Logs 2886990, 2887054, 2886885, 2886850, 2887015

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 8 Main Playoffs 3 Vindicators George 2.0 1.0 pl_upward, koth_product_rcx, pl_vigil_rc8 Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #400404 - VND vs gregg pl_upward Highlander George Vindicators 0 1 19:30 Remove log
RGL Main Playoffs 3 - Product product Highlander Vindicators George 3 0 17:53 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #400404 - gregg vs VND pl_vigil_rc7 Highlander Vindicators George 0 1 12:22 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #400404 - VND vs gregg pl_vigil_rc7 Highlander George Vindicators 0 1 20:50 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #400404 - VND vs gregg pl_upward Highlander George Vindicators 0 1 24:40 Remove log
Totals 3 4 1:35:15


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Blue Blue Red Red treeman Scout 83 73 33 247 228 51 23578 21759 4945 7 0 126 0 0 17 1:35:15
Red Blue Blue Red Red Starman Soldier 75 77 25 346 293 64 32973 27966 6124 15 3 176 0 0 5 1:35:06
Red Blue Blue Red Red Chronos Pyro 26 49 30 71 237 169 6824 22657 16170 4 0 56 0 0 2 1:35:15
Red Blue Blue Red Red Vege Demo 76 63 23 493 367 268 47043 35014 25553 7 3 64 0 0 7 1:35:15
Red Blue Blue Red Red Cooper02 Engineer 46 59 31 168 180 76 16026 17201 7300 6 0 42 0 0 11 1:34:40
Red Blue Blue Red Red zackalak Heavy 79 70 29 269 477 151 25630 45484 14403 12 0 48 0 0 12 1:34:53
Red Blue Blue Red Red Jesus_Extrocent Medic 3 35 53 6 137 646 13052 0 1 0 31 0 0 2 1:35:15
Red Blue Blue Red Red Zachas Sniper 60 73 12 240 289 110 22887 27528 10526 5 0 12 0 44 2 1:35:15
Red Blue Blue Red Red 86 Spy 45 88 4 207 172 10 19722 16437 995 5 0 88 40 0 1 1:30:00
Blue Red Red Blue Blue Xeme Scout 46 48 38 194 172 79 18504 16441 7542 4 0 108 0 0 18 1:35:15
Blue Red Red Blue Blue n1ck Soldier 87 88 35 421 311 78 40135 29692 7484 5 3 149 0 0 3 1:35:15
Blue Red Red Blue Blue NyanPigz Pyro 45 48 41 127 223 199 12187 21262 18971 4 0 13 0 0 5 1:35:15
Blue Red Red Blue Blue a1ex Demo 107 47 33 522 298 300 49790 28467 28593 8 4 34 0 0 5 1:35:15
Blue Red Red Blue Blue Joquer Engineer 42 39 32 168 142 77 16031 13531 7374 9 0 35 0 0 10 1:35:15
Blue Red Red Blue Blue q!k. glod yfyesh Heavy 68 58 52 252 411 206 24087 39227 19644 5 0 35 0 0 11 1:35:15
Blue Red Red Blue Blue just call me joe Medic 5 19 74 9 93 931 8948 0 2 0 36 0 0 4 1:35:15
Blue Red Red Blue Blue drw Sniper 120 57 13 416 242 120 39661 23067 11504 17 0 11 0 85 5 1:35:15
Blue Red Red Blue Blue BOSS #professor in swaganomics Spy 65 89 4 270 154 17 25772 14694 1627 4 0 48 54 0 1 1:35:15
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 129 126 62 2326 2431 888 45362 47408 17333 12 1 105 9 11 8 11 19:30
Blue 124 129 58 2431 2326 1082 47408 45362 21099 7 2 96 12 14 5 10 19:30
Red 156 109 92 2927 2374 1189 52350 42458 21276 17 1 122 12 24 28 15 17:53
Blue 109 156 54 2374 2927 778 42458 52350 13921 6 2 156 6 9 28 6 17:53
Red 58 60 34 2048 1890 1194 25335 23377 14772 5 0 68 7 3 11 10 12:22
Blue 60 58 28 1890 2048 1051 23377 25335 13006 6 0 78 8 5 5 10 12:22
Red 106 116 61 2187 2511 1100 45580 52314 22937 15 0 147 11 9 12 12 20:50
Blue 116 106 67 2511 2187 1197 52314 45580 24946 11 2 106 12 23 7 13 20:50
Red 89 131 35 1562 2014 762 38552 49691 18819 6 3 157 6 10 6 11 24:40
Blue 131 89 71 2014 1562 837 49691 38552 20646 9 2 77 11 21 11 12 24:40


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Blue Blue Red Red Jesus_Extrocent Medic 100% 903 86016 49 2 9 1:28 9 2 1:35:15
Blue Red Red Blue Blue just call me joe Medic 100% 1078 102739 61 1 8 1:39 7 0 1:35:15



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Red Blue Blue drw 17 9 11 15 10 12 8 32 6 120
Blue Red Red Blue Blue a1ex 10 9 17 15 6 18 13 5 14 107
Blue Red Red Blue Blue n1ck 15 13 6 11 15 8 6 5 8 87
Red Blue Blue Red Red treeman 14 19 7 2 8 7 4 6 16 83
Red Blue Blue Red Red zackalak 8 20 7 9 17 2 3 0 13 79
Red Blue Blue Red Red Vege 4 5 15 15 10 6 5 6 10 76
Red Blue Blue Red Red Starman 14 19 7 4 6 7 2 6 10 75
Blue Red Red Blue Blue q!k. glod yfyesh 9 10 6 7 10 7 1 1 17 68
Blue Red Red Blue Blue BOSS #professor in swaganomics 3 7 2 5 17 3 4 24 0 65
Red Blue Blue Red Red Zachas 4 8 7 7 7 8 1 15 3 60
Red Blue Blue Red Red Cooper02 2 9 4 5 5 3 1 0 17 46
Blue Red Red Blue Blue Xeme 5 9 2 7 7 6 1 4 5 46
Red Blue Blue Red Red 86 0 5 1 2 4 6 3 24 0 45
Blue Red Red Blue Blue NyanPigz 7 9 2 1 2 2 0 0 22 45
Blue Red Red Blue Blue Joquer 7 10 2 2 3 2 1 2 13 42
Red Blue Blue Red Red Chronos 1 3 0 3 1 0 0 0 18 26
Blue Red Red Blue Blue just call me joe 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 2 5
Red Blue Blue Red Red Jesus_Extrocent 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Red Blue Blue BOSS #professor in swaganomics 16 10 18 10 13 17 2 3 0 89
Blue Red Red Blue Blue n1ck 19 19 3 5 20 9 0 8 5 88
Red Blue Blue Red Red 86 5 8 22 14 17 13 2 6 0 87
Red Blue Blue Red Red Starman 9 13 9 9 10 10 0 9 7 76
Red Blue Blue Red Red Zachas 4 5 0 5 1 2 0 32 24 73
Red Blue Blue Red Red treeman 5 15 7 10 9 7 0 17 3 73
Red Blue Blue Red Red zackalak 7 15 2 6 10 3 0 10 17 70
Red Blue Blue Red Red Vege 7 11 1 15 7 2 0 15 5 63
Red Blue Blue Red Red Cooper02 6 8 2 18 7 2 1 12 3 59
Blue Red Red Blue Blue q!k. glod yfyesh 8 6 1 10 17 5 0 7 4 58
Blue Red Red Blue Blue drw 6 6 0 6 0 0 0 15 24 57
Red Blue Blue Red Red Chronos 2 6 2 17 6 2 1 11 2 49
Blue Red Red Blue Blue NyanPigz 7 7 0 15 7 4 0 7 1 48
Blue Red Red Blue Blue Xeme 14 14 1 4 8 2 1 4 0 48
Blue Red Red Blue Blue a1ex 2 4 3 15 9 5 0 7 2 47
Blue Red Red Blue Blue Joquer 7 7 0 6 2 3 0 8 6 39
Red Blue Blue Red Red Jesus_Extrocent 1 6 0 13 1 1 1 8 4 35
Blue Red Red Blue Blue just call me joe 4 2 0 5 3 1 0 1 3 19


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Red Blue Blue a1ex 11 12 22 21 12 22 16 5 19 140
Blue Red Red Blue Blue drw 17 9 11 19 12 12 8 33 12 133
Blue Red Red Blue Blue n1ck 19 17 7 13 24 17 8 8 9 122
Blue Red Red Blue Blue q!k. glod yfyesh 19 21 11 11 15 11 4 2 26 120
Red Blue Blue Red Red treeman 22 26 7 3 14 11 5 8 20 116
Red Blue Blue Red Red zackalak 12 24 10 15 22 3 3 1 18 108
Red Blue Blue Red Red Starman 17 22 10 9 10 12 2 7 11 100
Red Blue Blue Red Red Vege 8 9 22 15 13 7 5 6 14 99
Blue Red Red Blue Blue NyanPigz 14 14 7 6 7 6 0 0 32 86
Blue Red Red Blue Blue Xeme 9 18 4 12 11 10 3 9 8 84
Blue Red Red Blue Blue just call me joe 11 8 10 8 7 6 7 7 15 79
Red Blue Blue Red Red Cooper02 4 19 11 6 9 5 1 0 22 77
Blue Red Red Blue Blue Joquer 12 16 6 4 4 7 3 3 19 74
Red Blue Blue Red Red Zachas 5 9 7 10 10 9 1 17 4 72
Blue Red Red Blue Blue BOSS #professor in swaganomics 4 9 2 6 17 3 4 24 0 69
Red Blue Blue Red Red Jesus_Extrocent 3 6 8 9 9 4 7 2 8 56
Red Blue Blue Red Red Chronos 3 9 2 7 3 2 3 0 27 56
Red Blue Blue Red Red 86 0 6 1 2 5 6 5 24 0 49


na.serveme.tf #400404 - VND vs gregg

Time Team Player Kills
6:23 Blue q!k. glod yfyesh 3
7:06 Blue a1ex 3
8:08 Red Vege 3
8:15 Blue a1ex 3
12:00 Blue a1ex 3
13:58 Red Vege 5
14:45 Red Starman 4
16:03 Blue drw 3
16:13 Red zackalak 3
17:06 Red zackalak 5
18:05 Red Starman 6

RGL Main Playoffs 3 - Product

Time Team Player Kills
1:21 Red drw 3
2:02 Red a1ex 3
4:12 Blue treeman 3
5:14 Red NyanPigz 3
5:57 Blue Vege 5
6:27 Red q!k. glod yfyesh 3
8:47 Red Xeme 4
11:34 Blue Zachas 3
11:39 Blue Vege 3
15:41 Red drw 3
16:22 Red drw 4
17:08 Blue treeman 3

na.serveme.tf #400404 - gregg vs VND

Time Team Player Kills
4:07 Red n1ck 3
5:53 Blue Starman 3
6:51 Blue treeman 3
9:33 Blue 86 3

na.serveme.tf #400404 - VND vs gregg

Time Team Player Kills
1:26 Blue drw 4
5:21 Red zackalak 3
8:10 Blue drw 5
8:41 Blue a1ex 3
10:43 Blue n1ck 3
13:39 Red Starman 3
16:26 Red Starman 3
17:26 Blue a1ex 3
17:32 Red Starman 3

na.serveme.tf #400404 - VND vs gregg

Time Team Player Kills
10:44 Red Vege 4
11:27 Blue q!k. glod yfyesh 3
12:34 Blue drw 4
16:24 Blue drw 3


na.serveme.tf #400404 - VND vs gregg

Team Player Message
Blue NyanPigz cold
Blue drw logs corrupted ;c
Blue a1ex rip
Blue q!k. glod yfyesh logs been shidding and fardding since last nite
Red Starman didnt happen
Blue q!k. glod yfyesh probably was actually uploaded
Red Starman this is map 2 right?
Blue just call me joe map 4
Red Vege lmao
Blue a1ex yemnom
Red Vege product redo
Blue just call me joe lets split this map 50/50 so we both get 3rd place
Blue just call me joe trust
Blue drw woaaaaah
Blue drw :P
Blue just call me joe 99%....
Red zackalak ur 99% is now our 99%
Red zackalak buckwild
Red Vege lol
Red zackalak !extend

RGL Main Playoffs 3 - Product

Team Player Message
Blue zackalak I WASNT DONE
Blue zackalak I had 3 more taunts to do
Blue Starman bird jiggle bones
Red NyanPigz bird jiggle physics o.o
Red q!k. glod yfyesh worter
Blue Jesus_Extrocent Oh shit cool rotation
Blue Jesus_Extrocent burning flames :o
Red BOSS #professor in swaganomics lol
Blue Vege We're group peeing rn
Blue Jesus_Extrocent ^
Blue Jesus_Extrocent sorry
Red drw can i join uwu
Blue Jesus_Extrocent we taking turns
Red q!k. glod yfyesh we took group sip
Red a1ex owO?
Red just call me joe shut up shut up shut uP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP
Blue Vege WWe'll send you the vid
Blue zackalak vege and one hell of a stream !
Blue zackalak I was like bro im sitting and pissing haha
Blue zackalak he said bro just open ur legs haha
Blue zackalak so i did
Blue zackalak he went
Red just call me joe bate
Red Xeme \
Blue Vege bait
Red drw >:c
Red q!k. glod yfyesh okeay
Blue zackalak fucking hate this team
Red just call me joe same
Blue zackalak yall need a heavy next season
Red just call me joe we need a med
Blue zackalak omw
Red drw :3
Red just call me joe ggs
Red drw gg

na.serveme.tf #400404 - gregg vs VND

Team Player Message
Red just call me joe heavy afk 1 se
Red just call me joe sec*
Blue Vege !LOG
Red drw :P
Red a1ex :p
Blue Vege lol
Blue zackalak buckwild

na.serveme.tf #400404 - VND vs gregg

Team Player Message
Blue NyanPigz nice eyes
Red Chronos thank you
Blue just call me joe zachas please bait your team ty
Blue drw hello george friendos
Red Jesus_Extrocent hiya
Blue a1ex finally........ groege
Blue just call me joe shut up
Blue just call me joe i hate you
Blue just call me joe >:(
Blue drw zaaaach!
Red Zachas Hello there
Blue a1ex LOL
Red zackalak muy afibnsat theyhna are maaade of styel
Blue q!k. glod yfyesh peeND
Red Vege Hey gamers
Blue just call me joe SHUT UP
Blue just call me joe >:(
Blue Joquer ?
Blue just call me joe owned 8)
Red treeman rq
Red 86 rq
Blue q!k. glod yfyesh ):
Red 86 :):
Blue a1ex vege dont listen to joe
Blue a1ex theyre stpuid and dumb
Red Vege lol
Blue NyanPigz wait vege
Blue Xeme no listen to joe, we need a mental game advantage
Red 86 vege dont get into fitness
Blue just call me joe u smel 8)
Red Jesus_Extrocent Do u guys like CD's?
Blue just call me joe cds nuts
Red 86 anyone here from china?
Blue a1ex not gonna work
Red treeman china numba one !
Red zackalak tree r u a Misogynyist?
Blue just call me joe you guys here about dragon?
Blue Joquer china fit this dick in ya mouth
Red Vege I know those ones
Blue q!k. glod yfyesh greem beanses
Red treeman yea
Red Vege ...
Blue Xeme *Xeme will remember this*
Red zackalak Misogyn this dick
Blue BOSS #professor in swaganomics we created the game your trying to play
Red Cooper02 i know billis eye lash
Red Jesus_Extrocent Dragon these nuts
Blue n1ck you're
Red treeman yeah while im leaving just my balls out of your mouth
Blue just call me joe you guys know Hollan Deese?
Red Jesus_Extrocent Hollan Desse Nuts
Blue Joquer im lagging
Red Vege Hi lagging
Red Jesus_Extrocent lagging deez nuts
Blue Joquer wheres this server?
Red treeman road trip when boys ?
Red Vege I'm dad
Red Vege Dallas
Blue Joquer is this a sawcon server?
Red Vege ...
Red Jesus_Extrocent Yes
Blue just call me joe owned..
Red 86 is this server in chokama?
Red Jesus_Extrocent Sawcon deez nuts
Blue q!k. glod yfyesh mmmm texases server
Red Vege ^^
Blue just call me joe you know your ABD's?
Red 86 texases my dick in your mouth
Red Jesus_Extrocent where do u guys live?
Blue just call me joe ab deez nuts
Red Vege Mind if howard specs?
Red zackalak tapes....
Red zackalak and cds....
Blue q!k. glod yfyesh texase
Blue NyanPigz sawcon ave
Blue Joquer tag up
Red Jesus_Extrocent Anyone know that 5cp map that starts with a Y?
Blue a1ex youre mom
Red zackalak r up
Red zackalak yess
Red zackalak glhf
Red zackalak glhf
Red zackalak glhf say it back
Blue q!k. glod yfyesh u2
Red zackalak glhf
Blue drw glhf
Red Vege glhf
Red 86 glhf
Red Vege sawcon
Blue drw never heard of that alias
Red zackalak screenshot thats going to sigafoo enjoy ur vacation
Red Vege :c
Red Jesus_Extrocent guys what's the 5cp map that starts with a y
Blue just call me joe (TEAM) lauram1079 : how do you jarnate as sniper
Blue drw yukon
Red zackalak i am so #blessed to be here today with you guys
Red zackalak i am so #blessed to be here today with you guys
Red Vege ° ͜ʖ ͡
Blue just call me joe for legal reason i have swag and you do not 8)
Blue Xeme *Xeme will remember this*
Blue drw O ͜> O
Blue just call me joe hello i'm the nostalgia critic, i remember it so you don't have to
Red Vege Woods: you seem like the type of guy to smell a girls seat in school and tell all your friends you lost your virginity
Red Jesus_Extrocent ty
Blue q!k. glod yfyesh ):
Red treeman :>
Blue q!k. glod yfyesh :)
Red zackalak buckwild
Blue BOSS #professor in swaganomics ??
Red zackalak buckwild
Blue BOSS #professor in swaganomics nice prediction
Red zackalak buckwild

na.serveme.tf #400404 - VND vs gregg

Team Player Message
Red zackalak r up ? : D
Red zackalak 11 PM
Blue a1ex soon
Blue NyanPigz 1 asfslff;lfklk
Red Vege beddy time
Red zackalak tyt : D
Blue drw 12am
Red zackalak mommy yelling at me tho
Blue q!k. glod yfyesh 1 gamer peeing
Blue q!k. glod yfyesh it's a long pee
Red zackalak I wont get 5'8 if I dont get my 8 hours !
Blue NyanPigz yo chronos you good bro? dat ping be high :O
Red Chronos it'll go down
Red Chronos hopefully
Blue just call me joe for legal reason i have swag and you do not 8)
Red treeman glory glory, hallelujah
Red Vege pauseing
Red treeman xeme say my name
Blue drw where is the product log
Red zackalak this game was made by a toddler
Blue drw where is the product log
Blue just call me joe det rn
Blue just call me joe coward
Blue just call me joe do it
Red Vege !extend
Blue just call me joe for legal reason i have swag and you do not 8)
Blue a1ex thank
Red treeman lol
Red 86 ggs
Blue just call me joe gg
Red Starman ggs
Red Jesus_Extrocent gg