red -WET- Emperor Prince 2nd map away picks
Blue Yumz but
Red -WET- Emperor Prince 3rd map home picks
Blue Yumz are you kind souls kind enough to give us blu
Red -WET- crit no
Red -WET- kingfin we want blu
Red -WET- SlyGuySaysHi caan you like
Red -WET- Emperor Prince no
Blue autumn D:
Red -WET- SlyGuySaysHi go red
Blue Yumz rps?
Red -WET- Emperor Prince could you kind souls give us blue
Blue Ridge we get pick
Blue Ridge lol
Blue Hue mew :3 You've been caught lackin by the [B]ool Aid Man
Blue yopyop guys tom is gonna frag all of us
Blue Yumz wait what about tom v the world
Blue yopyop b4nny is on tom's team
Red -WET- TheKiwi oh no
Red -WET- flaiR my mommy and daddy always buy me a blue raspberry slushi after they fight :)
Red -WET- Emperor Prince nice
Red -WET- SlyGuySaysHi pls go red
Red -WET- Emperor Prince why do we have 2 scouts but one can build mini-sentrys
Blue Yumz uh
Blue yopyop i think your game is bugged idk
Blue Yumz yeah
Red -WET- flaiR anyone want to donate me a chipotle giftcard
Red -WET- flaiR uh oh
Blue Yumz yeah sure
Red -WET- flaiR ty
Red -WET- flaiR luv u
Blue Yumz last 3 digits on your credit card rn tho
Red -WET- flaiR oh uh
Red -WET- flaiR 666
Red -WET- Emperor Prince why do we have 2 scouts but one can build mini-sentrys
Red -WET- Emperor Prince 856
Blue Yumz hey blu engie wanna see a magic trick?
Red -WET- Liquid yes
Blue Yumz okay now as i pull out the wrangler the dispenser will disappear
Blue Clore what
Red -WET- kingfin u guise redy
Red -WET- kingfin ?
Blue Yumz our med is dying
Blue Yumz 600 ping
Blue Clore jfoiasjhfoasihfas
Blue Yumz sry
Blue Clore bro
Blue Clore im done
Blue Clore ima leave
Red -WET- Emperor Prince for real i gott awork at 5am
Blue yopyop accept 1 half per map in the future
Red -WET- Emperor Prince no
Red -WET- Emperor Prince best of 3
Blue yopyop ok
Red -WET- SlyGuySaysHi What are you guys doink lol
Blue Clore wtf is this server
Blue Clore please
Blue Clore i want to sleep
Red -WET- SlyGuySaysHi bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbruyh
Red -WET- Liquid me too but we are here uwu
Red -WET- SlyGuySaysHi were ready
Blue Clore OUR MED
Red -WET- Emperor Prince whats the problem
Red -WET- SlyGuySaysHi just, kill him
Red -WET- SlyGuySaysHi lol
Blue autumn HEIGHT
Red -WET- SlyGuySaysHi lold
Blue Hue mew :3 LOL
Red -WET- SlyGuySaysHi REVENGE B)d
Blue Clore fuck me
Blue Clore B(
Blue Clore kettle
Red -WET- cory gr
Red -WET- SlyGuySaysHi gr
Blue Yumz !extend
Blue Clore shit
Blue autumn lol
Red -WET- cory gh
Red -WET- flaiR gh