Logs 2766249, 2766190, 2766134

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 7 Amateur Playoffs 3 Flip Diddups femboi friday 1.0 2.0 pl_upward, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8 Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
✿ fwemboi frwidai: femboi vs FD pl_vigil_rc7 Highlander Flip Diddups femboi friday 0 1 18:55 Remove log
✿ fwemboi frwidai: femboi vs BLU pl_vigil_rc7 None femboi friday Flip Diddups 0 1 19:12 Remove log
✿ fwemboi frwidai: FD vs femboi koth_ashville_rc2b Highlander Flip Diddups femboi friday 1 2 18:51 Remove log
Totals 1 4 56:58


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Blue Red fd acorn Scout 40 50 13 196 209 65 11201 11908 3705 4 0 44 0 0 11 50:51
Red Blue Red FD Frostune Soldier 51 56 14 318 256 97 18170 14589 5546 4 0 96 0 0 4 50:51
Red Blue Red FD Shmashing Zilla Pyro 28 35 15 128 243 194 7343 13881 11088 5 0 9 0 0 4 50:51
Red Blue Red FD blurrby Demo 20 34 15 326 265 209 18572 15102 11908 3 3 18 0 0 5 50:51
Red Blue Red FD Brafricaon Engineer 13 51 12 118 244 63 6737 13914 3620 2 0 16 0 0 7 50:51
Red Blue Red FD zach Heavy 55 38 20 295 449 305 16842 25614 17386 6 0 47 0 0 3 50:51
Red Blue Red FD Frankster Medic 1 21 25 5 114 311 6516 0 1 0 24 0 0 0 50:50
Red Blue Red FD LimpWeen Sniper 31 56 7 188 277 110 10745 15782 6275 4 0 18 0 19 6 50:51
Red Blue Red FÐeekc Spy 35 62 2 284 193 13 16215 11009 758 5 0 51 30 0 2 50:51
Blue Red Blue Zᶻᶻoᵒ SoupDelivery Scout 47 33 27 231 161 48 13173 9224 2739 7 0 88 0 0 13 50:51
Blue Red Blue F4 Soldier 56 51 19 308 242 93 17597 13798 5335 4 2 103 0 0 0 50:51
Blue Red Blue Jacklyn the Jackal Pyro 50 21 40 232 210 212 13254 11983 12077 12 0 40 0 0 8 50:51
Blue Red Blue recess :3 Demo 49 21 23 342 202 253 19532 11518 14467 12 0 11 0 0 6 50:51
Blue Red Blue Woomy :3 Engineer 13 20 28 149 147 98 8513 8378 5621 4 0 44 0 0 6 50:51
Blue Red Blue Fae Heavy 74 37 22 318 434 294 18167 24765 16781 6 0 29 0 0 6 50:51
Blue Red Blue Benjy52 | YT Medic 3 16 34 14 111 805 6333 0 1 0 16 0 0 0 50:51
Blue Red Blue Mulldoon Sniper 69 37 6 386 208 53 22010 11873 3051 6 0 15 0 48 0 50:51
Blue Red Blue Mr Popo Spy 38 42 9 267 145 12 15264 8264 711 3 0 56 30 0 1 50:51
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 94 125 35 2055 2223 1195 38881 42053 22615 5 1 126 18 8 6 13 18:55
Blue 122 95 59 2223 2055 1290 42053 38881 24421 10 0 122 6 15 6 11 18:55
Red 117 68 56 1794 1274 730 34457 24468 14032 12 0 104 7 14 0 6 19:12
Blue 66 118 32 1274 1794 805 24468 34457 15458 4 2 69 4 5 11 7 19:12
Red 114 160 56 2269 2748 1178 42787 51805 22213 6 0 128 8 6 25 10 18:51
Blue 160 115 93 2748 2269 1184 51805 42787 22329 7 2 176 17 19 34 9 18:51


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Blue Red FD Frankster Medic 100% 1188 60404 28 0 7 0:40 11 0 50:50
Blue Red Blue Benjy52 | YT Medic 100% 1192 60664 28 2 5 0:35 2 1 50:51



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Blue Fae 12 14 8 7 7 11 1 8 6 74
Blue Red Blue Mulldoon 2 8 6 8 7 7 6 21 4 69
Blue Red Blue F4 4 12 5 7 2 6 4 5 11 56
Red Blue Red FD zach 3 13 8 5 13 2 1 2 8 55
Red Blue Red FD Frostune 9 9 4 1 6 5 3 5 9 51
Blue Red Blue Jacklyn the Jackal 11 5 4 4 4 5 4 0 13 50
Blue Red Blue recess :3 9 3 9 4 6 5 1 4 8 49
Blue Red Blue Zᶻᶻoᵒ SoupDelivery 3 9 1 1 4 10 3 8 8 47
Red Blue Red fd acorn 9 6 1 2 2 4 3 6 7 40
Blue Red Blue Mr Popo 3 3 1 3 6 7 2 9 4 38
Red Blue Red FÐeekc 0 5 1 4 6 4 5 9 1 35
Red Blue Red FD LimpWeen 3 5 2 4 0 1 1 12 3 31
Red Blue Red FD Shmashing Zilla 3 3 2 2 3 1 1 2 11 28
Red Blue Red FD blurrby 3 4 1 1 6 1 1 1 2 20
Blue Red Blue Woomy :3 4 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 5 13
Red Blue Red FD Brafricaon 3 3 2 1 1 2 1 0 0 13
Blue Red Blue Benjy52 | YT 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3
Red Blue Red FD Frankster 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Red FÐeekc 8 11 13 8 6 5 2 4 4 61
Red Blue Red FD Frostune 9 12 5 3 14 2 0 8 3 56
Red Blue Red FD LimpWeen 8 5 0 4 8 0 0 21 9 55
Red Blue Red FD Brafricaon 10 6 5 5 11 0 0 7 7 51
Red Blue Red fd acorn 3 4 11 9 12 4 1 2 3 49
Blue Red Blue F4 6 9 3 4 13 3 0 5 5 48
Blue Red Blue Mr Popo 7 9 11 2 8 0 0 3 1 41
Blue Red Blue Fae 2 6 3 6 13 1 0 0 6 37
Blue Red Blue Mulldoon 6 5 2 1 2 0 0 12 9 37
Red Blue Red FD zach 4 2 4 6 7 1 0 7 6 37
Red Blue Red FD Shmashing Zilla 1 5 4 9 8 1 0 6 1 35
Red Blue Red FD blurrby 1 7 4 4 7 0 0 8 3 34
Blue Red Blue Zᶻᶻoᵒ SoupDelivery 9 9 3 3 3 3 0 3 0 33
Blue Red Blue Jacklyn the Jackal 1 4 2 1 8 2 0 2 1 21
Red Blue Red FD Frankster 3 4 4 1 1 0 0 6 2 21
Blue Red Blue recess :3 2 1 2 1 5 1 1 4 4 21
Blue Red Blue Woomy :3 4 5 1 1 2 2 0 1 4 20
Blue Red Blue Benjy52 | YT 3 3 1 1 1 1 0 1 5 16


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Blue Fae 16 18 11 9 8 12 1 10 11 96
Blue Red Blue Jacklyn the Jackal 12 12 7 9 10 8 8 2 22 90
Red Blue Red FD zach 8 16 10 6 17 3 1 3 11 75
Blue Red Blue Mulldoon 3 8 7 8 8 8 6 21 6 75
Blue Red Blue F4 5 14 9 10 5 8 4 7 13 75
Blue Red Blue Zᶻᶻoᵒ SoupDelivery 10 14 1 4 9 14 4 9 9 74
Blue Red Blue recess :3 10 6 13 7 7 9 2 7 11 72
Red Blue Red FD Frostune 11 15 7 1 8 5 3 5 10 65
Red Blue Red fd acorn 11 12 1 4 3 5 3 6 8 53
Blue Red Blue Mr Popo 3 3 3 3 7 9 3 11 5 47
Red Blue Red FD Shmashing Zilla 4 6 2 2 8 3 2 2 14 43
Blue Red Blue Woomy :3 4 7 6 3 5 4 1 1 10 41
Red Blue Red FD LimpWeen 3 6 3 4 3 1 2 12 4 38
Blue Red Blue Benjy52 | YT 12 0 5 5 3 2 0 3 7 37
Red Blue Red FÐeekc 0 5 1 5 6 4 5 9 2 37
Red Blue Red FD blurrby 5 6 2 3 10 3 2 1 3 35
Red Blue Red FD Frankster 0 3 4 3 6 1 1 3 5 26
Red Blue Red FD Brafricaon 6 3 2 3 4 3 1 0 3 25


✿ fwemboi frwidai: femboi vs FD

Time Team Player Kills
1:26 Blue Fae 4
3:42 Red FÐeekc 3
4:51 Blue Zᶻᶻoᵒ SoupDelivery 4
5:32 Blue Jacklyn the Jackal 3
7:02 Blue Mulldoon 5
8:16 Red fd acorn 3
8:44 Blue Fae 3
9:58 Blue Zᶻᶻoᵒ SoupDelivery 4
10:08 Blue Jacklyn the Jackal 3
14:24 Red FÐeekc 4
15:16 Red FD Frostune 3
15:20 Blue Jacklyn the Jackal 3

✿ fwemboi frwidai: femboi vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
1:29 Red Fae 4
2:30 Red F4 4
5:16 Red Zᶻᶻoᵒ SoupDelivery 3
8:09 Red Fae 5
8:34 Red Mulldoon 3
9:48 Red recess :3 3
12:11 Red Fae 3
12:18 Red Jacklyn the Jackal 3
12:50 Red Zᶻᶻoᵒ SoupDelivery 3
15:39 Red recess :3 3
18:11 Blue FD zach 3

✿ fwemboi frwidai: FD vs femboi

Time Team Player Kills
0:20 Red fd acorn 3
0:21 Red FD zach 3
2:14 Blue Fae 3
3:16 Blue Fae 3
5:01 Blue Fae 4
6:25 Red FD Frostune 3
6:36 Blue Jacklyn the Jackal 3
8:07 Blue Mulldoon 3
8:41 Red FD zach 3
9:21 Blue Mulldoon 3
9:40 Red FD Shmashing Zilla 4
10:49 Red FD zach 3
11:32 Blue Jacklyn the Jackal 3
12:25 Blue recess :3 5
13:13 Blue F4 3
17:53 Blue Fae 3


✿ fwemboi frwidai: femboi vs FD

Team Player Message
Red FD Brafricaon hey demo
Red FD Brafricaon det
Blue recess :3 det
Blue Jacklyn the Jackal det
Blue recess :3 done
Red FD LimpWeen det
Blue Fae hey med
Red fd acorn det
Blue Fae pop
Red FD Brafricaon det
Blue recess :3 i did
Blue Jacklyn the Jackal pop
Red fd acorn i still see them
Red fd acorn det again
Red FD LimpWeen pop
Blue recess :3 visual glitch
Blue recess :3 oml
Blue F4 ns
Blue Woomy :3 why are y'all saccing
Red FÐeekc why not
Blue Woomy :3 understandable
Red FÐeekc dc
Red FÐeekc nvm
Red FÐeekc we good
Red fd acorn we're fine
Red FÐeekc gg
Red FD zach gg
Blue Fae gg
Red fd acorn gg
Blue Mr Popo gg
Blue Woomy :3 ggs
Blue Jacklyn the Jackal gg
Red FD LimpWeen gg
Red FD Frankster gg
Red FD Shmashing Zilla gg
Blue Zᶻᶻoᵒ SoupDelivery gg

✿ fwemboi frwidai: femboi vs BLU

Team Player Message
Blue FD Brafricaon aint you supposed to pause instead of resetting?
Red Fae re-execcing always resets
Red recess :3 we had to reset for the rexec
Red recess :3 its not koth
Red Fae I AM APE
Red Fae lol thanks pyro
Red Mr Popo hehe

✿ fwemboi frwidai: FD vs femboi

Team Player Message
Blue recess :3 first team who wins 2 more gets the map
Blue Mulldoon .ss
Blue Fae gg