Logs 3090776, 3090774, 3090745, 3090717

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
ETF2L 6v6 Season 40 Top Tiers Sponsored by Mannco.store: Division 2 Playoffs None Quarter Final :Blinky: Placeholder 3.0 6.0

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
serveme.tf #1219964 - BLU vs RED cp_snakewater_final1 Sixes Placeholder :Blinky: 1 0 1:37 Dec 15, 2021, 9:42 PM Remove log
serveme.tf #1219964 - BLU vs RED cp_snakewater_final1 Sixes Placeholder :Blinky: 2 2 29:19 Dec 15, 2021, 9:40 PM Remove log
serveme.tf #1219964 - BLU vs RED cp_process_f9a Sixes Placeholder :Blinky: 2 4 28:58 Dec 15, 2021, 9:00 PM Remove log
serveme.tf #1219964 - BLU vs RED cp_gullywash_f4a Sixes Placeholder :Blinky: 4 3 28:49 Dec 15, 2021, 8:23 PM Remove log
Totals 9 9 1:28:43


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Red Red Red crizzl Scout Heavy Sniper 65 58 34 208 193 139 18529 17151 12360 5 0 56 1 46 1:27:12
Red Red Red Red revolver toast Scout Sniper Engineer Heavy 90 70 31 302 261 192 26815 23169 17084 10 0 42 2 27 1:26:43
Red Red Red Red tumblrgirl Soldier 51 82 24 234 244 94 20832 21695 8346 5 11 176 0 6 1:28:43
Red Red Red Red Martin Soldier Engineer Heavy 75 70 27 342 319 197 30395 28387 17510 5 16 169 0 15 1:28:36
Red Red Red Red Dr. Phil Demo 82 54 25 353 290 290 31403 25734 25775 6 7 117 0 21 1:28:41
Red Red Red Red riis Medic 2 31 57 6 142 606 12657 0 1 0 39 0 22 1:28:43
Blue Blue Blue Blue saikou Scout Heavy Sniper Pyro 93 64 37 244 230 240 21735 20478 21355 8 0 41 2 31 1:28:43
Blue Blue Blue Blue vvvvvvvvvvv Scout Sniper 76 64 25 263 189 109 23419 16820 9727 6 0 99 10 40 1:26:56
Blue Blue Blue Blue protoplasmic invertebrate jelly Soldier 45 76 31 245 239 99 21813 21237 8826 3 11 258 0 17 1:28:43
Blue Blue Blue Blue Toxic Masculinity Soldier Sniper Scout Spy 94 57 27 375 300 196 33309 26695 17468 6 31 186 3 3 1:28:34
Blue Blue Blue Blue JH Demo Scout 54 60 31 301 323 258 26746 28731 22942 5 5 168 0 12 1:28:00
Blue Blue Blue Blue :) Leila Medic 1 46 56 19 164 1771 14619 0 1 0 34 0 16 1:28:43
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS HSK CPC Ü Duration
Red 12 6 7 1906 1117 1046 3082 1806 1692 5 0 12 0 7 1 1:37
Blue 6 12 4 1117 1906 0 1806 3082 0 2 2 10 0 0 0 1:37
Red 112 110 69 1337 1333 937 39205 39080 27480 6 8 208 1 43 13 29:19
Blue 108 112 59 1333 1337 984 39080 39205 28855 8 14 253 4 42 12 29:19
Red 114 135 63 1464 1530 835 42433 44340 24189 6 19 187 1 39 10 28:58
Blue 135 115 75 1530 1464 902 44340 42433 26146 6 20 260 9 44 15 28:58
Red 127 114 59 1522 1511 961 43860 43567 27714 10 7 192 1 48 14 28:49
Blue 114 128 69 1511 1522 878 43567 43860 25317 7 11 263 2 33 12 28:49


Teams Player Class H% H/M H Ü MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Red Red Red riis Medic 100% 913 81075 38 38 0 0 2 5 0:30 8 1 1:28:43
Blue Blue Blue Blue :) Leila Medic 100% 905 80318 39 33 6 0 4 3 1:32 10 0 1:28:43



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Blue Blue Toxic Masculinity 29 46 0 9 0 0 9 1 0 94
Blue Blue Blue Blue saikou 39 31 0 16 0 0 6 1 0 93
Red Red Red Red revolver toast 20 37 1 17 3 0 6 6 0 90
Red Red Red Red Dr. Phil 26 23 0 12 1 0 19 1 0 82
Blue Blue Blue Blue vvvvvvvvvvv 23 34 0 12 1 0 6 0 0 76
Red Red Red Red Martin 26 24 0 13 0 0 9 3 0 75
Red Red Red Red crizzl 23 22 0 12 1 0 6 1 0 65
Blue Blue Blue Blue JH 17 17 0 11 4 0 4 1 0 54
Red Red Red Red tumblrgirl 18 18 0 6 2 0 6 0 1 51
Blue Blue Blue Blue protoplasmic invertebrate jelly 12 20 0 6 1 1 5 0 0 45
Red Red Red Red riis 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Blue Blue Blue Blue :) Leila 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Red Red tumblrgirl 33 37 0 6 1 0 1 3 0 81
Blue Blue Blue Blue protoplasmic invertebrate jelly 31 26 0 13 3 0 0 1 0 74
Red Red Red Red revolver toast 27 22 0 15 1 0 0 5 0 70
Red Red Red Red Martin 28 26 0 11 0 0 0 5 0 70
Blue Blue Blue Blue vvvvvvvvvvv 24 25 0 13 1 0 1 0 0 64
Blue Blue Blue Blue saikou 23 23 0 15 2 0 0 1 0 64
Blue Blue Blue Blue JH 26 19 0 12 2 0 0 1 0 60
Red Red Red Red crizzl 30 18 0 6 0 0 0 4 0 58
Blue Blue Blue Blue Toxic Masculinity 26 18 0 10 0 2 1 0 0 57
Red Red Red Red Dr. Phil 26 14 0 11 2 0 0 1 0 54
Blue Blue Blue Blue :) Leila 12 15 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 46
Red Red Red Red riis 9 14 0 4 0 0 0 3 0 30


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Blue Blue saikou 51 45 0 22 1 0 10 1 0 130
Blue Blue Blue Blue Toxic Masculinity 37 56 0 17 1 0 9 1 0 121
Red Red Red Red revolver toast 30 47 1 22 5 0 9 7 0 121
Red Red Red Red Dr. Phil 35 32 0 15 2 0 21 2 0 107
Red Red Red Red Martin 32 32 0 20 1 0 13 4 0 102
Blue Blue Blue Blue vvvvvvvvvvv 29 45 0 14 2 0 11 0 0 101
Red Red Red Red crizzl 37 31 0 22 1 0 6 2 0 99
Blue Blue Blue Blue JH 28 25 0 18 4 1 7 2 0 85
Blue Blue Blue Blue protoplasmic invertebrate jelly 26 29 0 10 2 1 8 0 0 76
Red Red Red Red tumblrgirl 24 23 0 14 2 0 10 1 1 75
Red Red Red Red riis 24 16 0 6 2 0 11 0 0 59
Blue Blue Blue Blue :) Leila 16 29 0 8 1 0 2 1 0 57


serveme.tf #1219964 - BLU vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
0:32 Red revolver toast 3

serveme.tf #1219964 - BLU vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
4:43 Red tumblrgirl 3
5:45 Red Dr. Phil 4
9:19 Blue protoplasmic invertebrate jelly 3
10:45 Red revolver toast 4
13:01 Red Martin 4
15:50 Red Martin 3
16:39 Red revolver toast 4
17:41 Blue saikou 3
18:47 Blue saikou 3
24:59 Blue JH 3
25:01 Blue vvvvvvvvvvv 3
28:59 Red Dr. Phil 3

serveme.tf #1219964 - BLU vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
0:26 Blue saikou 3
0:34 Red revolver toast 3
1:46 Red crizzl 3
3:56 Red crizzl 3
12:26 Blue Toxic Masculinity 3
14:00 Blue Toxic Masculinity 3
16:40 Blue vvvvvvvvvvv 3
19:10 Blue JH 3
19:52 Blue Toxic Masculinity 4
20:11 Red Dr. Phil 3
22:34 Red Martin 3
29:49 Blue vvvvvvvvvvv 3

serveme.tf #1219964 - BLU vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
0:25 Blue saikou 3
16:27 Red Martin 3
17:02 Red tumblrgirl 3
18:53 Red revolver toast 3
21:15 Blue vvvvvvvvvvv 3
22:43 Red revolver toast 3
25:00 Red Martin 4


serveme.tf #1219964 - BLU vs RED

Team Player Message
Red tumblrgirl hfhf
Red tumblrgirl stop being salty frenchies and enjoy your free win
Blue protoplasmic invertebrate jelly gg
Blue Toxic Masculinity gg
Blue :) Leila gg
Red tumblrgirl gg
Red riis gg
Red Dr. Phil gg
Red Martin ggs
Blue JH gg
Red revolver toast wp joe

serveme.tf #1219964 - BLU vs RED

Team Player Message
Blue :) Leila kn 16 airshoots so sexy
Red tumblrgirl put the log on his tinder profile
Red tumblrgirl it will work trust
Blue Toxic Masculinity leila is my biggest fan
Blue Toxic Masculinity this is the only female attention ill ever get
Red tumblrgirl #gamer
Blue :) Leila buko cant join we need few minutes
Blue Toxic Masculinity pro
Red crizzl buko pikantost
Red tumblrgirl den smager godt
Red Martin pls hurry phil needs to go to work
Blue protoplasmic invertebrate jelly we are trying our best!!!
Blue :) Leila he tries he cant download map
Blue :) Leila or something
Red crizzl his shift starts 23:00
Red Martin fakkelbrigade.eu/maps
Red tumblrgirl has he tried plugging in the internet cable
Blue protoplasmic invertebrate jelly ill suggest that now
Red tumblrgirl ty
Red tumblrgirl i did tech support for a year i know what im doing
Blue :) Leila he deleted map as well didnt work i sent him your link
Red tumblrgirl meatspin.com <--- TRY THIS LINK
Blue :) Leila we dont watch porn sorry
Red tumblrgirl wholesome
Blue protoplasmic invertebrate jelly if this method doesnt work would you mind playing version u18?
Blue :) Leila i think its working for him now
Red Dr. Phil this is the standard version of the map
Red Dr. Phil how can't he download it?!?!
Blue protoplasmic invertebrate jelly no clue!
Red tumblrgirl verify integrity of game files
Blue :) Leila no idea
Blue :) Leila u can ask him when he comes:
Red crizzl what a moron
Red tumblrgirl D.
Red tumblrgirl rude
Blue protoplasmic invertebrate jelly not untrue though !
Red tumblrgirl NS
Blue Toxic Masculinity ty
Red tumblrgirl ran out of ammo
Red tumblrgirl u saved me
Red tumblrgirl still dont understand what u want, u better think not choke final
Blue Toxic Masculinity why.
Red tumblrgirl flank potential too big to be ignored
Blue protoplasmic invertebrate jelly gg
Blue :) Leila GG
Red tumblrgirl we have to go quick
Red tumblrgirl gg

serveme.tf #1219964 - BLU vs RED

Team Player Message
Blue Toxic Masculinity kaboom
Red Martin door stuck
Blue Toxic Masculinity Do Not Push Joseph Of Newcastle
Blue vvvvvvvvvvv hes jotic
Blue JH MAD?
Red Dr. Phil ns
Blue Toxic Masculinity ty!
Red Dr. Phil pause
Blue protoplasmic invertebrate jelly k
Blue JH it works
Blue JH worth?
Red tumblrgirl NS
Blue JH GG
Blue Toxic Masculinity gg
Red Dr. Phil gg
Red tumblrgirl gg
Blue protoplasmic invertebrate jelly gg
Blue :) Leila gg
Red tumblrgirl gotta hit those kn
Blue :) Leila gg

serveme.tf #1219964 - BLU vs RED

Team Player Message
Red tumblrgirl hej venner
Red crizzl gb hf
Red tumblrgirl glgl
Red tumblrgirl hfhf
Blue Toxic Masculinity Yeah
Blue Toxic Masculinity wat
Blue saikou ur a dumb
Blue Toxic Masculinity Hahaha! Lol! Lmao! Rofl! Hahahahaha! Aha!
Red tumblrgirl what you mean?
Blue Toxic Masculinity Hahaha! Lol! Lmao! Rofl! Hahahahaha! Aha!
Red tumblrgirl NS
Blue Toxic Masculinity dont
Blue Toxic Masculinity not a triple btw im kms
Red tumblrgirl unlucky
Red tumblrgirl shit happens
Red Martin ok n1
Blue Toxic Masculinity Immortal
Blue JH gg
Red tumblrgirl gg
Blue protoplasmic invertebrate jelly gg
Red Dr. Phil gg
Red riis gg