Logs 2646041, 2646013, 2645889, 2645963, 2645994

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 6 Amateur Playoffs 1 Speedwagon Foundation The Farm 1.5 1.49 cp_steel, koth_product_rcx, pl_vigil_rc8 Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #340304 - JoJo vs farm koth_product_rcx Highlander The Farm Speedwagon Foundation 1 3 23:42 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #340304 - jojo vs farm pl_vigil_rc7 Highlander The Farm Speedwagon Foundation 0 1 16:10 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #340304 - JoJo vs farm cp_steel Highlander The Farm Speedwagon Foundation 0 1 18:02 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #340304 - jojo vs farm pl_vigil_rc7 Highlander The Farm Speedwagon Foundation 0 1 18:19 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #340304 - farm vs jojo pl_vigil_rc7 Highlander Speedwagon Foundation The Farm 0 1 18:19 Remove log
Totals 1 7 1:34:32


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Red Red Red Blue earl Scout 80 70 31 247 179 25 23366 16961 2367 9 0 151 0 0 16 1:34:32
Red Red Red Red Blue get farmed Soldier 81 94 17 349 292 49 33024 27619 4646 3 4 321 0 0 5 1:34:32
Red Red Red Red Blue Qwerty Pyro 47 79 39 171 272 148 16202 25746 14061 3 0 50 0 0 16 1:34:32
Red Red Red Red Blue hart Demo 70 57 23 416 335 253 39401 31742 23958 6 1 93 0 0 8 1:34:32
Red Red Red Red Blue party tim Engineer 47 80 21 153 206 51 14555 19564 4850 3 0 71 0 0 5 1:34:32
Red Red Red Red Blue sammy♥ Heavy 90 54 50 298 435 312 28194 41148 29497 9 0 30 0 0 13 1:34:32
Red Red Red Red Blue farm | Stabbed Medic 0 40 67 2 147 196 13984 0 0 0 27 0 0 5 1:34:32
Red Red Red Red Blue farm | Judas Sniper 70 65 13 311 218 75 29431 20660 7142 8 0 20 0 49 13 1:34:32
Red Red Red Red Blue Hoodie Spy 65 116 3 281 175 10 26639 16597 1003 4 0 55 55 0 8 1:34:32
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo Vendetto Scout 84 90 22 210 234 45 19943 22139 4313 6 0 160 0 0 13 1:34:32
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo STEVE Soldier 95 78 35 360 257 46 34097 24328 4402 5 6 180 0 0 7 1:34:32
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo uooyd Pyro 69 30 50 139 211 242 13217 20028 22944 11 0 28 0 0 9 1:34:32
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo Uri Demo 99 59 33 477 368 261 45163 34807 24759 11 2 45 0 0 10 1:34:32
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo Tele Engineer 31 68 30 140 209 60 13269 19783 5681 4 0 48 0 0 12 1:34:12
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo Crazy Diamond Heavy 87 65 46 251 435 260 23779 41151 24582 6 0 58 0 0 16 1:34:32
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo Lester Medic 3 23 79 5 115 559 10877 0 1 0 52 0 0 5 1:34:32
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo ★Morning Star★ Sniper 119 51 19 423 219 81 40011 20794 7748 14 0 38 0 92 3 1:34:32
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea Spy 59 100 10 253 180 8 23983 17101 799 5 0 97 43 0 3 1:34:32
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 161 195 82 2494 2691 853 59124 63786 20236 5 0 229 15 12 47 11 23:42
Blue 195 161 101 2691 2494 937 63786 59124 22222 11 2 204 14 24 41 11 23:42
Red 97 108 43 2346 2052 926 37928 33175 14981 4 1 107 13 7 12 7 16:10
Blue 107 100 58 2052 2346 1054 33175 37928 17053 5 0 94 9 13 11 5 16:10
Red 94 124 40 2262 2320 888 40809 41843 16020 7 3 224 10 15 19 7 18:02
Blue 120 97 64 2320 2262 1091 41843 40809 19692 11 3 188 5 17 10 5 18:02
Red 80 117 39 1744 2183 987 31954 40002 18093 6 0 133 5 7 5 7 18:19
Blue 116 85 53 2183 1744 1013 40002 31954 18568 14 2 105 10 20 5 6 18:19
Red 108 121 48 1922 2248 965 35215 41193 17693 8 1 115 5 18 11 4 18:19
Blue 118 111 60 2248 1922 993 41193 35215 18194 9 1 125 12 8 6 5 18:19


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Red Red Red Blue farm | Stabbed Medic 100% 925 87524 44 6 10 0:46 18 1 1:34:32
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo Lester Medic 100% 1007 95228 51 4 7 1:00 5 0 1:34:32



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo ★Morning Star★ 9 17 18 9 12 20 4 24 6 119
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo Uri 11 8 17 11 12 9 11 4 16 99
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo STEVE 15 22 6 5 0 14 7 8 18 95
Red Red Red Red Blue sammy♥ 13 16 10 3 12 13 1 0 22 90
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo Crazy Diamond 6 10 17 7 8 8 6 2 23 87
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo Vendetto 17 15 5 7 6 13 2 10 9 84
Red Red Red Red Blue get farmed 27 17 1 4 2 8 3 10 9 81
Red Red Red Red Blue earl 21 11 2 4 10 6 3 4 19 80
Red Red Red Red Blue farm | Judas 5 4 2 7 16 10 1 16 9 70
Red Red Red Red Blue hart 8 5 6 12 9 13 3 3 11 70
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo uooyd 4 6 11 3 5 6 1 1 32 69
Red Red Red Red Blue Hoodie 2 3 5 20 9 5 5 15 1 65
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea 4 4 1 8 10 7 8 15 2 59
Red Red Red Red Blue party tim 11 11 2 4 3 5 2 1 8 47
Red Red Red Red Blue Qwerty 3 6 2 4 1 7 5 2 17 47
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo Tele 1 11 2 6 0 3 0 0 8 31
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo Lester 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Red Red Blue Hoodie 9 18 32 16 23 8 1 6 2 115
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea 19 9 17 11 22 8 0 9 1 96
Red Red Red Red Blue get farmed 15 22 6 8 10 11 0 17 4 93
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo Vendetto 21 27 3 8 13 11 0 5 2 90
Red Red Red Red Blue party tim 13 14 6 9 8 3 0 20 7 80
Red Red Red Red Blue Qwerty 5 6 11 17 17 2 0 18 1 77
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo STEVE 11 17 6 5 16 11 0 4 3 73
Red Red Red Red Blue earl 17 15 4 11 6 1 1 9 4 68
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo Tele 6 8 7 13 13 5 0 10 5 67
Red Red Red Red Blue farm | Judas 10 8 1 4 2 0 0 24 15 64
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo Crazy Diamond 10 2 1 9 12 3 0 16 9 62
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo Uri 4 4 4 12 3 4 0 7 20 58
Red Red Red Red Blue hart 7 5 3 11 7 6 0 9 8 56
Red Red Red Red Blue sammy♥ 6 0 5 12 8 0 1 12 10 54
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo ★Morning Star★ 4 10 2 3 0 1 0 16 15 51
Red Red Red Red Blue farm | Stabbed 2 7 1 11 6 0 0 4 8 39
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo uooyd 2 1 2 6 10 2 0 2 5 30
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo Lester 3 3 5 3 1 2 0 1 5 23


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Red Red Blue sammy♥ 19 21 14 12 20 18 3 0 33 140
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo ★Morning Star★ 9 20 19 15 15 21 4 26 9 138
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo Crazy Diamond 9 12 25 11 16 15 7 5 33 133
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo Uri 13 11 23 18 15 12 16 6 18 132
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo STEVE 22 29 7 6 5 21 9 11 20 130
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo uooyd 8 12 21 5 8 8 6 2 49 119
Red Red Red Red Blue earl 25 20 2 7 15 11 3 5 23 111
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo Vendetto 19 24 7 8 8 17 2 10 11 106
Red Red Red Red Blue get farmed 34 18 1 6 2 10 3 11 13 98
Red Red Red Red Blue hart 8 7 7 18 13 19 6 3 12 93
Red Red Red Red Blue Qwerty 10 11 3 4 8 10 7 3 30 86
Red Red Red Red Blue farm | Judas 6 6 2 11 18 11 1 17 11 83
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo Lester 9 9 14 7 12 6 3 3 19 82
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea 5 5 4 10 11 7 9 15 3 69
Red Red Red Red Blue Hoodie 3 4 5 21 9 5 5 15 1 68
Red Red Red Red Blue party tim 16 17 2 5 5 8 3 2 10 68
Red Red Red Red Blue farm | Stabbed 6 10 8 4 11 9 2 2 15 67
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red JoJo Tele 1 15 11 8 3 8 3 0 12 61


na.serveme.tf #340304 - JoJo vs farm

Time Team Player Kills
0:25 Blue JoJo ★Morning Star★ 3
2:32 Blue JoJo ★Morning Star★ 3
3:56 Blue JoJo ★Morning Star★ 3
4:36 Blue JoJo ★Morning Star★ 4
5:05 Blue JoJo Crazy Diamond 4
6:43 Blue JoJo Uri 3
8:00 Red earl 4
8:45 Blue JoJo Vendetto 3
9:04 Blue JoJo ★Morning Star★ 3
9:47 Red Hoodie 3
10:49 Red farm | Judas 3
13:57 Blue JoJo Vendetto 3
16:20 Red hart 3
16:23 Blue JoJo Crazy Diamond 3
17:52 Blue JoJo Vendetto 3
19:41 Blue JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea 3
20:41 Blue JoJo STEVE 3
21:54 Red hart 3
22:41 Blue JoJo Uri 3
23:08 Red party tim 3

na.serveme.tf #340304 - jojo vs farm

Time Team Player Kills
2:22 Blue JoJo STEVE 3
2:22 Blue JoJo Vendetto 5
4:36 Blue JoJo uooyd 3
5:18 Blue JoJo Uri 4
5:48 Red farm | Judas 3
6:18 Red sammy♥ 3
7:04 Blue JoJo Vendetto 3
8:04 Red Qwerty 3
8:20 Red earl 3
11:58 Blue JoJo STEVE 3
13:55 Red Hoodie 3

na.serveme.tf #340304 - JoJo vs farm

Time Team Player Kills
5:51 Blue JoJo Uri 3
6:39 Blue JoJo uooyd 4
7:18 Red farm | Judas 3
7:40 Blue JoJo uooyd 4
9:08 Red sammy♥ 3
12:51 Blue JoJo ★Morning Star★ 3
13:28 Red Hoodie 4
16:23 Blue JoJo Crazy Diamond 3
16:50 Blue JoJo STEVE 3

na.serveme.tf #340304 - jojo vs farm

Time Team Player Kills
3:29 Blue JoJo Uri 3
3:29 Blue JoJo uooyd 4
5:36 Blue JoJo ★Morning Star★ 3
8:16 Blue JoJo Uri 3
8:27 Blue JoJo Vendetto 4
9:39 Blue JoJo ★Morning Star★ 3
10:40 Blue JoJo Vendetto 3
11:18 Red farm | Judas 3

na.serveme.tf #340304 - farm vs jojo

Time Team Player Kills
3:01 Blue sammy♥ 4
4:12 Blue sammy♥ 3
6:23 Blue Hoodie 3
6:29 Blue sammy♥ 3
7:28 Red JoJo ★Morning Star★ 3
9:27 Blue sammy♥ 4
10:19 Blue hart 3
14:00 Blue sammy♥ 3
14:02 Red JoJo Uri 5


na.serveme.tf #340304 - JoJo vs farm

Team Player Message
Red farm | Judas is that the correct config
Red farm | Judas correct me if i'm wrong
Blue JoJo Uri is this one exec rgl_HL_koth_bo5?
Red farm | Judas yes
Blue JoJo Uri yes
Red farm | Judas our spy is getting water
Red farm | Judas and then we'll go
Blue JoJo uooyd yo pyro
Blue JoJo uooyd you're playing well
Red Qwerty thanks!
Blue JoJo uooyd :)
Blue JoJo STEVE we're all playing well and having fun.
Red Qwerty idk, it's getting a bit late for me
Blue JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea x2
Red farm | Stabbed playing well sure
Blue JoJo uooyd bro SAME
Red farm | Stabbed having fun? subjective
Red Qwerty gotta be up for work in 6 hours
Blue JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea lets leave
Blue JoJo uooyd im so tired
Blue JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea and play 4v4
Red hart 6 hours till work wooooooooo
Red farm | Stabbed who's your team leader
Red farm | Judas NO we are not doing thatw
Red farm | Stabbed i will pay you to forfeit
Blue JoJo Lester joe
Blue JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea i mean
Blue JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea u can sleep 4
Blue JoJo uooyd 4v4 for red team ???
Blue JoJo Uri how much?
Red farm | Judas pay me $100 for red side
Blue JoJo Uri done
Blue JoJo Uri páypay?
Blue JoJo Uri paypal*
Blue JoJo Lester pan 4 forfeit
Red farm | Judas if you're serious that's a deal
Red farm | Stabbed no it isn't
Blue JoJo Lester im legally required to tell u im meming
Red farm | Judas i'll call my lawyer
Red farm | Judas who also happens to be me
Blue JoJo STEVE glhf
Red farm | Stabbed nice stab
Blue JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea thx
Blue JoJo uooyd ****NEWS**FLASH**** 1 /̵͇̿̿/'̿-̅-̅-̅''
Red farm | Judas ok
Blue JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea XD
Blue JoJo STEVE ggwp
Red farm | Judas !extend
Blue JoJo STEVE ggwp
Blue JoJo Crazy Diamond ggs
Blue JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea ggs
Blue JoJo Uri ggs

na.serveme.tf #340304 - jojo vs farm

Team Player Message
Red earl gg
Red farm | Stabbed gg
Blue JoJo STEVE ggwp

na.serveme.tf #340304 - JoJo vs farm

Team Player Message
Red sammy♥ zzz
Blue JoJo Tele RULE ONE
Blue JoJo Tele you guys cant win
Blue JoJo uooyd RULE TWO
Red farm | Judas i can read
Blue JoJo uooyd we get to win
Red farm | Judas dw
Red get farmed good thing i cant read
Blue JoJo uooyd i am phoon
Blue JoJo uooyd real phoon
Red farm | Judas sry to bait lol
Blue JoJo STEVE glhf
Blue JoJo uooyd 11:1 tho :flushed:
Red earl lmao vendetto both of our pings
Blue JoJo STEVE ggwp

na.serveme.tf #340304 - jojo vs farm

Team Player Message
Red farm | Judas we have some people getting food rq
Red party tim x9
Blue JoJo STEVE glhf
Red sammy♥ this is for daelight
Red hart ^
Red farm | Judas dælight
Blue JoJo STEVE ggwp
Blue JoJo Uri gg

na.serveme.tf #340304 - farm vs jojo

Team Player Message
Red JoJo uooyd GG
Blue farm | Judas !extend
Blue farm | Judas phew
Blue sammy♥ what a shot
Blue sammy♥ NOOOOOO
Blue sammy♥ you owned me
Red JoJo Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Chea i just clicked
Red JoJo STEVE ggwp
Blue Qwerty gg
Blue Hoodie gg