Logs 2996032, 2995851, 2995937, 2995994, 2996024, 2995812

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 9 Main Grand Finals Broken Mice Zipf's law 1.33 1.66 pl_swiftwater_final1, cp_steel, pl_vigil_rc8 Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
watkins roofing co: dZipf vs brkn cp_steel Highlander Broken Mice Zipf's law 0 1 14:34 Remove log
watkins roofing co: Zipf vs brkn pl_vigil_rc7 Highlander Broken Mice Zipf's law 0 1 25:44 Remove log
watkins roofing co: Zipf vs brkn pl_swiftwater_final1 Highlander Broken Mice Zipf's law 1 0 14:48 Remove log
watkins roofing co: Zipf vs brkn pl_swiftwater_final1 Highlander Broken Mice Zipf's law 0 1 15:57 Remove log
watkins roofing co: brkn vs Zipf cp_steel Highlander Zipf's law Broken Mice 0 1 23:10 Remove log
watkins roofing co: brkn vs Zipf pl_vigil_rc7 Highlander Zipf's law Broken Mice 0 1 17:48 Remove log
Totals 1 5 1:52:01


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue effex 9 9 9 Scout 63 71 39 201 201 76 22549 22607 8599 7 0 188 0 0 10 1:52:01
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue pmn06 Soldier 76 64 46 308 236 98 34594 26514 11001 4 2 242 0 0 4 1:52:01
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue Brandon_411 Pyro 60 37 51 155 206 212 17467 23106 23799 8 0 45 0 0 11 1:52:01
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue caban。 Demo 108 29 41 418 226 325 46887 25384 36491 14 1 49 0 0 10 1:52:01
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue Morgoth714 Engineer 31 55 26 136 135 90 15257 15125 10148 4 0 38 0 0 9 1:52:01
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue spoo_ Heavy 80 37 57 215 316 318 24180 35509 35669 11 0 73 0 0 10 1:52:01
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue sunnyy Medic 1 15 71 2 68 324 7654 0 1 0 23 0 0 2 1:52:01
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue Hud Sniper 120 67 13 345 200 101 38756 22465 11333 9 0 23 0 87 1 1:52:01
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue Grunty Spy 67 104 4 263 149 16 29562 16710 1793 6 0 32 57 0 6 1:52:01
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red jr stink:zipf Scout 55 85 25 160 201 52 17951 22624 5930 4 0 181 0 0 12 1:52:01
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red [ZIPF]Queen Bee Remedy Pyro 47 66 36 127 214 209 14328 24075 23515 4 0 51 0 0 6 1:43:39
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red Dreadnot9.zipf Demo 56 52 33 347 262 277 38957 29446 31133 5 0 60 0 0 5 1:52:01
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red Jelly.zipf Engineer 30 62 26 127 153 76 14284 17250 8582 6 0 43 0 0 6 1:52:01
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red lynn.zipf Heavy 74 62 30 212 413 241 23761 46371 27096 11 0 105 0 0 7 1:51:58
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red Guildknightnub.zipf Medic 3 31 44 9 102 1017 11482 0 1 0 23 0 0 3 1:52:01
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red cayorne.zipf #2T2BN, cayorne.zipf #UNCLEDANE Sniper 91 78 10 267 235 94 29961 26403 10540 5 0 30 0 64 4 1:50:27
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red Cthulwho.zipf Spy 61 105 4 219 195 18 24582 21847 2106 5 0 160 37 0 7 1:52:01
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Firebirdjr Soldier 50 57 14 263 249 108 24783 23528 10252 7 1 190 0 0 4 1:25:52
Red Red oliverp.iamplayinghotel Soldier 7 16 5 125 150 74 5450 6550 3232 3 0 30 0 0 0 43:32
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Ùˆ Duration
Red 73 65 39 2022 1780 1345 29459 25933 19604 13 1 76 5 13 18 9 14:34
Blue 64 74 28 1780 2022 1075 25933 29459 15673 5 0 158 3 9 14 8 14:34
Red 109 93 69 1684 1516 1073 43349 39019 27617 14 0 162 8 15 10 11 25:44
Blue 91 107 50 1473 1641 1012 37920 42250 26063 6 1 156 7 9 7 10 25:44
Red 90 49 53 2043 1351 1333 30246 20008 19736 14 0 90 10 16 10 7 14:48
Blue 48 91 20 1351 2043 1126 20008 30246 16670 4 0 127 2 10 8 7 14:48
Red 94 92 54 2159 2136 1249 34451 34084 19937 7 2 96 9 10 7 11 15:57
Blue 92 95 45 2136 2159 1240 34084 34451 19792 5 0 108 12 13 7 9 15:57
Red 107 143 44 1850 2193 956 42866 50815 22151 7 0 192 5 12 12 10 23:10
Blue 138 110 76 2193 1850 1247 50815 42866 28889 7 0 186 11 20 13 8 23:10
Red 72 102 40 1912 2329 1190 34050 41469 21187 11 0 127 8 11 6 8 17:48
Blue 102 72 57 2329 1912 1342 41469 34050 23900 11 0 108 14 13 5 8 17:48


Teams Player Class H% H/M H Ùˆ MÙˆ KÙˆ OÙˆ D AL BAL DAÙˆ DBÙˆ Time Played
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue sunnyy Medic 100% 1238 138783 52 2 17 0:40 6 0 1:52:01
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red Guildknightnub.zipf Medic 100% 1093 122436 54 3 7 0:40 5 1 1:52:01



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue Hud 16 13 9 8 12 11 6 38 7 120
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue caban。 17 8 18 10 9 11 8 7 20 108
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red cayorne.zipf #2T2BN, cayorne.zipf #UNCLEDANE 13 8 12 6 3 12 0 24 13 91
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue spoo_ 14 19 9 0 6 7 0 3 22 80
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue pmn06 9 12 4 6 8 12 5 7 13 76
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red lynn.zipf 12 9 8 3 6 13 2 2 19 74
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue Grunty 5 6 5 8 10 9 8 16 0 67
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue effex 9 9 9 12 9 6 8 9 4 1 4 10 63
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red Cthulwho.zipf 2 5 4 6 15 5 7 14 3 61
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue Brandon_411 6 4 9 8 3 4 1 1 24 60
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red Dreadnot9.zipf 16 0 8 6 4 9 3 4 6 56
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red jr stink:zipf 6 15 2 2 4 5 0 11 10 55
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Firebirdjr 5 15 0 2 3 5 1 8 11 50
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red [ZIPF]Queen Bee Remedy 5 4 2 2 2 4 1 2 25 47
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue Morgoth714 5 2 3 3 4 3 1 1 9 31
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red Jelly.zipf 10 5 1 0 0 2 0 1 11 30
Red Red oliverp.iamplayinghotel 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 7
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red Guildknightnub.zipf 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue sunnyy 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red Cthulwho.zipf 10 13 24 20 22 9 0 7 0 105
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue Grunty 10 12 25 6 19 11 3 13 3 102
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red jr stink:zipf 12 9 6 17 14 5 0 16 5 84
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red cayorne.zipf #2T2BN, cayorne.zipf #UNCLEDANE 4 7 1 7 3 1 0 38 16 77
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue effex 9 9 9 6 7 5 16 12 10 0 13 2 71
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue Hud 11 9 2 4 2 1 0 24 14 67
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red [ZIPF]Queen Bee Remedy 6 4 9 18 9 3 1 9 5 64
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue pmn06 15 17 4 0 9 5 0 8 5 63
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red lynn.zipf 9 8 3 9 6 4 0 12 10 61
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red Jelly.zipf 4 12 4 11 7 3 0 11 9 61
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Firebirdjr 9 9 2 7 13 2 0 11 4 57
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue Morgoth714 5 5 4 9 13 2 0 12 5 55
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red Dreadnot9.zipf 8 6 8 10 0 3 0 8 8 51
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue spoo_ 4 3 2 4 6 0 0 3 15 37
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue Brandon_411 2 0 2 8 8 1 0 12 4 37
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red Guildknightnub.zipf 1 5 1 8 0 1 0 6 8 30
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue caban。 2 3 2 6 3 0 0 6 6 28
Red Red oliverp.iamplayinghotel 0 3 2 1 6 0 0 2 2 16
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue sunnyy 0 1 1 3 2 0 0 0 7 14


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue caban。 21 12 24 19 14 15 9 11 24 149
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue spoo_ 22 29 14 7 16 14 1 6 28 137
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue Hud 17 15 11 10 13 11 6 38 12 133
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue pmn06 19 20 9 10 13 16 5 11 19 122
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue Brandon_411 13 9 16 12 9 11 2 1 38 111
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red lynn.zipf 16 12 12 6 10 15 2 5 26 104
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue effex 9 9 9 24 15 10 8 12 10 1 5 17 102
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red cayorne.zipf #2T2BN, cayorne.zipf #UNCLEDANE 13 10 13 10 5 13 0 24 13 101
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red Dreadnot9.zipf 22 5 13 6 9 15 3 8 8 89
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red [ZIPF]Queen Bee Remedy 8 9 6 3 5 8 3 2 39 83
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red jr stink:zipf 11 22 3 2 6 7 1 12 16 80
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue sunnyy 6 3 14 7 6 4 6 6 20 72
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue Grunty 5 6 6 9 10 11 8 16 0 71
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red Cthulwho.zipf 2 5 5 6 16 5 7 15 4 65
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Firebirdjr 8 19 1 2 3 7 1 12 11 64
Red Red Red Red Blue Blue Morgoth714 11 6 6 5 6 5 1 4 13 57
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red Jelly.zipf 13 6 4 1 0 4 0 3 25 56
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Red Guildknightnub.zipf 6 2 6 5 3 5 2 4 14 47
Red Red oliverp.iamplayinghotel 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 2 2 12


watkins roofing co: dZipf vs brkn

Time Team Player Kills
9:38 Red caban。 4
12:02 Red pmn06 3

watkins roofing co: Zipf vs brkn

Time Team Player Kills
9:17 Blue Cthulwho.zipf 3
14:12 Blue Cthulwho.zipf 3
20:33 Red caban。 3
21:17 Red caban。 3
22:58 Blue lynn.zipf 3
25:01 Red spoo_ 4

watkins roofing co: Zipf vs brkn

Time Team Player Kills
1:25 Blue cayorne.zipf #2T2BN 3
3:35 Red Grunty 3
4:56 Red Brandon_411 3
5:02 Red pmn06 3
5:04 Blue cayorne.zipf #2T2BN 3
5:24 Red spoo_ 3
11:12 Red caban。 3
11:18 Red Brandon_411 3
11:53 Red Hud 3
13:23 Red Hud 3
14:10 Red caban。 3

watkins roofing co: Zipf vs brkn

Time Team Player Kills
2:45 Blue jr stink:zipf 3
5:32 Blue Firebirdjr 3
11:25 Red caban。 3
11:27 Blue Dreadnot9.zipf 3
13:23 Red Hud 4

watkins roofing co: brkn vs Zipf

Time Team Player Kills
7:04 Red Firebirdjr 3
7:31 Red [ZIPF]Queen Bee Remedy 3
8:36 Blue Hud 7
9:27 Blue Brandon_411 4
10:00 Blue Hud 3
10:02 Red jr stink:zipf 3
12:03 Red lynn.zipf 3
12:06 Red cayorne.zipf #2T2BN 3
14:57 Blue Hud 3
16:09 Red Dreadnot9.zipf 3

watkins roofing co: brkn vs Zipf

Time Team Player Kills
2:47 Blue Brandon_411 3
4:17 Blue spoo_ 3
5:09 Blue spoo_ 4
7:28 Blue Grunty 4
8:37 Red lynn.zipf 3
8:38 Blue pmn06 3
15:17 Blue Hud 3
15:40 Red lynn.zipf 3


watkins roofing co: dZipf vs brkn

Team Player Message
Red pmn06 ya for you
Blue jr stink:zipf wip
Red pmn06 LOL
Blue jr stink:zipf i knew my life was over as soon as you jumped away
Red Hud gr
Blue Jelly.zipf gr
Blue cayorne.zipf #UNCLEDANE .ss
Blue [ZIPF]Queen Bee Remedy ns
Red Hud gg
Red Brandon_411 gg
Red pmn06 ggs
Blue lynn.zipf gg
Red caban。 ggs
Blue cayorne.zipf #UNCLEDANE GG
Red spoo_ ggs
Blue Jelly.zipf gg
Blue Firebirdjr ggs
Blue Cthulwho.zipf ggs
Blue Jelly.zipf A:LSKJDHKLAJD
Blue jr stink:zipf gg
Blue Dreadnot9.zipf gg
Blue Guildknightnub.zipf gg
Blue jr stink:zipf longest game of all time

watkins roofing co: Zipf vs brkn

Team Player Message
Blue lynn.zipf aw man
Blue lynn.zipf our soldier laggin
Blue lynn.zipf :grimace:
Red effex 9 9 9 dont care
Red pmn06 :sadge:
Red spoo_ east coast?
Red spoo_ might be the storm
Red oliverp.iamplayinghotel Hotel
Red effex 9 9 9 internet diff
Red oliverp.iamplayinghotel Colorado
Red spoo_ damn
Red effex 9 9 9 poverty internety
Red pmn06 imk p sure he was lagging
Red oliverp.iamplayinghotel it is so bad
Blue cayorne.zipf #2T2BN we need a pause
Red spoo_ poggers :
Red Hud gr
Blue Jelly.zipf gr
Blue cayorne.zipf #2T2BN .ss
Blue cayorne.zipf #2T2BN loggies are scuffed for pause :(
Blue cayorne.zipf #2T2BN you HATE to see it
Blue Cthulwho.zipf L
Blue jr stink:zipf loggies uwu
Blue [ZIPF]Queen Bee Remedy UwU
Blue cayorne.zipf #2T2BN holy botmode
Red Hud gh
Red Brandon_411 gh
Blue Cthulwho.zipf gh
Blue Jelly.zipf gh

watkins roofing co: Zipf vs brkn

Team Player Message
Blue cayorne.zipf #2T2BN magic trick
Blue cayorne.zipf #2T2BN isnt this awesome
Red spoo_ yeah i saw your heavy throw a sandvich
Red spoo_ i know the real one
Red spoo_ lol
Blue jr stink:zipf no...
Red pmn06 duyde
Red pmn06 wtf
Red pmn06 this mf
Red Hud gr
Red Brandon_411 gh
Red Hud GH
Red spoo_ gh
Red pmn06 gr

watkins roofing co: Zipf vs brkn

Team Player Message
Red Hud glhf
Red Hud gr
Red Brandon_411 gr
Blue Cthulwho.zipf wtf
Red Hud gg
Blue cayorne.zipf #2T2BN LFG
Blue Cthulwho.zipf GG
Red Brandon_411 gh
Blue Jelly.zipf gr
Blue Cthulwho.zipf LFG
Red pmn06 gh

watkins roofing co: brkn vs Zipf

Team Player Message
Red Jelly.zipf shi
Red cayorne.zipf #2T2BN let it be known
Red cayorne.zipf #2T2BN my inability to shoot soldiers
Red lynn.zipf unreal
Blue Brandon_411 l,ap
Blue Brandon_411 lmao
Blue Hud gr
Red cayorne.zipf #2T2BN .ss
Red lynn.zipf fuck...
Blue Hud gh
Red Jelly.zipf gh
Blue Brandon_411 gh

watkins roofing co: brkn vs Zipf

Team Player Message
Red oliverp.iamplayinghotel clarion
Blue Hud glhf
Blue pmn06 yo send me the setup
Red oliverp.iamplayinghotel aight gl hf
Red oliverp.iamplayinghotel i am also on 1280x600
Blue Hud wtf
Blue Hud gr
Red oliverp.iamplayinghotel gr
Red jr stink:zipf gr
Red cayorne.zipf #2T2BN .ss
Red oliverp.iamplayinghotel gh
Blue Brandon_411 gh
Blue Hud gr