Logs 2666743, 2666606, 2666637, 2666710, 2666729, 2666692

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 6 Invite Playoffs 4 Man Crush Monday Krusty Krab eSports 2.0 1.0 cp_steel, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8 Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
RGL HLS6 Invite GF Map 3 cp_steel Highlander Krusty Krab eSports Man Crush Monday 2 4 50:20 2666710, 2666729, 2666741 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #345442 - RED vs BLU pl_vigil_rc7 Highlander Krusty Krab eSports Man Crush Monday 1 0 25:45 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #345442 - BLU vs RED pl_vigil_rc7 Highlander Man Crush Monday Krusty Krab eSports 0 1 16:06 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #345442 - RED vs BLU cp_steel Highlander Krusty Krab eSports Man Crush Monday 1 0 17:45 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #345442 - BLU vs RED cp_steel Highlander Man Crush Monday Krusty Krab eSports 1 0 15:34 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #345442 - BLU vs RED koth_ashville_rc2b Highlander Man Crush Monday Krusty Krab eSports 3 2 31:19 Remove log
Totals 8 7 2:36:49


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue syath Scout 143 79 75 262 201 145 41140 31597 22838 12 0 172 0 0 18 2:36:49
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy Soldier 149 111 48 350 275 114 55032 43253 17920 9 12 365 0 0 10 2:36:48
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue Billysaurus Pyro 68 91 67 177 264 185 27821 41469 29132 7 2 120 0 0 16 2:36:49
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue Jarrett Demo 117 95 86 478 340 298 75019 53355 46819 10 5 73 0 0 14 2:36:49
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue exa_ ^◡^ Engineer 92 88 59 191 168 81 30018 26349 12795 10 0 143 0 0 20 2:36:49
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue Kresnik Heavy 111 93 61 249 453 241 39189 71052 37794 5 0 97 0 0 13 2:36:49
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue blake Medic 3 37 95 7 104 1140 16439 0 1 0 39 0 0 9 2:36:49
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue Dimento Sniper Scout 88 118 18 227 241 126 35668 37932 19865 7 0 71 0 54 16 2:36:49
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue moneyspeaks21 Spy 93 131 11 231 175 16 36295 27524 2597 4 0 182 61 0 9 2:36:49
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red triiiple #mcm Scout 94 102 36 246 203 127 38659 31938 19957 6 0 154 0 0 17 2:36:49
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red p3nguin #mcm Soldier 121 118 50 346 264 126 54273 41479 19887 8 11 464 0 0 9 2:36:49
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red supreme toad #mcm Pyro 78 84 61 199 256 213 31337 40257 33420 9 0 107 0 0 13 2:36:23
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red bradman #mcm Demo 110 67 42 431 298 311 67600 46785 48843 11 8 90 0 0 14 2:36:49
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red Aaron #mcm Engineer 52 80 56 167 171 90 26208 26910 14164 5 0 88 0 0 15 2:36:49
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red zuchima #mcm Heavy 115 113 51 243 438 241 38127 68765 37833 7 0 100 0 0 8 2:36:49
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red Rogue #mcm Medic 2 29 83 2 85 323 13419 0 1 0 54 0 0 9 2:36:49
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red watterson :3 #mcm Sniper 148 135 16 332 257 119 52204 40370 18774 8 0 53 0 109 3 2:36:48
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red evil #mcm Spy 112 144 13 256 200 18 40239 31399 2965 7 0 282 59 0 10 2:36:49
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 260 284 154 2059 2154 1137 103670 108465 57248 12 8 469 19 15 47 31 50:20
Blue 279 265 129 2154 2059 1202 108465 103670 60536 11 8 525 15 33 30 24 50:20
Red 135 109 91 2225 2120 1408 57296 54598 36270 10 1 141 15 10 9 9 25:45
Blue 107 135 53 2120 2225 1343 54598 57296 34586 11 3 165 13 17 10 9 25:45
Red 70 89 41 2077 2087 1315 33454 33607 21182 7 1 76 5 3 7 5 16:06
Blue 89 70 57 2087 2077 1268 33607 33454 20426 9 1 85 8 2 10 5 16:06
Red 102 99 59 2074 2107 1115 36830 37401 19797 12 1 164 8 5 17 6 17:45
Blue 98 104 44 2107 2074 1101 37401 36830 19550 6 2 195 4 12 13 5 17:45
Red 75 64 34 2079 1890 1347 32370 29421 20975 9 1 155 5 14 8 4 15:34
Blue 63 77 33 1890 2079 1159 29421 32370 18043 9 2 139 4 3 5 3 15:34
Red 203 215 107 2640 2570 1245 82682 80498 39014 7 4 276 17 30 30 14 31:19
Blue 215 204 126 2570 2640 1212 80498 82682 37976 10 6 264 7 19 37 19 31:19


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue blake Medic 100% 1210 189760 89 25 2 0 3 13 0:43 8 0 2:36:49
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red Rogue #mcm Medic 100% 1248 195843 92 26 2 0 1 9 0:53 7 1 2:36:49



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy 16 19 10 9 9 16 12 32 26 149
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red watterson :3 #mcm 24 9 13 26 18 14 3 34 7 148
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue syath 9 24 15 10 21 11 2 24 27 143
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red p3nguin #mcm 11 10 9 9 14 24 13 14 17 121
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue Jarrett 13 16 11 12 23 10 2 21 9 117
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red zuchima #mcm 13 19 19 12 12 14 1 14 11 115
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red evil #mcm 6 9 7 17 12 12 10 29 10 112
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue Kresnik 21 15 10 8 17 1 4 15 20 111
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red bradman #mcm 5 14 13 16 14 12 5 14 17 110
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red triiiple #mcm 7 15 19 5 15 5 2 9 17 94
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue moneyspeaks21 8 9 10 10 14 14 3 19 6 93
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue exa_ ^◡^ 14 22 9 4 7 7 2 2 25 92
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue Dimento 10 0 12 9 16 16 1 17 7 88
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red supreme toad #mcm 9 11 5 6 5 7 2 1 32 78
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue Billysaurus 8 10 7 5 6 5 3 3 21 68
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red Aaron #mcm 3 21 5 2 3 0 1 2 15 52
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue blake 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red Rogue #mcm 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red evil #mcm 27 26 21 9 20 25 1 7 6 142
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red watterson :3 #mcm 24 32 3 21 15 2 0 17 19 133
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue moneyspeaks21 17 17 32 17 11 15 1 7 10 127
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red p3nguin #mcm 24 19 10 16 15 22 2 0 9 117
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue Dimento 9 14 1 14 14 2 0 34 29 117
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red zuchima #mcm 21 9 6 23 17 7 0 16 14 113
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy 15 10 11 14 19 21 0 9 9 108
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red triiiple #mcm 9 16 8 13 21 14 0 10 8 99
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue Kresnik 15 14 5 14 12 3 0 18 12 93
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue Jarrett 5 9 6 16 12 2 0 26 17 93
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue Billysaurus 19 9 5 13 19 5 0 13 7 90
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue exa_ ^◡^ 5 24 7 12 14 0 0 14 12 88
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red supreme toad #mcm 15 10 7 11 10 9 0 12 10 84
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red Aaron #mcm 11 16 5 10 1 7 0 16 14 80
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue syath 7 11 9 5 13 3 1 24 6 79
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red bradman #mcm 10 9 5 12 8 4 0 9 10 67
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue blake 2 13 2 5 1 1 0 3 10 37
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red Rogue #mcm 2 12 3 2 4 2 0 1 3 29


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue syath 22 37 23 13 28 19 5 29 42 218
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue Jarrett 27 23 21 18 44 20 7 30 13 203
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy 22 27 13 14 21 20 13 34 33 197
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue Kresnik 27 20 20 11 27 4 7 22 34 172
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red p3nguin #mcm 16 20 16 14 18 27 17 21 22 171
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red zuchima #mcm 16 24 26 22 17 23 5 15 18 166
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red watterson :3 #mcm 26 14 13 29 19 14 3 38 8 164
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red bradman #mcm 6 17 23 20 26 13 10 18 19 152
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue exa_ ^◡^ 24 31 19 8 12 11 2 5 39 151
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red supreme toad #mcm 14 21 8 14 21 14 2 3 42 139
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue Billysaurus 15 21 17 10 18 8 4 12 30 135
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red triiiple #mcm 11 22 23 10 20 6 3 17 18 130
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red evil #mcm 6 9 10 18 19 12 10 30 11 125
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red Aaron #mcm 11 27 12 7 8 5 1 10 27 108
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue Dimento 11 3 14 11 18 16 1 21 11 106
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue moneyspeaks21 8 10 11 13 16 15 5 20 6 104
Red Red Blue Red Blue Blue blake 6 10 12 11 14 8 6 11 20 98
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Red Rogue #mcm 6 9 15 10 7 5 5 14 14 85


RGL HLS6 Invite GF Map 3

Time Team Player Kills
4:00 Blue bradman #mcm 3
6:28 Blue p3nguin #mcm 3
7:57 Blue bradman #mcm 4
7:58 Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy 3
8:33 Red syath 4
8:38 Red Kresnik 3
16:12 Red Billysaurus 3
16:37 Blue triiiple #mcm 3
17:36 Red exa_ ^◡^ 3
26:32 Red syath 3
35:14 Blue p3nguin #mcm 4
35:51 Blue bradman #mcm 3
35:57 Blue watterson :3 #mcm 3
36:40 Blue watterson :3 #mcm 4
36:54 Red Kresnik 3
43:38 Blue zuchima #mcm 3
47:36 Blue zuchima #mcm 4
49:31 Blue supreme toad #mcm 3
53:07 Blue watterson :3 #mcm 3
53:08 Red syath 3
55:49 Red Jarrett 3

na.serveme.tf #345442 - RED vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
5:34 Red Dimento 3
5:48 Blue evil #mcm 4
10:27 Blue zuchima #mcm 3
12:22 Red moneyspeaks21 3
21:50 Red Kresnik 3
24:39 Red Jarrett 3

na.serveme.tf #345442 - BLU vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
3:07 Blue Jarrett 4
5:13 Red evil #mcm 6
5:32 Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy 3
6:15 Red zuchima #mcm 4
6:19 Blue Kresnik 3
7:39 Blue syath 3
8:08 Red bradman #mcm 3
14:45 Blue syath 3

na.serveme.tf #345442 - RED vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
4:00 Blue bradman #mcm 3
6:28 Blue p3nguin #mcm 3
7:57 Blue bradman #mcm 4
7:58 Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy 3
8:33 Red syath 4
8:38 Red Kresnik 3
16:37 Blue triiiple #mcm 3

na.serveme.tf #345442 - BLU vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
3:49 Blue syath 3
12:31 Red p3nguin #mcm 4
13:08 Red bradman #mcm 3
13:14 Red watterson :3 #mcm 3
13:57 Red watterson :3 #mcm 4

na.serveme.tf #345442 - BLU vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
0:26 Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy 3
1:14 Blue Jarrett 3
4:21 Red zuchima #mcm 3
6:46 Red p3nguin #mcm 3
8:02 Blue syath 4
10:08 Red supreme toad #mcm 3
12:39 Blue syath 3
15:17 Blue Kresnik 3
17:03 Red watterson :3 #mcm 4
17:32 Red zuchima #mcm 4
18:35 Blue syath 3
20:00 Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy 3
30:49 Red p3nguin #mcm 4


RGL HLS6 Invite GF Map 3

Team Player Message
Blue Aaron #mcm sorry to say we're scare
Blue evil #mcm lets just play for 4 more hours and see who has more wins at the end
Blue Aaron #mcm d
Blue watterson :3 #mcm bo39
Blue p3nguin #mcm yes
Red Dimento ok
Blue p3nguin #mcm koth_harvest is best
Blue watterson :3 #mcm ok
Red Dimento first one to cap A wins?>
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy 4 more only?
Blue supreme toad #mcm HARVEST
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy HARVEST RN
Blue zuchima #mcm wait but you're on offense that's no fair
Red Kresnik nucleus
Red Kresnik better have a good hold
Blue bradman #mcm whats that map with 3 cp and u only win if you have them all
Red Dimento can we play this map by picking the other teams classes
Red blake exactly zuchi
Red Kresnik standin
Red Dimento I choose rogue demoman
Blue bradman #mcm yeaa
Blue supreme toad #mcm that's powerful bro
Blue supreme toad #mcm mistake
Blue watterson :3 #mcm jarrett egg
Blue Rogue #mcm bro
Red Dimento watterson spy
Blue supreme toad #mcm also powerful
Blue watterson :3 #mcm no..
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy who remembers the bradman engi streak on hlpugs
Blue Rogue #mcm in like hl s20 I rang demo on steel in plat and maincalled
Blue bradman #mcm jj
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy LOOOOL
Blue bradman #mcm dont bring that up man
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy HE SAID
Blue Rogue #mcm and the next day I got THREE offers to get poached from my team
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy SUB ME OUT
Blue bradman #mcm bro
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy WHEN HE WAS ABOUT TO LOSE
Red Kresnik Who Is Your Class Choice
Blue bradman #mcm spu fucked it all up
Red Kresnik We Have Chosen Rogue Demoman
Blue bradman #mcm when i got 10-0
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy spu....
Blue bradman #mcm spu picked a bad team just to ruin it
Blue Aaron #mcm can i play demo
Blue bradman #mcm i stg
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy or just spu picking
Blue bradman #mcm i immediately said to sub me out
Blue Aaron #mcm i wanna slay jarrett
Blue Rogue #mcm we pick jacob sniper
Blue Rogue #mcm o wair
Blue bradman #mcm and then he wouldnt do it
Blue Rogue #mcm wait
Red Dimento WOW
Red Jarrett \ D: /
Blue Rogue #mcm owned
Blue bradman #mcm the problem is
Blue Aaron #mcm \:v/
Blue bradman #mcm people started picking me early on engy and then we got terrible picks everywhere else
Blue bradman #mcm like god damn it sna engineer
Red Dimento rj I ruined u
Red Dimento I picked u for ur first pug engy loss
Blue bradman #mcm ohhh
Blue bradman #mcm i thought it was spu
Red Dimento nope
Blue bradman #mcm FUCK YOU
Red Dimento I picked a troll af team
Blue bradman #mcm i went on an L streak after that
Blue bradman #mcm i think i still have 10 wins
Blue bradman #mcm 10-8 or smth
Red moneyspeaks21 /untilt
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy sponge mob
Red Kresnik who's casting us
Red syath u guys ever read jj's discord status's
Red syath wild stuff
Blue watterson :3 #mcm me
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy DUDE
Blue supreme toad #mcm alto and zag i think?
Blue watterson :3 #mcm tv/watterson
Red syath its non ironic too LOL
Red syath weirdo.
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy NOPE
Red moneyspeaks21 every time i look at jjs discord
Blue bradman #mcm Huh? So what if I'm a femboy? I got a gorilla grip, bussy!
Red Kresnik alto zag good duo
Blue watterson :3 #mcm 7:20 PM - Only Couches Pull Out: I dont play esports on the day of our lord and savior's rebirth
Red moneyspeaks21 my brain cells depreciate
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy GUYS WHY NOW
Red moneyspeaks21 Fuc You
Blue bradman #mcm Men should be abolished.
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy ^
Red syath my ping
Red syath feelsbad
Red moneyspeaks21 what
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy dude
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy the rail
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy 1 HP AARONM YOU HACKER
Blue Rogue #mcm t3h P3NgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! *holds up spork*
Blue p3nguin #mcm respect
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy thank you
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy ║░▒║U JUST GOT THE║░▒║║░▒║DAGGER║░▒║OF║░▒║SATAN
Red moneyspeaks21 half of evils kills are on me
Blue Rogue #mcm why is there a rocket there
Blue evil #mcm easy for me
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy yall beefin or what
Blue bradman #mcm jj you are the best player in invite
Blue triiiple #mcm The Rail?
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy bradman..
Blue p3nguin #mcm on c
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy im blushing
Blue p3nguin #mcm fuck that rail
Blue bradman #mcm plkease done leave my 6s teama.
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy bro
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy im bringing my pc
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy maybe......
Blue bradman #mcm :3
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy !!!!
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy I WILL KIL YOU
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy U SNEAKING PENGUIN
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy LOOOOL
Blue p3nguin #mcm feed me
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy BRO
Blue watterson :3 #mcm oh
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy LOL
Red Dimento LOLOL
Red moneyspeaks21 NO WAY
Red exa_ ^◡^ WHAT
Red syath ( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ)
Red syath TYHATS
Blue zuchima #mcm i fucking hate these production pauses
Blue zuchima #mcm I dont wanan be casted ever again
Red Kresnik thats esports baby
Red syath 700 ppl tho
Blue zuchima #mcm so?
Red Dimento zuchima angry!
Red syath pretty nice
Blue triiiple #mcm So uhhh can we get a bonus in our winnings for making this so close
Red Kresnik checks in the mail fellas...
Blue triiiple #mcm We are attracting viewers.
Blue bradman #mcm I demand the twitch revenue.
Red Dimento cheque will be in ur PO box next monday triiiple
Red Kresnik its not much
Blue triiiple #mcm BAN
Blue bradman #mcm Also can I have the check from last season
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy LOOL
Red Kresnik unless people are subbing
Blue watterson :3 #mcm did u get my change of address
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy give me that twitch rev
Blue bradman #mcm Please send me last season cehck
Blue zuchima #mcm ive hated this shit every single week
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy dont get casted
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy noob
Blue bradman #mcm ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
Red Kresnik we fix this by doing all prerecorded games for Paladins
Blue zuchima #mcm do you actually not do it live
Red Kresnik none of it
Red Kresnik it used to be when it was in person
Red Kresnik chain pee.
Red Kresnik pain
Blue bradman #mcm o_o
Red Kresnik cod league started doing prerecorded
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy TWOER AT E
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy TOWER AT E
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy GOGOGOO
Red Kresnik bro they were so dumb actually
Red Kresnik they had a bracket prediction competition
Red Kresnik where the winner gets 100K
Red Kresnik then they did it live???
Blue zuchima #mcm its insane how much jarrett and jj are just rolling tn
Red Kresnik people got ddossed
Blue zuchima #mcm so fucking annoying to play against
Red moneyspeaks21 i roll vigil then i cnd ashj
Blue zuchima #mcm jj shit on us on 2nd too
Blue zuchima #mcm on vigil
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy ive been shittin.
Red Dimento GL
Blue bradman #mcm I be Shittin.
Blue Rogue #mcm hfhf
Blue triiiple #mcm this is america
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy :3
Blue bradman #mcm this am ierician
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy brand new phone...
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy just dropped it
Blue triiiple #mcm fuckit
Blue triiiple #mcm i got options
Red Kresnik my gf works in like 6 hours and she's on the other side of the wall from the office
Red Kresnik feels bad
Blue watterson :3 #mcm tell her to get owned
Red Kresnik will do
Red Dimento TANK
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy uhh wattterson floating?
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy bradman...
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy you are cheating
Blue bradman #mcm Im so Good.
Blue p3nguin #mcm LOL
Red exa_ ^◡^ LOL
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy WTF
Blue watterson :3 #mcm LOL
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy you fucker
Blue evil #mcm owned
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy NOOOOOO
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy wp.
Blue p3nguin #mcm LOl
Blue p3nguin #mcm rip
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy HAHAHBAN\
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy gr
Blue supreme toad #mcm sup
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy hey :3
Blue Rogue #mcm na na na na na na na na na
Blue Rogue #mcm BRADMAN
Blue bradman #mcm o
Blue bradman #mcm WTF BVILLLY
Blue zuchima #mcm ganjas shooter round?
Red blake please no
Red syath yeah
Red syath now i go back to scatter
Red syath xd
Blue zuchima #mcm no i mean use it this one
Blue Rogue #mcm im so hydrated
Red syath cant it wont let me equip it
Blue zuchima #mcm bug?
Red Dimento one vigil half away from playing every single round possible
Blue zuchima #mcm ya
Blue zuchima #mcm marathon finals
Red Dimento we're doing the jimbob challenge
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy jimbob challenge?
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy im going straight e
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy whos mad
Blue bradman #mcm im mada
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy LMFAO
Red Kresnik mission accomplished
Blue bradman #mcm Do not
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy oh
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy i hate u trip
Blue triiiple #mcm :D
Blue Rogue #mcm t3h P3NgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! *holds up spork*
Red blake lol
Blue evil #mcm WHAT
Blue evil #mcm that gun is op
Blue triiiple #mcm LOL
Blue watterson :3 #mcm KLOL
Red Dimento LATER
Blue zuchima #mcm oh no
Blue bradman #mcm what yor fav candle scent
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy lavender
Blue supreme toad #mcm owned
Blue supreme toad #mcm no wtf
Blue Rogue #mcm ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
Red Dimento GG
Red syath GG
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy GG
Red blake GG'S
Blue bradman #mcm ggs
Blue watterson :3 #mcm gg
Blue supreme toad #mcm gg
Red exa_ ^◡^ ggs
Red Jarrett gg
Blue p3nguin #mcm gg

na.serveme.tf #345442 - RED vs BLU

Team Player Message
Blue supreme toad #mcm docking station
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy sup noobs
Blue zuchima #mcm toxic
Blue supreme toad #mcm hey u wanna play roamer next season
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy i would
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy but i cant =/
Blue zuchima #mcm sup noob (syath)
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy LOL
Blue watterson :3 #mcm synath
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy synoob
Red syath dont act tough bitch im using a normal scatter gun this time
Red syath things r gonna be DIFFERENT
Blue zuchima #mcm wtf
Blue watterson :3 #mcm fear lol
Blue bradman #mcm synath
Blue zuchima #mcm you said you were breaking curses
Red Dimento zuchima we need syath to run the ganja shooter all of next season
Red Dimento how can we lose every match with that roster
Blue zuchima #mcm it will happen
Red moneyspeaks21 watterson harvest was foreshadowing
Blue zuchima #mcm triiiple cheat
Blue watterson :3 #mcm of u missing every third shot
Red moneyspeaks21 LOL
Red moneyspeaks21 you odnt understand
Blue Rogue #mcm what up
Blue supreme toad #mcm sup
Red moneyspeaks21 sup
Blue supreme toad #mcm rup
Red Dimento cringe
Red syath WOW
Red moneyspeaks21 cringe
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy LMFAO
Red syath so synced bro
Red syath record zuchimasucks
Blue zuchima #mcm incorrect
Red syath oh thats not console haha
Red Dimento MY KD
Blue zuchima #mcm playing kovaks 12 hours a day, couldnt be me
Red Dimento watterson
Red Dimento where is scratchy
Blue watterson :3 #mcm ya
Red Dimento i THOUGHT
Blue watterson :3 #mcm who
Red Dimento he was playing
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy hlpugs
Red Kresnik beep
Red Dimento who?!
Blue watterson :3 #mcm uh
Red syath guys look at this OSU play guys look how fast he clkicks
Red Dimento yikes
Blue Rogue #mcm ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy ur gun owned me LOL
Blue watterson :3 #mcm ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
Red Dimento deep breaths blue
Red Dimento u can do it
Red Dimento reset blue
Red Dimento lol
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy gh
Red exa_ ^◡^ gh

na.serveme.tf #345442 - BLU vs RED

Team Player Message
Red watterson :3 #mcm gh
Red bradman #mcm gh
Blue Dimento gh
Blue exa_ ^◡^ very good half
Blue moneyspeaks21 en forcer
Blue Dimento sry boys we need a nerd break cause that was a spicy half
Red Aaron #mcm i have work in the morning
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy its only 10 should be good
Blue Dimento so you're saying no among us tonight?
Red Aaron #mcm it's 11 for me
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy WTF
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy where are you
Red Aaron #mcm new brunswick
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy WHATT
Red Aaron #mcm i moved in 2020
Red Aaron #mcm work stuff
Blue Kresnik production also wants like a few minutes b/w halves usually
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy ahh
Blue Kresnik not too long but
Red zuchima #mcm its been a few minutes
Red bradman #mcm O>O
Blue moneyspeaks21 evil is dominating me
Blue blake evil dominates all spies
Red Rogue #mcm ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
Red Rogue #mcm please pretend we have crit traps
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy im dying to it
Blue Dimento nope
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy bradman where is it
Blue moneyspeaks21 same
Red bradman #mcm Do it
Red bradman #mcm Cliff
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy ill tell you when to det
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy ok im comign
Red bradman #mcm HELLO??
Red bradman #mcm wtf
Red triiiple #mcm wtf
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy AHAHAHAH
Red triiiple #mcm u never hit those
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy i always hit htose
Red triiiple #mcm Gotchja
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy you
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy fucker
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy I KNEW IT
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy IT WAS COMING
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy BEEFINGTON
Blue Dimento I DID NOTHING
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy gm

na.serveme.tf #345442 - RED vs BLU

Team Player Message
Blue Aaron #mcm sorry to say we're scare
Blue evil #mcm lets just play for 4 more hours and see who has more wins at the end
Blue Aaron #mcm d
Blue watterson :3 #mcm bo39
Blue p3nguin #mcm yes
Red Dimento ok
Blue p3nguin #mcm koth_harvest is best
Blue watterson :3 #mcm ok
Red Dimento first one to cap A wins?>
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy 4 more only?
Blue supreme toad #mcm HARVEST
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy HARVEST RN
Blue zuchima #mcm wait but you're on offense that's no fair
Red Kresnik nucleus
Red Kresnik better have a good hold
Blue bradman #mcm whats that map with 3 cp and u only win if you have them all
Red Dimento can we play this map by picking the other teams classes
Red blake exactly zuchi
Red Kresnik standin
Red Dimento I choose rogue demoman
Blue bradman #mcm yeaa
Blue supreme toad #mcm that's powerful bro
Blue supreme toad #mcm mistake
Blue watterson :3 #mcm jarrett egg
Blue Rogue #mcm bro
Red Dimento watterson spy
Blue supreme toad #mcm also powerful
Blue watterson :3 #mcm no..
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy who remembers the bradman engi streak on hlpugs
Blue Rogue #mcm in like hl s20 I rang demo on steel in plat and maincalled
Blue bradman #mcm jj
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy LOOOOL
Blue bradman #mcm dont bring that up man
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy HE SAID
Blue Rogue #mcm and the next day I got THREE offers to get poached from my team
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy SUB ME OUT
Blue bradman #mcm bro
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy WHEN HE WAS ABOUT TO LOSE
Red Kresnik Who Is Your Class Choice
Blue bradman #mcm spu fucked it all up
Red Kresnik We Have Chosen Rogue Demoman
Blue bradman #mcm when i got 10-0
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy spu....
Blue bradman #mcm spu picked a bad team just to ruin it
Blue Aaron #mcm can i play demo
Blue bradman #mcm i stg
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy or just spu picking
Blue bradman #mcm i immediately said to sub me out
Blue Aaron #mcm i wanna slay jarrett
Blue Rogue #mcm we pick jacob sniper
Blue Rogue #mcm o wair
Blue bradman #mcm and then he wouldnt do it
Blue Rogue #mcm wait
Red Dimento WOW
Red Jarrett \ D: /
Blue Rogue #mcm owned
Blue bradman #mcm the problem is
Blue Aaron #mcm \:v/
Blue bradman #mcm people started picking me early on engy and then we got terrible picks everywhere else
Blue bradman #mcm like god damn it sna engineer
Red Dimento rj I ruined u
Red Dimento I picked u for ur first pug engy loss
Blue bradman #mcm ohhh
Blue bradman #mcm i thought it was spu
Red Dimento nope
Blue bradman #mcm FUCK YOU
Red Dimento I picked a troll af team
Blue bradman #mcm i went on an L streak after that
Blue bradman #mcm i think i still have 10 wins
Blue bradman #mcm 10-8 or smth
Red moneyspeaks21 /untilt
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy sponge mob
Red Kresnik who's casting us
Red syath u guys ever read jj's discord status's
Red syath wild stuff
Blue watterson :3 #mcm me
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy DUDE
Blue supreme toad #mcm alto and zag i think?
Blue watterson :3 #mcm tv/watterson
Red syath its non ironic too LOL
Red syath weirdo.
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy NOPE
Red moneyspeaks21 every time i look at jjs discord
Blue bradman #mcm Huh? So what if I'm a femboy? I got a gorilla grip, bussy!
Red Kresnik alto zag good duo
Blue watterson :3 #mcm 7:20 PM - Only Couches Pull Out: I dont play esports on the day of our lord and savior's rebirth
Red moneyspeaks21 my brain cells depreciate
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy GUYS WHY NOW
Red moneyspeaks21 Fuc You
Blue bradman #mcm Men should be abolished.
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy ^
Red syath my ping
Red syath feelsbad
Red moneyspeaks21 what
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy dude
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy the rail
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy 1 HP AARONM YOU HACKER
Blue Rogue #mcm t3h P3NgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! *holds up spork*
Blue p3nguin #mcm respect
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy thank you
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy ║░▒║U JUST GOT THE║░▒║║░▒║DAGGER║░▒║OF║░▒║SATAN
Red moneyspeaks21 half of evils kills are on me
Blue Rogue #mcm why is there a rocket there
Blue evil #mcm easy for me
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy yall beefin or what
Blue bradman #mcm jj you are the best player in invite
Blue triiiple #mcm The Rail?
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy bradman..
Blue p3nguin #mcm on c
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy im blushing
Blue p3nguin #mcm fuck that rail
Blue bradman #mcm plkease done leave my 6s teama.
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy bro
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy im bringing my pc
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy maybe......
Blue bradman #mcm :3
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy !!!!
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy I WILL KIL YOU
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy U SNEAKING PENGUIN
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy LOOOOL
Blue p3nguin #mcm feed me
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy BRO
Blue watterson :3 #mcm oh
Red AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy LOL
Red Dimento LOLOL
Red moneyspeaks21 NO WAY
Red exa_ ^◡^ WHAT

na.serveme.tf #345442 - BLU vs RED

Team Player Message
Blue syath ( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ)
Blue syath TYHATS
Red zuchima #mcm i fucking hate these production pauses
Red zuchima #mcm I dont wanan be casted ever again
Blue Kresnik thats esports baby
Blue syath 700 ppl tho
Red zuchima #mcm so?
Blue Dimento zuchima angry!
Blue syath pretty nice
Red triiiple #mcm So uhhh can we get a bonus in our winnings for making this so close
Blue Kresnik checks in the mail fellas...
Red triiiple #mcm We are attracting viewers.
Red bradman #mcm I demand the twitch revenue.
Blue Dimento cheque will be in ur PO box next monday triiiple
Blue Kresnik its not much
Red triiiple #mcm BAN
Red bradman #mcm Also can I have the check from last season
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy LOOL
Blue Kresnik unless people are subbing
Red watterson :3 #mcm did u get my change of address
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy give me that twitch rev
Red bradman #mcm Please send me last season cehck
Red zuchima #mcm ive hated this shit every single week
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy dont get casted
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy noob
Red bradman #mcm ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
Blue Kresnik we fix this by doing all prerecorded games for Paladins
Red zuchima #mcm do you actually not do it live
Blue Kresnik none of it
Blue Kresnik it used to be when it was in person
Blue Kresnik chain pee.
Blue Kresnik pain
Red bradman #mcm o_o
Blue Kresnik cod league started doing prerecorded
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy TWOER AT E
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy TOWER AT E
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy GOGOGOO
Blue Kresnik bro they were so dumb actually
Blue Kresnik they had a bracket prediction competition
Blue Kresnik where the winner gets 100K
Blue Kresnik then they did it live???
Red zuchima #mcm its insane how much jarrett and jj are just rolling tn
Blue Kresnik people got ddossed
Red zuchima #mcm so fucking annoying to play against
Blue moneyspeaks21 i roll vigil then i cnd ashj
Red zuchima #mcm jj shit on us on 2nd too
Red zuchima #mcm on vigil
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy ive been shittin.
Blue Dimento GL
Red bradman #mcm I be Shittin.
Red Rogue #mcm hfhf
Red triiiple #mcm this is america
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy :3
Red bradman #mcm this am ierician
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy brand new phone...
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy just dropped it
Red triiiple #mcm fuckit
Red triiiple #mcm i got options
Blue Kresnik my gf works in like 6 hours and she's on the other side of the wall from the office
Blue Kresnik feels bad
Red watterson :3 #mcm tell her to get owned
Blue Kresnik will do
Blue Dimento TANK
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy uhh wattterson floating?
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy bradman...
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy you are cheating
Red bradman #mcm Im so Good.
Red p3nguin #mcm LOL
Blue exa_ ^◡^ LOL
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy WTF
Red watterson :3 #mcm LOL
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy you fucker
Red evil #mcm owned
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy NOOOOOO
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy wp.
Red p3nguin #mcm LOl
Red p3nguin #mcm rip
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy HAHAHBAN\
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy gr
Red supreme toad #mcm sup
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy hey :3

na.serveme.tf #345442 - BLU vs RED

Team Player Message
Red Rogue #mcm well well well
Red Rogue #mcm if it isn't vizie
Red Rogue #mcm the lesser of two Evils
Blue blake LOL
Blue blake TRUE
Blue moneyspeaks21 Rogue.....
Blue blake i fear evil on this map
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy facts
Red Rogue #mcm ive been waiting to say that all week
Blue moneyspeaks21 Rogue Medic
Blue moneyspeaks21 LOL
Blue blake vizie stfu u garbo shitty
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy LOL
Blue moneyspeaks21 wtf
Blue moneyspeaks21 thats it
Blue moneyspeaks21 im gonna say it
Red watterson :3 #mcm yipyapper
Red supreme toad #mcm yip
Blue Kresnik i wish I still had my Prepare For Yipyapper bind
Red bradman #mcm yes
Blue Kresnik i've changed setups too many times :(
Red bradman #mcm a classic
Red watterson :3 #mcm haha classic
Blue Kresnik what was the original
Red Rogue #mcm you can have this bind
Red Rogue #mcm cant stop imagining watterson rolling his nutsack skin between his thumb and forefinger between deaths
Red bradman #mcm i miss feroaffer
Blue Kresnik was it prepare for anime?
Blue Kresnik that some other team spammed
Red bradman #mcm yeah
Blue Kresnik god
Red p3nguin #mcm can we start, I have school tomorrow
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy really
Red bradman #mcm Shut up nerd
Red supreme toad #mcm nope lol
Red zuchima #mcm yea fr
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy ?
Red p3nguin #mcm yeah, classes started today
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy GG
Blue moneyspeaks21 i have bedtime
Blue moneyspeaks21 fucking start Holy Shit what the Fuck
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy just record the lecture
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy easy.
Blue Dimento gl
Red evil #mcm why would u milk that
Blue moneyspeaks21 -150
Red supreme toad #mcm come.
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy LOL
Red Rogue #mcm next time syath
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy pce br4dm34n
Red bradman #mcm Fucker.
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy LOOOL
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy omg watter
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy LOL
Red Rogue #mcm ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
Red Rogue #mcm :(
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy LOL
Red zuchima #mcm fuck you
Red watterson :3 #mcm LMAO
Blue blake aaron a god
Red Rogue #mcm ns
Blue Dimento ty
Red bradman #mcm LOL
Blue moneyspeaks21 y4ah.
Blue AmandaPanda45WOOT! :3 B#RN yyxy gm
Red supreme toad #mcm bruh
Red watterson :3 #mcm gm