Logs 2957833, 2957761, 2957728

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
ETF2L Highlander Season 24: Low Playoffs None Quarter Finals Geneva Suggestion Domino's 0.0 6.0 Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
serveme.tf #1174276 - BLU vs RED koth_warmtic_f5 Highlander Domino's Geneva Suggestion 3 0 16:29 Remove log
serveme.tf #1174276 - chungu vs big pl_vigil_rc7 Highlander Domino's Geneva Suggestion 0 1 13:43 Remove log
serveme.tf #1174276 - big vs chungu pl_vigil_rc7 Highlander Geneva Suggestion Domino's 0 1 19:18 Remove log
Totals 3 2 49:30


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Red Blue Zafus Scout 62 20 34 304 176 71 15086 8725 3541 11 0 86 0 0 9 49:30
Red Red Blue Dumb! rubicus Soldier 43 40 21 402 321 114 19904 15937 5680 6 2 102 0 0 0 49:30
Red Red Blue D! Népal <3 Pyro 22 22 26 146 259 228 7227 12833 11312 5 2 14 0 0 9 49:30
Red Red Blue Assassin+ Demo 51 29 13 523 312 308 25925 15480 15291 6 4 26 0 0 3 49:30
Red Red Blue Deez! Refleks Engineer 40 15 15 278 160 118 13764 7951 5876 10 0 18 0 0 4 49:30
Red Red Blue Dead! Anna Heavy 32 25 27 185 338 164 9182 16758 8119 6 0 25 0 0 2 49:30
Red Red Blue D! Sherlock, sherlock Medic 0 6 34 1 92 55 4560 0 0 0 16 0 0 1 49:30
Red Red Blue strawb Sniper 24 39 8 206 290 96 10220 14373 4775 5 0 5 0 11 2 48:24
Red Red Blue Deutsch! soaky Spy 50 34 5 377 162 10 18675 8053 495 7 0 95 33 0 0 49:30
Blue Blue Red chocolate Scout 23 44 16 261 255 71 12940 12669 3519 3 0 53 0 0 5 49:30
Blue Blue Red GS Kingor Soldier 30 50 13 292 300 90 14493 14855 4472 4 4 110 0 0 1 49:30
Blue Blue Red IRL Sewer Rat Pyro 17 23 11 110 256 235 5485 12680 11648 2 0 13 0 0 3 49:30
Blue Blue Red bran Demo 21 35 9 382 342 265 18954 16968 13142 3 0 20 0 0 2 49:30
Blue Blue Red Tagoz Engineer 19 39 18 163 230 72 8085 11404 3569 3 0 39 0 0 5 49:30
Blue Blue Red ✾Dantovich✾ Heavy 38 34 27 290 505 192 14387 25046 9544 4 0 31 0 0 1 49:30
Blue Blue Red Haircut Police Medic 1 17 10 6 137 305 6788 0 1 0 15 0 0 5 49:30
Blue Blue Red acskama Sniper 44 25 7 314 203 81 15577 10083 4025 5 0 18 0 33 1 49:30
Blue Blue Red LecteR Spy 36 57 1 291 192 13 14444 9545 685 3 0 31 29 0 2 49:30
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 111 60 59 2443 1941 1219 40272 32006 20100 7 5 181 10 5 12 7 16:29
Blue 60 111 32 1941 2443 962 32006 40272 15868 4 2 133 5 6 13 6 16:29
Red 74 82 49 2217 2382 1014 30412 32685 13918 10 0 90 11 3 10 6 13:43
Blue 82 74 43 2382 2217 1103 32685 30412 15143 5 1 78 10 11 5 8 13:43
Red 87 139 37 2071 2557 1015 39979 49354 19593 4 1 119 14 16 7 7 19:18
Blue 139 88 75 2557 2071 1091 49354 39979 21071 11 3 116 12 3 8 8 19:18


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Red Blue D! Sherlock, sherlock Medic 100% 1112 55089 26 1 3 2:52 2 0 49:30
Blue Blue Red Haircut Police Medic 100% 1022 50604 16 2 6 0:48 4 1 49:30



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Blue Zafus 10 12 3 10 3 7 2 0 15 62
Red Red Blue Assassin+ 6 7 4 7 5 8 7 1 6 51
Red Red Blue Deutsch! soaky 2 3 4 8 7 6 2 17 1 50
Blue Blue Red acskama 8 2 6 5 2 1 2 16 2 44
Red Red Blue Dumb! rubicus 8 7 3 3 4 7 4 3 4 43
Red Red Blue Deez! Refleks 8 7 2 2 6 5 1 0 9 40
Blue Blue Red ✾Dantovich✾ 0 11 1 8 8 2 1 0 7 38
Blue Blue Red LecteR 2 2 1 3 5 7 1 15 0 36
Red Red Blue Dead! Anna 3 6 3 3 2 3 0 0 12 32
Blue Blue Red GS Kingor 3 4 4 4 6 2 2 2 3 30
Red Red Blue strawb 4 1 4 2 6 1 0 4 2 24
Blue Blue Red chocolate 4 8 1 2 1 1 0 3 3 23
Red Red Blue D! Népal <3 3 7 0 0 1 2 1 0 8 22
Blue Blue Red bran 1 4 3 5 1 2 0 1 4 21
Blue Blue Red Tagoz 2 5 5 2 1 0 0 2 2 19
Blue Blue Red IRL Sewer Rat 0 4 1 0 1 0 0 0 11 17
Blue Blue Red Haircut Police 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Red LecteR 15 4 8 6 12 9 0 2 1 57
Blue Blue Red GS Kingor 12 7 7 7 6 7 0 1 3 50
Blue Blue Red chocolate 10 8 3 6 3 8 0 4 2 44
Red Red Blue Dumb! rubicus 8 4 4 4 11 5 0 2 2 40
Red Red Blue strawb 3 2 0 1 0 2 0 16 15 39
Blue Blue Red Tagoz 7 7 2 8 3 5 0 1 6 39
Blue Blue Red bran 10 3 0 7 3 2 0 2 8 35
Blue Blue Red ✾Dantovich✾ 3 4 1 5 2 6 0 6 7 34
Red Red Blue Deutsch! soaky 3 3 11 4 7 2 1 2 0 33
Red Red Blue Assassin+ 2 4 0 5 8 2 0 5 3 29
Red Red Blue Dead! Anna 1 6 1 1 8 1 0 2 5 25
Blue Blue Red acskama 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 4 17 25
Blue Blue Red IRL Sewer Rat 3 3 0 4 3 2 0 4 4 23
Red Red Blue D! Népal <3 1 4 1 3 1 5 0 6 1 22
Red Red Blue Zafus 4 3 0 1 0 2 0 8 2 20
Blue Blue Red Haircut Police 2 4 1 7 0 1 0 0 2 17
Red Red Blue Deez! Refleks 1 2 0 2 2 0 0 1 7 15
Red Red Blue D! Sherlock, sherlock 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 6


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Blue Zafus 18 20 5 11 6 8 2 2 24 96
Blue Blue Red ✾Dantovich✾ 3 15 3 13 10 4 1 5 11 65
Red Red Blue Dumb! rubicus 9 11 4 8 8 10 6 3 5 64
Red Red Blue Assassin+ 6 7 6 10 11 8 8 1 7 64
Red Red Blue Dead! Anna 11 8 6 7 4 7 0 0 16 59
Red Red Blue Deez! Refleks 13 7 4 4 9 5 2 1 10 55
Red Red Blue Deutsch! soaky 2 3 7 9 7 6 3 17 1 55
Blue Blue Red acskama 8 4 6 6 4 1 2 16 4 51
Red Red Blue D! Népal <3 10 10 0 1 2 7 2 1 15 48
Blue Blue Red GS Kingor 5 7 5 7 8 3 2 2 4 43
Blue Blue Red chocolate 5 10 5 7 3 2 0 3 4 39
Blue Blue Red Tagoz 5 12 5 2 3 0 0 2 8 37
Blue Blue Red LecteR 2 2 1 4 5 7 1 15 0 37
Red Red Blue D! Sherlock, sherlock 3 8 5 2 2 7 2 3 2 34
Red Red Blue strawb 4 3 4 5 7 2 0 4 3 32
Blue Blue Red bran 2 5 4 7 3 3 0 1 5 30
Blue Blue Red IRL Sewer Rat 0 8 2 0 3 0 0 0 15 28
Blue Blue Red Haircut Police 0 2 2 1 1 1 0 1 3 11


serveme.tf #1174276 - BLU vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
10:56 Red Dead! Anna 4
12:17 Red Zafus 3

serveme.tf #1174276 - chungu vs big

Time Team Player Kills
4:15 Blue ✾Dantovich✾ 3
11:55 Blue bran 3

serveme.tf #1174276 - big vs chungu

Time Team Player Kills
4:03 Blue Zafus 3
5:29 Blue Zafus 3
5:33 Blue Assassin+ 3
8:49 Blue Deutsch! soaky 4
8:53 Blue Zafus 3
10:13 Blue Zafus 4
12:51 Red GS Kingor 4
12:56 Blue Dead! Anna 3
13:12 Blue Assassin+ 3
13:18 Red LecteR 3


serveme.tf #1174276 - BLU vs RED

Team Player Message
Blue Haircut Police refleks, your sentry yeeting me on the defence on last during the uber :D:D:D
Red D! Népal <3 refleks beast
Red D! Sherlock refleks sussy
Red D! Sherlock ok im gonna stop
Blue Tagoz about time
Red Deez! Refleks i yeeted you? i was too focused to notice lmaooo
Red Deez! Refleks Sorry about that xD
Red Deutsch! soaky zafus literally making tea rn
Red Dumb! rubicus ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)
Red D! Sherlock rup?
Blue IRL Sewer Rat 1 afk
Blue IRL Sewer Rat he'll be back in a minute
Red D! Sherlock i
Red Dumb! rubicus ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Red Dumb! rubicus ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Red Dumb! rubicus ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Red Deutsch! soaky nw
Blue bran can u roll us i cab with 3+ wamrtics and 2+ upwards
Blue bran *cba
Red D! Sherlock ill try but just dont try to kill me
Red D! Sherlock so like its faster
Blue bran i cant hit anything anyway
Red D! Sherlock ye remember on third lmao
Red D! Sherlock u did kill me eventually tho
Blue bran point proven
Blue bran i missed 4
Blue bran pipes
Red Assassin+ I missed 20 proyectiles in a row
Blue bran did u count
Blue chocolate sus
Red Dumb! rubicus ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Blue bran guys wanna offclass
Red Deutsch! soaky ???
Blue chocolate sus
Red Deutsch! soaky why are you all at spawn
Blue Tagoz can u do anythign else but sap tp?
Red Deutsch! soaky ?
Red Deutsch! soaky RUBICUS
Red Deutsch! soaky HAHAHAHAH
Red Deutsch! soaky what is that chase
Red Deutsch! soaky you lost your team the round sewer rat :)
Blue IRL Sewer Rat lmao
Red Assassin+ can we pauise'?
Blue Tagoz 'can we unpause'
Blue LecteR ggs
Blue chocolate gg
Red Dead! Anna gg
Red Assassin+ gg
Red Deutsch! soaky gg
Blue bran no more hl!!!!
Blue IRL Sewer Rat gg

serveme.tf #1174276 - chungu vs big

Team Player Message
Red sherlock sussy
Red sherlock that was sos sussy
Red sherlock anyone knows the impostor from among us?
Blue Tagoz stfu
Red sherlock ^_^
Blue chocolate i am the imposter
Red sherlock choc ur being sussy
Blue chocolate RED sus
Red Dead! Anna so you're a sus
Red Dead! Anna becuase you red
Blue chocolate 1 sus
Blue chocolate a single unit of sus
Red Deutsch! soaky I literally don't have a mouse btw
Red Deutsch! soaky :D
Red sherlock choc ur mercing i believe right? u betrayer!
Blue chocolate yes
Red sherlock my heart
Blue chocolate makes me the imposter
Red sherlock triator
Red Deutsch! soaky soaky deez nuts
Red Deutsch! soaky our comms: soaky deez nuts?? dee nut
Blue chocolate sus on deez nuts
Red sherlock u guys down for an amogus game after this?
Red sherlock 18 players lobby
Blue chocolate yes
Red sherlock yes!
Red Dumb! rubicus ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)
Red Deutsch! soaky no
Red Deutsch! soaky kys
Red Deutsch! soaky retardd
Red Deutsch! soaky xddd
Red Deutsch! soaky damn, imagine playing with SHERLOCK AND SOAKY LMAO
Red Deutsch! soaky both horrible
Red sherlock ^
Blue chocolate im playing with certified catboy tagoz
Blue chocolate love his sussy ears
Red Deutsch! soaky really?
Red Deutsch! soaky TAGOZ???
Blue chocolate yes
Red Deutsch! soaky is it too late to join u guys
Blue chocolate hes so cute
Red Deutsch! soaky ...
Red Deutsch! soaky .....
Red Deutsch! soaky :(
Blue chocolate i will lend him to you
Red Deutsch! soaky ty
Red Deutsch! soaky .D
Red Deutsch! soaky :D
Blue chocolate !who Console: Reservation created by: 'Winter'
Red Deutsch! soaky lol
Blue IRL Sewer Rat lul
Red sherlock wp

serveme.tf #1174276 - big vs chungu

Team Player Message
Blue sherlock lol
Blue Deez! Refleks lo
Red bran def
Blue Deutsch! soaky assassin+ just retardd
Blue Deutsch! soaky xdd
Blue Deutsch! soaky xddddd
Red ✾Dantovich✾ def
Blue Dumb! rubicus def
Red bran anfang
Red bran bitte
Red bran oder perish
Red Haircut Police hf folks, hiya Refleks
Blue Deez! Refleks Hi HP
Blue Deez! Refleks Do i call you HP
Red Haircut Police sure
Blue Deez! Refleks hell yeah
Red bran can we have stv
Red bran :)
Blue Dumb! rubicus ytes
Blue Dumb! rubicus on etfg2l
Red ✾Dantovich✾ no
Red bran beast
Blue Dumb! rubicus on et2l
Red ✾Dantovich✾ breast
Blue Dumb! rubicus etf2k
Blue Dumb! rubicus etfk2
Blue Dumb! rubicus yeytf
Blue Dumb! rubicus etf2l
Blue Dumb! rubicus ^
Blue Deez! Refleks etf6l
Blue Assassin+ rubiCUS
Blue Dead! Anna 6l better
Red bran rubicum
Blue sherlock sussy
Blue Deutsch! soaky shut up sherlock
Blue Deutsch! soaky xd
Blue sherlock im sorry amogus reference
Blue sherlock its a popular game
Red chocolate ☆p968☆: fuck jew
Blue sherlock def win gg
Blue D! Népal <3 almost
Blue D! Népal <3 i tried
Blue Deutsch! soaky LOL
Blue Dead! Anna lmao
Red IRL Sewer Rat lul