Logs 3079182, 3079199, 3079241, 3079250, 3079256, 3079257

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 10 Newcomer Third Place Match Redneck Vikings From Hell Saur Legacy 1.22 1.78 pl_upward, pl_swiftwater_final1, koth_ashville_rc2d Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #444125 - RED vs SL pl_swiftwater_final1 Highlander Saur Legacy Redneck Vikings From Hell 1 0 26:28 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #444125 - SL vs RED pl_swiftwater_final1 Highlander Redneck Vikings From Hell Saur Legacy 0 1 18:58 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #444125 - SL vs RED pl_upward Highlander Redneck Vikings From Hell Saur Legacy 1 0 21:58 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #444125 - SL vs RED koth_ashville_rc2d Highlander Redneck Vikings From Hell Saur Legacy 2 1 19:33 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #444125 - SL vs RED koth_ashville_rc2d Highlander Redneck Vikings From Hell Saur Legacy 0 2 13:05 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #444125 - SL vs RED koth_ashville_rc2d Highlander Redneck Vikings From Hell Saur Legacy 0 1 6:04 Remove log
Totals 4 5 1:46:06


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Mr. Ketchum Pyro 96 56 62 215 281 215 22857 29906 22852 9 1 46 0 0 12 1:46:06
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Samuel Demo 103 59 41 491 298 233 52128 31626 24824 7 4 86 0 0 9 1:46:06
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Galleto Engineer Medic 58 57 55 223 177 65 23675 18829 6955 8 0 96 0 0 13 1:46:06
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Francis "Godofredo" Heavy 109 85 49 300 489 256 31846 51951 27257 8 0 26 0 0 0 1:46:06
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue 5 | Medic 6 39 75 13 144 1395 15350 0 1 0 44 0 0 2 1:24:08
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue solo >:) Sniper 91 78 17 287 246 95 30542 26183 10185 7 0 24 0 69 5 1:46:06
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue rxz Spy 65 81 6 272 165 9 28894 17606 974 6 0 122 60 0 3 1:46:06
Red Blue Blue rn. Scout 50 41 24 194 176 45 13136 11902 3053 9 0 98 0 0 4 1:07:24
Red Blue Saurloo Soldier 34 30 7 304 256 73 13832 11632 3362 5 2 108 0 0 3 45:26
Blue Red Red Red Red Red novabutgay Scout 54 93 44 202 235 37 21445 25003 3984 4 0 247 0 0 11 1:46:06
Blue Red Red Red Red Red πŸŽƒ Spoopy DotPlusDot πŸŽƒ Soldier 63 109 28 257 297 63 27357 31542 6700 3 6 203 0 0 5 1:46:06
Blue Red Red Red Red Red Trakar {O} Pyro 33 76 32 72 247 136 7689 26219 14495 3 0 77 0 0 12 1:46:06
Blue Red Red Red Red Red tripz Demo 108 79 50 544 364 276 57793 38628 29367 17 5 80 0 0 8 1:46:06
Blue Red Red Red Red Red VIBE CHECK FAILED Engineer 53 66 40 213 158 62 22657 16837 6622 12 0 64 0 0 4 1:46:05
Blue Red Red Red Red Red luna Heavy 86 66 38 268 489 302 28538 51889 32096 7 0 24 0 0 11 1:46:06
Blue Red Red Red Red Red nurse sam will pocket 4 free Medic 7 35 70 13 137 1464 14582 0 1 0 57 0 0 9 1:46:06
Blue Red Red Red Red Red tlm Sniper 125 58 12 346 229 103 36763 24381 10934 9 0 44 0 91 9 1:46:06
Blue Red Red Red Red Red nighthawk Spy 75 139 3 310 191 8 32988 20327 892 3 0 65 67 0 1 1:46:06
Blue Blue Blue Blue MeKo Soldier 59 51 15 342 230 72 20773 14012 4391 4 3 148 0 0 1 1:00:40
Blue Blue Blue Lynux Scout 48 30 11 266 198 53 10330 7697 2085 10 0 70 0 0 2 38:37
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Ü Duration
Red 162 139 78 2123 2221 1089 56209 58804 28836 9 2 233 18 13 11 13 26:28
Blue 138 162 69 2221 2123 941 58804 56209 24916 17 2 204 19 26 11 13 26:28
Red 100 120 48 2077 2324 956 39411 44079 18147 9 0 145 13 13 13 9 18:58
Blue 119 100 66 2324 2077 1042 44079 39411 19779 5 3 114 8 17 7 11 18:58
Red 136 142 73 2291 2215 991 50330 48662 21770 12 1 166 13 17 8 8 21:58
Blue 141 137 72 2215 2291 749 48662 50330 16466 7 2 141 13 16 3 7 21:58
Red 125 146 72 2434 2599 1047 47589 50815 20488 7 6 184 12 21 25 10 19:33
Blue 146 125 68 2599 2434 1007 50815 47589 19695 10 0 212 11 9 11 8 19:33
Red 71 102 35 2152 2495 1027 28159 32650 13439 8 1 96 7 12 8 4 13:05
Blue 102 72 52 2495 2152 1106 32650 28159 14475 9 2 116 6 12 16 5 13:05
Red 34 49 20 2044 2801 1043 12401 16993 6330 4 1 66 3 2 5 3 6:04
Blue 49 34 26 2801 2044 1102 16993 12401 6687 8 1 52 4 2 6 4 6:04


Teams Player Class H% H/M H Ü MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue 5 | Medic 100% 1200 101002 44 38 6 0 6 9 1:33 7 1 1:24:08
Blue Red Red Red Red Red nurse sam will pocket 4 free Medic 100% 990 105090 50 46 4 0 3 11 3:17 13 0 1:46:06
Blue Galleto Medic 100% 820 4936 1 1 0 0 1 2 2:03 1 0 6:01



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Red Red Red Red tlm 14 9 7 14 15 10 9 35 12 125
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Francis "Godofredo" 8 18 18 11 16 6 1 2 29 109
Blue Red Red Red Red Red tripz 18 14 16 15 9 12 8 9 7 108
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Samuel 11 15 14 14 10 10 6 5 18 103
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Mr. Ketchum 6 11 13 10 10 8 3 2 33 96
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue solo >:) 15 11 8 11 9 10 4 11 12 91
Blue Red Red Red Red Red luna 7 14 12 7 28 2 5 1 10 86
Blue Red Red Red Red Red nighthawk 1 6 5 11 15 9 10 17 1 75
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue rxz 3 7 3 6 12 3 8 23 0 65
Blue Red Red Red Red Red πŸŽƒ Spoopy DotPlusDot πŸŽƒ 7 13 1 2 5 12 7 5 11 63
Blue Blue Blue Blue MeKo 11 11 2 5 3 11 7 3 6 59
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Galleto 6 12 9 5 2 10 2 3 9 58
Blue Red Red Red Red Red novabutgay 14 9 5 4 6 4 1 6 5 54
Blue Red Red Red Red Red VIBE CHECK FAILED 7 8 8 2 4 4 0 5 15 53
Red Blue Blue rn. 11 8 4 6 3 3 0 2 13 50
Blue Blue Blue Lynux 13 7 1 8 0 2 2 5 10 48
Red Blue Saurloo 9 8 2 2 1 3 2 2 5 34
Blue Red Red Red Red Red Trakar {O} 3 4 1 4 2 0 2 0 17 33
Blue Red Red Red Red Red nurse sam will pocket 4 free 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 3 7
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue 5 | 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 6


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Red Red Red Red nighthawk 23 11 33 18 29 9 4 12 0 139
Blue Red Red Red Red Red πŸŽƒ Spoopy DotPlusDot πŸŽƒ 15 19 11 15 18 12 1 11 7 109
Blue Red Red Red Red Red novabutgay 24 20 6 11 8 6 0 15 3 93
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Francis "Godofredo" 6 5 2 9 28 4 1 15 15 85
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue rxz 5 11 17 7 10 15 3 12 1 81
Blue Red Red Red Red Red tripz 14 7 10 14 11 5 1 11 6 79
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue solo >:) 6 5 0 9 1 5 0 35 17 78
Blue Red Red Red Red Red Trakar {O} 5 4 13 14 18 9 0 8 3 74
Blue Red Red Red Red Red VIBE CHECK FAILED 5 14 8 10 6 10 0 10 3 66
Blue Red Red Red Red Red luna 3 4 10 10 16 2 0 9 12 66
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Samuel 4 2 4 15 7 2 0 14 11 59
Blue Red Red Red Red Red tlm 7 5 2 5 2 3 0 11 23 58
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Galleto 4 12 0 12 4 4 1 11 9 57
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Mr. Ketchum 5 1 1 16 12 8 1 7 5 56
Blue Blue Blue Blue MeKo 3 7 4 9 11 5 1 7 2 49
Red Blue Blue rn. 8 1 0 12 5 6 0 8 1 41
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue 5 | 1 7 2 8 3 0 0 8 10 39
Blue Red Red Red Red Red nurse sam will pocket 4 free 2 9 3 6 1 2 0 4 8 35
Blue Blue Blue Lynux 6 6 3 6 2 1 0 6 0 30
Red Blue Saurloo 6 6 0 5 3 3 0 2 4 29


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Red Red Red Red tripz 22 18 20 24 25 17 11 12 9 158
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Francis "Godofredo" 14 26 23 19 20 12 1 4 39 158
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Mr. Ketchum 16 21 17 17 15 15 6 3 48 158
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Samuel 15 23 16 21 20 14 8 7 20 144
Blue Red Red Red Red Red tlm 14 12 8 14 15 10 10 37 17 137
Blue Red Red Red Red Red luna 11 17 18 14 33 4 6 3 18 124
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Galleto 20 21 19 8 9 13 3 4 16 113
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue solo >:) 18 13 11 13 14 11 4 12 12 108
Blue Red Red Red Red Red novabutgay 23 14 8 9 16 8 3 10 7 98
Blue Red Red Red Red Red VIBE CHECK FAILED 11 19 12 6 11 7 0 8 19 93
Blue Red Red Red Red Red πŸŽƒ Spoopy DotPlusDot πŸŽƒ 10 17 6 4 12 14 8 8 12 91
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue 5 | 1 10 15 6 15 8 2 4 20 81
Blue Red Red Red Red Red nighthawk 3 6 5 11 15 9 10 18 1 78
Blue Red Red Red Red Red nurse sam will pocket 4 free 7 8 13 4 20 5 4 5 11 77
Blue Blue Blue Blue MeKo 14 13 4 7 5 11 7 4 9 74
Red Blue Blue rn. 16 10 8 10 5 4 0 3 18 74
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue rxz 4 7 3 7 12 4 10 23 1 71
Blue Red Red Red Red Red Trakar {O} 7 5 4 5 6 1 4 1 32 65
Blue Blue Blue Lynux 18 8 2 9 1 2 4 5 10 59
Red Blue Saurloo 11 11 2 2 1 3 2 3 6 41


na.serveme.tf #444125 - RED vs SL

Time Team Player Kills
3:10 Blue tlm 3
3:46 Red Saurloo 3
4:11 Blue tripz 6
5:48 Blue tripz 3
7:04 Blue tripz 3
12:46 Blue nighthawk 3
12:53 Red Galleto 4
18:38 Red Samuel 3
21:34 Red Mr. Ketchum 3
24:11 Red Francis "Godofredo" 3

na.serveme.tf #444125 - SL vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
5:16 Blue rn. 3
5:40 Red tripz 3
6:28 Red luna 5
11:32 Red nighthawk 3
11:39 Blue Francis "Godofredo" 3
16:54 Blue solo >:) 3
18:36 Red nighthawk 3

na.serveme.tf #444125 - SL vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
2:51 Blue Mr. Ketchum 3
4:15 Red tripz 4
4:27 Red tlm 3
5:59 Blue Francis "Godofredo" 4
6:08 Blue Mr. Ketchum 3
8:36 Blue Samuel 3
9:17 Blue Samuel 4
9:21 Blue rn. 3
10:07 Blue solo >:) 3
10:53 Blue MeKo 3
11:21 Blue Samuel 3
11:48 Blue Francis "Godofredo" 3
36:38 Red πŸŽƒ Spoopy DotPlusDot πŸŽƒ 3

na.serveme.tf #444125 - SL vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
1:40 Red tlm 3
2:51 Blue Galleto 4
5:02 Red tripz 3
6:49 Red πŸŽƒ Spoopy DotPlusDot πŸŽƒ 3
8:48 Blue Galleto 3
10:02 Blue Francis "Godofredo" 3
13:39 Blue Francis "Godofredo" 3
14:19 Blue Lynux 5
14:29 Blue Mr. Ketchum 3
19:01 Red tlm 3

na.serveme.tf #444125 - SL vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
1:29 Blue Lynux 3
2:31 Blue Mr. Ketchum 4
3:00 Red tlm 3
4:29 Blue Francis "Godofredo" 4
4:48 Blue MeKo 3
5:30 Blue solo >:) 4
8:28 Red tlm 3
10:15 Blue Mr. Ketchum 3

na.serveme.tf #444125 - SL vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
0:30 Red luna 3
0:34 Blue MeKo 3
4:35 Blue Lynux 3


na.serveme.tf #444125 - RED vs SL

Team Player Message
Red 5 | B
Red Francis "Godofredo" F
Red 5 | B)
Red Samuel tlm
Red Samuel good to see you
Blue tlm What
Blue tlm Sorry
Blue tlm Me not remember
Blue tlm Please remind me
Blue luna stop hard scoping tunnel please
Red Galleto Las binds de spam es para demostrar que mi pene es mas grande que el tuyo
Blue tlm Si I agree
Red 5 | me too
Blue πŸŽƒ Spoopy DotPlusDot πŸŽƒ I find it only possible to achieve orgasm upon sexual intercourse with your mother while your father watches
Red 5 | tryhard
Red rn. ?
Red Galleto Las binds de spam es para demostrar que mi pene es mas grande que el tuyo
Blue luna ni hao
Red 5 | K nub erez
Red 5 | Manejando la tranquildad. Β‘La tranquilidad no tiene precio! Yo no me estreso, RE PO SA I TO
Blue πŸŽƒ Spoopy DotPlusDot πŸŽƒ Buying quicksells with 11 keys and selling an Green Confetti Noble Nickel Assessment of hats for 13 keys (P) or 14 overpay
Red 5 | Manejando la tranquildad. Β‘La tranquilidad no tiene precio! Yo no me estreso, RE PO SA I TO
Red 5 | Manejando la tranquildad. Β‘La tranquilidad no tiene precio! Yo no me estreso, RE PO SA I TO
Red 5 | lmao
Red 5 | n1
Blue novabutgay what
Blue nighthawk gg
Blue πŸŽƒ Spoopy DotPlusDot πŸŽƒ gg
Blue novabutgay gg
Red rn. gg

na.serveme.tf #444125 - SL vs RED

Team Player Message
Blue rn. Jesus i'm fking rusty!
Blue Galleto Las binds de spam es para demostrar que mi pene es mas grande que el tuyo
Blue rn. .ss
Blue Galleto Las binds de spam es para demostrar que mi pene es mas grande que el tuyo
Red πŸŽƒ Spoopy DotPlusDot πŸŽƒ whatsup
Red tlm Y'all good
Red luna ?
Red nighthawk what happened?
Red nurse sam will pocket 4 free momento latino
Blue rn. Our med has to pee
Blue 5 | unpausing in 5
Red novabutgay man
Red πŸŽƒ Spoopy DotPlusDot πŸŽƒ ns
Red luna /m\
Red novabutgay rip me
Blue rxz ???
Red novabutgay scout
Red novabutgay you took a bullet for your sniper
Red πŸŽƒ Spoopy DotPlusDot πŸŽƒ gg
Red novabutgay gg
Red nighthawk good push

na.serveme.tf #444125 - SL vs RED

Team Player Message
Red nurse sam will pocket 4 free CARAMBOLAS MANITO
Blue 5 | one sec
Blue Galleto hi sniper
Blue Galleto how are u
Red tlm yes
Blue 5 | nON
Blue Galleto Las binds de spam es para demostrar que mi pene es mas grande que el tuyo
Blue 5 | K nub erez
Blue 5 | Manejando la tranquildad. Β‘La tranquilidad no tiene precio! Yo no me estreso, RE PO SA I TO
Blue 5 | Vanish
Red luna hi
Blue 5 | Check discord pls
Blue Francis "Godofredo" I respect that blu sniper
Blue 5 | I love him
Blue 5 | TRYHARD
Red Trakar {O} I Alwasy go hard, only way to go
Blue Francis "Godofredo" ded
Blue Samuel I see you once in al product tlm
Blue Samuel a product*
Red luna y'all have 15 mins to find a ringer
Red luna that solly was too good for nc
Blue 5 | Np
Blue Galleto is a sixes player not hl player
Red novabutgay doesnt matter
Blue 5 | adv hl player is like low nc 6s
Blue 5 | like me
Blue 5 | O.o
Blue Francis "Godofredo" ded
Red tripz snowie.
Red luna your ringer gonna join?
Blue Mr. Ketchum yes
Blue 5 | l
Blue Francis "Godofredo" yes, he bootin' the PC up
Blue 5 | Not really.
Blue 5 | O.o
Red luna y'all have a timer
Blue 5 | :O
Blue 5 | BB
Red tlm yes bb
Blue 5 | let me live pls
Red nighthawk non
Blue 5 | why?
Red πŸŽƒ Spoopy DotPlusDot πŸŽƒ sex
Blue 5 | B(
Red luna how
Red nighthawk ???
Blue Francis "Godofredo" !pause
Red tlm why
Blue rn. our med
Blue Galleto med dead
Blue MeKo med died
Red πŸŽƒ Spoopy DotPlusDot πŸŽƒ You only get 2 pauses
Blue Samuel medic dead
Blue Francis "Godofredo" med connection died
Red novabutgay starting a timer
Red tripz !extend
Red luna !extend
Red tripz '
Red tripz ???
Blue Samuel unpausing
Red novabutgay warn us please.
Red tlm Too late
Red nighthawk you need to say before you unpause
Red tlm We request a forfeit
Red nighthawk who are you missing?
Red novabutgay what
Red πŸŽƒ Spoopy DotPlusDot πŸŽƒ !extend
Red luna !extend
Blue Samuel g
Red πŸŽƒ Spoopy DotPlusDot πŸŽƒ gg
Red luna gg
Blue 5 | wp
Blue Francis "Godofredo" gg

na.serveme.tf #444125 - SL vs RED

Team Player Message
Blue 5 | WOW
Blue 5 | WHAT A BAIT
Blue Galleto stfu 5
Blue 5 | Kiss me
Red novabutgay rup
Blue 5 | f4 or f3+f1?
Red luna they're rostered right
Blue Mr. Ketchum Yes
Blue 5 | LET ME LIVE
Red luna !extend
Red luna !extend
Blue Galleto fuck me
Red luna !extend
Red luna !extend
Red novabutgay gr
Blue Francis "Godofredo" gr
Red nighthawk ns pyro
Blue 5 | g
Blue Francis "Godofredo" g
Red luna g
Blue Galleto ns
Red πŸŽƒ Spoopy DotPlusDot πŸŽƒ gg
Red luna gh
Blue 5 | gh
Blue Francis "Godofredo" gh

na.serveme.tf #444125 - SL vs RED

Team Player Message
Red luna rup please
Red πŸŽƒ Spoopy DotPlusDot πŸŽƒ Hey, no spectators.
Red novabutgay your scout is spectating
Red novabutgay no spectating
Red luna no specs
Blue 5 | ??
Blue Galleto kick or ban
Red πŸŽƒ Spoopy DotPlusDot πŸŽƒ You cannot have a spectator.
Red novabutgay unpausing.
Red nighthawk unpausing
Red πŸŽƒ Spoopy DotPlusDot πŸŽƒ this btw doesn't count as our pause
Blue Galleto a
Blue 5 | ?'
Blue 5 | bad luck
Red VIBE CHECK FAILED I like you...dont come to mid next round.
Red nighthawk gg
Blue Francis "Godofredo" gr
Blue Galleto gg
Blue 5 | gr

na.serveme.tf #444125 - SL vs RED

Team Player Message
Red nighthawk srry gr
Blue Galleto gr
Red luna y'all gotta win 1 we gotta win 2
Blue 5 | yeah
Red luna please just rup
Blue 5 | Not really.
Red tripz gg
Blue Francis "Godofredo" gg
Blue 5 | gg
Red luna gg
Blue Lynux gg
Blue rxz gg
Blue 5 | GG
Blue Samuel gg