Logs 2516181, 2516158, 2516290, 2516305

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 5 Intermediate Playoffs 2 Worse Comp Format Thunderstorm 2.0 1.0 pl_upward, pl_swiftwater_final1, koth_cascade_rc1a Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #310948 - STORM vs WCF pl_upward Highlander Worse Comp Format Thunderstorm 0 1 14:49 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #310948 - WCF vs STORM pl_upward Highlander Thunderstorm Worse Comp Format 0 1 15:05 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #310948 - STORM vs WCF pl_swiftwater_final1 Highlander Worse Comp Format Thunderstorm 1 0 15:01 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #310948 - WCF vs STORM pl_swiftwater_final1 Highlander Thunderstorm Worse Comp Format 0 1 19:07 Remove log
Totals 1 3 1:04:02


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Blue Red Blue furry-bot 24 Scout 38 48 37 210 188 34 13499 12061 2188 5 0 79 0 0 10 1:04:02
Red Blue Red Blue jmal Soldier 44 61 27 326 284 70 20901 18241 4541 3 9 164 0 0 2 1:04:02
Red Blue Red Blue The Pagician Pyro 36 37 25 112 271 203 7207 17382 13046 4 0 16 0 0 3 1:04:01
Red Blue Red Blue Apple Zoo Demo 50 36 19 457 318 284 29297 20419 18240 5 3 46 0 0 2 1:03:58
Red Blue Red Blue Captain Billy Engineer 24 35 26 151 175 62 9712 11220 4030 5 0 17 0 0 6 1:04:02
Red Blue Red Blue |WCF| BBL Heavy 43 50 27 234 456 217 14997 29216 13932 4 0 32 0 0 4 1:04:02
Red Blue Red Blue non_ai Medic 1 21 35 1 117 121 7501 0 1 0 26 0 0 1 1:04:01
Red Blue Red Blue razor Sniper 76 51 8 372 248 68 23858 15885 4418 8 0 13 0 48 3 1:04:00
Red Blue Red Blue Dergoo Spy 71 59 5 368 225 14 23620 14429 903 5 0 148 42 0 0 1:04:02
Blue Red Blue Red technomo Scout 58 47 28 262 208 44 16817 13324 2854 6 0 122 0 0 10 1:04:02
Blue Red Blue Red Kartyac Soldier 69 58 25 411 322 76 26335 20621 4911 6 6 175 0 0 8 1:04:02
Blue Red Blue Red Mifee Pyro 46 32 34 229 217 142 14672 13953 9151 5 0 35 0 0 6 1:04:02
Blue Red Blue Red twitch.tv/Yoshi21 Engineer 18 33 25 152 154 61 9780 9870 3952 7 0 26 0 0 4 1:04:02
Blue Red Blue Red Hyperion Heavy 38 39 31 246 447 305 15793 28643 19594 8 0 23 0 0 3 1:04:02
Blue Red Blue Red Jigsaw Medic Demo 19 31 37 111 175 71 7120 11230 4562 6 0 23 0 0 3 1:04:02
Blue Red Blue Red dream #TechnomoFanclub Sniper 47 53 4 263 255 60 16856 16335 3875 7 0 22 0 31 3 1:03:52
Blue Red Blue Red Pathetico. Spy 52 66 1 311 206 20 19951 13205 1321 6 0 79 36 0 0 1:04:02
Blue Red Blue tony Demo 42 21 15 420 291 256 18906 13096 11532 9 1 25 0 0 5 44:55
Red Mdodo Medic 0 8 16 6 153 124 2935 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 19:07
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 86 91 46 2335 2332 891 34608 34561 13207 8 4 102 10 13 7 4 14:49
Blue 89 87 47 2332 2335 976 34561 34608 14464 6 1 106 7 6 10 5 14:49
Red 102 92 56 2589 2173 837 39056 32780 12627 7 1 119 16 9 13 4 15:05
Blue 90 103 47 2173 2589 855 32780 39056 12903 4 2 91 11 11 4 5 15:05
Red 100 89 58 2207 2083 1025 33145 31282 15398 5 0 160 9 9 11 5 15:01
Blue 87 100 48 2083 2207 937 31282 33145 14078 9 2 136 4 9 8 5 15:01
Red 111 109 65 2168 2232 1076 41455 42679 20583 8 3 181 9 7 11 5 19:07
Blue 107 115 58 2232 2168 1035 42679 41455 19790 5 6 188 12 15 9 3 19:07


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Blue Red Blue non_ai Medic 100% 957 61298 39 11 0 0 2 4 0:57 6 0 1:04:01
Blue Red Blue Jigsaw Medic 100% 916 41169 24 6 1 0 1 8 1:23 6 0 44:55
Red Mdodo Medic 100% 1076 20583 7 1 3 0:34 2 0 19:07



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Red Blue razor 6 7 5 10 10 5 7 21 5 76
Red Blue Red Blue Dergoo 8 6 5 9 4 10 6 19 4 71
Blue Red Blue Red Kartyac 12 12 4 5 2 11 7 11 5 69
Blue Red Blue Red technomo 9 10 2 4 11 5 0 7 10 58
Blue Red Blue Red Pathetico. 3 6 5 3 7 7 3 14 4 52
Red Blue Red Blue Apple Zoo 5 6 6 4 8 3 6 3 9 50
Blue Red Blue Red dream #TechnomoFanclub 2 3 8 5 9 3 2 10 5 47
Blue Red Blue Red Mifee 6 8 1 7 1 2 1 4 16 46
Red Blue Red Blue jmal 11 7 3 3 5 4 1 2 8 44
Red Blue Red Blue |WCF| BBL 6 9 3 3 6 5 1 3 7 43
Blue Red Blue tony 4 11 2 7 5 3 4 2 4 42
Red Blue Red Blue furry-bot 24 3 7 4 2 0 1 4 2 15 38
Blue Red Blue Red Hyperion 3 6 7 5 9 0 3 1 4 38
Red Blue Red Blue The Pagician 6 8 3 0 5 1 1 2 10 36
Red Blue Red Blue Captain Billy 2 7 1 1 1 4 1 1 6 24
Blue Red Blue Red Jigsaw 5 1 4 0 1 3 1 1 3 19
Blue Red Blue Red twitch.tv/Yoshi21 3 3 2 0 3 1 0 1 5 18
Red Blue Red Blue non_ai 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Blue Red Pathetico. 15 8 10 9 7 6 1 5 4 65
Red Blue Red Blue jmal 10 12 8 12 6 3 0 3 6 60
Blue Red Blue Red Kartyac 7 7 8 6 9 7 0 7 6 57
Red Blue Red Blue Dergoo 10 5 16 7 4 5 0 5 4 56
Blue Red Blue Red dream #TechnomoFanclub 2 2 2 3 3 1 0 21 19 53
Red Blue Red Blue razor 7 11 4 3 1 1 0 10 14 51
Red Blue Red Blue |WCF| BBL 11 2 1 6 9 3 0 9 7 48
Blue Red Blue Red technomo 3 11 6 5 6 2 0 6 8 47
Red Blue Red Blue furry-bot 24 9 12 6 8 3 3 1 2 3 47
Blue Red Blue Red Hyperion 0 5 5 8 6 1 0 10 4 39
Red Blue Red Blue Apple Zoo 4 5 7 7 5 0 0 5 3 36
Red Blue Red Blue Captain Billy 5 11 2 6 0 1 0 3 7 35
Red Blue Red Blue The Pagician 2 4 1 5 7 2 1 8 5 35
Blue Red Blue Red twitch.tv/Yoshi21 1 4 1 3 5 4 0 5 10 33
Blue Red Blue Red Jigsaw 3 3 1 4 3 1 0 9 6 30
Blue Red Blue Red Mifee 4 3 3 6 3 1 0 5 5 30
Red Blue Red Blue non_ai 0 7 1 5 3 0 0 2 3 21
Blue Red Blue tony 2 1 0 3 1 1 0 7 6 21
Red Mdodo 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 3 8


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Blue Red Kartyac 14 16 5 6 2 13 9 17 12 94
Blue Red Blue Red technomo 12 15 6 6 15 10 0 9 13 86
Red Blue Red Blue razor 6 8 6 10 13 5 8 21 7 84
Blue Red Blue Red Mifee 11 16 4 10 6 2 4 4 23 80
Red Blue Red Blue Dergoo 9 6 5 9 5 10 6 20 6 76
Red Blue Red Blue furry-bot 24 9 19 7 6 2 1 4 4 23 75
Red Blue Red Blue jmal 14 12 4 5 8 8 5 6 9 71
Red Blue Red Blue |WCF| BBL 10 14 5 6 11 6 2 4 12 70
Red Blue Red Blue Apple Zoo 7 9 8 8 11 5 7 4 10 69
Blue Red Blue Red Hyperion 7 10 11 11 13 2 5 4 6 69
Red Blue Red Blue The Pagician 7 9 3 2 10 3 5 2 20 61
Blue Red Blue tony 7 13 4 10 8 3 5 3 4 57
Blue Red Blue Red Jigsaw 9 10 6 2 11 5 4 2 7 56
Blue Red Blue Red Pathetico. 3 6 5 3 7 7 3 14 5 53
Blue Red Blue Red dream #TechnomoFanclub 2 5 8 5 11 3 2 10 5 51
Red Blue Red Blue Captain Billy 4 13 4 4 5 5 2 1 12 50
Blue Red Blue Red twitch.tv/Yoshi21 8 5 4 4 6 1 1 1 13 43
Red Blue Red Blue non_ai 6 0 5 3 5 1 3 2 11 36
Red Mdodo 1 4 0 2 3 2 0 2 2 16


na.serveme.tf #310948 - STORM vs WCF

Time Team Player Kills
3:30 Blue technomo 4
5:54 Blue Hyperion 3
11:10 Red razor 3
13:36 Red Dergoo 3

na.serveme.tf #310948 - WCF vs STORM

Time Team Player Kills
2:53 Red Pathetico. 3
3:50 Blue jmal 3
5:23 Red dream #TechnomoFanclub 4
6:02 Blue razor 4
6:30 Red Hyperion 3
7:42 Red Mifee 4
10:38 Blue jmal 3
12:04 Red twitch.tv/Yoshi21 3
13:12 Red technomo 3
14:03 Red Kartyac 3

na.serveme.tf #310948 - STORM vs WCF

Time Team Player Kills
3:38 Blue Kartyac 3
4:20 Blue dream #TechnomoFanclub 3
10:08 Red Apple Zoo 3
13:43 Red razor 3

na.serveme.tf #310948 - WCF vs STORM

Time Team Player Kills
2:36 Blue Dergoo 3
6:34 Blue razor 3
8:19 Blue razor 3
8:49 Blue Dergoo 3
12:59 Red dream #TechnomoFanclub 3
16:39 Red Hyperion 3
16:51 Red Jigsaw 3


na.serveme.tf #310948 - STORM vs WCF

Team Player Message
Red Captain Billy hi twitch
Red Apple Zoo !LOG
Red Captain Billy Hi twitch
Red Captain Billy im gonna get headshot
Blue technomo twitch is a trash platform
Blue tony ???
Blue Jigsaw omg
Blue Mifee lol

na.serveme.tf #310948 - WCF vs STORM

Team Player Message
Red Jigsaw !rcon sv_password pmatch
Red Pathetico. I need 2 keys
Red Pathetico. fck
Red Mifee n
Red Mifee i
Red Mifee c
Red Mifee e
Red Kartyac Is taunting a form of cyber-bullying?
Red Kartyac *DEAD*
Red Kartyac How do I use emojis in this chat? :thinking:
Red Mifee Anime Sucks
Red Kartyac prstg. akemi :3 -AA- : do you not know who i am? im an invite legend wym LOL
Red Kartyac ░░░░▄▀░░░░░░░░▐░▄▄▀░░░░
Red Kartyac ░░█░░░▐░░░░░░░░▄░█░░░░░
Red Kartyac ░░░█▄░░▀▄░░░░▄▀▐░█░░░░░
Red Kartyac ░░░█▐▀▀▀░▀▀▀▀░░▐░█░░░░░
Red Pathetico. I need 2 keys :C
Red dream #TechnomoFanclub can i join ur team
Red dream #TechnomoFanclub i wanna lose
Red dream #TechnomoFanclub jk
Red twitch.tv/Yoshi21 https://www.google.com
Blue Captain Billy how stupid do you think i am
Blue furry-bot 24 :(

na.serveme.tf #310948 - STORM vs WCF

Team Player Message
Blue Mifee Anime Sucks
Blue Jigsaw !extend
Blue Jigsaw !extend
Blue Jigsaw !extend
Red Captain Billy He's taking a long shit
Red Captain Billy everyone dominate me
Blue technomo FF
Blue Jigsaw ff
Blue dream #TechnomoFanclub rup or ffw
Blue dream #TechnomoFanclub w
Red Dergoo Die white girls
Red furry-bot 24 @_@
Blue Jigsaw we have players that needs to go
Blue Jigsaw please
Blue dream #TechnomoFanclub rul;es say past 15 is ffw
Blue Mifee Anime Sucks
Blue Kartyac How do I use emojis in this chat? :thinking:
Red furry-bot 24 mad?
Red furry-bot 24 im pissed
Blue Kartyac yes!
Blue dream #TechnomoFanclub pissed?
Red furry-bot 24 ^
Red jmal i have no hair
Blue Mifee spy scout
Red |WCF| BBL spy pyro
Blue Mifee hes ubered
Blue dream #TechnomoFanclub hel;lo ewnemyies we are running vaccinator
Blue Mifee nvm
Red |WCF| BBL mifee can I have a hug
Blue Mifee why
Blue dream #TechnomoFanclub pour enginer running minisentry
Blue Mifee we have ebola
Red Apple Zoo lol
Red Apple Zoo rip
Blue Jigsaw gr
Red Captain Billy gr

na.serveme.tf #310948 - WCF vs STORM

Team Player Message
Blue non_ai gr
Blue |WCF| BBL 9?
Red dream #TechnomoFanclub yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Blue Captain Billy good luck sniper
Red dream #TechnomoFanclub captain billy more like...
Red dream #TechnomoFanclub captain silly....
Red dream #TechnomoFanclub goose
Blue furry-bot 24 !!!!
Red dream #TechnomoFanclub apple zoo?
Red dream #TechnomoFanclub more like
Red dream #TechnomoFanclub apele zoo
Red Kartyac carol baskins murdered her husband
Blue |WCF| BBL Selling Authentic Joey Hair for 100 keys, will throw in cheese gun, please I need food
Blue furry-bot 24 hot
Blue Captain Billy fucking a
Blue furry-bot 24 PIT
Red Mifee pit
Blue |WCF| BBL tryhard tuesday
Red Kartyac 20 ks!!
Red Mdodo but today is monday
Blue |WCF| BBL not anymore for me
Blue furry-bot 24 not anymore
Blue furry-bot 24 GG
Blue non_ai gg
Blue Captain Billy gg