Logs 3385687, 3385620, 3385649, 3385711, 3385735

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 14 Intermediate Playoffs 2 The Bear Necessities MF Villains 1.5 7.5 pl_swiftwater_final1, pl_vigil_rc9, cp_steel_f12

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #507826: MF vs BEAR pl_vigil_rc9 Highlander The Bear Necessities MF Villains 0 1 14:55 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #507826: MF vs BEAR pl_vigil_rc9 Highlander The Bear Necessities MF Villains 0 1 13:10 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #507826: BEAR vs MF pl_vigil_rc9 Highlander MF Villains The Bear Necessities 0 1 16:23 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #507826: MF vs BEAR cp_steel_f12 Highlander The Bear Necessities MF Villains 0 1 12:10 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #507826: BEAR vs MF cp_steel_f12 Highlander MF Villains The Bear Necessities 1 0 11:00 Remove log
Totals 1 4 1:07:38


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Red Blue Red Blue egghead Scout 32 50 8 135 212 113 9150 14376 7696 3 64 0 0 9 1:07:38
Red Red Blue Red Blue quacked! Soldier 31 43 26 338 287 101 22884 19436 6870 5 132 0 0 3 1:07:38
Red Red Blue Red Blue ZaDeZ Pyro 38 41 26 165 231 175 11199 15677 11839 5 34 0 0 5 1:07:38
Red Red Blue Red Blue fallin Demo 44 44 21 318 287 246 21568 19451 16650 4 49 0 0 0 1:07:38
Red Red Blue Red Blue Jercer | RGL.gg Engineer 9 26 20 89 120 86 6041 8131 5838 1 21 0 0 6 1:07:38
Red Red Blue Red Blue Dude Named Bob Heavy 49 46 20 254 377 225 17243 25549 15236 7 24 0 0 5 1:07:38
Red Red Blue Red Blue klivzzz Medic 0 26 31 4 114 323 7752 0 0 12 0 0 6 1:07:38
Red Red Blue Red Blue mowxz Sniper 52 61 7 284 242 105 19264 16433 7121 6 5 0 42 3 1:07:38
Red Red Blue Red Blue MaStEr Of FeEdInG Spy 44 49 6 213 124 17 14434 8417 1200 3 35 26 0 1 1:07:38
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF finman Scout 50 44 31 223 185 67 15085 12525 4552 5 80 0 0 12 1:07:38
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF RysN Soldier 62 36 21 346 235 103 23434 15896 7032 8 152 0 0 4 1:07:38
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF Say What Pyro 31 29 31 124 191 212 8434 12975 14375 7 27 0 0 4 1:07:38
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF Tax Demo 60 32 26 449 266 273 30406 18047 18474 8 32 0 0 5 1:07:38
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF Johno Engineer 43 26 24 161 121 72 10928 8216 4880 6 31 0 0 5 1:07:38
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF Syn Heavy 49 34 30 229 349 262 15533 23624 17733 5 56 0 0 3 1:07:38
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Fuzzycoco Medic 2 17 37 3 86 231 5839 0 1 8 0 0 1 1:07:38
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF LerN Sniper 43 38 15 244 225 143 16554 15265 9686 6 2 0 34 3 1:07:38
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF Scuttle Spy 40 46 5 216 143 24 14617 9719 1674 4 41 24 0 4 1:07:38
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 MS BS HSK CPC Ü Duration
Red 60 102 32 1770 2339 1028 26416 34901 15343 7 71 8 7 8 5 14:55
Blue 101 60 59 2339 1770 1268 34901 26416 18928 6 71 6 10 7 4 14:55
Red 67 75 36 2079 2019 1077 27377 26587 14186 5 66 5 9 10 3 13:10
Blue 74 67 41 2019 2079 1159 26587 27377 15264 5 74 9 4 4 4 13:10
Red 82 86 46 2010 1963 1191 32937 32170 19521 8 78 5 9 9 5 16:23
Blue 85 82 55 1963 2010 1327 32170 32937 21752 5 80 9 13 5 4 16:23
Red 48 60 22 1596 1765 864 19428 21476 10512 6 103 2 6 13 3 12:10
Blue 59 50 32 1765 1596 1063 21476 19428 12934 5 90 3 6 8 2 12:10
Red 64 39 42 1756 1519 1069 19321 16715 11759 8 116 1 5 13 2 11:00
Blue 39 67 20 1519 1756 968 16715 19321 10657 4 56 2 7 2 3 11:00


Teams Player Class H% H/M H Ü MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Red Blue Red Blue klivzzz Medic 100% 1070 72413 32 24 8 0 2 12 0:40 9 0 1:07:38
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Fuzzycoco Medic 100% 1159 78443 28 23 5 0 6 13 0:40 5 0 1:07:38



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF RysN 11 11 1 5 3 5 5 14 7 62
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF Tax 7 6 8 9 12 2 2 7 7 60
Red Red Blue Red Blue mowxz 10 2 1 8 5 5 5 12 4 52
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF finman 8 4 6 6 5 2 6 7 6 50
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF Syn 3 4 8 8 9 1 3 4 9 49
Red Red Blue Red Blue Dude Named Bob 3 5 7 6 11 4 2 0 11 49
Red Red Blue Red Blue fallin 6 2 7 6 5 6 1 6 5 44
Red Red Blue Red Blue MaStEr Of FeEdInG 4 6 2 5 4 4 4 13 2 44
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF Johno 6 7 7 4 6 3 0 3 7 43
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF LerN 4 1 4 7 2 6 3 14 2 43
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF Scuttle 7 6 1 0 7 6 5 7 1 40
Red Red Blue Red Blue ZaDeZ 6 3 5 3 3 1 1 3 13 38
Red Red Blue Red Blue egghead 6 6 3 3 1 4 1 2 6 32
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF Say What 4 3 3 4 1 0 2 4 10 31
Red Red Blue Red Blue quacked! 7 8 2 0 5 1 3 2 3 31
Red Red Blue Red Blue Jercer | RGL.gg 2 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 9
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Fuzzycoco 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Blue Red Blue mowxz 7 14 4 7 4 3 1 14 7 61
Red Red Blue Red Blue egghead 8 11 4 7 3 6 0 4 7 50
Red Red Blue Red Blue MaStEr Of FeEdInG 6 7 10 7 9 7 0 2 1 49
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF Scuttle 6 3 13 5 11 2 0 4 2 46
Red Red Blue Red Blue Dude Named Bob 5 3 1 12 9 6 0 2 7 45
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF finman 6 7 6 6 3 2 0 10 4 44
Red Red Blue Red Blue fallin 6 5 4 9 8 4 0 7 0 43
Red Red Blue Red Blue quacked! 4 11 3 6 4 7 0 1 6 42
Red Red Blue Red Blue ZaDeZ 6 1 3 8 8 7 1 4 1 39
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF LerN 2 2 3 6 0 0 0 12 13 38
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF Syn 1 5 3 5 11 0 0 5 4 34
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF RysN 6 8 3 2 5 2 0 2 6 34
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF Tax 3 0 3 6 6 0 0 8 5 31
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF Say What 3 2 5 7 7 2 0 1 2 29
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF Johno 4 1 1 6 4 1 0 5 4 26
Red Red Blue Red Blue klivzzz 6 5 2 2 3 0 0 3 5 26
Red Red Blue Red Blue Jercer | RGL.gg 2 5 0 2 1 3 0 6 6 25
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Fuzzycoco 1 3 1 1 2 0 0 5 4 17


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF Tax 9 8 14 14 14 6 4 10 7 86
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF RysN 20 14 3 5 6 7 5 15 8 83
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF finman 11 8 8 9 9 4 6 15 11 81
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF Syn 7 9 12 13 12 1 4 7 14 79
Red Red Blue Red Blue Dude Named Bob 3 9 12 6 19 4 3 0 13 69
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF Johno 10 10 7 8 9 3 0 7 13 67
Red Red Blue Red Blue fallin 9 6 10 9 8 7 2 7 7 65
Red Red Blue Red Blue ZaDeZ 8 6 7 6 5 5 2 4 21 64
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF Say What 8 8 10 5 5 2 3 7 14 62
Red Red Blue Red Blue mowxz 10 2 2 9 7 6 5 13 5 59
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF LerN 5 3 8 9 3 6 4 16 4 58
Red Red Blue Red Blue quacked! 11 9 5 3 10 4 3 6 6 57
Red Red Blue Red Blue MaStEr Of FeEdInG 5 7 2 5 6 4 5 14 2 50
Blue Blue Red Blue Red MF Scuttle 7 7 2 0 8 6 6 8 1 45
Red Red Blue Red Blue egghead 10 7 4 3 1 4 1 3 7 40
Blue Blue Red Blue Red Fuzzycoco 3 2 4 7 5 0 5 4 9 39
Red Red Blue Red Blue klivzzz 5 3 4 4 2 3 1 3 6 31
Red Red Blue Red Blue Jercer | RGL.gg 10 3 4 3 1 1 1 0 6 29


na.serveme.tf #507826: MF vs BEAR

Time Team Player Kills
1:16 Blue MF LerN 3
1:55 Blue MF Tax 3
2:46 Blue MF Tax 3
4:45 Blue MF RysN 3
9:49 Red MaStEr Of FeEdInG 3
10:06 Red Dude Named Bob 4
11:52 Blue MF RysN 3
14:02 Blue MF Scuttle 3

na.serveme.tf #507826: MF vs BEAR

Time Team Player Kills
2:44 Red ZaDeZ 3
4:05 Red Dude Named Bob 3
5:51 Blue MF Tax 3
5:51 Blue MF RysN 3
7:32 Red ZaDeZ 4
11:44 Red Dude Named Bob 3

na.serveme.tf #507826: BEAR vs MF

Time Team Player Kills
5:22 Blue Dude Named Bob 3
6:13 Blue quacked! 3
8:24 Blue Dude Named Bob 3
9:02 Red MF Johno 3
9:12 Red MF Tax 3
11:34 Red MF RysN 3
15:03 Red MF Johno 3

na.serveme.tf #507826: MF vs BEAR

Time Team Player Kills
5:20 Blue MF finman 3
6:33 Red quacked! 3
10:00 Blue MF Syn 3

na.serveme.tf #507826: BEAR vs MF

Time Team Player Kills
5:09 Red MF Say What 3


na.serveme.tf #507826: MF vs BEAR

Team Player Message
Blue MF LerN :(
Blue MF finman shakes head no

na.serveme.tf #507826: MF vs BEAR

Team Player Message
Red quacked! congress dumb
Blue MF Tax yes
Red quacked! glhf D:<
Blue MF finman hfhf
Red egghead blnf
Red quacked! i retract my gl
Blue MF Tax for you!
Blue MF Syn :)
Red egghead bad luck no fun
Blue MF finman we dont need ur gl
Blue MF Say What :(
Blue MF Tax famous last wrods
Red quacked! i know thats why i retracted it
Blue MF Syn :(
Red ZaDeZ mofo
Blue MF Say What quacker
Red quacked! quaker
Blue MF Johno !pause
Red quacked! ns
Red quacked! cool duck
Blue MF RysN ty

na.serveme.tf #507826: BEAR vs MF

Team Player Message
Red MF finman [LogsTF] To see the stats from the previous rounds, type: .ss

na.serveme.tf #507826: BEAR vs MF

Team Player Message
Red MF finman dont
Blue egghead ??
Red MF finman ever
Red MF Tax .ss
Red MF finman we own all the points
Red MF finman gg
Red MF Tax LOL
Red MF Johno :)
Red MF Tax gg
Red MF Syn Gg wp!
Red MF RysN ggs
Blue fallin ggs!
Blue quacked! gg
Red MF Scuttle gg
Red MF finman gg well played