Logs 2645994, 2645905, 2645811, 2645889, 2646013, 2646041

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 6 Amateur Playoffs 1 Speedwagon Foundation The Farm 1.5 1.49 cp_steel, koth_product_rcx, pl_vigil_rc8 Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #340304 - farm vs jojo pl_vigil_rc7 Highlander Speedwagon Foundation The Farm 0 1 18:19 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #340304 - farm vs JoJo cp_steel Highlander Speedwagon Foundation The Farm 0 1 11:19 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #340304 - farm vs JoJo cp_steel Highlander Speedwagon Foundation The Farm 0 1 14:12 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #340304 - JoJo vs farm cp_steel Highlander The Farm Speedwagon Foundation 0 1 18:02 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #340304 - jojo vs farm pl_vigil_rc7 Highlander The Farm Speedwagon Foundation 0 1 16:10 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #340304 - JoJo vs farm koth_product_rcx Highlander The Farm Speedwagon Foundation 1 3 23:42 Remove log
Totals 1 8 1:41:44


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo Vendetto Scout 86 96 27 195 241 51 19866 24537 5196 6 0 168 0 0 15 1:41:44
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo STEVE Soldier 94 86 42 346 268 52 35276 27317 5340 5 4 178 0 0 9 1:41:44
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo uooyd Pyro 65 34 50 125 203 233 12814 20718 23761 11 0 33 0 0 12 1:41:44
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo Uri Demo 110 70 33 459 374 253 46756 38127 25797 11 3 50 0 0 10 1:41:44
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo Tele Engineer 38 69 30 148 203 57 15138 20668 5869 4 0 48 0 0 12 1:41:44
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo Crazy Diamond Heavy 95 71 47 264 451 279 26929 45959 28423 6 0 62 0 0 19 1:41:44
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo Lester Medic 4 26 84 5 125 587 12780 0 2 0 66 0 0 6 1:41:44
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo ★Morning Star★ Sniper 128 55 24 436 233 82 44370 23790 8350 11 0 71 0 95 4 1:41:44
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea Spy 61 104 11 234 180 8 23854 18316 887 5 0 107 40 0 6 1:41:44
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red earl Scout 87 78 32 245 191 22 24991 19491 2327 9 0 167 0 0 19 1:41:44
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red get farmed Soldier 86 101 24 348 302 45 35464 30787 4657 3 6 337 0 0 6 1:41:44
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red Qwerty Pyro 49 85 43 174 278 148 17757 28332 15098 3 0 59 0 0 18 1:41:44
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red hart Demo 78 60 28 412 307 245 41993 31250 24989 6 2 85 0 0 11 1:41:44
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red party tim Engineer 48 85 20 157 199 47 15973 20298 4883 3 0 63 0 0 8 1:41:44
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red sammy♥ Heavy 95 58 60 316 433 319 32195 44102 32456 9 0 39 0 0 14 1:41:44
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red farm | Stabbed Medic 1 41 71 3 132 324 13488 0 1 0 23 0 0 9 1:41:44
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red farm | Judas Sniper 79 68 13 308 207 71 31379 21137 7293 8 0 37 0 54 13 1:41:44
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red Hoodie Spy 76 114 4 315 164 11 32136 16705 1203 4 0 80 65 0 10 1:41:44
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 108 121 48 1922 2248 965 35215 41193 17693 8 1 115 5 18 11 4 18:19
Blue 118 111 60 2248 1922 993 41193 35215 18194 9 1 125 12 8 6 5 18:19
Red 65 52 36 2044 1867 1007 23132 21139 11398 9 0 75 5 11 5 3 11:19
Blue 50 66 23 1867 2044 970 21139 23132 10984 4 2 60 7 6 19 2 11:19
Red 86 80 41 2002 2254 1096 28439 32019 15565 10 1 107 2 12 15 5 14:12
Blue 79 86 47 2254 2002 879 32019 28439 12491 7 1 145 8 6 5 5 14:12
Red 94 124 40 2262 2320 888 40809 41843 16020 7 3 224 10 15 19 7 18:02
Blue 120 97 64 2320 2262 1091 41843 40809 19692 11 3 188 5 17 10 5 18:02
Red 97 108 43 2346 2052 926 37928 33175 14981 4 1 107 13 7 12 7 16:10
Blue 107 100 58 2052 2346 1054 33175 37928 17053 5 0 94 9 13 11 5 16:10
Red 161 195 82 2494 2691 853 59124 63786 20236 5 0 229 15 12 47 11 23:42
Blue 195 161 101 2691 2494 937 63786 59124 22222 11 2 204 14 24 41 11 23:42


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo Lester Medic 100% 1018 103623 52 5 8 3:07 5 0 1:41:44
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red farm | Stabbed Medic 100% 913 92906 46 6 13 0:46 18 1 1:41:44



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo ★Morning Star★ 11 15 24 11 12 22 6 21 6 128
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo Uri 12 10 19 13 13 13 9 8 13 110
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo Crazy Diamond 9 13 18 7 9 8 6 3 22 95
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red sammy♥ 13 17 10 3 16 14 1 0 21 95
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo STEVE 15 19 7 8 0 12 7 9 17 94
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red earl 19 10 2 6 10 9 4 4 23 87
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo Vendetto 17 19 3 5 6 15 2 9 10 86
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red get farmed 27 17 1 7 4 8 3 8 11 86
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red farm | Judas 5 3 3 11 15 9 3 19 11 79
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red hart 9 10 7 13 9 12 3 3 12 78
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red Hoodie 5 3 6 21 10 7 6 17 1 76
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo uooyd 3 7 8 2 5 6 2 1 31 65
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea 6 6 0 6 9 7 8 16 3 61
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red Qwerty 7 8 1 5 2 6 5 3 12 49
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red party tim 11 13 3 3 3 4 1 1 9 48
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo Tele 3 11 4 5 3 2 0 0 10 38
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo Lester 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 4
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red farm | Stabbed 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red Hoodie 10 17 31 13 22 10 1 6 3 113
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red get farmed 19 19 7 10 13 11 0 15 6 100
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea 23 11 12 12 21 9 0 11 1 100
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo Vendetto 19 27 7 9 13 11 0 5 5 96
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red party tim 15 12 6 13 8 2 0 22 7 85
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red Qwerty 3 7 8 19 18 4 0 24 0 83
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo STEVE 10 17 8 10 17 13 1 3 3 82
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red earl 17 15 3 12 9 3 1 11 6 77
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo Crazy Diamond 10 4 2 9 16 3 0 15 10 69
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo Tele 9 8 6 12 14 4 0 9 7 69
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo Uri 6 7 5 13 3 3 0 11 21 69
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red farm | Judas 9 9 1 8 3 0 0 21 16 67
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red hart 5 8 2 13 7 5 1 11 6 58
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red sammy♥ 6 0 5 13 9 3 1 12 9 58
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo ★Morning Star★ 4 8 3 3 0 1 0 19 17 55
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red farm | Stabbed 2 7 2 9 6 0 0 6 8 40
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo uooyd 2 1 1 7 10 3 0 3 6 33
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo Lester 4 3 5 3 1 1 0 3 6 26


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red sammy♥ 20 24 14 13 26 18 5 1 34 155
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo ★Morning Star★ 11 22 24 18 16 23 6 24 8 152
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo Uri 13 14 23 19 18 15 15 10 16 143
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo Crazy Diamond 11 17 27 12 17 15 8 5 30 142
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo STEVE 22 29 10 9 4 21 9 13 19 136
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red earl 24 18 2 11 14 13 4 5 28 119
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo uooyd 9 13 17 6 8 9 5 2 46 115
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo Vendetto 20 26 7 6 9 20 2 10 13 113
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red get farmed 35 20 2 9 4 13 3 9 15 110
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red hart 10 14 8 19 16 17 5 3 14 106
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red Qwerty 14 14 2 5 10 9 7 4 27 92
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red farm | Judas 6 5 3 14 18 10 3 20 13 92
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo Lester 10 9 15 10 13 8 3 2 18 88
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red Hoodie 6 4 6 22 10 7 6 18 1 80
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea 7 7 4 8 10 7 9 16 4 72
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red farm | Stabbed 9 12 7 4 12 10 2 3 13 72
Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue JoJo Tele 4 17 14 6 4 6 2 2 13 68
Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red party tim 15 19 3 5 5 7 2 1 11 68


na.serveme.tf #340304 - farm vs jojo

Time Team Player Kills
3:01 Blue sammy♥ 4
4:12 Blue sammy♥ 3
6:23 Blue Hoodie 3
6:29 Blue sammy♥ 3
7:28 Red JoJo ★Morning Star★ 3
9:27 Blue sammy♥ 4
10:19 Blue hart 3
14:00 Blue sammy♥ 3
14:02 Red JoJo Uri 5

na.serveme.tf #340304 - farm vs JoJo

Time Team Player Kills
2:45 Blue get farmed 3
4:50 Red JoJo Uri 3
5:02 Red JoJo Crazy Diamond 3

na.serveme.tf #340304 - farm vs JoJo

Time Team Player Kills
1:40 Blue hart 3
3:14 Red JoJo Uri 3
4:44 Red JoJo Uri 3
5:27 Blue earl 4
7:56 Blue farm | Judas 3
10:03 Blue hart 3

na.serveme.tf #340304 - JoJo vs farm

Time Team Player Kills
5:51 Blue JoJo Uri 3
6:39 Blue JoJo uooyd 4
7:18 Red farm | Judas 3
7:40 Blue JoJo uooyd 4
9:08 Red sammy♥ 3
12:51 Blue JoJo ★Morning Star★ 3
13:28 Red Hoodie 4
16:23 Blue JoJo Crazy Diamond 3
16:50 Blue JoJo STEVE 3

na.serveme.tf #340304 - jojo vs farm

Time Team Player Kills
2:22 Blue JoJo STEVE 3
2:22 Blue JoJo Vendetto 5
4:36 Blue JoJo uooyd 3
5:18 Blue JoJo Uri 4
5:48 Red farm | Judas 3
6:18 Red sammy♥ 3
7:04 Blue JoJo Vendetto 3
8:04 Red Qwerty 3
8:20 Red earl 3
11:58 Blue JoJo STEVE 3
13:55 Red Hoodie 3

na.serveme.tf #340304 - JoJo vs farm

Time Team Player Kills
0:25 Blue JoJo ★Morning Star★ 3
2:32 Blue JoJo ★Morning Star★ 3
3:56 Blue JoJo ★Morning Star★ 3
4:36 Blue JoJo ★Morning Star★ 4
5:05 Blue JoJo Crazy Diamond 4
6:43 Blue JoJo Uri 3
8:00 Red earl 4
8:45 Blue JoJo Vendetto 3
9:04 Blue JoJo ★Morning Star★ 3
9:47 Red Hoodie 3
10:49 Red farm | Judas 3
13:57 Blue JoJo Vendetto 3
16:20 Red hart 3
16:23 Blue JoJo Crazy Diamond 3
17:52 Blue JoJo Vendetto 3
19:41 Blue JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea 3
20:41 Blue JoJo STEVE 3
21:54 Red hart 3
22:41 Blue JoJo Uri 3
23:08 Red party tim 3


na.serveme.tf #340304 - farm vs jojo

Team Player Message
Red JoJo uooyd GG
Blue farm | Judas !extend
Blue farm | Judas phew
Blue sammy♥ what a shot
Blue sammy♥ NOOOOOO
Blue sammy♥ you owned me
Red JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea i just clicked
Red JoJo STEVE ggwp
Blue Qwerty gg
Blue Hoodie gg

na.serveme.tf #340304 - farm vs JoJo

Team Player Message
Red JoJo uooyd wasnt worth it btw
Red JoJo STEVE ggwp
Blue Qwerty gg
Blue farm | Stabbed gg
Blue sammy♥ ggs

na.serveme.tf #340304 - farm vs JoJo

Team Player Message
Blue farm | Judas blink why are you still here
Blue farm | Judas moo
Blue farm | Stabbed bro
Blue farm | Judas yes
Blue Qwerty I mean we're getting ready for our actual match
Blue farm | Stabbed you're holding up a game
Blue farm | Judas gg
Blue farm | Judas mooo
Blue farm | Judas 'An excellent bind.' - Chef Excellence
Blue farm | Judas hi phoon
Red JoJo uooyd hi its me phoon yes
Red JoJo Lester nice loadout
Red JoJo Uri we denied your ringer
Red JoJo Uri he has 2 seasons on main
Blue sammy♥ yeah hes bad
Blue sammy♥ hehe
Blue hart engi main >:(
Blue farm | Judas ok we're ringing an am player
Red JoJo uooyd last scrim they rang an invite player dont do any funny shit
Red JoJo uooyd or well
Blue farm | Judas no look
Red JoJo uooyd 2 scrims ago
Blue farm | Judas check his rgl
Blue hart thats aids
Blue farm | Stabbed well this isn't a scrim
Blue hart sry that happened gamers
Red JoJo ★Morning Star★ i'll borrow you guys a newcomer
Blue farm | Judas we got one
Blue farm | Stabbed owned
Red JoJo Crazy Diamond pog
Blue farm | Judas morning star
Blue farm | Judas wrong team
Red JoJo uooyd LOL
Blue Qwerty lol
Red JoJo uooyd ow
Red JoJo Lester is the farm an adventure time reference
Blue farm | Stabbed no
Red JoJo Crazy Diamond a jojo reference?
Blue farm | Stabbed definitely not
Blue hart lester wya dog
Blue hart 5 ping gang gang
Red JoJo uooyd imagine being from chicago
Blue farm | Stabbed but hart isn't
Blue hart yea owned
Red JoJo uooyd o
Blue farm | Judas i'm from a farm somewhere
Red JoJo uooyd how low ping ?????????????
Blue hart try indy >:)
Blue farm | Judas morning star
Blue farm | Judas change team
Blue farm | Stabbed get out
Red JoJo uooyd what is indy
Red JoJo uooyd i am canadian cool guy
Red JoJo Uri hes good
Blue get farmed ready or european
Red JoJo uooyd i didnt know ytou
Red JoJo uooyd couldmnet make it
Red JoJo STEVE glhf
Blue sammy♥ ^^
Red JoJo uooyd mostly hf
Red JoJo uooyd also gl
Red JoJo STEVE ggwp
Blue farm | Judas gh
Blue farm | Stabbed gh
Blue Qwerty gh
Blue Qwerty gg
Red JoJo Uri gg
Blue farm | Judas gg

na.serveme.tf #340304 - JoJo vs farm

Team Player Message
Red sammy♥ zzz
Blue JoJo Tele RULE ONE
Blue JoJo Tele you guys cant win
Blue JoJo uooyd RULE TWO
Red farm | Judas i can read
Blue JoJo uooyd we get to win
Red farm | Judas dw
Red get farmed good thing i cant read
Blue JoJo uooyd i am phoon
Blue JoJo uooyd real phoon
Red farm | Judas sry to bait lol
Blue JoJo STEVE glhf
Blue JoJo uooyd 11:1 tho :flushed:
Red earl lmao vendetto both of our pings
Blue JoJo STEVE ggwp

na.serveme.tf #340304 - jojo vs farm

Team Player Message
Red earl gg
Red farm | Stabbed gg
Blue JoJo STEVE ggwp

na.serveme.tf #340304 - JoJo vs farm

Team Player Message
Red farm | Judas is that the correct config
Red farm | Judas correct me if i'm wrong
Blue JoJo Uri is this one exec rgl_HL_koth_bo5?
Red farm | Judas yes
Blue JoJo Uri yes
Red farm | Judas our spy is getting water
Red farm | Judas and then we'll go
Blue JoJo uooyd yo pyro
Blue JoJo uooyd you're playing well
Red Qwerty thanks!
Blue JoJo uooyd :)
Blue JoJo STEVE we're all playing well and having fun.
Red Qwerty idk, it's getting a bit late for me
Blue JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea x2
Red farm | Stabbed playing well sure
Blue JoJo uooyd bro SAME
Red farm | Stabbed having fun? subjective
Red Qwerty gotta be up for work in 6 hours
Blue JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea lets leave
Blue JoJo uooyd im so tired
Blue JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea and play 4v4
Red hart 6 hours till work wooooooooo
Red farm | Stabbed who's your team leader
Red farm | Judas NO we are not doing thatw
Red farm | Stabbed i will pay you to forfeit
Blue JoJo Lester joe
Blue JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea i mean
Blue JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea u can sleep 4
Blue JoJo uooyd 4v4 for red team ???
Blue JoJo Uri how much?
Red farm | Judas pay me $100 for red side
Blue JoJo Uri done
Blue JoJo Uri páypay?
Blue JoJo Uri paypal*
Blue JoJo Lester pan 4 forfeit
Red farm | Judas if you're serious that's a deal
Red farm | Stabbed no it isn't
Blue JoJo Lester im legally required to tell u im meming
Red farm | Judas i'll call my lawyer
Red farm | Judas who also happens to be me
Blue JoJo STEVE glhf
Red farm | Stabbed nice stab
Blue JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea thx
Blue JoJo uooyd ****NEWS**FLASH**** 1 /̵͇̿̿/'̿-̅-̅-̅''
Red farm | Judas ok
Blue JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea XD
Blue JoJo STEVE ggwp
Red farm | Judas !extend
Blue JoJo STEVE ggwp
Blue JoJo Crazy Diamond ggs
Blue JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea ggs
Blue JoJo Uri ggs