Logs 3308304, 3308178, 3308205, 3308231, 3308247, 3308267, 3308286

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 13 Advanced Playoffs 1 Suspiciously Gort Shaped Bear Happi go Lucki 2.5 6.5 pl_swiftwater_final1, koth_product_rcx, pl_vigil_rc9

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
Gort vs Yeye full playoffs Product 4-2 Vigil 2-1 Highlander Happi go Lucki Suspiciously Gort Shaped Bear 8 5 1:27:36 3308178, 3308205, 3308231, 3308247, 3308267, 3308286, 3308289, 3308292 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #491732: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Highlander Happi go Lucki Suspiciously Gort Shaped Bear 1 2 16:38 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #491732: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Highlander Happi go Lucki Suspiciously Gort Shaped Bear 2 0 12:59 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #491732: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Highlander Happi go Lucki Suspiciously Gort Shaped Bear 1 0 6:58 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #491732: RED vs BLU pl_vigil_rc9 Highlander Happi go Lucki Suspiciously Gort Shaped Bear 1 0 18:48 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #491732: BLU vs RED pl_vigil_rc9 Highlander Suspiciously Gort Shaped Bear Happi go Lucki 1 0 17:10 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #491732: RED vs BLU pl_vigil_rc9 Highlander Happi go Lucki Suspiciously Gort Shaped Bear 1 0 15:03 Remove log
Totals 15 7 2:55:12


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red jayeezy Scout 172 102 74 259 221 162 45418 38758 28531 8 0 102 0 0 28 2:55:12
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red simon riley Soldier 104 166 42 301 269 87 52894 47300 15282 5 2 518 0 0 0 2:55:12
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red schoolboy leif Pyro 110 88 112 164 244 214 28814 42888 37577 7 0 136 0 0 22 2:54:54
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red dotwet Demo 128 110 72 476 375 308 83536 65762 54117 8 0 118 0 0 16 2:55:12
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red november Engineer 84 108 76 225 189 83 39500 33280 14580 7 0 150 0 0 44 2:55:12
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red BG.Chocc Heavy 140 146 70 268 480 190 46996 84138 33368 9 0 240 0 0 22 2:55:10
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red meow Medic 4 62 140 4 154 3 704 27014 669 1 0 74 0 0 16 2:55:12
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red jimsgims Sniper 200 86 32 405 198 143 71044 34718 25209 11 0 40 0 116 16 2:55:12
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red kill -> G+G Spy 102 174 22 238 188 18 41796 33084 3316 4 0 186 72 0 2 2:55:12
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue MAN I CAN SHOOT ROPES Scout 156 126 78 259 271 180 45532 47632 31636 8 0 120 0 0 38 2:55:12
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue GHNA bowlcut warrior #DLF Soldier 116 126 68 377 243 157 66128 42606 27571 5 4 312 0 0 4 2:55:12
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue dogathan Pyro 96 82 72 137 231 222 24170 40602 38961 6 0 40 0 0 14 2:55:12
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue GHNA why the rock dancin #DLF Demo 130 126 38 445 406 358 78004 71168 62732 5 0 62 0 0 24 2:55:12
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue goblin Engineer 140 100 76 240 178 90 42180 31314 15926 9 0 132 0 0 16 2:55:12
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Willy Heavy 142 114 90 295 419 284 51828 73540 49823 5 0 98 0 0 12 2:55:12
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue foxxy Medic 4 60 132 1 146 0 332 25636 117 1 0 78 0 0 8 2:55:12
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue CAYORNE #STOPASIANHATE #DLF, scott rolen bbref Sniper 142 134 40 312 264 132 54770 46422 23216 6 0 46 0 102 0 2:55:12
Blue Blue Blue Blue whajjma Spy 46 72 4 150 94 7 18660 11718 990 2 0 48 34 0 0 2:04:11
Blue Blue Red Blue soup Spy 68 108 16 182 144 27 25338 20064 3781 5 0 120 46 2 0 1:42:02
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Ü Duration
Red 522 521 320 2344 2322 1236 205351 203471 108350 11 1 782 36 58 83 28 1:27:36
Blue 520 524 307 2322 2344 1470 203471 205351 128798 9 2 528 40 52 58 25 1:27:36
Red 90 116 48 2484 2664 1119 41325 44312 18618 5 0 160 5 13 25 5 16:38
Blue 116 90 73 2664 2484 1379 44312 41325 22948 6 1 132 8 17 17 6 16:38
Red 96 78 55 2772 2453 1236 35996 31859 16058 11 0 126 7 19 24 5 12:59
Blue 78 97 51 2453 2772 1427 31859 35996 18537 5 0 68 7 6 11 4 12:59
Red 44 49 29 2613 2630 1239 18209 18328 8637 6 0 72 7 4 8 2 6:58
Blue 49 45 25 2630 2613 1314 18328 18209 9157 5 0 39 2 10 8 2 6:58
Red 121 97 77 2206 2085 1218 41488 39202 22913 11 0 176 9 10 11 6 18:48
Blue 97 121 54 2085 2206 1423 39202 41488 26762 8 0 101 8 8 6 4 18:48
Red 106 95 62 2340 2231 1537 40177 38312 26399 5 1 85 11 4 9 5 17:10
Blue 95 107 61 2231 2340 1180 38312 40177 20265 6 1 130 5 7 5 5 17:10
Red 76 74 50 1994 1966 1183 30021 29593 17808 6 0 118 3 5 10 5 15:03
Blue 74 76 42 1966 1994 1471 29593 30021 22152 9 0 103 4 7 7 4 15:03


Teams Player Class H% H/M H Ü MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red meow Medic 100% 1190 208594 94 86 8 0 2 22 0:40 12 0 2:55:12
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue foxxy Medic 100% 1437 251914 94 88 6 0 6 20 0:40 14 0 2:55:12



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red jimsgims 34 14 12 36 18 26 14 34 12 200
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red jayeezy 18 14 10 26 36 4 6 16 42 172
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue MAN I CAN SHOOT ROPES 18 30 18 20 22 8 14 10 16 156
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue CAYORNE #STOPASIANHATE #DLF, scott rolen bbref 26 12 14 24 18 20 2 18 8 142
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Willy 10 22 12 4 18 34 2 4 36 142
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue goblin 8 36 8 8 16 6 6 4 48 140
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red BG.Chocc 22 22 12 10 22 14 4 14 20 140
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue GHNA why the rock dancin #DLF 8 8 18 26 20 20 16 12 2 130
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red dotwet 6 12 20 22 16 20 10 10 12 128
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue GHNA bowlcut warrior #DLF 10 30 2 14 18 8 8 10 16 116
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red schoolboy leif 2 20 8 4 6 10 4 4 52 110
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red simon riley 14 18 8 10 2 10 10 22 10 104
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red kill -> G+G 20 6 6 10 10 6 12 30 2 102
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue dogathan 14 16 10 2 6 6 0 2 40 96
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red november 10 18 4 8 4 10 0 2 28 84
Blue Blue Red Blue soup 8 10 2 6 14 2 10 14 2 68
Blue Blue Blue Blue whajjma 0 0 4 6 14 2 4 12 4 46
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red meow 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 4
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue foxxy 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red kill -> G+G 16 16 40 2 36 48 2 8 6 174
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red simon riley 30 30 16 8 22 36 2 12 10 166
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red BG.Chocc 22 18 6 20 18 16 0 18 28 146
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue CAYORNE #STOPASIANHATE #DLF, scott rolen bbref 16 22 4 10 14 2 2 34 30 134
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue MAN I CAN SHOOT ROPES 18 14 2 6 22 10 0 34 20 126
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue GHNA why the rock dancin #DLF 26 10 4 22 10 8 0 36 10 126
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue GHNA bowlcut warrior #DLF 14 18 20 12 22 18 0 14 6 124
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Willy 36 2 6 16 22 4 0 18 10 114
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red dotwet 20 14 2 26 4 8 0 24 12 110
Blue Blue Red Blue soup 28 10 26 8 12 16 0 6 2 108
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red november 8 8 6 20 34 6 0 20 4 106
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red jayeezy 18 10 14 8 10 8 0 26 8 102
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue goblin 4 10 10 20 14 10 0 26 6 100
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red schoolboy leif 18 2 10 18 12 8 0 14 6 88
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red jimsgims 10 10 2 12 4 4 0 18 26 86
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue dogathan 10 8 8 20 12 4 0 12 6 80
Blue Blue Blue Blue whajjma 14 0 26 4 8 12 2 6 0 72
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red meow 14 8 0 16 2 6 0 2 14 62
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue foxxy 6 10 4 10 4 0 0 14 12 60


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red jayeezy 26 18 16 42 46 10 10 24 54 246
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue MAN I CAN SHOOT ROPES 30 36 22 36 36 12 20 12 30 234
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red jimsgims 38 18 16 40 24 28 14 36 18 232
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Willy 20 38 20 16 36 40 4 8 50 232
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red schoolboy leif 22 34 14 16 20 16 8 12 80 222
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue goblin 24 46 12 12 36 10 8 10 58 216
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red BG.Chocc 30 32 18 18 28 20 10 14 40 210
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red dotwet 18 18 28 36 28 22 20 14 16 200
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue GHNA bowlcut warrior #DLF 20 40 6 16 30 20 12 16 24 184
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue CAYORNE #STOPASIANHATE #DLF, scott rolen bbref 28 22 16 32 26 22 2 20 14 182
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue GHNA why the rock dancin #DLF 10 8 26 34 28 24 18 16 4 168
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue dogathan 28 34 20 2 8 12 2 4 58 168
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red november 18 32 14 14 16 14 2 10 40 160
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red simon riley 16 26 12 10 10 16 10 28 18 146
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red meow 12 20 10 20 16 20 8 8 30 144
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue foxxy 6 20 16 10 16 16 14 10 28 136
Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red kill -> G+G 22 6 8 16 14 12 12 32 2 124
Blue Blue Red Blue soup 12 10 2 8 18 4 10 18 2 84
Blue Blue Blue Blue whajjma 0 2 4 6 14 2 6 12 4 50


Gort vs Yeye full playoffs

Time Team Player Kills
2:51 Blue goblin 3
5:02 Red dotwet 3
5:53 Red jimsgims 3
8:50 Blue GHNA why the rock dancin #DLF 3
9:54 Blue GHNA why the rock dancin #DLF 3
24:34 Red BG.Chocc 5
26:11 Red jimsgims 3
27:00 Red jimsgims 4
30:57 Red jimsgims 3
32:19 Red BG.Chocc 4
42:12 Red schoolboy leif 4
42:26 Red jayeezy 3
45:11 Red kill -> G+G 4
45:22 Blue goblin 3
59:31 Blue dogathan 3
1:03:27 Red jayeezy 3
1:03:28 Red jimsgims 4
1:06:10 Red jimsgims 3
1:07:07 Red jayeezy 3
1:07:22 Red dotwet 3
1:07:58 Red jayeezy 3
1:11:49 Red jayeezy 4
1:12:49 Red jayeezy 4
1:13:23 Red BG.Chocc 4
1:23:56 Blue Willy 3
1:23:57 Red jimsgims 3
1:24:01 Red dotwet 4
1:30:29 Blue soup 5
1:30:33 Blue Willy 3
1:31:42 Blue GHNA why the rock dancin #DLF 3
1:33:29 Red simon riley 4
1:45:53 Red BG.Chocc 3
1:46:27 Red jimsgims 3
1:49:29 Blue Willy 3
1:52:15 Red november 3
1:53:05 Red BG.Chocc 4

na.serveme.tf #491732: RED vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
2:51 Blue goblin 3
5:02 Red dotwet 3
5:53 Red jimsgims 3
8:50 Blue GHNA why the rock dancin #DLF 3
9:54 Blue GHNA why the rock dancin #DLF 3

na.serveme.tf #491732: RED vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
5:18 Red BG.Chocc 5
6:55 Red jimsgims 3
7:44 Red jimsgims 4
11:41 Red jimsgims 3

na.serveme.tf #491732: RED vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
2:31 Red schoolboy leif 4
2:45 Red jayeezy 3
5:30 Red kill -> G+G 4
5:41 Blue goblin 3

na.serveme.tf #491732: RED vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
4:59 Blue dogathan 3
8:55 Red jayeezy 3
8:56 Red jimsgims 4
11:38 Red jimsgims 3
12:35 Red jayeezy 3
12:50 Red dotwet 3
13:26 Red jayeezy 3
17:17 Red jayeezy 4

na.serveme.tf #491732: BLU vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
7:43 Red Willy 3
7:44 Blue jimsgims 3
7:48 Blue dotwet 4
14:16 Red soup 5
14:20 Red Willy 3
15:29 Red GHNA why the rock dancin #DLF 3

na.serveme.tf #491732: RED vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
6:38 Red BG.Chocc 3
7:12 Red jimsgims 3
10:14 Blue Willy 3
13:00 Red november 3
13:50 Red BG.Chocc 4


Gort vs Yeye full playoffs

Team Player Message
Red kill -> G+G suck my nuts
Blue whajjma bounty
Blue whajjma lucki
Blue whajjma kd?
Blue whajjma dont lucki
Red kill -> G+G start winning then u can type
Blue GHNA bowlcut warrior #DLF why me
Blue whajjma rolled
Blue goblin mr president
Red simon riley LMAO
Blue whajjma billy you denied me a chocc frag
Red simon riley mr president
Red BG.Chocc u r garbage for that btw
Red schoolboy leif OMG
Red jimsgims g g
Red schoolboy leif Good map
Red kill -> G+G gm
Red kill -> G+G wp
Red jimsgims aeon peeking?
Red jimsgims rly?
Red kill -> G+G WTFF
Red kill -> G+G U FREAK
Blue goblin die
Red schoolboy leif !log
Red schoolboy leif !log
Red schoolboy leif .ss
Red schoolboy leif !log
Red kill -> G+G Wtf
Blue goblin lol
Red kill -> G+G what did i get stuck on
Red schoolboy leif BILLY SOY
Red jimsgims get out
Blue scott rolen bbref excellent play lucki
Red simon riley ty queens
Red schoolboy leif Good kill
Blue scott rolen bbref !extend
Red kill -> G+G omg
Red kill -> G+G u almost trolled
Red schoolboy leif LOL
Red kill -> G+G WTF
Red kill -> G+G gg
Blue Willy gg
Red simon riley LMAO
Red schoolboy leif GG
Red dotwet GGS
Red BG.Chocc gg'
Blue soup gg

na.serveme.tf #491732: RED vs BLU

Team Player Message
Red kill -> G+G suck my nuts
Blue whajjma bounty
Blue whajjma lucki
Blue whajjma kd?
Blue whajjma dont lucki
Red kill -> G+G start winning then u can type
Blue GHNA bowlcut warrior #DLF why me
Blue whajjma rolled

na.serveme.tf #491732: RED vs BLU

Team Player Message
Blue goblin mr president
Red simon riley LMAO
Blue whajjma billy you denied me a chocc frag
Red simon riley mr president
Red BG.Chocc u r garbage for that btw

na.serveme.tf #491732: RED vs BLU

Team Player Message
Red schoolboy leif OMG
Red jimsgims g g
Red schoolboy leif Good map
Red kill -> G+G gm

na.serveme.tf #491732: RED vs BLU

Team Player Message
Red kill -> G+G wp
Red jimsgims aeon peeking?
Red jimsgims rly?
Red kill -> G+G WTFF
Red kill -> G+G U FREAK
Blue goblin die

na.serveme.tf #491732: BLU vs RED

Team Player Message
Blue schoolboy leif !log
Blue schoolboy leif !log
Blue schoolboy leif .ss
Blue schoolboy leif !log
Blue kill -> G+G Wtf
Red goblin lol
Blue kill -> G+G what did i get stuck on
Blue schoolboy leif BILLY SOY
Blue jimsgims get out
Red scott rolen bbref excellent play lucki

na.serveme.tf #491732: RED vs BLU

Team Player Message
Red simon riley ty queens
Red schoolboy leif Good kill
Blue scott rolen bbref !extend
Red kill -> G+G omg
Red kill -> G+G u almost trolled
Red schoolboy leif LOL
Red kill -> G+G WTF
Red kill -> G+G gg
Blue Willy gg
Red simon riley LMAO
Red schoolboy leif GG
Red dotwet GGS
Red BG.Chocc gg'
Blue soup gg