Logs 2759708, 2759681, 2759705, 2759737

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 7 Main Playoffs 2 Yeye We Overslept.. 0.0 3.0 pl_swiftwater_final1, koth_cascade_rc1a, koth_ashville_rc2b Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
first map asheville Highlander We Overslept.. Yeye 0 3 19:11 2759681, 2759705 Remove log
We Overslept...: ZzZ vs YAYAY koth_ashville_rc2b Highlander We Overslept.. Yeye 0 2 12:02 Remove log
We Overslept...: ZzZ vs YAYAY koth_ashville_rc2b Highlander We Overslept.. Yeye 0 1 7:09 Remove log
We Overslept...: RED vs YEYE pl_swiftwater_final1 Highlander Yeye We Overslept.. 1 0 17:05 Remove log
Totals 1 6 55:27


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Red Red Blue radino Scout 67 55 22 331 220 56 18402 12242 3146 6 0 82 0 0 1 55:27
Red Red Red Blue robot rock lover Soldier 48 61 16 338 287 73 18776 15960 4078 4 3 172 0 0 3 55:27
Red Red Red Blue Loxic Pyro 43 27 31 175 225 177 9706 12517 9847 6 0 38 0 0 8 55:27
Red Red Red Blue President-Elect soap Demo 31 50 13 432 368 279 24007 20437 15475 4 2 54 0 0 6 55:27
Red Red Red Blue duno Engineer 26 47 25 140 232 65 7771 12905 3632 3 0 46 0 0 2 55:27
Red Red Red Blue Swish Heavy 43 33 26 251 449 356 13934 24910 19744 6 0 10 0 0 10 55:27
Red Red Red Blue ben ✿ Medic 0 38 30 7 209 394 11634 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 55:27
Red Red Red Blue nuts Sniper 41 52 12 242 274 90 13428 15209 5037 4 0 6 0 31 3 55:27
Red Red Red Blue ZzZ | ϟaiyan Spy 49 48 9 337 172 17 18687 9578 962 4 0 104 35 0 2 52:27
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. elijah Scout 99 31 18 358 180 111 19858 10028 6171 13 0 82 0 0 8 55:05
Blue Blue Blue Red [GAMETIME] àim dumb Soldier 58 58 11 378 282 103 20995 15677 5739 5 0 152 0 0 0 55:27
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. Honolulu Pyro 35 27 30 153 235 210 8493 13071 11693 4 0 28 0 0 9 55:27
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. cHase Demo 56 35 24 499 360 263 27718 20003 14610 7 0 48 0 0 7 55:27
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. r4bbit Engineer 29 27 40 260 162 63 14465 9000 3507 4 0 42 0 0 3 55:27
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. yeye Heavy 50 31 32 263 396 259 14584 21970 14387 6 0 18 0 0 8 55:27
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. sadistic kitty Medic 1 26 51 1 166 65 9222 0 1 0 36 0 0 1 55:27
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. h o l o Sniper 40 57 8 229 311 112 12736 17264 6247 3 0 10 0 26 7 55:27
Blue Blue Blue Red jayeezy Spy 43 58 9 297 159 13 16478 8870 749 4 0 28 29 0 3 55:27
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 130 158 68 2349 2660 1119 45069 51037 21472 6 2 196 13 11 12 5 19:11
Blue 158 130 86 2660 2349 1112 51037 45069 21346 13 0 172 13 9 18 7 19:11
Red 79 104 39 2228 2671 1074 26822 32149 12929 6 1 122 8 6 6 2 12:02
Blue 104 79 54 2671 2228 1167 32149 26822 14051 13 0 92 6 4 11 3 12:02
Red 51 54 29 2552 2641 1194 18247 18888 8543 6 1 74 5 5 6 3 7:09
Blue 54 51 32 2641 2552 1020 18888 18247 7295 6 0 80 7 5 7 4 7:09
Red 95 90 51 1950 2046 1194 33318 34967 20411 8 0 100 3 8 10 4 17:05
Blue 88 95 48 2046 1950 1110 34967 33318 18977 6 1 142 9 9 11 4 17:05


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Red Red Blue ben ✿ Medic 100% 1117 61943 17 7 0 0 2 1 0:40 7 0 55:27
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. sadistic kitty Medic 100% 1137 63081 22 10 0 0 4 0 0:00 7 4 55:27



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. elijah 15 17 12 12 2 13 5 13 10 99
Red Red Red Blue radino 10 10 7 11 6 4 2 7 10 67
Blue Blue Blue Red [GAMETIME] àim dumb 4 5 1 3 5 12 15 4 9 58
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. cHase 5 6 5 12 7 8 6 4 3 56
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. yeye 7 14 1 10 8 4 0 2 4 50
Red Red Red Blue ZzZ | ϟaiyan 0 4 0 6 10 5 4 20 0 49
Red Red Red Blue robot rock lover 5 6 2 3 4 7 8 10 3 48
Red Red Red Blue Loxic 2 14 2 0 0 5 1 2 17 43
Blue Blue Blue Red jayeezy 0 2 5 4 7 5 4 16 0 43
Red Red Red Blue Swish 3 7 7 2 8 0 0 5 11 43
Red Red Red Blue nuts 3 5 4 5 1 1 7 10 5 41
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. h o l o 4 9 0 2 2 1 8 12 2 40
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. Honolulu 14 7 0 6 0 2 0 0 6 35
Red Red Red Blue President-Elect soap 3 4 3 7 0 0 4 3 7 31
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. r4bbit 6 1 3 1 2 2 0 1 13 29
Red Red Red Blue duno 5 8 2 0 2 5 0 0 4 26
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. sadistic kitty 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Red Blue robot rock lover 17 5 7 6 14 1 0 9 2 61
Blue Blue Blue Red [GAMETIME] àim dumb 10 6 14 4 7 8 0 5 4 58
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. h o l o 7 10 2 3 5 0 0 10 20 57
Blue Blue Blue Red jayeezy 10 3 17 7 11 4 0 5 0 57
Red Red Red Blue radino 15 4 14 5 7 6 0 4 0 55
Red Red Red Blue nuts 13 4 0 4 2 1 0 12 16 52
Red Red Red Blue President-Elect soap 12 3 6 12 10 1 0 2 4 50
Red Red Red Blue ZzZ | ϟaiyan 10 9 6 3 4 13 1 2 0 48
Red Red Red Blue duno 13 12 2 8 4 2 0 1 5 47
Red Red Red Blue ben ✿ 5 15 0 6 0 0 0 8 4 38
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. cHase 11 3 0 7 2 0 0 5 6 34
Red Red Red Blue Swish 2 5 0 7 8 2 0 2 7 33
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. elijah 10 5 2 3 3 5 0 3 0 31
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. yeye 6 4 0 0 8 2 0 1 10 31
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. r4bbit 4 7 5 0 0 5 0 1 5 27
Red Red Red Blue Loxic 12 1 0 5 1 3 0 0 5 27
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. Honolulu 7 2 2 3 7 2 0 4 0 27
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. sadistic kitty 2 8 1 4 0 0 0 7 4 26


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. elijah 21 18 12 15 5 13 9 13 11 117
Red Red Red Blue radino 10 16 7 11 9 8 4 10 14 89
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. yeye 12 16 7 19 11 8 0 4 5 82
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. cHase 7 7 7 18 9 11 12 6 3 80
Red Red Red Blue Loxic 3 20 11 4 3 8 1 5 19 74
Blue Blue Blue Red [GAMETIME] àim dumb 4 7 2 5 8 13 17 4 9 69
Red Red Red Blue Swish 5 11 8 8 12 2 2 7 14 69
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. r4bbit 11 10 3 9 5 8 3 5 15 69
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. Honolulu 16 19 2 11 3 2 3 0 9 65
Red Red Red Blue robot rock lover 8 10 2 3 8 7 10 12 4 64
Red Red Red Blue ZzZ | ϟaiyan 0 5 2 10 10 7 4 20 0 58
Red Red Red Blue nuts 5 5 6 9 3 1 7 10 7 53
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. sadistic kitty 7 12 6 5 6 9 3 0 4 52
Blue Blue Blue Red jayeezy 3 2 5 4 7 5 6 20 0 52
Red Red Red Blue duno 7 13 2 4 2 9 0 2 12 51
Blue Blue Blue Red ye. h o l o 6 9 0 2 2 1 8 14 6 48
Red Red Red Blue President-Elect soap 7 5 7 7 0 0 4 5 9 44
Red Red Red Blue ben ✿ 5 7 2 2 6 0 2 1 5 30


first map

Time Team Player Kills
1:39 Blue jayeezy 3
3:02 Blue ye. cHase 3
3:11 Blue [GAMETIME] àim dumb 4
3:50 Blue ye. elijah 3
4:53 Red radino 5
5:16 Red ZzZ | ϟaiyan 3
5:23 Blue [GAMETIME] àim dumb 3
6:49 Blue ye. elijah 3
11:55 Blue [GAMETIME] àim dumb 3
16:38 Blue ye. cHase 4
21:00 Blue ye. elijah 4
21:43 Red radino 4
22:35 Blue ye. elijah 3

We Overslept...: ZzZ vs YAYAY

Time Team Player Kills
1:39 Blue jayeezy 3
3:02 Blue ye. cHase 3
3:11 Blue [GAMETIME] àim dumb 4
3:50 Blue ye. elijah 3
4:53 Red radino 5
5:16 Red ZzZ | ϟaiyan 3
5:23 Blue [GAMETIME] àim dumb 3
6:49 Blue ye. elijah 3

We Overslept...: ZzZ vs YAYAY

Time Team Player Kills
0:20 Blue ye. cHase 4
4:42 Blue ye. elijah 4
5:25 Red radino 4
6:17 Blue ye. elijah 3

We Overslept...: RED vs YEYE

Time Team Player Kills
1:29 Blue Swish 3
3:29 Blue radino 3
5:14 Red ye. yeye 3
6:26 Red ye. h o l o 3
6:34 Red ye. r4bbit 3
8:17 Red ye. yeye 3
12:03 Red [GAMETIME] àim dumb 3
12:54 Red ye. elijah 3
14:10 Red ye. h o l o 3
15:00 Blue President-Elect soap 3
16:01 Red ye. elijah 3
16:04 Red ye. yeye 3


first map

Team Player Message
Red radino 95 ping can we play la server?
Blue ye. cHase LOL LAL
Red Loxic GAMING
Blue ye. yeye 2 mp win?
Red Loxic weee
Red radino Only when I play tf2 my internet shit's it's self
Red radino sahits
Blue ye. elijah gm
Blue ye. cHase gg
Red Swish gg
Red duno gr
Blue ye. r4bbit GR
Blue ye. h o l o gr

We Overslept...: ZzZ vs YAYAY

Team Player Message
Red radino 95 ping can we play la server?
Blue ye. cHase LOL LAL
Red Loxic GAMING
Blue ye. yeye 2 mp win?

We Overslept...: ZzZ vs YAYAY

Team Player Message
Red Loxic weee
Red radino Only when I play tf2 my internet shit's it's self
Red radino sahits
Blue ye. elijah gm
Blue ye. cHase gg
Red Swish gg
Red duno gr
Blue ye. r4bbit GR
Blue ye. h o l o gr

We Overslept...: RED vs YEYE

Team Player Message
Red ye. r4bbit first cover yourself in piss
Blue Loxic Chase
Red [GAMETIME] àim dumb You can't kill the king (me)
Blue Loxic Are you pulling the Obliv?
Red ye. sadistic kitty hey soap!
Red ye. cHase whats dat mean
Red ye. cHase loli milk : oh looks whos on defense now, lets see how long u last chase
Blue Loxic Default P Y R O
Red ye. h o l o i wanna do it so BAD
Red ye. h o l o FUCKKK
Blue Loxic :)
Red ye. yeye im pressing my 'o' key
Red ye. r4bbit GR
Blue duno ggs