Logs 2523795, 2523627, 2523815, 2523742

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 5 Main Playoffs 3 perc30 whalemart ringme 1.83 1.16 pl_upward, koth_lakeside_final, pl_vigil_rc8 Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #312330 - RED vs whlmr pl_upward Highlander whalemart ringme perc30 0 1 32:36 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #312330 - whlmr vs BLU pl_vigil_rc7 Highlander perc30 whalemart ringme 1 0 13:20 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #312330 - whlmr vs RED pl_upward Highlander perc30 whalemart ringme 1 0 13:42 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #312330 - BLU vs whlmr koth_lakeside_final Highlander whalemart ringme perc30 1 3 19:59 Remove log
Totals 3 4 1:19:37


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Blue Blue Red TG |「Wiggity」 Scout 60 81 33 262 253 68 20897 20179 5446 8 0 86 0 0 9 1:19:35
Red Blue Blue Red In Rick May's Honor, Johnny Rocket Soldier 55 81 23 334 308 62 26633 24600 4949 4 12 140 0 0 5 1:19:37
Red Blue Blue Red Loxic Pyro 42 39 38 127 262 197 10165 20881 15687 8 0 54 0 0 7 1:19:37
Red Blue Blue Red TeatsMcghee #AssWiper Demo 60 64 21 518 402 324 41285 32033 25833 5 2 43 0 0 6 1:19:37
Red Blue Blue Red b3nnie Engineer 66 53 51 271 196 72 21644 15620 5741 13 0 26 0 0 1 1:19:37
Red Blue Blue Red $wag loading: 56percent, $wag loading: 84percent, $wag loading: 93percent, $wag loading: ERROR Heavy 50 80 34 250 525 162 19937 41847 12965 6 0 47 0 0 4 1:19:37
Red Blue Blue Red kasper Medic 1 32 50 7 116 575 9305 0 1 0 19 0 0 1 1:19:37
Red Blue Blue Red Rushie Vsync Theory Sniper 90 69 10 357 262 88 28477 20896 7029 6 0 18 0 61 1 1:19:37
Red Blue Blue Red lucki Spy 61 85 6 323 186 15 25740 14829 1243 3 0 34 52 0 7 1:19:37
Blue Red Red Blue della Scout 62 71 37 260 295 123 20703 23531 9823 6 0 62 0 0 14 1:19:37
Blue Red Red Blue SOOOOOAPYMEiSTER Soldier 104 86 18 410 324 97 32717 25836 7740 8 8 210 0 0 2 1:19:37
Blue Red Red Blue nado Pyro 56 42 45 158 267 226 12620 21327 18014 5 0 25 0 0 11 1:19:37
Blue Red Red Blue dbk lft (gun owner) Demo 98 42 37 587 383 355 46737 30529 28277 12 8 30 0 0 10 1:19:37
Blue Red Red Blue ballairer, bbrrbrbrrbrrbrbrbrbrbrr Engineer 42 65 32 185 216 79 14731 17219 6293 7 0 26 0 0 10 1:19:37
Blue Red Red Blue attentiondeficit Heavy 61 46 48 257 450 234 20521 35906 18656 7 0 22 0 0 9 1:19:37
Blue Red Red Blue Q Medic 1 15 78 3 102 245 8163 0 1 0 33 0 0 6 1:19:37
Blue Red Red Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno Sniper 97 48 15 348 222 93 27778 17696 7450 11 0 7 0 64 3 1:19:37
Blue Red Red Blue airballer Spy 59 71 5 303 190 16 24138 15146 1306 4 0 81 48 0 1 1:19:37
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 238 253 123 2748 2574 896 89603 83941 29222 13 4 214 29 28 7 6 32:36
Blue 252 238 143 2574 2748 1079 83941 89603 35194 12 4 203 22 27 6 7 32:36
Red 86 53 46 2289 1968 1346 30532 26243 17947 11 4 67 7 11 7 5 13:20
Blue 52 88 32 1968 2289 1131 26243 30532 15093 8 4 71 4 9 5 3 13:20
Red 94 65 47 2136 1965 1308 29270 26934 17932 6 2 55 7 9 11 4 13:42
Blue 65 95 39 1965 2136 859 26934 29270 11778 6 0 68 8 11 2 3 13:42
Red 130 148 72 2630 2824 1140 52573 56447 22800 6 6 114 11 13 27 13 19:59
Blue 148 130 79 2824 2630 1325 56447 52573 26486 10 6 171 12 17 42 13 19:59


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Blue Blue Red kasper Medic 100% 990 78893 40 6 1 0 2 6 0:52 8 1 1:19:37
Blue Red Red Blue Q Medic 100% 1225 97559 41 7 0 0 1 12 2:03 4 0 1:19:37



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Red Blue SOOOOOAPYMEiSTER 14 21 5 12 7 11 11 16 7 104
Blue Red Red Blue dbk lft (gun owner) 13 11 7 16 18 5 9 8 11 98
Blue Red Red Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno 16 7 6 11 11 12 3 23 8 97
Red Blue Blue Red Rushie Vsync Theory 17 6 3 15 5 16 5 20 3 90
Red Blue Blue Red b3nnie 11 19 8 4 4 4 0 0 16 66
Blue Red Red Blue della 10 8 3 7 11 8 0 3 12 62
Red Blue Blue Red lucki 6 8 3 3 10 6 4 20 1 61
Blue Red Red Blue attentiondeficit 8 8 9 3 12 7 1 1 12 61
Red Blue Blue Red TG |「Wiggity」 9 12 4 7 4 14 2 1 7 60
Red Blue Blue Red TeatsMcghee #AssWiper 10 8 14 5 7 5 3 0 8 60
Blue Red Red Blue airballer 0 6 6 7 15 5 2 15 3 59
Blue Red Red Blue nado 9 9 1 6 6 3 3 3 16 56
Red Blue Blue Red In Rick May's Honor, Johnny Rocket 5 16 3 4 4 13 1 4 5 55
Red Blue Blue Red $wag loading: 56percent, $wag loading: 84percent, $wag loading: 93percent, $wag loading: ERROR 6 11 5 3 10 4 0 2 9 50
Red Blue Blue Red Loxic 7 5 2 1 2 2 0 1 22 42
Blue Red Red Blue ballairer, bbrrbrbrrbrrbrbrbrbrbrr 11 10 2 2 0 2 0 0 15 42
Blue Red Red Blue Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Red Blue Blue Red kasper 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Red Blue SOOOOOAPYMEiSTER 12 16 5 8 11 19 1 6 8 86
Red Blue Blue Red lucki 12 7 16 11 12 15 1 8 3 85
Red Blue Blue Red TG |「Wiggity」 10 14 9 13 8 11 0 16 0 81
Red Blue Blue Red $wag loading: 56percent, $wag loading: 84percent, $wag loading: 93percent, $wag loading: ERROR 11 7 6 18 12 0 0 11 15 80
Red Blue Blue Red In Rick May's Honor, Johnny Rocket 8 21 9 11 8 10 0 7 6 80
Blue Red Red Blue della 9 5 7 10 6 11 0 17 6 71
Blue Red Red Blue airballer 7 5 22 8 9 16 0 3 1 71
Red Blue Blue Red Rushie Vsync Theory 3 16 3 8 1 0 0 23 15 69
Red Blue Blue Red TeatsMcghee #AssWiper 7 12 6 16 3 2 0 11 7 64
Blue Red Red Blue ballairer, bbrrbrbrrbrrbrbrbrbrbrr 14 13 2 5 4 4 0 16 6 64
Red Blue Blue Red b3nnie 8 11 3 5 7 2 0 12 5 53
Blue Red Red Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno 1 4 1 0 2 0 0 20 20 48
Blue Red Red Blue attentiondeficit 4 4 2 7 10 4 0 5 10 46
Blue Red Red Blue dbk lft (gun owner) 7 4 1 5 3 4 0 15 3 42
Blue Red Red Blue nado 4 3 2 14 5 8 0 3 3 42
Red Blue Blue Red Loxic 3 5 1 7 9 2 0 6 6 39
Red Blue Blue Red kasper 0 11 3 9 1 0 0 3 2 29
Blue Red Red Blue Q 2 1 0 3 0 0 0 5 4 15


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Red Blue dbk lft (gun owner) 20 15 11 18 26 9 12 10 14 135
Blue Red Red Blue SOOOOOAPYMEiSTER 15 22 8 14 15 11 11 17 9 122
Red Blue Blue Red b3nnie 19 28 10 10 11 12 0 3 24 117
Blue Red Red Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno 19 10 7 11 15 12 3 23 12 112
Blue Red Red Blue attentiondeficit 18 16 14 8 20 10 2 5 16 109
Blue Red Red Blue nado 17 14 3 14 9 7 4 4 29 101
Red Blue Blue Red Rushie Vsync Theory 18 10 5 16 6 17 5 20 3 100
Blue Red Red Blue della 13 14 6 15 17 14 0 4 16 99
Red Blue Blue Red TG |「Wiggity」 14 20 7 11 6 18 3 3 11 93
Red Blue Blue Red $wag loading: 56percent, $wag loading: 84percent, $wag loading: 93percent, $wag loading: ERROR 13 20 6 4 13 8 1 6 13 84
Red Blue Blue Red TeatsMcghee #AssWiper 15 8 16 9 12 9 3 0 9 81
Red Blue Blue Red Loxic 12 18 8 2 5 5 0 1 29 80
Blue Red Red Blue Q 12 9 3 8 11 9 7 3 17 79
Red Blue Blue Red In Rick May's Honor, Johnny Rocket 8 23 5 5 7 17 2 4 7 78
Blue Red Red Blue ballairer, bbrrbrbrrbrrbrbrbrbrbrr 20 14 4 3 5 6 0 1 21 74
Red Blue Blue Red lucki 6 9 3 4 11 6 4 21 3 67
Blue Red Red Blue airballer 0 8 7 9 15 5 2 15 3 64
Red Blue Blue Red kasper 7 8 7 5 7 3 2 0 12 51


na.serveme.tf #312330 - RED vs whlmr

Time Team Player Kills
1:34 Red Rushie Vsync Theory 3
2:46 Blue della 4
9:23 Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno 3
9:57 Red b3nnie 3
11:03 Red TeatsMcghee #AssWiper 4
11:17 Blue attentiondeficit 3
11:22 Blue airballer 3
16:03 Blue dbk lft (gun owner) 3
16:31 Blue ballairer 4
17:03 Red Rushie Vsync Theory 4
24:19 Blue dbk lft (gun owner) 3
24:25 Red In Rick May's Honor 3
28:28 Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno 3
28:52 Blue dbk lft (gun owner) 3
29:31 Red Rushie Vsync Theory 3

na.serveme.tf #312330 - whlmr vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
5:34 Blue In Rick May's Honor 3
6:19 Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno 3
9:08 Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno 3
10:19 Red attentiondeficit 3

na.serveme.tf #312330 - whlmr vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
4:44 Blue $wag loading: ERROR 3
4:54 Red della 3
6:05 Red attentiondeficit 3
8:11 Blue lucki 3
8:32 Blue Rushie Vsync Theory 3

na.serveme.tf #312330 - BLU vs whlmr

Time Team Player Kills
0:49 Red Rushie Vsync Theory 3
2:17 Red b3nnie 3
4:21 Blue dbk lft (gun owner) 4
7:04 Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno 3
9:29 Red $wag loading: 84percent 4
19:14 Blue dbk lft (gun owner) 3


na.serveme.tf #312330 - RED vs whlmr

Team Player Message
Blue attentiondeficit i want red teami want red teami want red teami want red teami want red team
Blue attentiondeficit i want red teami want red teami want red teami want red teami want red team
Blue attentiondeficit i want red teami want red teami want red teami want red teami want red team
Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno iwanttheredteam
Blue nado wait this isnt dust 2
Blue SOOOOOAPYMEiSTER yalls get yalls money today?
Red $wag loading: 93percent rup or def
Blue SOOOOOAPYMEiSTER aint nobody gonna get it for ya
Red TG |「Wiggity」 brb
Blue SOOOOOAPYMEiSTER 113 every day
Red TG |「Wiggity」 need to pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) thats it im throwing
Blue SOOOOOAPYMEiSTER stay consistent
Blue SOOOOOAPYMEiSTER #burpeesgang
Blue nado loxic would u rather have OJ or apple juice
Blue attentiondeficit WREKD
Red TG |「Wiggity」 who is pocket for our team attention
Blue attentiondeficit Scout or Solly?
Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno clanta
Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno pocket solly
Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno im pocket scout
Red TG |「Wiggity」 i mean roamer*
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) im on demo
Blue della im mentor
Blue nado im also on demo
Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno hes name is like
Blue della but they are unteachable
Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno gofredo
Blue ballairer im on med
Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno or goffredo
Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno hes p good
Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno idk how to spell it
Red b3nnie u breaka my heart
Red TG |「Wiggity」 i got a couple of mentors for 6s
Red TG |「Wiggity」 so im good there
Red b3nnie u breaka it
Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno ii think he won 6s open on scout last season
Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno so this season hes playing solly
Red TG |「Wiggity」 i thought if u win a div you cant play in that div..
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) thats not really how that works
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) have u met john milter?
Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno yea it depends on player
Blue ballairer YUP
Blue attentiondeficit DESTROYED
Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno johnathan miltred
Blue attentiondeficit rup or ffw
Red TG |「Wiggity」 my last season of comp was 5 years ago
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) if its a dogshit player then theyre allowed lmao
Red TG |「Wiggity」 so no
Red lucki our players are peeing
Red lucki relax
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue attentiondeficit FFW INBOUND
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno john milter
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno literally played only open
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno for like
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno so many seasons
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno he just sandbagged
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno for all of eternity
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno then rgl wouldnt let him
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue nado change the world, my final message. goodbye
Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno so now he pubs
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno i think
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Red TG |「Wiggity」 too many people typing
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue ballairer pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue ballairer pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Red TG |「Wiggity」 i didnt figure out who john milter was
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue ballairer pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue ballairer pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) pee
Blue attentiondeficit u
Red TG |「Wiggity」 who
Red b3nnie commere
Blue della beast?
Blue ballairer FUCKER
Blue ballairer if i didnt have 200 ping
Red lucki :)
Blue ballairer u are mincemeat
Red lucki un4tunate
Blue nado plz
Red b3nnie k
Blue della BEAST
Blue ballairer owned
Blue ballairer beas t
Blue nado the halo 3 theme came on
Blue della BEAST
Red b3nnie wow
Red b3nnie 1 hp
Blue della mad
Red b3nnie nah just surprised lol
Red TG |「Wiggity」 ٠○•۩۞۩|̲̅B̲̅i̲̅t̲̅c̲̅h̲̲̅(-.-)̲̅S̲̅T̲̅F̲̲̅U̲̅|۩۞۩•○٠
Blue airballer
Red TeatsMcghee #AssWiper yay
Blue della 16:32
Blue nado dude I GOTTA PEE
Red b3nnie lol air
Red TG |「Wiggity」 n1
Red lucki lol
Red lucki BEEF
Blue ballairer LOL
Blue ballairer bottld
Red Rushie Vsync Theory he hits those
Red Rushie Vsync Theory !!!!
Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno beast!
Blue ballairer dopr
Red Rushie Vsync Theory gr

na.serveme.tf #312330 - whlmr vs BLU

Team Player Message
Blue lucki evening airballer
Red airballer hello
Red airballer i am here to imform you
Red airballer i have the better pfp
Blue lucki you are wrong
Blue lucki della u bitch
Red airballer yes you are wrong
Red della praticing for the match :o
Blue lucki toxic :/
Red della practicing
Red attentiondeficit i want red teami want red teami want red teami want red teami want red team
Red attentiondeficit i want red teami want red teami want red teami want red teami want red team
Red attentiondeficit i want red teami want red teami want red teami want red teami want red team
Red attentiondeficit i want red teami want red teami want red teami want red teami want red team
Red della fishy
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 attentionmedficit
Red della are u gunna obsess over me in your discord after this match?
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 who
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 are you
Red dbk lft (gun owner) clanta posted the connect in a discord on accident so
Red dbk lft (gun owner) we need to switch servers
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno LOL CLANTA
Red ballairer clantard
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 LMAO DELLA
Blue lucki clanta big dumb
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno he had it pasted
Red dbk lft (gun owner) he'll send u new connect lmao
Red airballer clanta is very smart
Red attentiondeficit I just got owned
Red attentiondeficit YOu win main
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 yes della i obsess over you omg omgo mgomg omg
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 i love eeveelotions
Red ballairer fuck you
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 what
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 tomorrow is my birthday :)
Red ballairer :)
Red della i want red tema
Red ballairer wewanreteeadm
Red ballairer shutyourup
Red attentiondeficit i want red teami want red teami want red teami want red teami want red team
Red attentiondeficit i want red teami want red teami want red teami want red teami want red team
Red attentiondeficit i want red teami want red teami want red teami want red teami want red team
Red attentiondeficit i want red teami want red teami want red teami want red teami want red team
Red attentiondeficit i want red teami want red teami want red teami want red teami want red team
Red attentiondeficit i want red teami want red teami want red teami want red teami want red team
Red attentiondeficit i want red teami want red teami want red teami want red teami want red team
Red attentiondeficit i want red teami want red teami want red teami want red teami want red team
Red attentiondeficit i want red teami want red teami want red teami want red teami want red team
Red attentiondeficit i want red teami want red teami want red teami want red teami want red team
Red attentiondeficit i want red teami want red teami want red teami want red teami want red team
Red ballairer me
Red attentiondeficit i want red teami want red teami want red teami want red teami want red team
Red ballairer i have 200 ping
Red attentiondeficit i want red teami want red teami want red teami want red teami want red team
Red ballairer ME ME
Red attentiondeficit i want red teami want red teami want red teami want red teami want red team
Red attentiondeficit i want red teami want red teami want red teami want red teami want red team
Red attentiondeficit i want red teami want red teami want red teami want red teami want red team
Red attentiondeficit i want red teami want red teami want red teami want red teami want red team
Red attentiondeficit i want red teami want red teami want red teami want red teami want red team
Red ballairer MELELE
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 who is quest4sparklyhat
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno its our engy
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno oceania engy
Red ballairer ROLLING
Red ballairer UGO SPEC
Red ballairer ROLLING
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno MEDIC BATTLE
Blue TeatsMcghee #AssWiper cum socks
Red ballairer ball airer
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno AIRBALLERS
Blue lucki GO TO SPEC
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno VS
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno KASPER
Blue kasper my heart is racing
Blue $wag loading: 56percent loading swag
Red ballairer GET THE FUCK TO SPEC
Red ballairer SOPY
Blue $wag loading: 56percent 56%
Blue b3nnie frag kasper frag
Blue b3nnie frag kasper frag
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno SOAPY
Blue b3nnie frag kasper frag
Blue b3nnie frag kasper frag
Red ballairer SOPY
Blue lucki get q in
Red SOOOOOAPYMEiSTER im the red team guy
Red dbk lft (gun owner) shut the fuck up soapy
Red SOOOOOAPYMEiSTER i think i should do the melee
Red ballairer believe in the baller
Red attentiondeficit Fight Soapy
Blue $wag loading: 56percent uga chaka uga chaka
Blue kasper where is q
Red attentiondeficit Everyone flame him
Red attentiondeficit rn
Red dbk lft (gun owner) q is afk
Red ballairer believe in the baller
Blue lucki we're waiting for q
Blue kasper Q, my opponent
Red SOOOOOAPYMEiSTER aye which loadout should i rock for grands?
Red attentiondeficit airballer is our representitive
Red airballer bro warmup round?
Red dbk lft (gun owner) q is afk airballer is our tribute
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno q went to pee
Red SOOOOOAPYMEiSTER or da flames
Blue lucki fine
Red SOOOOOAPYMEiSTER or da disco
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 della
Blue $wag loading: 56percent go spec uglu
Blue lucki airballer go blue
Blue Rushie Vsync Theory go to first
Blue b3nnie melee main on med
Red SOOOOOAPYMEiSTER or da smoke
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 are u gunna obsess over me in your discord after this match?
Blue b3nnie lucki vs airballer spy mge
Blue lucki go to first point
Red ballairer SPY MGE
Blue b3nnie trickstab only
Red dbk lft (gun owner) fight on first point
Red ballairer LETS FUCKING OG
Red dbk lft (gun owner) on flat ground
Red ballairer NO TGUN
Blue kasper can i use bonesaw
Blue lucki melee only
Red ballairer KIIL
Red ballairer LOL
Red ballairer DSHJKFASJAS'
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno GOOD KILL SOAPY
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno BEAST
Blue b3nnie airballer lucki trickstab mge only
Blue b3nnie ples
Red ballairer NO
Red ballairer TAKE A PACK
Blue kasper ?
Red ballairer GO
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno LOL
Red ballairer FEAR?
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno FEAR
Blue $wag loading: 56percent stop regern abusinh
Red ballairer WOAHHHH
Red ballairer WOAHHHH
Blue TeatsMcghee #AssWiper ok we win
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno LOL
Red ballairer NOPOOI
Blue kasper ur so fearful
Blue Rushie Vsync Theory EZ
Red ballairer cut
Blue b3nnie devoured
Red ballairer were cutting him
Red attentiondeficit We need a spy ringer
Blue lucki FEAR
Blue b3nnie melee main down
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 can u get clanta on sniper
Blue Loxic nado!!!
Red nado Loxic
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno clanta is better tahn me
Red nado sup
Blue Loxic We meet again
Red nado yes
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 no i love clanta now
Blue $wag loading: 56percent i smell fear
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 he's a funny guy
Blue Loxic Pyro man
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 time for the 50 minute pause
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 :)
Blue In Rick May's Honor I died, whoops
Blue b3nnie can we start :(
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 50 minute pause into dbk getting off demo and rematch
Blue In Rick May's Honor I died, whoops
Red ballairer whoops!
Red nado please remove tohse
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 im crying
Red SOOOOOAPYMEiSTER Lord DRIFTA requests you to drink is brother SOOOOOAPYMEiSTERS pre-nut
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 you know im an iron player right?
Red ballairer that means IM sniping
Red attentiondeficit SICK PICK!
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Blue lucki smh
Red nado i will hunt u
Red ballairer DROPPED
Red ballairer dopr
Red ballairer NICE
Red della ping spike didnt count
Red ballairer LOL
Blue b3nnie gg
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 gr
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno beast

na.serveme.tf #312330 - whlmr vs RED

Team Player Message
Red bbrrbrbrrbrrbrbrbrbrbrr gg
Red della beast..... mode......
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 ?
Red airballer .ss
Blue b3nnie buh these rnt updated :(
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 .ss
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 .sss
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 .ssss
Blue $wag loading: ERROR 5:40 am
Blue $wag loading: ERROR can you def loose so that i can go sleep thanks
Blue $wag loading: ERROR can you tell ur gamer to stop rage quitting
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno he keeps crashing
Red dbk lft (gun owner) weve had like 10 crashes
Red dbk lft (gun owner) its weird
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno u hacking my players bro?...
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno das kinda brazy doh...
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 your engi is almost as good as morgoth
Blue lucki true
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 the only difference is the godlike
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno morgoth with da GODLIKE
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno absolute BEAST
Red bbrrbrbrrbrrbrbrbrbrbrr dont compare me to morgoth dude
Red nado morgoth is my hero
Red bbrrbrbrrbrrbrbrbrbrbrr im nowhere near his level
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 morgoth is invite level
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 you're right
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno oceania looks up to him
Red bbrrbrbrrbrrbrbrbrbrbrr ya
Red nado guess my starburst flavor i am eating
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 can i pee
Red nado idk can u?
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno pee is stored in the.
Red SOOOOOAPYMEiSTER nice sticks
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno johnny test
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno anybody remember that
Red nado feed
Blue TeatsMcghee #AssWiper yes
Blue $wag loading: ERROR can we play badwater next?
Red della yes
Red SOOOOOAPYMEiSTER value pick i see
Red della BEAST!
Red bbrrbrbrrbrrbrbrbrbrbrr POG
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno beast
Blue TeatsMcghee #AssWiper pyro class
Red nado just shoot me lol
Blue TeatsMcghee #AssWiper u smell
Red nado :(
Blue TeatsMcghee #AssWiper take a shower
Red della feel free to make a thread about us
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 take a shower
Blue TeatsMcghee #AssWiper ok
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 50 minute pause
Blue TeatsMcghee #AssWiper i will
Red dbk lft (gun owner) your mom suck me long and hard through my jorts
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 get dbk off demo
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno 51*
Blue TeatsMcghee #AssWiper Stop looking at me with those bedroom eyes.
Blue TeatsMcghee #AssWiper Stop looking at me with those bedroom eyes.
Blue TeatsMcghee #AssWiper Stop looking at me with those bedroom eyes.
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 replay match
Blue TeatsMcghee #AssWiper Stop looking at me with those bedroom eyes.
Blue TeatsMcghee #AssWiper Stop looking at me with those bedroom eyes.
Blue TeatsMcghee #AssWiper Stop looking at me with those bedroom eyes.
Red della its just a game. i understand being frustrated but ultimately nothing matters
Red della its just a game. i understand being frustrated but ultimately nothing matters
Red della its just a game. i understand being frustrated but ultimately nothing matters
Red della its just a game. i understand being frustrated but ultimately nothing matters
Red SOOOOOAPYMEiSTER its ok ill play demo and still win :D
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno is brandon doomed to never win main?
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno *adv
Red SOOOOOAPYMEiSTER yall are crumbling
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno how many times has brandon palyed adv
Red mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno like 3
Red dbk lft (gun owner) are yall moveups?
Red dbk lft (gun owner) !extend
Blue Johnny Rocket !exteend
Blue Johnny Rocket !extend
Red Q della : you are so unfunny
Blue b3nnie dafuq im runnin wrangler
Red attentiondeficit lol
Red della RUN
Red bbrrbrbrrbrrbrbrbrbrbrr LOL
Red nado bird
Red della no escape
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 pause
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 .pause
Blue $wag loading: ERROR `!pause
Blue Rushie Vsync Theory GG
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 ggs
Blue Johnny Rocket ggs
Blue Loxic gg
Blue TG |「Wiggity」 woh knew
Blue lucki gg
Blue Loxic it was a good run
Red attentiondeficit gg
Blue kasper gg

na.serveme.tf #312330 - BLU vs whlmr

Team Player Message
Blue ballairer q LOL
Red $wag loading: 84percent ge blue
Blue ballairer sopy
Blue dbk lft (gun owner) we have red on upward
Red TeatsMcghee #AssWiper ok
Red $wag loading: 84percent ok
Red $wag loading: 84percent bm
Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno i want read team i want red team
Blue mmm mmmyes pet froge #wno :(
Red In Rick May's Honor Everybody pay respects to rick may, the voice actor of solly
Red In Rick May's Honor he passed away today
Blue ballairer if god had wanted you to live he would not have created ME
Red lucki f
Blue nado f
Red $wag loading: 84percent starosphere nuke
Red TG |「Wiggity」
Blue della NS!
Blue nado birds
Red TG |「Wiggity」 i hit none of those shots...
Red $wag loading: 84percent thank you palm tree
Red TG |「Wiggity」 what
Red lucki gr
Red b3nnie gg hireg :(
Red b3nnie get off mah lawn
Red Loxic gg
Blue ballairer lets GOO