Logs 2754898, 2754985, 2754825, 2754908, 2754928

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL Sixes S4 Amateur Playoffs Round 1 All Rat Kazoo Orchestra Alcoholics Anonymous 0.77 2.22 cp_process_final, koth_product_rcx, cp_villa_b17a Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #367876 - AA vs ZzZOo cp_villa_b17 Sixes All Rat Kazoo Orchestra Alcoholics Anonymous 2 2 30:07 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #367876 - AA vs ZzZoO cp_process_final Sixes All Rat Kazoo Orchestra Alcoholics Anonymous 0 2 11:54 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #367876 - AA vs ZzZOo cp_villa_b17 Sixes All Rat Kazoo Orchestra Alcoholics Anonymous 2 2 29:39 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #367876 - AA vs ZzZOo cp_villa_b17 Sixes All Rat Kazoo Orchestra Alcoholics Anonymous 1 0 2:59 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #367876 - ZzZOo vs AA koth_product_rcx Sixes Alcoholics Anonymous All Rat Kazoo Orchestra 2 0 11:28 Remove log
Totals 7 6 1:26:07


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Red Red Red Blue Zᶻᶻoᵒ 3 Rats on a Keyboar Scout 42 42 27 158 182 220 13643 15729 18974 4 0 54 0 0 18 1:25:44
Red Red Red Red Blue sam Scout Soldier Engineer Pyro 30 43 18 111 154 115 9588 13297 9935 3 0 39 0 0 20 1:25:43
Red Red Red Red Blue Zᶻᶻoᵒ SoupDelivery Soldier Scout Spy 39 65 15 238 246 111 20568 21207 9602 4 8 187 1 0 5 1:26:03
Red Red Red Red Blue Jacklyn Soldier Pyro Sniper 56 58 8 219 213 94 18887 18359 8180 5 10 215 0 0 10 1:25:30
Red Red Red Red Blue Sixrow Demo 54 34 9 330 246 322 28479 21229 27783 11 7 53 0 0 13 1:26:07
Red Red Red Red Blue Nines Medic 0 24 34 1 105 130 9044 0 0 0 19 0 0 10 1:26:07
Blue Red Blue Blue Red treeman Scout Engineer Heavy 77 28 24 223 118 125 19265 10221 10813 10 0 82 0 0 26 1:26:05
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Scone | RGL.gg Scout Soldier 42 43 22 139 163 246 12008 14108 21196 9 0 11 0 0 24 1:26:07
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red zackalak Soldier 37 58 16 229 229 140 19785 19754 12125 3 7 217 0 0 10 1:25:44
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Chronos Demo 42 31 15 268 249 314 23097 21449 27043 9 2 97 0 0 20 1:26:06
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Jamillia | RGL.gg Medic 1 21 42 4 101 363 8742 0 1 0 37 0 0 7 1:26:07
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Vege Sniper Soldier Pyro 66 43 18 282 197 141 24347 17021 12186 14 3 113 0 23 6 1:26:07
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 87 83 47 1101 1117 858 33164 33645 25857 11 8 215 0 0 37 13 30:07
Blue 82 87 44 1117 1101 989 33645 33164 29800 9 4 245 0 1 35 12 30:07
Red 43 34 16 1188 1055 802 14149 12564 9545 10 1 60 0 0 4 2 11:54
Blue 17 28 11 617 750 551 7349 8934 6562 4 0 77 0 0 6 3 11:54
Red 69 89 37 1031 1148 897 30584 34040 26619 5 12 221 1 0 19 7 29:39
Blue 89 69 52 1148 1031 996 34040 30584 29559 8 5 144 0 13 29 8 29:39
Red 9 3 2 1312 1015 1096 3915 3029 3270 4 0 32 0 0 9 1 2:59
Blue 3 9 0 1015 1312 1185 3029 3915 3538 2 0 8 0 0 0 1 2:59
Red 60 28 28 1512 1128 1021 17340 12945 11714 14 3 66 0 9 19 6 11:28
Blue 27 60 11 1128 1512 991 12945 17340 11373 3 4 56 0 0 11 6 11:28


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Red Red Red Blue Nines Medic 100% 864 74474 29 13 0 0 4 5 0:40 5 1 1:26:07
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Jamillia | RGL.gg Medic 100% 968 83363 30 14 0 0 3 7 1:25 4 0 1:26:07



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Blue Blue Red treeman 27 33 1 7 0 0 7 1 1 77
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Vege 25 23 1 8 0 0 6 3 0 66
Red Red Red Red Blue Jacklyn 15 19 0 9 0 1 8 4 0 56
Red Red Red Red Blue Sixrow 19 19 0 8 0 1 5 2 0 54
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Chronos 14 19 0 7 0 0 2 0 0 42
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Scone | RGL.gg 8 23 1 6 0 0 3 1 0 42
Red Red Red Red Blue Zᶻᶻoᵒ 3 Rats on a Keyboar 10 23 1 3 0 0 4 1 0 42
Red Red Red Red Blue Zᶻᶻoᵒ SoupDelivery 14 10 0 5 1 0 3 6 0 39
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red zackalak 11 12 1 6 0 1 6 0 0 37
Red Red Red Red Blue sam 8 14 0 6 0 0 1 1 0 30
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Jamillia | RGL.gg 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Red Red Blue Zᶻᶻoᵒ SoupDelivery 26 12 0 13 0 2 0 11 0 64
Red Red Red Red Blue Jacklyn 31 15 0 7 0 1 0 4 0 58
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red zackalak 25 15 1 15 0 0 0 1 0 57
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Vege 15 22 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 43
Red Red Red Red Blue sam 21 9 0 4 0 2 1 6 0 43
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Scone | RGL.gg 12 14 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 42
Red Red Red Red Blue Zᶻᶻoᵒ 3 Rats on a Keyboar 12 10 0 9 0 1 0 10 0 42
Red Red Red Red Blue Sixrow 13 9 0 7 0 0 0 5 0 34
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Chronos 10 11 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 31
Blue Red Blue Blue Red treeman 9 10 1 5 0 0 0 1 1 27
Red Red Red Red Blue Nines 10 8 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 24
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Jamillia | RGL.gg 5 11 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 21


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Blue Blue Red treeman 36 42 1 10 0 1 9 1 1 101
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Vege 27 30 2 12 0 0 10 3 0 84
Red Red Red Red Blue Zᶻᶻoᵒ 3 Rats on a Keyboar 19 36 1 8 0 0 4 1 0 69
Red Red Red Red Blue Jacklyn 18 22 0 9 0 1 9 5 0 64
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Scone | RGL.gg 15 30 2 11 0 0 4 2 0 64
Red Red Red Red Blue Sixrow 21 20 0 13 0 1 6 2 0 63
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Chronos 19 24 0 11 0 0 3 0 0 57
Red Red Red Red Blue Zᶻᶻoᵒ SoupDelivery 18 17 0 7 1 0 4 7 0 54
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red zackalak 17 17 2 8 0 1 7 1 0 53
Red Red Red Red Blue sam 12 23 0 10 0 0 2 1 0 48
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Jamillia | RGL.gg 15 18 0 7 0 0 3 0 0 43
Red Red Red Red Blue Nines 10 13 0 6 0 0 3 2 0 34


na.serveme.tf #367876 - AA vs ZzZOo

Time Team Player Kills
7:15 Blue Chronos 3
9:21 Blue Chronos 3
9:36 Red Jacklyn 3
14:51 Red Zᶻᶻoᵒ 3 Rats on a Keyboar 3
17:40 Red Sixrow 3
18:50 Red Zᶻᶻoᵒ 3 Rats on a Keyboar 3
22:13 Red Sixrow 3
23:32 Red Sixrow 3
29:16 Blue Vege 3

na.serveme.tf #367876 - AA vs ZzZoO

Time Team Player Kills
5:21 Blue Vege 3
8:25 Red treeman 3

na.serveme.tf #367876 - AA vs ZzZOo

Time Team Player Kills
4:02 Red Jacklyn 3
8:05 Blue Vege 3
10:24 Blue Vege 3
12:24 Red Zᶻᶻoᵒ 3 Rats on a Keyboar 3
14:36 Blue treeman 3
16:50 Red Sixrow 3
18:11 Blue Scone | RGL.gg 3
18:52 Red Jacklyn 3
18:56 Red sam 3
19:55 Blue treeman 3
22:54 Blue treeman 3
28:01 Blue Chronos 3

na.serveme.tf #367876 - ZzZOo vs AA

Time Team Player Kills
1:46 Red Vege 3
3:28 Red Vege 3
6:17 Red treeman 5


na.serveme.tf #367876 - AA vs ZzZOo

Team Player Message
Red sam gh
Red Zᶻᶻoᵒ SoupDelivery GH
Blue treeman !LOG
Blue zackalak ah ggs
Red Jacklyn his game broke
Blue zackalak ffw
Blue Scone | RGL.gg lol
Red Nines hold this W chief
Red Nines u earned it
Blue zackalak thanks dad
Blue zackalak love u
Red Nines <3
Blue zackalak plan on doing hl, nines?
Red Nines yessir
Blue zackalak beast
Blue zackalak i loved u as our med on our shit team lmao
Red Jacklyn fun times in IM
Red Nines i miss SE
Blue zackalak i dont
Blue zackalak fuck u guys
Red Nines LUL
Blue zackalak u wanna try out for a high main team? :flushed:
Blue zackalak we need a med
Blue treeman id be gay if i didn't have to like boys
Blue Vege We do
Blue treeman ':flushed:'
Red Jacklyn lemme play invite heavy
Red Jacklyn ez
Blue zackalak isnt that what fae is doing
Red Jacklyn yeah
Red Jacklyn but in AM
Blue zackalak oh
Blue zackalak beast
Red Nines fae is making me into a medbae
Blue zackalak we need a pyro tryout too
Red Jacklyn owo
Blue zackalak i'd offer u the spot jack but i dont like u that much : D
Red Jacklyn pyro you say
Red Jacklyn ;w;
Blue Vege lol
Red Jacklyn I am top AM pyro rn
Blue zackalak beast
Red Jacklyn I mean its not that hard
Blue Vege me too
Blue zackalak our pyro played Dm pyro
Red Jacklyn kill spy reflect projectile
Blue zackalak and our medic had drool all over his bib
Red Jacklyn hit flares
Red Zᶻᶻoᵒ SoupDelivery scout has to restart game
Red Jacklyn his potato computer can't handle villa
Blue Jamillia | RGL.gg ^
Blue zackalak my computer barely can handle this dogshit map why did u pick it
Blue zackalak i run red dead 2 at max
Red Zᶻᶻoᵒ SoupDelivery its pretty
Red Jacklyn funny villa map
Red Zᶻᶻoᵒ SoupDelivery :)
Red Jacklyn b4nny offered me a spot on med for froyo
Blue Jamillia | RGL.gg cringe
Red Jacklyn I am pro med
Blue zackalak following in nursey's footsteps
Red Nines b4nny
Red Nines who is that
Blue Jamillia | RGL.gg bunny
Red Jacklyn scout guy
Red Sixrow die white girls
Red Nines some furby
Blue Vege some guy
Red Zᶻᶻoᵒ SoupDelivery b4nny scout youtuber?
Blue zackalak greaselord who thinks he is better than young sanity
Red Nines oh
Red Nines inferior lifeform b4nny
Red Zᶻᶻoᵒ SoupDelivery gotcha I know who that is
Red Nines compared to Chad Sanity
Red Zᶻᶻoᵒ SoupDelivery he begged me to join his nc team
Red Jacklyn If i score atleast 1 point can I have your aussie rocket launcher
Blue zackalak that's very unlikely so sure i'll take u up on it
Blue Vege If you go sniper
Blue Vege sure
Red Jacklyn yay
Blue zackalak fuck ur hitscan stopping my momentum
Blue zackalak golden cap
Blue Scone | RGL.gg golden cap
Blue zackalak : D
Blue Jamillia | RGL.gg gh
Blue Vege this class and map is bad
Blue Vege ° ͜ʖ ͡
Red sam is there a config for that
Blue Scone | RGL.gg gg
Blue Vege yes

na.serveme.tf #367876 - AA vs ZzZoO

Team Player Message
Blue Jamillia | RGL.gg gh
Blue Scone | RGL.gg gh
Blue zackalak xd
Red Nines gg
Blue zackalak gg
Blue Jamillia | RGL.gg ione more
Blue zackalak o
Blue Vege lol
Blue zackalak gg
Blue Scone | RGL.gg gg
Blue Jamillia | RGL.gg gg
Red Nines gg
Red sam gg
Red Jacklyn gg
Blue Vege ggs
Red Zᶻᶻoᵒ SoupDelivery gg
Blue Vege exec
Blue Vege pls
Blue Scone | RGL.gg Exec
Blue Vege PLS
Blue Jamillia | RGL.gg rcon mp_winlimit 2
Red treeman :>
Blue zackalak i get the villa pick now
Red Jacklyn we run villa again
Red Jacklyn rematch
Red Jacklyn lol
Blue zackalak next season
Blue Scone | RGL.gg funny
Red Zᶻᶻoᵒ SoupDelivery rematch villa lol
Blue zackalak against a diff team in AM
Blue Scone | RGL.gg I'm laughing
Blue Jamillia | RGL.gg rcon mp_winlimit 2
Red Jacklyn bro lemme join your roster I want a medal
Blue Jamillia | RGL.gg rcon mp_winlimit 2
Blue Scone | RGL.gg no
Blue Vege pleas winlimit
Red treeman please my stats
Blue Vege PLEASE
Red treeman exec please !!!!!!!!!
Blue Scone | RGL.gg EXEC! PLEASE!!!!!
Blue Vege 2
Blue Scone | RGL.gg PLEASE
Blue Scone | RGL.gg JUST EXEC
Blue Jamillia | RGL.gg hello?
Blue Vege give us rcon
Red Zᶻᶻoᵒ SoupDelivery Sorry trying to do it
Blue Jamillia | RGL.gg how
Blue Vege rcon mp_winlimit 2
Red Zᶻᶻoᵒ SoupDelivery lol im so sorry fuck

na.serveme.tf #367876 - AA vs ZzZOo

Team Player Message
Red Jacklyn oh hi scone
Blue Scone | RGL.gg Hola
Red Jacklyn oh yeah this is zacks team
Blue Vege ° ͜ʖ ͡
Red Jacklyn uwu
Blue zackalak it's actually jam's team
Blue zackalak I'm just serving him
Red Jacklyn ah
Red Jacklyn where is ise
Blue treeman yuh thats hot
Blue Scone | RGL.gg ded
Blue zackalak sitting out
Red Jacklyn rip
Blue zackalak he isnt quite ready for open yet : D
Red Jacklyn lol
Blue Jamillia | RGL.gg ise is dead
Red Nines fuck ise
Blue zackalak trueee
Blue zackalak wait not true
Blue zackalak ise is trans dude
Blue zackalak u want another 2 weeks?
Red Nines Ise Female to Male?
Blue zackalak yes
Red Nines Pog
Blue zackalak he's handsome
Blue Scone | RGL.gg male to male
Red Jacklyn cool
Blue Vege :o
Red Sixrow ise got some knockers
Red Jacklyn vege you ding dong get on blu
Blue zackalak these are facts
Blue zackalak ise got a big fuckin head too bro hate to say it
Blue zackalak love the guy but WOAAAH
Blue Vege I like red toh ;d
Red Jacklyn nooooo ;w;
Red Jacklyn jam, I get one key every tiime i market garden you
Blue Vege You guys should let me play scout ;D
Red Jacklyn no bad boy
Blue zackalak ^
Blue treeman ooh put him in his place
Blue zackalak glhf sixrow
Blue Jamillia | RGL.gg i don't own any keys
Blue zackalak everyone else just do ur thing i guess idrc
Blue treeman call him a dirty pig boy and step on his
Blue Jamillia | RGL.gg i can give scrap
Red Zᶻᶻoᵒ SoupDelivery hf hf
Blue treeman *him
Red Jacklyn aw
Red Nines >:C deported
Red Zᶻᶻoᵒ 3 Rats on a Keyboar how the tables have turned
Blue zackalak had to fight the lighter for my crack pipe sry
Red sam bruh this kid watches dream
Blue zackalak we go
Blue zackalak find
Blue zackalak FIND
Red Nines Pog?
Blue zackalak how DARE you hit me in mid air with ur body
Blue zackalak RUINING my bomb
Red Zᶻᶻoᵒ SoupDelivery :)\
Blue zackalak beast
Red sam im so bad
Blue Jamillia | RGL.gg gh
Blue Scone | RGL.gg gh
Red Zᶻᶻoᵒ 3 Rats on a Keyboar gh

na.serveme.tf #367876 - AA vs ZzZOo

Team Player Message
Blue Scone | RGL.gg yee
Blue Jamillia | RGL.gg yeah there's golden cap config
Red sam whats the config
Red sam idk it
Red Jacklyn cool
Red sam is it first to cap last?
Blue zackalak mid
Blue treeman mid
Blue Vege last
Blue zackalak o
Blue treeman oh nvm
Blue Jamillia | RGL.gg rgl_6s_5cp_gc.cfg
Blue zackalak tree lied to me sry
Red sam its last
Blue Jamillia | RGL.gg rcon exec rgl_6s_5cp_gc.cfg
Red Jacklyn lol
Blue zackalak hl player
Blue treeman my bad fam
Blue zackalak also 5cp fucking blows my cock
Blue zackalak exec
Blue Jamillia | RGL.gg rcon exec rgl_6s_5cp_gc.cfg
Red sam ye
Blue Jamillia | RGL.gg did it happen? i didn't see the text
Red sam its not letting me
Red sam its sayin file namre
Red sam wait
Red sam im so smooth brain
Blue Scone | RGL.gg gl hf
Blue Jamillia | RGL.gg gg
Red sam gg
Red Jacklyn gg
Blue Scone | RGL.gg gg

na.serveme.tf #367876 - ZzZOo vs AA

Team Player Message
Blue sam ty
Red zackalak u guys played an entire season like this?
Blue Jacklyn yeah
Blue Nines ikr
Red zackalak ns
Blue Jacklyn thank
Red zackalak not you
Blue sam thx
Red zackalak that was a good deny
Red Jamillia | RGL.gg gh
Blue Zᶻᶻoᵒ SoupDelivery gh