Logs 3381144, 3381179, 3381226, 3381251, 3381274

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 14 Intermediate Playoffs 1 The Bear Necessities peanut arbuckle 6.0 3.0 pl_swiftwater_final1, koth_product_final, pl_vigil_rc9 Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
The Bear Necessities: BEAR vs buck pl_swiftwater_final1 Highlander peanut arbuckle The Bear Necessities 0 1 16:25 Remove log
The Bear Necessities: buck vs BEAR pl_swiftwater_final1 Highlander The Bear Necessities peanut arbuckle 1 0 16:48 Remove log
The Bear Necessities: BEAR vs buck koth_product_final Highlander The Bear Necessities peanut arbuckle 2 0 10:07 Remove log
The Bear Necessities: BEAR vs buck koth_product_final Highlander The Bear Necessities peanut arbuckle 0 2 12:30 Remove log
The Bear Necessities: BEAR vs buck koth_product_final Highlander The Bear Necessities peanut arbuckle 2 1 16:51 Remove log
Totals 5 4 1:12:41


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue between the veins and i Scout 100 72 22 389 296 143 28291 21552 10456 6 0 102 0 0 10 1:12:41
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue salsington Soldier 56 78 24 338 295 88 24624 21495 6468 4 1 190 0 0 4 1:12:41
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue the real big sips Pyro 29 57 27 112 299 200 8174 21733 14587 4 0 10 0 0 14 1:12:41
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue clio Demo 57 48 32 418 344 301 30452 25030 21901 6 0 40 0 0 10 1:12:41
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue DECRIMINALIZE DRUNK DRIVING Engineer 34 41 37 216 184 64 15750 13407 4667 6 0 78 0 0 19 1:12:41
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue gb Heavy 33 57 25 194 441 151 14151 32105 10976 3 0 37 0 0 12 1:12:41
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Snake Medic 3 28 39 9 144 714 10520 0 1 0 34 0 0 4 1:12:41
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Hans Zimmer from The Buggles Sniper 88 71 9 397 289 54 28868 21012 3942 8 0 4 0 42 0 1:12:41
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Auto-erotic cookie clicker Spy 39 69 2 227 156 24 16528 11359 1750 3 0 23 32 0 4 1:12:41
Blue Red Red Red Red i have a headache Scout 64 49 39 221 249 137 16130 18165 10014 6 0 68 0 0 21 1:12:41
Blue Red Red Red Red quacked! Soldier 56 74 23 342 269 75 24929 19555 5513 4 1 162 0 0 6 1:12:41
Blue Red Red Red Red ZaDeZ Pyro 53 39 26 138 275 212 10055 20021 15456 5 0 41 0 0 10 1:12:41
Blue Red Red Red Red pyroflyer Demo 70 46 26 440 328 303 32047 23858 22024 10 1 29 0 0 12 1:12:41
Blue Red Red Red Red Jercer | RGL.gg Engineer 40 41 39 192 169 66 13956 12309 4846 8 0 63 0 0 9 1:12:41
Blue Red Red Red Red Dude Named Bob Heavy 65 58 36 300 486 176 21861 35364 12794 8 0 35 0 0 8 1:12:41
Blue Red Red Red Red nabo encurtido Medic 4 23 61 7 149 525 10856 0 2 1 26 0 0 8 1:12:41
Blue Red Red Red Red mowxz Sniper 106 58 6 453 254 103 32996 18465 7499 8 0 8 0 93 7 1:12:41
Blue Red Red Red Red MaStEr Of FeEdInG Spy 62 56 11 353 123 14 25714 8959 1077 7 0 64 47 0 0 1:12:41
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Ü Duration
Red 95 110 48 2115 2187 1118 34725 35914 18362 6 0 102 5 8 11 5 16:25
Blue 109 96 52 2187 2115 1090 35914 34725 17896 5 0 123 6 20 7 6 16:25
Red 111 84 54 2195 2063 1079 36879 34665 18143 10 2 102 5 24 11 4 16:48
Blue 84 111 35 2063 2195 1026 34665 36879 17238 8 0 142 6 10 6 4 16:48
Red 88 59 48 2843 2258 1149 28769 22849 11632 8 0 74 12 16 17 3 10:07
Blue 57 88 24 2258 2843 953 22849 28769 9650 5 0 74 8 3 8 3 10:07
Red 84 96 44 2574 2649 1025 32180 33122 12819 8 1 87 9 15 18 3 12:30
Blue 94 84 46 2649 2574 990 33122 32180 12384 6 1 95 7 14 21 4 12:30
Red 128 109 69 2639 2503 1111 44471 42191 18733 7 0 110 15 18 28 4 16:51
Blue 109 128 64 2503 2639 1015 42191 44471 17113 6 0 105 6 7 31 4 16:51


Teams Player Class H% H/M H Ü MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Snake Medic 100% 1028 74763 37 37 0 0 1 2 0:40 6 0 1:12:41
Blue Red Red Red Red nabo encurtido Medic 100% 1089 79207 36 33 3 0 2 10 0:39 5 1 1:12:41



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Red Red Red mowxz 7 13 9 15 10 8 11 31 2 106
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue between the veins and i 15 15 8 11 12 10 6 16 7 100
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Hans Zimmer from The Buggles 11 7 12 8 12 7 6 20 5 88
Blue Red Red Red Red pyroflyer 11 8 13 9 10 5 5 3 6 70
Blue Red Red Red Red Dude Named Bob 11 7 8 4 12 7 0 2 14 65
Blue Red Red Red Red i have a headache 17 6 9 3 3 8 5 1 12 64
Blue Red Red Red Red MaStEr Of FeEdInG 1 4 3 6 10 4 3 30 1 62
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue clio 8 7 8 12 7 4 3 5 3 57
Blue Red Red Red Red quacked! 14 14 3 5 4 6 4 4 2 56
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue salsington 7 12 5 7 4 5 3 5 8 56
Blue Red Red Red Red ZaDeZ 6 14 5 4 3 1 0 0 20 53
Blue Red Red Red Red Jercer | RGL.gg 5 10 6 2 5 2 0 0 10 40
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Auto-erotic cookie clicker 2 3 1 3 11 5 3 10 1 39
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue DECRIMINALIZE DRUNK DRIVING 2 8 2 1 3 5 1 1 11 34
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue gb 4 7 1 3 8 3 0 1 6 33
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue the real big sips 0 10 1 1 1 2 0 0 14 29
Blue Red Red Red Red nabo encurtido 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 4
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Snake 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 3


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue salsington 6 14 14 8 7 10 2 13 4 78
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue between the veins and i 17 14 6 11 11 5 0 7 1 72
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Hans Zimmer from The Buggles 1 4 0 3 2 0 0 31 30 71
Blue Red Red Red Red quacked! 15 12 10 7 7 8 1 7 3 70
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Auto-erotic cookie clicker 12 2 20 6 14 10 1 2 1 68
Blue Red Red Red Red Dude Named Bob 12 4 1 7 8 3 0 12 11 58
Blue Red Red Red Red mowxz 16 5 0 5 1 1 0 20 10 58
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue the real big sips 9 3 5 13 8 6 1 9 3 57
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue gb 3 4 3 10 12 5 0 10 10 57
Blue Red Red Red Red MaStEr Of FeEdInG 7 8 14 3 6 11 1 5 1 56
Blue Red Red Red Red i have a headache 15 7 0 8 4 2 0 11 2 49
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue clio 3 5 4 9 4 2 0 15 6 48
Blue Red Red Red Red pyroflyer 11 7 1 12 3 1 0 8 3 46
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue DECRIMINALIZE DRUNK DRIVING 8 6 1 5 7 2 0 8 4 41
Blue Red Red Red Red Jercer | RGL.gg 10 5 2 4 3 5 0 7 5 41
Blue Red Red Red Red ZaDeZ 8 5 1 8 1 2 0 12 1 38
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Snake 5 4 0 5 0 0 0 11 3 28
Blue Red Red Red Red nabo encurtido 6 3 0 3 0 1 1 6 3 23


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue between the veins and i 16 23 9 17 13 10 6 19 9 122
Blue Red Red Red Red mowxz 9 14 9 15 12 8 11 32 2 112
Blue Red Red Red Red i have a headache 25 10 14 12 8 11 5 2 16 103
Blue Red Red Red Red Dude Named Bob 16 14 17 7 14 12 1 2 18 101
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Hans Zimmer from The Buggles 11 11 12 9 12 8 6 22 6 97
Blue Red Red Red Red pyroflyer 15 13 17 12 14 6 8 3 8 96
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue clio 15 8 10 19 13 8 7 6 3 89
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue salsington 7 16 7 7 10 8 6 10 9 80
Blue Red Red Red Red quacked! 17 16 6 6 9 11 6 4 4 79
Blue Red Red Red Red Jercer | RGL.gg 16 19 8 3 10 9 2 1 11 79
Blue Red Red Red Red ZaDeZ 9 21 7 6 7 2 0 0 27 79
Blue Red Red Red Red MaStEr Of FeEdInG 1 5 5 7 11 6 6 30 2 73
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue DECRIMINALIZE DRUNK DRIVING 10 14 4 6 5 9 2 4 17 71
Blue Red Red Red Red nabo encurtido 8 8 12 11 8 3 1 5 9 65
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue gb 9 9 4 5 14 6 2 1 8 58
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue the real big sips 3 14 2 5 8 3 2 4 15 56
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Snake 5 9 10 4 4 0 1 3 6 42
Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Auto-erotic cookie clicker 2 3 1 3 11 6 3 10 2 41


The Bear Necessities: BEAR vs buck

Time Team Player Kills
7:07 Red between the veins and i 4
9:29 Blue i have a headache 5
9:34 Red clio 3
13:21 Red Hans Zimmer from The Buggles 3
13:50 Blue ZaDeZ 4
14:37 Red the real big sips 4
15:01 Blue mowxz 3
15:19 Red Hans Zimmer from The Buggles 3

The Bear Necessities: buck vs BEAR

Time Team Player Kills
1:45 Blue Hans Zimmer from The Buggles 3
3:27 Red mowxz 3
4:16 Red mowxz 3
5:36 Blue between the veins and i 3
10:14 Red Dude Named Bob 3
14:10 Red mowxz 4
15:01 Red quacked! 4

The Bear Necessities: BEAR vs buck

Time Team Player Kills
7:09 Red mowxz 3
7:53 Red Jercer | RGL.gg 3
8:23 Blue between the veins and i 4

The Bear Necessities: BEAR vs buck

Time Team Player Kills
0:24 Blue Hans Zimmer from The Buggles 3
1:08 Blue Hans Zimmer from The Buggles 3
1:40 Red mowxz 3
3:23 Blue Hans Zimmer from The Buggles 4
5:23 Blue between the veins and i 4
6:35 Red quacked! 3
7:55 Red mowxz 3
8:50 Blue between the veins and i 3
10:18 Red ZaDeZ 4
10:57 Blue Hans Zimmer from The Buggles 3

The Bear Necessities: BEAR vs buck

Time Team Player Kills
0:53 Blue between the veins and i 5
6:07 Red Dude Named Bob 3
8:22 Blue clio 3
9:14 Blue Hans Zimmer from The Buggles 3
10:12 Red ZaDeZ 3
10:17 Red pyroflyer 3
11:28 Red Dude Named Bob 3
13:28 Blue between the veins and i 3
14:25 Blue between the veins and i 3
14:48 Red mowxz 3
16:02 Red Dude Named Bob 3
16:40 Red i have a headache 3


The Bear Necessities: buck vs BEAR

Team Player Message
Red pyroflyer LOL

The Bear Necessities: BEAR vs buck

Team Player Message
Red quacked! i hate my busted ass mouse
Red quacked! ns
Blue salsington wfdgeajdhsgfvdhjvfsa
Red quacked! my mouse keeps jittering
Red quacked! ns tho
Red quacked! gg
Blue salsington lol
Red quacked! </3
Red quacked! ouch
Blue salsington ...
Red quacked! my clips arent on

The Bear Necessities: BEAR vs buck

Team Player Message
Blue salsington .ss
Blue salsington gg
Red pyroflyer ggs
Red i have a headache ggs
Blue gb gg
Blue Auto-erotic cookie clicker GG
Red quacked! gg
Blue the real big sips gg