Logs 2692973, 2692965, 2692916, 2692877, 2692827

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL Prolander Cup #5 RGL-Invite Playoffs round 1 Turbo Alcoholics Drake Fan Club 1.2 1.8 pl_upward, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
The Gnu Crue: b_red v RED pl_upward Prolander Drake Fan Club Turbo Alcoholics 1 0 12:01 Remove log
The Gnu Crue: RED v b_red pl_upward Prolander Turbo Alcoholics Drake Fan Club 0 1 22:04 Remove log
The Gnu Crue: BLU v RED pl_vigil_rc7 Prolander Drake Fan Club Turbo Alcoholics 0 1 15:36 Remove log
The Gnu Crue: RED v BLU pl_vigil_rc7 Prolander Turbo Alcoholics Drake Fan Club 1 0 23:25 Remove log
The Gnu Crue: RED v BLU koth_ashville_rc2b Prolander Drake Fan Club Turbo Alcoholics 3 1 22:39 Remove log
Totals 5 3 1:35:45


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Blue Red Blue Red blasphemy bug Scout Engineer Spy 74 46 33 248 173 100 23774 16579 9664 8 0 89 3 0 18 1:35:45
Red Blue Red Blue Red dzcreeper Soldier Engineer 56 76 36 365 328 118 34977 31430 11364 5 1 158 0 0 7 1:35:45
Red Blue Red Blue Red The T.K.<3 Pyro Spy Engineer 88 60 33 244 283 175 23455 27186 16762 7 0 103 0 0 3 1:34:37
Red Blue Red Blue Red When I Need A Friend... Demo 77 48 43 500 342 317 47969 32798 30416 12 0 103 0 0 7 1:35:45
Red Blue Red Blue Red beanieᵀᴳ Heavy 78 45 29 258 416 316 24706 39833 30331 8 0 133 0 0 12 1:35:45
Red Blue Red Blue Red Teapot Medic 2 23 59 2 108 271 10355 0 1 0 35 0 0 4 1:35:45
Red Blue Red Blue Red TheS4rr<3 Sniper 78 66 10 258 219 126 24767 21052 12072 5 0 42 0 35 6 1:35:45
Blue Red Blue Red Blue nucket Scout Spy Heavy 69 70 23 295 232 129 28285 22291 12441 9 0 72 29 0 13 1:34:42
Blue Red Blue Red Blue voosh Soldier Heavy 63 75 23 303 325 216 29027 31152 20703 3 0 186 0 0 7 1:35:27
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Pyrrhus Pyro 44 76 30 255 343 162 24502 32848 15577 5 0 143 0 0 5 1:35:45
Blue Red Blue Red Blue TeatsMcghee #Serial Kisser Demo 54 71 31 450 370 291 43166 35462 27864 5 0 115 0 0 5 1:35:45
Blue Red Blue Red Blue giant pacific octopus Engineer Heavy Scout 37 51 21 186 240 146 17829 23015 14061 12 0 53 0 0 14 1:35:28
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Jerrrrr Medic 2 34 44 5 146 480 13995 0 1 0 44 0 0 5 1:35:45
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Timeless ƒ¤ Sniper 94 77 8 375 220 129 35944 21156 12415 7 0 47 0 73 8 1:35:40
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 62 40 28 1798 1515 1099 21608 18208 13212 8 0 68 0 1 8 1 12:01
Blue 40 63 17 1515 1798 971 18208 21608 11673 4 0 67 1 5 7 3 12:01
Red 85 104 40 1862 1827 1039 41090 40334 22930 5 0 153 13 19 10 7 22:04
Blue 104 85 44 1827 1862 1028 40334 41090 22703 12 1 179 0 7 3 8 22:04
Red 66 45 38 1863 1666 1186 29066 26000 18510 6 0 107 2 3 10 3 15:36
Blue 45 66 18 1666 1863 1077 26000 29066 16814 5 0 87 2 12 5 4 15:36
Red 105 91 59 2067 1800 1199 48417 42157 28095 12 0 163 13 18 6 4 23:25
Blue 91 105 55 1800 2067 1161 42157 48417 27200 8 0 175 1 9 5 5 23:25
Red 130 89 78 2064 2009 1279 46754 45518 28984 8 0 134 0 15 31 7 22:39
Blue 88 130 46 2009 2064 1039 45518 46754 23549 5 0 190 0 19 29 6 22:39


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Blue Red Blue Red Teapot Medic 100% 1155 110646 50 12 0 0 3 3 0:35 10 0 1:35:45
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Jerrrrr Medic 100% 1075 103024 43 10 0 0 2 7 0:40 12 0 1:35:45



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Timeless ƒ¤ 5 19 12 11 12 5 3 27 0 94
Red Blue Red Blue Red The T.K.<3 9 17 9 11 4 5 12 15 6 88
Red Blue Red Blue Red TheS4rr<3 3 10 16 13 3 2 5 24 2 78
Red Blue Red Blue Red beanieᵀᴳ 7 15 20 12 10 1 5 5 3 78
Red Blue Red Blue Red When I Need A Friend... 7 6 12 14 10 4 4 12 8 77
Red Blue Red Blue Red blasphemy bug 9 13 11 14 5 2 3 11 6 74
Blue Red Blue Red Blue nucket 9 7 6 7 11 6 9 14 0 69
Blue Red Blue Red Blue voosh 7 17 8 7 6 3 5 9 1 63
Red Blue Red Blue Red dzcreeper 10 5 8 7 7 0 5 10 4 56
Blue Red Blue Red Blue TeatsMcghee #Serial Kisser 3 8 13 8 9 3 2 7 1 54
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Pyrrhus 2 8 6 8 3 3 4 7 3 44
Blue Red Blue Red Blue giant pacific octopus 4 9 9 7 4 2 0 2 0 37
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Jerrrrr 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Red Blue Red Blue Red Teapot 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Timeless ƒ¤ 7 10 15 12 5 3 0 24 1 77
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Pyrrhus 6 8 9 12 20 5 0 16 0 76
Blue Red Blue Red Blue voosh 8 4 18 8 20 6 0 10 1 75
Red Blue Red Blue Red dzcreeper 4 16 9 8 7 5 0 22 4 75
Blue Red Blue Red Blue TeatsMcghee #Serial Kisser 9 5 11 14 12 6 0 13 1 71
Blue Red Blue Red Blue nucket 10 9 12 15 11 6 2 4 0 69
Red Blue Red Blue Red TheS4rr<3 6 8 7 7 3 0 0 27 8 66
Red Blue Red Blue Red The T.K.<3 3 6 8 14 8 4 2 12 3 60
Blue Red Blue Red Blue giant pacific octopus 2 9 11 12 5 5 0 6 1 51
Red Blue Red Blue Red When I Need A Friend... 4 4 8 8 7 4 0 11 2 48
Red Blue Red Blue Red blasphemy bug 7 8 5 6 4 4 0 7 5 46
Red Blue Red Blue Red beanieᵀᴳ 3 5 3 9 5 1 0 12 7 45
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Jerrrrr 3 5 12 4 5 0 0 5 0 34
Red Blue Red Blue Red Teapot 3 5 4 2 0 0 0 3 6 23


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Red Blue Red The T.K.<3 12 17 16 19 9 7 13 21 7 121
Red Blue Red Blue Red When I Need A Friend... 11 9 21 21 19 5 8 18 8 120
Red Blue Red Blue Red blasphemy bug 13 23 14 21 7 2 4 14 9 107
Red Blue Red Blue Red beanieᵀᴳ 9 18 27 19 13 2 6 8 5 107
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Timeless ƒ¤ 5 20 14 13 15 5 3 27 0 102
Red Blue Red Blue Red dzcreeper 11 13 14 11 12 1 7 18 5 92
Blue Red Blue Red Blue nucket 10 13 11 10 11 12 9 15 1 92
Red Blue Red Blue Red TheS4rr<3 3 12 18 13 4 2 5 27 4 88
Blue Red Blue Red Blue voosh 8 23 11 13 9 4 5 11 2 86
Blue Red Blue Red Blue TeatsMcghee #Serial Kisser 7 11 19 12 15 5 5 10 1 85
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Pyrrhus 5 12 12 13 10 4 6 9 3 74
Red Blue Red Blue Red Teapot 8 7 12 6 8 5 4 8 3 61
Blue Red Blue Red Blue giant pacific octopus 6 9 15 12 7 5 2 2 0 58
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Jerrrrr 3 9 10 9 5 1 1 8 0 46


The Gnu Crue: b_red v RED

Time Team Player Kills
3:45 Red When I Need A Friend... 3
5:05 Red The T.K.<3 3

The Gnu Crue: RED v b_red

Time Team Player Kills
2:20 Red Timeless ƒ¤ 3
4:00 Red TeatsMcghee #Serial Kisser 3
7:04 Blue When I Need A Friend... 3
7:34 Blue When I Need A Friend... 3
8:11 Blue TheS4rr<3 3
8:54 Blue When I Need A Friend... 3
11:26 Blue The T.K.<3 3
12:14 Red Timeless ƒ¤ 3
12:30 Blue dzcreeper 4
12:32 Red voosh 3
15:15 Red Timeless ƒ¤ 4
21:27 Red nucket 3

The Gnu Crue: BLU v RED

Time Team Player Kills
5:59 Blue Timeless ƒ¤ 3
6:39 Red blasphemy bug 3
7:38 Red The T.K.<3 3
12:32 Red dzcreeper 3
13:04 Red blasphemy bug 3

The Gnu Crue: RED v BLU

Time Team Player Kills
9:02 Blue TheS4rr<3 4
9:47 Blue The T.K.<3 3
11:32 Red giant pacific octopus 3
22:48 Red nucket 4

The Gnu Crue: RED v BLU

Time Team Player Kills
4:54 Blue Timeless ƒ¤ 3
5:13 Red The T.K.<3 3
5:44 Blue nucket 3
5:55 Red TheS4rr<3 3
6:58 Red blasphemy bug 3
9:00 Blue Pyrrhus 3
9:56 Red The T.K.<3 3
11:48 Red beanieᵀᴳ 3
18:01 Blue Timeless ƒ¤ 3


The Gnu Crue: b_red v RED

Team Player Message
Red dzcreeper timeless, I beg of you. peek a normal angle.
Red beanieᵀᴳ why did i agree to play this
Blue Pyrrhus man i ran outta ammo :(
Red The T.K.<3 lol
Blue TeatsMcghee #Serial Kisser cum
Blue TeatsMcghee #Serial Kisser gg
Blue voosh gg
Red TheS4rr<3 gr you mean???
Red dzcreeper it is okay, we can fuck up any defense
Blue TeatsMcghee #Serial Kisser maybe/
Blue TeatsMcghee #Serial Kisser ?
Blue TeatsMcghee #Serial Kisser Stop looking at me with those bedroom eyes.
Blue TeatsMcghee #Serial Kisser Stop looking at me with those bedroom eyes.
Red TheS4rr<3 sound mods overrun hlnugs and invite, league admins (dimento exa witness) collect thousands rostering alongside cheaters
Red Teapot boycott rgl
Blue giant pacific octopus park ridge
Blue nucket gg
Blue Timeless ƒ¤ gg
Red The T.K.<3 gg
Red When I Need A Friend... gg
Red Teapot GG

The Gnu Crue: RED v b_red

Team Player Message
Red TeatsMcghee #Serial Kisser you talking to me?
Blue When I Need A Friend... :)
Red TeatsMcghee #Serial Kisser Did you just blow in from stupid town?
Blue When I Need A Friend... ^
Red TeatsMcghee #Serial Kisser Did you just blow in from stupid town?
Red giant pacific octopus nice pipes
Red giant pacific octopus :DDD
Blue The T.K.<3 i cant switch from phlog
Red Timeless ƒ¤ !log
Blue Teapot gr
Blue The T.K.<3 why

The Gnu Crue: BLU v RED

Team Player Message
Red When I Need A Friend... skill
Blue Pyrrhus :)
Red The T.K.<3 thx pyrrhus

The Gnu Crue: RED v BLU

Team Player Message
Red giant pacific octopus joseph :(
Red TeatsMcghee #Serial Kisser lol
Blue Teapot :3c
Blue TheS4rr<3 this map is aids

The Gnu Crue: RED v BLU

Team Player Message
Red TheS4rr<3 rip
Red The T.K.<3 i tried