Logs 2766325, 2766310, 2766225, 2766301, 2766184

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 7 Main Playoffs 3 ralph We Overslept.. 1.33 1.66 pl_upward, pl_swiftwater_final1, cp_steel Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
steel cp_steel Highlander We Overslept.. ralph 0 6 1:02:20 2766225, 2766260, 2766278 Remove log
We Overslept...: BLU vs RED pl_swiftwater_final1 Highlander ralph We Overslept.. 0 1 19:36 Remove log
We Overslept...: ralph vs BLU cp_steel None ralph We Overslept.. 0 1 21:17 Remove log
We Overslept...: RED vs BLU pl_swiftwater_final1 None ralph We Overslept.. 0 1 14:24 Remove log
We Overslept...: vZzZ vs ralph pl_upward Highlander ralph We Overslept.. 0 1 18:06 Remove log
Totals 0 10 2:15:43


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue radino Scout 81 112 40 178 188 40 24249 25647 5501 7 0 194 0 0 19 2:00:26
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue electronic chad Soldier 94 106 27 264 253 78 35834 34381 10697 5 1 295 0 0 8 2:00:25
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Res Pyro 74 93 64 186 259 153 25365 35217 20880 4 0 95 0 0 11 2:00:25
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue run Demo 111 76 40 389 262 243 52893 35598 33099 7 2 95 0 0 8 2:00:26
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue duno Engineer 49 81 36 123 184 42 16772 25003 5739 4 0 100 0 0 7 2:00:25
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Swish Heavy 107 56 34 214 318 292 29086 43159 39646 10 0 91 0 0 12 2:00:26
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue boywife ✿ Medic 3 30 91 10 93 1480 12725 0 1 0 53 0 0 9 1:59:53
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Smiley Sniper 103 75 11 234 170 78 31829 23093 10702 6 0 30 0 57 4 2:00:26
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue .tv/ssaiyanftw Spy Demo 78 107 9 220 143 20 29942 19453 2761 5 0 167 51 0 4 1:59:36
Blue Red Red Red Red dn | dotwet Scout 83 91 47 198 169 33 27005 22949 4522 7 0 233 0 0 10 1:57:25
Blue Red Red Red Red CHallenger Soldier 107 98 25 284 235 63 38564 31902 8639 7 1 275 0 0 1 2:00:26
Blue Red Red Red Red >:) | Bongklowwd, >:) | mental enema Pyro 84 67 48 163 224 187 22223 30422 25380 7 0 68 0 0 9 2:00:16
Blue Red Red Red Red >:) | ben15 Demo 112 87 45 360 248 197 48974 33674 26771 9 4 82 0 0 2 2:00:26
Blue Red Red Red Red >:) | marble Engineer 70 66 36 158 140 49 21521 19048 6713 4 0 106 0 0 7 2:00:26
Blue Red Red Red Red >:) | MiiiKe Heavy 74 66 49 173 364 275 23611 49413 37368 6 0 86 0 0 9 2:00:26
Blue Red Red Red Red 7g Squid Medic 2 36 68 10 96 1362 13065 0 1 0 39 0 0 3 2:00:26
Blue Red Red Red Red >:) | asian Sniper 96 71 21 258 180 95 35064 24444 12899 8 0 26 0 71 9 2:00:25
Blue Red Red Red Red >:) | i need a new PC Spy 94 133 9 264 166 21 35952 22533 2943 4 0 144 70 0 2 2:00:26
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 348 374 170 2047 2098 949 127600 130810 59191 7 2 631 21 31 43 24 1:02:20
Blue 363 358 170 2098 2047 1002 130810 127600 62466 9 2 610 32 45 33 25 1:02:20
Red 118 121 68 2090 2056 1116 40965 40315 21880 7 1 162 9 9 10 9 19:36
Blue 120 118 68 2056 2090 1276 40315 40965 25029 10 1 174 11 7 9 11 19:36
Red 101 63 47 1526 1139 628 32489 24245 13384 9 1 128 9 9 0 6 21:17
Blue 60 104 30 1139 1526 715 24245 32489 15219 5 0 138 6 6 15 5 21:17
Red 38 43 16 895 905 587 12897 13034 8463 2 0 48 8 0 0 5 14:24
Blue 42 38 18 905 895 581 13034 12897 8375 4 0 67 1 2 9 5 14:24
Red 102 130 47 2050 2334 1052 37115 42256 19042 6 1 111 12 8 9 9 18:06
Blue 130 102 66 2334 2050 1171 42256 37115 21211 8 0 110 12 11 6 7 18:06


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue boywife ✿ Medic 100% 1077 129157 48 3 20 0:40 6 1 1:59:53
Blue Red Red Red Red 7g Squid Medic 100% 1038 125103 58 5 10 0:40 10 1 2:00:26



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Red Red Red >:) | ben15 21 9 22 25 7 6 3 6 13 112
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue run 15 13 16 13 12 8 4 12 18 111
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Swish 12 22 8 17 11 4 2 4 27 107
Blue Red Red Red Red CHallenger 20 20 9 6 6 13 6 17 10 107
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Smiley 14 11 3 12 12 11 6 15 19 103
Blue Red Red Red Red >:) | asian 13 9 9 9 10 15 1 20 10 96
Blue Red Red Red Red >:) | i need a new PC 5 7 10 2 10 27 9 18 6 94
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue electronic chad 13 16 12 8 4 13 8 12 8 94
Blue Red Red Red Red >:) | Bongklowwd, >:) | mental enema 12 20 10 6 1 3 1 3 28 84
Blue Red Red Red Red dn | dotwet 21 9 5 14 1 13 6 7 7 83
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue radino 16 12 9 8 5 9 4 4 14 81
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue .tv/ssaiyanftw 2 8 4 13 13 11 8 18 1 78
Blue Red Red Red Red >:) | MiiiKe 7 8 20 10 12 4 2 2 9 74
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Res 7 10 7 12 5 4 3 3 23 74
Blue Red Red Red Red >:) | marble 10 19 7 2 9 0 0 2 21 70
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue duno 9 4 2 4 4 5 1 1 19 49
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue boywife ✿ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3
Blue Red Red Red Red 7g Squid 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Red Red Red >:) | i need a new PC 14 8 23 18 27 19 3 19 1 132
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue radino 21 20 12 21 7 10 0 13 5 109
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue .tv/ssaiyanftw 7 10 28 13 9 21 0 10 6 104
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue electronic chad 9 20 20 9 8 19 0 9 7 101
Blue Red Red Red Red CHallenger 12 16 10 13 22 4 0 11 8 96
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Res 5 9 10 22 20 7 0 9 10 92
Blue Red Red Red Red dn | dotwet 16 13 7 15 12 9 0 14 2 88
Blue Red Red Red Red >:) | ben15 8 8 12 13 17 4 0 12 13 87
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue duno 13 13 3 6 4 0 0 15 27 81
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Smiley 7 17 3 6 2 2 0 20 18 75
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue run 14 6 6 25 10 2 1 9 2 75
Blue Red Red Red Red >:) | asian 4 12 3 12 4 1 0 15 18 69
Blue Red Red Red Red >:) | MiiiKe 5 4 5 12 11 4 0 12 13 66
Blue Red Red Red Red >:) | marble 9 13 4 8 4 5 0 11 11 65
Blue Red Red Red Red >:) | Bongklowwd, >:) | mental enema 9 12 7 16 8 2 0 3 4 61
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Swish 1 6 1 7 12 9 0 10 10 56
Blue Red Red Red Red 7g Squid 4 8 3 4 2 1 0 6 8 36
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue boywife ✿ 6 6 1 3 2 0 1 1 9 29


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Red Red Red >:) | ben15 28 15 29 28 15 7 9 10 16 157
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue run 17 20 21 18 20 13 5 15 22 151
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Swish 16 23 11 20 18 8 3 6 36 141
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Res 17 17 19 21 13 6 5 8 32 138
Blue Red Red Red Red CHallenger 23 22 13 8 10 16 7 19 14 132
Blue Red Red Red Red >:) | Bongklowwd, >:) | mental enema 25 22 22 14 3 3 2 3 38 132
Blue Red Red Red Red dn | dotwet 33 21 8 20 3 17 6 10 12 130
Blue Red Red Red Red >:) | MiiiKe 13 17 26 14 19 8 4 2 20 123
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue radino 20 18 15 12 7 17 5 5 22 121
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue electronic chad 18 21 12 9 8 18 9 13 13 121
Blue Red Red Red Red >:) | asian 15 13 13 11 12 17 1 20 15 117
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Smiley 17 13 4 14 12 12 6 16 20 114
Blue Red Red Red Red >:) | marble 18 27 11 7 10 2 0 3 28 106
Blue Red Red Red Red >:) | i need a new PC 6 7 11 5 10 28 11 18 7 103
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue boywife ✿ 8 11 11 14 12 5 2 9 22 94
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue .tv/ssaiyanftw 2 9 5 15 13 12 8 18 5 87
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue duno 20 9 4 7 6 6 1 2 30 85
Blue Red Red Red Red 7g Squid 7 7 15 13 10 4 3 4 7 70



Time Team Player Kills
3:34 Blue >:) | ben15 3
6:54 Blue CHallenger 3
7:22 Blue >:) | Bongklowwd 3
11:08 Blue >:) | Bongklowwd 3
12:18 Red Smiley 4
12:50 Red .tv/ssaiyanftw 3
15:28 Red radino 3
15:30 Red Res 3
17:35 Red run 4
19:07 Blue >:) | marble 3
19:32 Red run 4
20:18 Red Smiley 5
20:52 Blue >:) | Bongklowwd 3
29:31 Red Swish 3
30:24 Red run 4
31:05 Blue >:) | ben15 3
31:21 Red radino 3
31:53 Blue >:) | MiiiKe 3
33:13 Red run 3
40:04 Blue >:) | asian 3
43:02 Red electronic chad 3
43:50 Red electronic chad 4
49:11 Blue >:) | asian 3
50:16 Red radino 3
51:23 Red Swish 3
53:43 Red electronic chad 3
54:01 Blue dn | dotwet 3
1:02:23 Red run 3
1:02:37 Red radino 5
1:06:53 Red Swish 4
1:07:17 Blue >:) | ben15 4

We Overslept...: BLU vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
2:28 Blue run 3
5:30 Blue .tv/ssaiyanftw 3
6:00 Blue Swish 3
6:51 Red dn | dotwet 3
9:10 Blue electronic chad 3
13:20 Red >:) | MiiiKe 4
13:29 Red CHallenger 3
16:27 Red >:) | ben15 3
17:05 Red CHallenger 4

We Overslept...: ralph vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
3:34 Red >:) | ben15 3
6:54 Red CHallenger 3
7:22 Red >:) | Bongklowwd 3
11:08 Red >:) | Bongklowwd 3
12:18 Blue Smiley 4
12:50 Blue .tv/ssaiyanftw 3
15:28 Blue radino 3
15:30 Blue Res 3
17:35 Blue run 4
19:07 Red >:) | marble 3
19:32 Blue run 4

We Overslept...: RED vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
6:39 Blue Swish 3
12:05 Red >:) | marble 3
12:07 Red dn | dotwet 3

We Overslept...: vZzZ vs ralph

Time Team Player Kills
9:39 Blue Swish 3
10:14 Blue Smiley 3
10:24 Red >:) | ben15 4
10:30 Blue duno 3
11:00 Blue Smiley 3
15:33 Red >:) | MiiiKe 3
16:05 Blue Swish 3



Team Player Message
Red duno Margaret Thatcher is dead
Red duno It's a shame the bitch didn't die 87 years ago
Red Res Duncan Idaho: ok putin
Blue >:) | ben15 LetsEat
Blue >:) | ben15 Stay Hungry
Red duno god shit
Red radino hi
Red duno LOL
Red radino i beef
Blue >:) | ben15 LOL
Red Res 1 hp, cahse the engie frag
Red boywife ✿ baby
Red duno LOL
Red radino yike
Blue dn | dotwet i've died to pit 3 times
Red duno engi on steel
Red radino duno banned
Red duno ???
Red radino pyro clock blocking
Blue >:) | Bongklowwd its that easy
Blue >:) | Bongklowwd gm

We Overslept...: ralph vs BLU

Team Player Message
Blue duno Margaret Thatcher is dead
Blue duno It's a shame the bitch didn't die 87 years ago
Blue Res Duncan Idaho: ok putin
Red >:) | ben15 LetsEat
Red >:) | ben15 Stay Hungry
Blue duno god shit
Blue radino hi
Blue duno LOL
Blue radino i beef
Red >:) | ben15 LOL

We Overslept...: RED vs BLU

Team Player Message
Blue boywife ✿ MEDIC!
Blue duno piss theory
Blue boywife ✿ anyone wanna hold hands
Red >:) | MiiiKe poop theory > piss theory
Blue radino Anyone want to converge into one super being
Blue boywife ✿ cum theory
Blue duno now that you mention it

We Overslept...: vZzZ vs ralph

Team Player Message
Blue duno no :)
Blue duno just keep yelling kart and it will work eventually
Blue radino CART CART
Blue radino CART
Blue Swish pausing
Blue duno later
Red >:) | Bongklowwd gm