Logs 2425305, 2425241, 2425221, 2425297, 2425336

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 4 INVITE - Powered by mannco.store Semifinals :squirtyay: Amicitia Nova 1.22 1.77 pl_swiftwater_final1, cp_steel, koth_product_rcx Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
♠️Studio 54♠️: .ami vs RED cp_steel Highlander :squirtyay: Amicitia Nova 0 1 17:41 Remove log
♠️Studio 54♠️: .ami vs BLU pl_swiftwater_final1 Highlander :squirtyay: Amicitia Nova 0 1 17:02 Remove log
♠️Studio 54♠️: BLU vs RED pl_swiftwater_final1 Highlander Amicitia Nova :squirtyay: 0 1 21:18 Remove log
♠️Studio 54♠️: RED vs .ami cp_steel Highlander Amicitia Nova :squirtyay: 1 0 12:39 Remove log
Ami vs squirtyay Product 1-3 koth_product_rcx Highlander :squirtyay: Amicitia Nova 3 1 24:37 Remove log
Totals 4 4 1:33:17


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Red Blue Blue Red sandblast Scout Demo 89 75 35 300 256 155 27991 23968 14518 6 0 156 0 0 11 1:32:38
Red Red Blue Blue Red voosh lfp Soldier 70 92 32 318 295 97 29688 27609 9109 5 1 228 0 0 8 1:33:17
Red Red Blue Blue Red ›› bfl` Satan Pyro 68 62 31 215 264 172 20084 24640 16099 6 0 68 0 0 6 1:33:17
Red Red Blue Blue Red yuice Demo Scout 79 59 27 384 294 252 35905 27459 23586 7 0 97 0 0 5 1:33:17
Red Red Blue Blue Red Aaron Engineer 33 43 42 156 156 91 14578 14585 8548 6 0 78 0 0 8 1:33:17
Red Red Blue Blue Red octavarium Heavy 68 51 62 293 441 369 27388 41226 34445 9 0 40 0 0 8 1:33:17
Red Red Blue Blue Red figsy ´ ▽ ` )ノ Medic 4 25 53 6 109 650 10195 0 1 0 46 0 0 5 1:33:17
Red Red Blue Blue Red washedrson :3 Sniper Scout 97 67 12 366 229 121 34153 21415 11362 7 0 28 0 64 10 1:33:17
Red Red Blue Blue Red Hinoᴳᶜ Spy 68 71 7 253 161 18 23645 15068 1729 5 0 180 40 0 5 1:33:17
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Poseidon Scout 68 71 23 209 206 82 19582 19265 7692 7 0 166 0 0 11 1:33:17
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Giovanni Kabalmi Soldier 85 86 28 337 309 104 31503 28844 9749 7 1 287 0 0 3 1:33:17
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Johnny Pyro 54 61 61 167 277 209 15625 25857 19583 4 0 49 0 0 9 1:32:16
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Cheer Up! Demo 89 60 40 520 377 342 48529 35248 31933 15 4 117 0 0 7 1:33:17
Blue Blue Red Red Blue caro Engineer 49 55 45 217 178 94 20272 16625 8784 4 0 60 0 0 14 1:33:17
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Rayman5000 Heavy 60 56 42 217 402 358 20267 37503 33476 4 0 29 0 0 11 1:33:17
Blue Blue Red Red Blue dzcreeper Medic 1 36 67 10 144 1008 13484 0 1 0 48 0 0 8 1:33:17
Blue Blue Red Red Blue washed gourd Sniper 79 59 12 292 208 128 27254 19456 12015 6 0 38 0 49 5 1:33:17
Blue Blue Red Red Blue chicken tendor vendor, Micahlele Spy 57 97 10 237 190 18 22125 17800 1756 4 0 100 33 0 4 1:33:17
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 103 104 48 2265 2249 1231 40070 39776 21770 9 1 274 4 10 11 5 17:41
Blue 101 107 68 2249 2265 1286 39776 40070 22751 6 1 208 2 11 15 5 17:41
Red 96 103 46 2155 2135 1258 36710 36379 21434 5 0 163 5 14 9 4 17:02
Blue 103 96 59 2135 2155 1419 36379 36710 24181 4 1 146 8 7 7 8 17:02
Red 116 142 61 2035 2360 1341 43346 50281 28575 7 1 186 6 10 9 7 21:18
Blue 142 116 85 2360 2035 1273 50281 43346 27128 7 0 183 12 7 11 7 21:18
Red 78 43 47 2118 1662 1332 26802 21026 16853 15 1 156 4 7 17 4 12:39
Blue 42 78 16 1662 2118 1194 21026 26802 15105 5 0 92 4 6 5 4 12:39
Red 193 144 106 2680 2431 1379 65995 59862 33959 7 0 209 15 27 30 11 24:37
Blue 144 193 93 2431 2680 1325 59862 65995 32628 6 1 198 13 14 24 12 24:37


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Red Blue Blue Red figsy ´ ▽ ` )ノ Medic 100% 1280 119463 54 5 1 0 3 6 0:40 6 0 1:33:17
Blue Blue Red Red Blue dzcreeper Medic 100% 1339 124921 47 8 0 0 1 9 0:40 15 1 1:33:17



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Blue Blue Red washedrson :3 11 7 14 17 8 11 7 14 8 97
Red Red Blue Blue Red sandblast 14 16 5 7 7 11 5 9 15 89
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Cheer Up! 13 12 13 16 10 3 6 11 5 89
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Giovanni Kabalmi 17 14 6 3 4 9 4 13 15 85
Red Red Blue Blue Red yuice 11 9 11 6 8 9 5 7 13 79
Blue Blue Red Red Blue washed gourd 10 11 12 5 10 11 2 16 2 79
Red Red Blue Blue Red voosh lfp 9 16 7 3 2 7 7 5 14 70
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Poseidon 10 13 11 6 7 1 3 8 9 68
Red Red Blue Blue Red ›› bfl` Satan 6 13 5 5 4 3 4 5 23 68
Red Red Blue Blue Red Hinoᴳᶜ 4 9 3 10 5 8 6 19 4 68
Red Red Blue Blue Red octavarium 7 7 14 10 15 2 1 0 12 68
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Rayman5000 8 16 3 7 7 3 2 4 10 60
Blue Blue Red Red Blue chicken tendor vendor, Micahlele 8 7 2 4 5 9 6 10 6 57
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Johnny 4 5 8 6 8 3 2 3 15 54
Blue Blue Red Red Blue caro 15 13 6 3 0 4 0 0 8 49
Red Red Blue Blue Red Aaron 7 8 2 1 6 3 0 0 6 33
Red Red Blue Blue Red figsy ´ ▽ ` )ノ 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 4
Blue Blue Red Red Blue dzcreeper 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Red Red Blue chicken tendor vendor, Micahlele 15 14 23 13 12 6 2 8 4 97
Red Red Blue Blue Red voosh lfp 13 14 5 12 16 13 0 11 7 91
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Giovanni Kabalmi 19 16 13 6 7 8 0 7 9 85
Red Red Blue Blue Red sandblast 8 15 3 13 6 14 0 8 8 75
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Poseidon 13 9 6 12 7 7 1 11 4 70
Red Red Blue Blue Red Hinoᴳᶜ 9 15 15 5 10 8 0 2 6 70
Red Red Blue Blue Red washedrson :3 8 14 3 11 4 0 0 16 10 66
Red Red Blue Blue Red ›› bfl` Satan 11 6 8 13 3 6 1 12 2 62
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Johnny 3 7 5 13 14 2 0 14 3 61
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Cheer Up! 4 3 5 9 10 1 0 17 10 59
Red Red Blue Blue Red yuice 8 4 7 16 9 4 0 7 4 59
Blue Blue Red Red Blue washed gourd 9 5 5 7 0 0 0 14 19 59
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Rayman5000 5 2 4 10 15 6 0 8 5 55
Blue Blue Red Red Blue caro 11 7 3 9 2 3 0 11 8 54
Red Red Blue Blue Red octavarium 7 4 8 10 7 0 0 10 5 51
Red Red Blue Blue Red Aaron 1 9 3 3 3 4 0 11 9 43
Blue Blue Red Red Blue dzcreeper 6 7 4 4 1 0 1 7 6 36
Red Red Blue Blue Red figsy ´ ▽ ` )ノ 3 4 2 6 2 0 0 2 6 25


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Blue Blue Red octavarium 18 15 19 18 21 6 4 5 24 130
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Cheer Up! 16 14 19 24 21 8 6 13 8 129
Red Red Blue Blue Red sandblast 23 23 8 8 10 13 5 13 21 124
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Johnny 15 16 12 13 15 5 7 8 24 115
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Giovanni Kabalmi 24 21 10 3 5 12 5 14 19 113
Red Red Blue Blue Red washedrson :3 13 10 15 18 10 12 7 14 10 109
Red Red Blue Blue Red yuice 15 12 15 11 10 12 8 7 16 106
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Rayman5000 13 21 12 12 11 7 3 8 15 102
Red Red Blue Blue Red voosh lfp 14 22 11 4 8 10 8 8 17 102
Red Red Blue Blue Red ›› bfl` Satan 9 18 9 7 9 5 7 7 28 99
Blue Blue Red Red Blue caro 22 24 13 7 5 6 0 1 16 94
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Poseidon 15 18 13 9 8 3 3 10 12 91
Blue Blue Red Red Blue washed gourd 12 13 15 7 11 11 2 16 4 91
Red Red Blue Blue Red Aaron 15 15 6 8 7 5 1 0 18 75
Red Red Blue Blue Red Hinoᴳᶜ 4 10 5 11 6 9 6 20 4 75
Blue Blue Red Red Blue dzcreeper 10 12 10 7 9 4 4 6 6 68
Blue Blue Red Red Blue chicken tendor vendor, Micahlele 10 7 3 4 5 13 6 10 9 67
Red Red Blue Blue Red figsy ´ ▽ ` )ノ 5 5 11 5 7 5 2 4 13 57


♠️Studio 54♠️: .ami vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
4:10 Red octavarium 4
6:20 Red yuice 3
7:11 Blue Poseidon 3
8:55 Red sandblast 3
12:39 Blue washed gourd 3
12:43 Blue Johnny 3
13:27 Red voosh lfp 3
14:03 Red sandblast 4
16:34 Blue Cheer Up! 3

♠️Studio 54♠️: .ami vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
2:21 Blue Giovanni Kabalmi 3
2:28 Blue Micahlele 3
4:10 Red sandblast 3
4:59 Blue Giovanni Kabalmi 3
12:32 Red yuice 3
13:22 Blue washed gourd 3

♠️Studio 54♠️: BLU vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
1:34 Blue Hinoᴳᶜ 3
2:35 Blue washedrson :3 4
4:43 Blue yuice 4
10:14 Blue voosh lfp 3
11:31 Blue ›› bfl` Satan 3
11:36 Blue octavarium 3
12:09 Red Cheer Up! 3
15:22 Blue yuice 3
15:52 Blue voosh lfp 3
16:49 Red Poseidon 3
18:26 Red Giovanni Kabalmi 3
18:39 Red Poseidon 3
19:17 Red Rayman5000 3

♠️Studio 54♠️: RED vs .ami

Time Team Player Kills
2:58 Red Rayman5000 3
7:50 Red Cheer Up! 4
8:30 Red Rayman5000 3
8:56 Red Giovanni Kabalmi 3
11:13 Red Poseidon 3

Ami vs squirtyay Product 1-3

Time Team Player Kills
0:33 Blue Cheer Up! 3
1:41 Red sandblast 4
2:22 Blue caro 3
3:02 Red ›› bfl` Satan 4
3:41 Blue Rayman5000 3
5:00 Red sandblast 3
7:36 Red washedrson :3 3
11:02 Red washedrson :3 3
12:22 Blue Poseidon 3
12:50 Red sandblast 3
13:53 Blue Micahlele 3
19:37 Red octavarium 3


♠️Studio 54♠️: .ami vs RED

Team Player Message
Blue Cheer Up! !log
Red washedrson :3 LOL
Blue chicken tendor vendor gottem
Blue Cheer Up! !log
Blue caro ez
Red yuice bruh
Blue caro LOL
Red yuice LMFAO
Blue washed gourd im actually
Blue washed gourd quitting
Blue washed gourd after that
Red yuice gg
Blue Cheer Up! lmao! laughing my ass off!
Red Hinoᴳᶜ gg
Blue Giovanni Kabalmi gg
Blue Rayman5000 GG
Blue washed gourd gg
Blue caro good game
Blue Poseidon gg
Red washedrson :3 gg
Red voosh lfp gg
Blue Cheer Up! easiest game of my life

♠️Studio 54♠️: .ami vs BLU

Team Player Message
Red sandblast Fugg!
Red Hinoᴳᶜ LOL
Red sandblast yO fuGgGG
Red sandblast YOOO
Red sandblast FUGGGGGGGGG
Red sandblast can we go via
Blue washed gourd it took me 4 shots
Blue washed gourd im fucking bad
Blue washed gourd BRO I CANT PLAY

♠️Studio 54♠️: BLU vs RED

Team Player Message
Red Micahlele hi
Blue ›› bfl` Satan HELLO
Red caro 'hi'
Red Micahlele how r u doing >>bfl` Satan
Blue ›› bfl` Satan hello
Blue ›› bfl` Satan well
Red Johnny well well well
Blue ›› bfl` Satan you?
Red Micahlele glad to be playing high of lander?
Red caro i wish i was high on pot-enous
Blue ›› bfl` Satan always
Blue washedrson :3 ?
Red Cheer Up! micahlele
Red Micahlele my b
Red Cheer Up! dont
Blue sandblast yo i need a demo for RGL invite
Blue sandblast you seem ready
Red Micahlele me
Red Giovanni Kabalmi watterson wtf is that angle
Blue sandblast Yo Fugg!
Blue sandblast win i wanna play magic
Red Micahlele do the bind
Red Micahlele i dare you
Red Micahlele yipyapper
Blue Aaron ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
Red Micahlele there it is
Red washed gourd bro i cant aim anymorew
Red Giovanni Kabalmi fuc kyou
Blue Hinoᴳᶜ alien
Red Micahlele hino u r goldin 2.0
Blue Aaron ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
Blue Hinoᴳᶜ easy.
Blue sandblast wait
Blue Hinoᴳᶜ gh

♠️Studio 54♠️: RED vs .ami

Team Player Message
Blue sandblast no
Blue sandblast becuase that means nothing
Red chicken tendor vendor ok
Red washed gourd this game is suffering
Blue Hinoᴳᶜ I love fallens back
Blue sandblast then quit LUL
Blue sandblast you quit like 27 times
Blue Hinoᴳᶜ like its meaty as fuck
Red washed gourd no
Red washed gourd i took a break
Red washed gourd for 1 ssn
Red washed gourd but yo
Red washed gourd halo
Red washed gourd tomorrow
Red washed gourd who playin
Blue sandblast i got a team
Red Rayman5000 I am pootis
Blue figsy ´ ▽ ` )ノ hi fallen
Red washed gourd i need hp
Red washed gourd hi

Ami vs squirtyay Product 1-3

Team Player Message
Red Hinoᴳᶜ who even are you
Blue washed gourd LOL
Red sandblast Oh.
Red sandblast Satan nut
Red octavarium fun bleeding skill weapon
Blue Giovanni Kabalmi LOL
Red Aaron ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
Blue Giovanni Kabalmi LOL
Red Aaron ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
Blue Giovanni Kabalmi LMFAO
Blue Giovanni Kabalmi hino
Blue Giovanni Kabalmi why are you rolling out with your medic
Blue washed gourd dude