Logs 2936873, 2936773, 2936818, 2936937

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL P7 Season 9 Main-B Grand Finals fat Konrad Gaming: White 0.5 2.5 pl_upward, koth_product_rcx, pl_vigil_rc8

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
Qixalite Bookable: BLU vs RED pl_upward Prolander Konrad Gaming: White fat 0 1 16:16 Remove log
Qixalite Bookable: RED vs BLU koth_product_rcx Prolander fat Konrad Gaming: White 0 3 15:45 Remove log
Qixalite Bookable: RED vs BLU pl_upward Prolander fat Konrad Gaming: White 0 1 19:56 Remove log
Qixalite Bookable: RED vs BLU pl_upward Prolander fat Konrad Gaming: White 0 1 21:52 Remove log
Totals 0 6 1:13:49


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Blue Blue Blue groonoomcroo Scout Engineer Pyro 64 56 25 266 200 109 19667 14816 8081 7 0 46 0 0 11 1:13:49
Red Blue Blue Blue ://DashingDrake Soldier 65 65 14 387 328 194 28603 24271 14345 6 3 124 0 0 4 1:13:25
Red Blue Blue Blue Yerba Demo 46 55 17 364 308 224 26877 22742 16547 6 0 64 0 0 4 1:13:49
Red Blue Blue Blue Jerry in the driver seat Heavy Engineer Pyro 65 40 37 312 428 338 23094 31619 24959 7 0 67 0 0 7 1:13:28
Red Blue Blue Blue Sea Otter Medic 3 19 44 12 141 931 10457 0 1 0 53 0 0 9 1:13:49
Red Blue Blue Blue broke ur ankles!!! Sniper 72 36 9 318 172 140 23544 12766 10363 6 0 10 0 50 4 1:13:43
Red Blue Blue Blue illegal Spy Pyro 42 57 13 232 218 98 17129 16094 7254 3 0 75 26 0 1 1:13:49
Blue Red Red Red Legion Scout 55 63 19 256 232 99 18938 17131 7353 5 0 111 0 0 13 1:13:49
Blue Red Red Red gM_SwissMagic Soldier 52 64 18 323 270 139 23881 19939 10285 4 1 181 0 0 0 1:13:30
Blue Red Red Red Discount Pyro Spy 46 44 31 197 307 210 14591 22707 15514 4 0 56 1 0 6 1:12:49
Blue Red Red Red fat Demo 55 49 18 397 302 246 29379 22354 18217 7 1 35 0 0 4 1:13:49
Blue Red Red Red Peppermint [BR] Heavy Engineer Spy 46 49 23 232 375 208 17164 27745 15360 6 0 30 0 0 7 1:13:47
Blue Red Red Red braun Medic 3 36 37 9 164 699 12118 0 2 0 30 0 0 0 1:13:49
Blue Red Red ellie Sniper 55 40 9 399 241 133 23201 14036 7762 6 0 10 0 41 5 58:04
Red Darth Crosshair didgeridoo Sniper 11 14 4 311 242 132 4912 3815 2081 3 0 0 0 8 0 15:45
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 69 75 30 1723 1776 1074 28043 28893 17486 6 1 91 4 10 9 9 16:16
Blue 72 69 32 1776 1723 1096 28893 28043 17844 5 0 86 0 11 5 8 16:16
Red 67 110 32 1549 2248 924 24407 35415 14565 6 1 88 0 8 12 2 15:45
Blue 110 67 47 2248 1549 1037 35415 24407 16337 7 1 76 12 13 20 7 15:45
Red 92 84 48 1931 1820 1046 38507 36289 20870 6 0 115 0 16 9 11 19:56
Blue 82 93 37 1820 1931 1169 36289 38507 23314 6 0 136 5 16 3 9 19:56
Red 92 96 47 1873 1833 1065 40958 40098 23293 7 1 164 1 14 9 9 21:52
Blue 96 93 45 1833 1873 1116 40098 40958 24412 6 1 136 5 11 8 12 21:52


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Blue Blue Blue Sea Otter Medic 100% 1104 81499 38 2 7 0:40 6 0 1:13:49
Blue Red Red Red braun Medic 100% 1038 76622 29 5 8 0:40 8 0 1:13:49



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Blue Blue broke ur ankles!!! 12 10 8 9 7 4 6 16 0 72
Red Blue Blue Blue Jerry in the driver seat 10 23 8 6 9 0 3 5 1 65
Red Blue Blue Blue ://DashingDrake 20 8 10 10 5 1 7 4 0 65
Red Blue Blue Blue groonoomcroo 14 9 6 8 5 2 8 11 1 64
Blue Red Red Red Legion 6 15 3 10 5 6 4 6 0 55
Blue Red Red ellie 3 2 7 11 7 5 5 11 4 55
Blue Red Red Red fat 9 10 6 10 5 2 4 5 4 55
Blue Red Red Red gM_SwissMagic 6 13 1 7 1 5 4 10 5 52
Blue Red Red Red Peppermint [BR] 6 15 4 5 7 1 1 2 5 46
Blue Red Red Red Discount 2 4 4 9 4 7 0 1 15 46
Red Blue Blue Blue Yerba 4 6 6 10 2 1 9 7 1 46
Red Blue Blue Blue illegal 2 7 4 4 7 3 3 11 1 42
Red Darth Crosshair didgeridoo 3 2 0 2 0 1 1 1 1 11
Red Blue Blue Blue Sea Otter 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 3
Blue Red Red Red braun 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 3


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Red Red gM_SwissMagic 7 8 5 6 15 10 0 10 2 63
Blue Red Red Red Legion 10 20 2 4 8 6 1 12 0 63
Red Blue Blue Blue ://DashingDrake 15 13 4 10 12 3 0 4 0 61
Red Blue Blue Blue illegal 3 6 17 9 5 4 1 11 0 56
Red Blue Blue Blue groonoomcroo 11 7 8 12 4 3 0 11 0 56
Red Blue Blue Blue Yerba 10 7 9 10 3 2 1 13 0 55
Blue Red Red Red Peppermint [BR] 5 6 1 4 10 2 0 11 10 49
Blue Red Red Red fat 3 10 1 10 3 7 1 9 4 48
Blue Red Red Red Discount 4 10 1 6 8 3 1 8 3 44
Blue Red Red ellie 4 4 1 5 5 3 0 13 5 40
Red Blue Blue Blue Jerry in the driver seat 6 5 7 5 5 2 1 9 0 40
Red Blue Blue Blue broke ur ankles!!! 6 10 0 5 1 1 0 12 1 36
Blue Red Red Red braun 8 7 0 9 2 1 0 6 3 36
Red Blue Blue Blue Sea Otter 4 4 0 4 1 0 0 6 0 19
Red Darth Crosshair didgeridoo 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 5 14


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Blue Blue Jerry in the driver seat 17 33 10 13 13 1 6 8 1 102
Red Blue Blue Blue groonoomcroo 18 14 11 13 8 2 9 12 2 89
Red Blue Blue Blue broke ur ankles!!! 15 12 8 9 10 4 6 17 0 81
Red Blue Blue Blue ://DashingDrake 24 8 11 12 6 2 8 7 1 79
Blue Red Red Red Discount 6 11 6 12 8 13 1 3 17 77
Blue Red Red Red Legion 9 16 6 16 9 6 5 6 1 74
Blue Red Red Red fat 13 13 7 16 5 3 6 6 4 73
Blue Red Red Red gM_SwissMagic 7 17 3 12 4 7 4 10 6 70
Blue Red Red Red Peppermint [BR] 9 18 8 6 13 2 2 4 7 69
Blue Red Red ellie 3 3 9 12 8 6 5 11 7 64
Red Blue Blue Blue Yerba 5 6 11 11 5 2 13 9 1 63
Red Blue Blue Blue illegal 5 9 6 6 9 3 4 12 1 55
Red Blue Blue Blue Sea Otter 8 5 7 6 7 2 5 7 0 47
Blue Red Red Red braun 3 6 6 4 3 5 2 5 6 40
Red Darth Crosshair didgeridoo 3 3 0 3 0 2 1 1 2 15


Qixalite Bookable: BLU vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
1:14 Blue ellie 4
7:35 Blue Legion 4
14:20 Red ://DashingDrake 3

Qixalite Bookable: RED vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
3:26 Blue groonoomcroo 4
4:34 Blue groonoomcroo 3
6:07 Blue ://DashingDrake 3
10:04 Blue broke ur ankles!!! 3
14:21 Red Peppermint [BR] 3
15:03 Blue groonoomcroo 4

Qixalite Bookable: RED vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
4:41 Red Peppermint [BR] 3
13:19 Red Legion 4
18:35 Red fat 4

Qixalite Bookable: RED vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
2:21 Blue ://DashingDrake 3
2:45 Blue broke ur ankles!!! 3
8:12 Blue Yerba 4
10:32 Blue Jerry in the driver seat 3
15:55 Red ellie 3


Qixalite Bookable: BLU vs RED

Team Player Message
Blue ellie y
Red illegal LOOOOL
Blue fat noob sniper
Blue ellie i hate fat
Blue ellie WHAT IS THIS
Blue fat gg
Red ://DashingDrake can we all agree
Red ://DashingDrake server is dook
Blue ellie yes
Red Jerry in the driver seat yes
Blue Peppermint [BR] deixe de ser derrotista fat
Blue Legion idk i kinda popped off
Blue Peppermint [BR] s
Blue Legion could still happen
Blue ellie .ss
Red broke ur ankles!!! sim
Red illegal sim
Red illegal kkkkkkkkk
Blue Peppermint [BR] aff mano você é muito cringe
Red Yerba *dies from cringe*
Red Jerry in the driver seat 『ƒb』 Save File: Log in Steamy, Mom's Linguini.
Blue fat :(
Red Sea Otter kyskyskys
Red illegal THE SAVE
Red illegal LOOL
Blue Peppermint [BR] <ÇÇHM<G}
Blue Discount HFJDKS
Blue fat asd
Blue gM_SwissMagic JHKvcerwdjkghv
Blue gM_SwissMagic /r
Red Yerba bruh
Blue Peppermint [BR] OMG

Qixalite Bookable: RED vs BLU

Team Player Message
Blue illegal LOL
Red fat LMAO
Blue illegal LOL
Blue broke ur ankles!!! ur so useless
Blue broke ur ankles!!! holy fuck
Red gM_SwissMagic lol
Blue Yerba so toxic omg
Blue illegal jerry tox
Red gM_SwissMagic stay mad
Blue Yerba cancelled
Blue ://DashingDrake lol get shoveled
Blue Jerry in the driver seat ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Blue illegal i wanted the tele
Red fat gg
Blue groonoomcroo gg
Blue Jerry in the driver seat gg

Qixalite Bookable: RED vs BLU

Team Player Message
Blue broke ur ankles!!! hi kalee
Red ellie hi
Red ellie i am subbing
Red Discount gr
Red gM_SwissMagic really?
Blue ://DashingDrake ye
Red fat LMAO
Red fat noob pyro
Red ellie cart
Red fat wtf
Red Discount wtf
Blue Jerry in the driver seat ????????????????
Blue broke ur ankles!!! wtf
Blue Yerba LMAO
Blue ://DashingDrake lol
Red Legion )
Red Discount gh
Red gM_SwissMagic /r
Blue Jerry in the driver seat gh

Qixalite Bookable: RED vs BLU

Team Player Message
Red fat fat
Red Peppermint [BR] fat
Red Peppermint [BR] un perro
Blue Jerry in the driver seat I am as confused as a chameleon in a bag of Skittles.
Red Discount lol
Red gM_SwissMagic very nice man
Red gM_SwissMagic great comedy
Red Legion i like women
Red gM_SwissMagic SAME
Blue Jerry in the driver seat all these squares make a circle
Blue Jerry in the driver seat all these squares make a circle
Blue Jerry in the driver seat all these squares make a circle
Blue ://DashingDrake dont lie u play tf2
Red gM_SwissMagic /r
Blue ://DashingDrake you either like waifus or furries
Blue ://DashingDrake no inbetween
Red gM_SwissMagic yo mama
Red ellie y
Blue illegal :>
Red fat :(
Red ellie gg
Red Discount gg
Red Peppermint [BR] gg
Red gM_SwissMagic gg
Red fat gg
Red braun ggs
Blue illegal ggs
Blue ://DashingDrake gg
Blue broke ur ankles!!! ggs