Logs 2861191, 2861161, 2861136, 2861103, 2861047, 2861024, 2861014

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
ETF2L Highlander Season 23: Division 3 Playoffs None Semi-Finals Hungary4Blood GIGA VOLUME W e e z e r ✯ F a n c l u b 0.0 6.0

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
serveme.tf #1138199 - RED vs weezr pl_upward Highlander W e e z e r ✯ F a n c l u b Hungary4Blood GIGA VOLUME 1 0 14:12 Remove log
serveme.tf #1138199 - weezr vs RED pl_upward Highlander Hungary4Blood GIGA VOLUME W e e z e r ✯ F a n c l u b 0 1 18:12 Remove log
serveme.tf #1138199 - RED vs weezr pl_upward Highlander W e e z e r ✯ F a n c l u b Hungary4Blood GIGA VOLUME 0 1 11:30 Remove log
serveme.tf #1138199 - BLU vs Weezr koth_warmtic_b6 Highlander W e e z e r ✯ F a n c l u b Hungary4Blood GIGA VOLUME 1 3 21:56 Remove log
serveme.tf #1138199 - weezr vs BLU cp_steel Highlander Hungary4Blood GIGA VOLUME W e e z e r ✯ F a n c l u b 0 1 10:33 Remove log
serveme.tf #1138199 - BLU vs wweezr cp_steel Highlander W e e z e r ✯ F a n c l u b Hungary4Blood GIGA VOLUME 0 1 10:50 Remove log
serveme.tf #1138199 - weezr vs BLU cp_steel Highlander Hungary4Blood GIGA VOLUME W e e z e r ✯ F a n c l u b 0 1 10:43 Remove log
Totals 2 8 1:37:56


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue ↯↯ GNARLES SHOCKLEY ↯↯ Scout 82 71 33 233 200 63 22834 19603 6194 5 0 155 0 0 25 1:37:56
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue lawjr Soldier 76 86 41 332 272 97 32592 26681 9503 5 10 157 0 0 7 1:37:56
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue Teatime Pyro 72 76 51 212 283 180 20779 27772 17679 4 0 35 0 0 11 1:37:55
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue meer Demo 116 90 31 506 387 245 49566 37962 24056 9 2 101 0 0 13 1:37:56
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue Royal Flush Engineer 44 64 29 166 178 66 16347 17529 6477 10 0 35 0 0 14 1:37:56
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue MC StiNkY Heavy 87 65 53 275 440 273 26995 43154 26798 5 0 52 0 0 9 1:37:56
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue temrane Medic 1 45 72 6 161 625 15775 0 1 0 64 0 0 8 1:37:56
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue Fivebaz Sniper 86 82 15 293 286 115 28784 28093 11328 7 0 20 0 62 4 1:37:56
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue [☁]Emiel Spy 62 103 6 224 224 25 22032 21939 2545 3 0 102 43 3 1 1:37:54
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red nucleoneツ Scout 80 68 43 223 196 66 21903 19290 6531 5 0 89 0 0 21 1:37:56
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red shadow Soldier 76 99 26 307 304 96 30081 29823 9410 5 7 77 0 0 10 1:37:40
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red Cuba Pyro 88 79 56 246 323 187 24184 31691 18347 5 1 65 0 0 11 1:37:56
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red [H4B] Obi-wan Pierogi Demo 96 82 32 398 328 229 39070 32144 22482 7 2 75 0 0 9 1:37:56
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red heavy is sus!!!1 Heavy 87 60 45 313 391 169 30724 38340 16625 8 0 116 0 0 6 1:37:53
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red CringyFox Medic 6 40 63 13 128 1311 12633 0 3 0 41 0 0 12 1:37:56
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red emily. Sniper 112 70 20 422 243 106 41425 23894 10410 9 0 28 0 82 3 1:37:56
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red BJ Spy 90 83 12 320 177 17 31345 17367 1687 5 0 140 58 0 4 1:37:56
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Penguin in Poncho Engineer 43 44 47 196 154 70 17119 13464 6159 6 0 34 0 0 13 1:27:11
Red MałoSolny Engineer 1 9 4 125 178 89 1346 1908 961 1 0 4 0 0 2 10:43
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 100 97 53 2344 2495 1080 33285 35430 15342 10 0 91 6 11 8 7 14:12
Blue 97 100 53 2495 2344 820 35430 33285 11658 6 1 75 9 13 5 8 14:12
Red 127 122 64 2476 2357 1033 45066 42901 18801 7 1 109 8 15 9 9 18:12
Blue 122 127 71 2357 2476 1148 42901 45066 20899 4 1 113 7 14 7 11 18:12
Red 66 81 32 2070 2411 1039 23811 27733 11959 5 3 84 3 7 6 4 11:30
Blue 81 66 43 2411 2070 973 27733 23811 11195 5 2 65 8 8 8 7 11:30
Red 136 181 63 2446 2948 1084 53653 64664 23781 7 3 155 12 22 26 10 21:56
Blue 181 137 92 2948 2446 957 64664 53653 21005 9 4 150 19 26 30 7 21:56
Red 66 69 40 2246 2041 872 23700 21539 9204 5 2 112 5 6 15 7 10:33
Blue 66 67 45 2041 2246 993 21539 23700 10477 9 3 115 3 5 11 6 10:33
Red 64 60 32 2072 1819 1115 22449 19709 12088 8 2 70 4 5 15 6 10:50
Blue 58 65 33 1819 2072 1028 19709 22449 11142 5 0 79 5 5 11 8 10:50
Red 69 75 23 2072 2138 896 22206 22916 9607 8 0 79 4 9 13 5 10:43
Blue 72 69 35 2138 2072 936 22916 22206 10034 5 0 93 8 1 19 7 10:43


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue temrane Medic 100% 1067 104580 45 3 14 1:03 13 1 1:37:56
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red CringyFox Medic 100% 945 92612 57 2 6 1:35 10 2 1:37:56



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue meer 8 13 18 16 17 11 14 6 13 116
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red emily. 11 9 8 16 13 17 9 23 6 112
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red [H4B] Obi-wan Pierogi 8 12 13 12 10 6 8 6 21 96
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red BJ 6 7 5 7 9 14 7 32 3 90
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red Cuba 9 13 17 10 5 6 4 4 20 88
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red heavy is sus!!!1 4 16 14 18 13 1 8 4 9 87
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue MC StiNkY 2 19 20 13 13 5 3 3 9 87
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue Fivebaz 15 9 7 13 5 8 1 22 6 86
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue ↯↯ GNARLES SHOCKLEY ↯↯ 21 9 8 11 6 4 5 6 12 82
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red nucleoneツ 14 11 5 7 5 12 2 3 21 80
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red shadow 12 14 6 11 6 6 4 7 10 76
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue lawjr 8 14 8 7 9 4 7 7 12 76
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue Teatime 4 12 5 13 3 8 5 5 17 72
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue [☁]Emiel 4 11 2 6 6 9 5 17 2 62
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue Royal Flush 5 10 10 3 1 1 0 4 10 44
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Penguin in Poncho 6 2 8 7 3 1 3 3 10 43
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red CringyFox 0 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 6
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue temrane 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Red MałoSolny 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue [☁]Emiel 21 10 20 21 9 11 1 6 3 102
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red shadow 9 14 12 13 19 10 1 9 11 98
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue meer 7 11 10 12 18 7 2 16 7 90
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue lawjr 11 14 13 12 16 2 1 9 7 85
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue Fivebaz 3 7 4 6 4 3 0 23 32 82
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red [H4B] Obi-wan Pierogi 11 7 13 16 13 3 0 13 6 82
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red BJ 12 12 17 13 9 10 0 6 2 81
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red Cuba 8 8 5 18 20 10 0 7 2 78
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue Teatime 5 6 17 13 14 8 0 8 5 76
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red emily. 6 7 5 6 3 4 0 22 17 70
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue ↯↯ GNARLES SHOCKLEY ↯↯ 14 12 9 8 4 6 0 11 6 70
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red nucleoneツ 21 8 4 8 2 5 0 15 4 67
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue MC StiNkY 5 6 5 10 13 3 1 13 9 65
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue Royal Flush 12 6 6 6 1 1 1 17 14 64
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red heavy is sus!!!1 6 9 3 17 13 1 0 5 6 60
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue temrane 2 4 4 8 8 3 0 9 7 45
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Penguin in Poncho 3 4 7 8 4 1 0 7 8 42
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red CringyFox 5 7 5 14 3 0 0 1 5 40
Red MałoSolny 1 0 1 3 1 0 0 1 1 8


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue meer 9 15 26 24 23 14 16 7 13 147
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red Cuba 12 13 27 23 19 8 8 6 28 144
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue MC StiNkY 10 28 30 22 18 7 5 6 14 140
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red emily. 11 12 9 23 14 18 11 27 7 132
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red heavy is sus!!!1 7 21 24 25 22 4 8 6 15 132
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red [H4B] Obi-wan Pierogi 10 16 20 14 16 10 9 9 24 128
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red nucleoneツ 20 18 14 14 10 17 3 4 23 123
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue Teatime 8 18 17 19 8 12 9 9 23 123
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue lawjr 14 23 9 10 16 10 9 10 16 117
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue ↯↯ GNARLES SHOCKLEY ↯↯ 24 17 11 14 10 7 7 10 15 115
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red BJ 9 7 6 9 9 16 7 33 6 102
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red shadow 16 17 7 13 10 7 8 8 16 102
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue Fivebaz 17 14 9 14 6 10 1 23 7 101
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Penguin in Poncho 14 11 13 16 4 7 3 6 16 90
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue temrane 5 9 13 12 11 6 6 3 8 73
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue Royal Flush 10 18 12 7 3 1 0 5 17 73
Blue Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red CringyFox 3 13 10 8 8 5 7 4 11 69
Red Blue Red Red Blue Red Blue [☁]Emiel 6 11 2 8 6 9 6 18 2 68
Red MałoSolny 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 5


serveme.tf #1138199 - RED vs weezr

Time Team Player Kills
1:55 Blue emily. 3
2:24 Blue [H4B] Obi-wan Pierogi 3
4:11 Blue heavy is sus!!!1 3
4:48 Blue emily. 5
5:44 Blue [H4B] Obi-wan Pierogi 3
5:50 Red MC StiNkY 3
6:15 Blue Penguin in Poncho 3
9:15 Red lawjr 3
10:20 Blue heavy is sus!!!1 3
12:45 Red meer 3
13:26 Red Royal Flush 3

serveme.tf #1138199 - weezr vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
1:11 Blue meer 4
3:15 Blue ↯↯ GNARLES SHOCKLEY ↯↯ 3
5:52 Blue Royal Flush 4
6:17 Blue Fivebaz 4
6:56 Blue MC StiNkY 3
7:56 Blue [☁]Emiel 3
8:03 Blue meer 3
9:08 Red emily. 3
12:17 Red nucleoneツ 3
14:00 Red shadow 3
14:53 Red emily. 3
15:31 Red nucleoneツ 3

serveme.tf #1138199 - RED vs weezr

Time Team Player Kills
2:33 Blue BJ 3
4:00 Blue shadow 3
4:55 Blue heavy is sus!!!1 3
5:40 Blue [H4B] Obi-wan Pierogi 3
8:07 Blue emily. 4
10:02 Red Fivebaz 3

serveme.tf #1138199 - BLU vs Weezr

Time Team Player Kills
3:10 Blue emily. 3
4:10 Blue emily. 4
6:07 Red Fivebaz 4
7:20 Red MC StiNkY 5
7:49 Blue nucleoneツ 4
8:11 Red meer 3
17:53 Red Fivebaz 3
19:41 Blue emily. 5
19:47 Red ↯↯ GNARLES SHOCKLEY ↯↯ 3
21:31 Blue nucleoneツ 3
21:37 Red [☁]Emiel 3
22:34 Red Fivebaz 3

serveme.tf #1138199 - weezr vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
4:09 Blue ↯↯ GNARLES SHOCKLEY ↯↯ 3
5:07 Blue meer 6
5:44 Red Penguin in Poncho 3
8:57 Blue meer 3
9:58 Blue lawjr 3

serveme.tf #1138199 - BLU vs wweezr

Time Team Player Kills
4:03 Blue Cuba 4
4:18 Blue heavy is sus!!!1 3
7:44 Red Teatime 3
8:03 Blue Cuba 3

serveme.tf #1138199 - weezr vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
4:50 Blue Teatime 3
7:37 Blue lawjr 3
7:48 Red heavy is sus!!!1 5


serveme.tf #1138199 - RED vs weezr

Team Player Message
Red ↯↯ GNARLES SHOCKLEY ↯↯ want to just flip a coin for the last map
Red ↯↯ GNARLES SHOCKLEY ↯↯ i dont want to play anymore
Red lawjr whoa
Blue heavy is sus!!!1 pls rup want to end this
Red lawjr we have another pisser
Red Royal Flush 2 afk, 1 sec
Red Royal Flush just our heavy afk by the way
Red Royal Flush 2 moments
Blue shadow !extend
Red Royal Flush oh god
Red Royal Flush !time
Red Royal Flush thats not it
Blue shadow its more than hour so its chill
Red Royal Flush ayy
Red Royal Flush I mean, lets try to avoid another hour of hl 8)
Blue shadow ^
Red Royal Flush though we have been pretty fast paced honestly
Red Royal Flush its fear when warmtic takes the longest
Blue emily. rup pls
Red ↯↯ GNARLES SHOCKLEY ↯↯ map talk sec
Red Royal Flush 1 secondo
Blue nucleoneツ i hate hl
Red Royal Flush we all back now- 1 sec
Red ↯↯ GNARLES SHOCKLEY ↯↯ me too
Blue [H4B] Obi-wan Pierogi you gays are getting maptalks?
Red Royal Flush haha, no no
Red ↯↯ GNARLES SHOCKLEY ↯↯ yeah right now
Red Royal Flush Meer is just chatting
Red ↯↯ GNARLES SHOCKLEY ↯↯ he's lying
Blue nucleoneツ XD
Blue nucleoneツ XDD
Blue shadow ?
Blue emily. gg
Blue shadow GG
Red temrane gg
Blue Penguin in Poncho gg
Blue [H4B] Obi-wan Pierogi gg
Red [☁]Emiel gg
Red MC StiNkY ggs
Red Royal Flush gg
Red Teatime gg
Red lawjr ggs
Red temrane u said see u in palyoffs last season
Red temrane now we are
Red temrane :)

serveme.tf #1138199 - weezr vs RED

Team Player Message
Red [H4B] Obi-wan Pierogi can we go any faster?
Red nucleoneツ :-D
Red Penguin in Poncho each round is getting faster
Blue lawjr bathroom break
Red emily. uwu
Blue lawjr we start in a min or 2
Red Penguin in Poncho real gamers don't pee
Blue lawjr maybe they arent
Blue lawjr :flushed:
Red Penguin in Poncho they have diapers
Blue lawjr they sprung a leak
Blue Royal Flush you know it is bad when the warmtic rounds are the longest
Red emily. lol
Red emily. wtf are you doing
Red emily. xd
Red nucleoneツ shot of ur life
Red emily. xd
Red [H4B] Obi-wan Pierogi ok

serveme.tf #1138199 - RED vs weezr

Team Player Message
Blue Penguin in Poncho 300 ping bruh
Blue Cuba ?
Red Royal Flush all good?
Blue [H4B] Obi-wan Pierogi almost
Blue emily. xd
Red Royal Flush huge
Red lawjr that headshot though lol
Red Royal Flush my my
Blue shadow ty :)
Blue nucleoneツ это дропь

serveme.tf #1138199 - BLU vs Weezr

Team Player Message
Red Royal Flush a player or two are afk- shall be 2 minutes hopefully
Blue emily. rup?
Red Royal Flush meer will be a minute
Red ↯↯ GNARLES SHOCKLEY ↯↯ we are not ready
Red Royal Flush then we shall :)
Blue [H4B] Obi-wan Pierogi ok
Blue nucleoneツ xD
Red meer gh
Blue emily. gg
Blue Penguin in Poncho gg
Red temrane gg
Red Royal Flush gh
Blue shadow gg
Blue nucleoneツ gg

serveme.tf #1138199 - weezr vs BLU

Team Player Message
Red [H4B] Obi-wan Pierogi can we go slower?
Blue lawjr if possible
Blue meer no we need to leave asap
Blue lawjr please do
Blue MC StiNkY stop pushijng so fast bro
Blue ↯↯ GNARLES SHOCKLEY ↯↯ got smix @21:15 bro
Blue Teatime ok you guys go slower first
Red heavy is sus!!!1 :(
Red shadow we are peeing
Blue MC StiNkY bro pee between maps
Blue MC StiNkY pee makes u play better ngl
Red [H4B] Obi-wan Pierogi peeeeeeeeeee
Blue meer how big dis doods bladder
Red Penguin in Poncho big af
Blue Royal Flush oooft
Red shadow new it :)
Blue MC StiNkY gr
Red Penguin in Poncho this was dumb lol
Red [H4B] Obi-wan Pierogi well its slower
Blue MC StiNkY ahaha
Blue lawjr FLOOD THE POINT!!
Red shadow gg
Blue Teatime gg
Blue lawjr ggs
Blue Royal Flush ggds
Red Penguin in Poncho gg

serveme.tf #1138199 - BLU vs wweezr

Team Player Message
Red Fivebaz i dont exist :)
Red ↯↯ GNARLES SHOCKLEY ↯↯ that was pretty fast :)
Blue [H4B] Obi-wan Pierogi yes
Blue heavy is sus!!!1 f00ts
Red MC StiNkY GR
Blue emily. gr
Blue heavy is sus!!!1 gr
Blue [H4B] Obi-wan Pierogi this is crazy

serveme.tf #1138199 - weezr vs BLU

Team Player Message
Red MałoSolny hello
Blue temrane hello
Blue ↯↯ GNARLES SHOCKLEY ↯↯ helo
Red heavy is sus!!!1 hej
Red nucleoneツ siema
Red Cuba xd
Red emily. heavy fist fight for team?
Blue Royal Flush sure thing
Blue [☁]Emiel k
Blue ↯↯ GNARLES SHOCKLEY ↯↯ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Blue ↯↯ GNARLES SHOCKLEY ↯↯ man up
Blue lawjr where we fight?
Blue lawjr b i guess
Blue lawjr rdy
Red emily. go
Blue lawjr red
Blue ↯↯ GNARLES SHOCKLEY ↯↯ farmed
Red emily. unlucky
Blue Fivebaz dont bring ham to a fist fight :o
Blue Fivebaz ham is haram
Blue ↯↯ GNARLES SHOCKLEY ↯↯ wallah
Blue Fivebaz wallahy
Red nucleoneツ walllaaaah
Red Cuba /w
Red nucleoneツ !rtd
Blue Fivebaz TEAM) Slim3 : sentry room up
Blue meer its too late for redemption heavy man
Blue Fivebaz bismillah ready?
Blue Royal Flush o no
Blue Royal Flush the evil afk timer
Red [H4B] Obi-wan Pierogi rup or rep-
Blue Royal Flush 1 secondo
Blue ↯↯ GNARLES SHOCKLEY ↯↯ man or woman
Red nucleoneツ woman
Red [H4B] Obi-wan Pierogi where krit stickies?
Blue meer point
Red Cuba :D:DD:D:
Red emily. ok
Red shadow in ur mom lol
Blue MC StiNkY not happening bro
Red [H4B] Obi-wan Pierogi B or A?
Blue meer e
Blue MC StiNkY c
Red nucleoneツ gl guys
Red nucleoneツ hf
Blue MC StiNkY gl hf
Red Cuba ;-;
Red emily. ns wow