Logs 3438429, 3438364, 3438385, 3438304, 3438325

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL NA Chucklenuts Cup #1 - Hosted by RGL RGL-YouTuber (Newcomer-esque) Playoffs Round 1 - Best of 3 Maps The Bonk Brigade Universe 7 0.0 3.0 cp_process_final, pl_upward, pl_vigil_rc10

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #518093: RED vs goku plr_hightower Sixes The Bonk Brigade Universe 7 1 0 14:53 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #518093: goku vs BB pl_upward Sixes The Bonk Brigade Universe 7 0 1 12:21 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #518093: BB vs goku pl_upward Sixes Universe 7 The Bonk Brigade 1 0 11:03 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #518093: BB vs goku pl_vigil_rc10 Sixes Universe 7 The Bonk Brigade 1 0 10:21 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #518093: asaRED vs BB pl_vigil_rc10 Sixes The Bonk Brigade Universe 7 0 1 19:52 Remove log
Totals 3 2 1:08:30


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Red Blue Blue Red BB sunbu Pyro Demo Soldier Medic Sniper Scout Heavy 20 61 23 178 313 124 12246 21452 8516 2 2 49 0 1 4 1:07:59
Red Red Blue Blue Red BB Red_HTKN Engineer Heavy Demo Sniper Pyro Spy Soldier Medic 41 62 17 251 307 141 17218 21044 9704 3 0 27 1 2 3 1:02:22
Red Blue Red Red Blue goku Strange Scout Soldier Heavy Demo Sniper 69 29 23 305 239 234 20894 16408 16054 8 0 45 0 0 6 1:07:54
Red goku Peppa Pig Soldier 19 17 1 309 202 4602 3015 0 3 4 38 0 0 0 14:42
Blue Red Blue Blue Red BB redal93 Soldier Scout Sniper Pyro Heavy Spy Medic Demo 38 62 17 206 244 82 14173 16728 5667 6 0 38 3 3 1 1:06:11
Blue Red Blue Blue Red BB Smuggs Soldier Sniper Medic 23 71 9 202 282 112 13865 19338 7698 2 0 46 0 0 2 1:06:44
Blue Red Blue Blue Red BB Notorious Medic Engineer Sniper Pyro Heavy Demo 4 66 15 17 230 18 1203 15769 1267 2 0 19 0 0 4 1:08:20
Blue Blue Red Red Blue goku TreeStal Soldier Pyro Heavy Sniper Demo 70 36 31 283 254 221 19420 17454 15144 7 0 32 0 1 7 1:04:10
Blue Blue Red Red Blue goku jfk Demo Sniper Pyro Soldier 101 41 26 416 252 144 28558 17319 9885 12 6 117 0 27 0 1:07:28
Blue Blue Red Red Blue goku Tarot Medic Soldier 8 20 48 29 106 2049 7323 0 3 0 44 0 0 5 1:02:27
Blue Blue Red Red Blue goku Goobert Sniper Soldier Spy Demo 73 34 23 372 155 118 25546 10644 8083 11 1 47 9 12 3 1:06:33
Red Blue Blue Red BB techno Sniper Scout Demo Spy Heavy 44 53 11 307 255 76 16503 13716 4082 4 0 41 2 14 3 53:34
Blue Red Red Blue Goku Ultra Devious Scout Soldier Engineer Demo 52 29 22 261 187 109 14003 10070 5866 5 0 42 0 0 7 53:20
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Ü Duration
Red 34 38 4 540 413 0 8041 6151 0 3 4 62 0 3 0 0 14:53
Blue 39 50 0 539 666 0 8029 9919 0 4 6 138 0 4 0 0 14:53
Red 38 74 23 1388 1705 668 17144 21065 8254 4 0 41 3 4 1 2 12:21
Blue 73 39 40 1705 1388 1036 21065 17144 12805 12 1 42 1 7 0 1 12:21
Red 59 38 31 1840 1244 806 20341 13755 8917 10 0 36 8 5 9 2 11:03
Blue 38 59 18 1244 1840 657 13755 20341 7270 6 1 21 0 2 5 2 11:03
Red 71 30 39 1878 1398 1057 19443 14476 10947 7 0 39 0 7 12 2 10:21
Blue 29 72 16 1398 1878 539 14476 19443 5579 3 0 18 0 4 3 1 10:21
Red 53 128 32 1360 2061 796 27034 40952 15831 4 1 96 3 7 8 3 19:52
Blue 128 53 63 2061 1360 1125 40952 27034 22363 11 0 92 0 17 7 3 19:52


Teams Player Class H% H/M H Ü MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Blue Red Blue Red BB Notorious Medic 100% 570 27324 6 3 1 2 3 1 0:40 4 1 47:55
Red BB redal93 Medic 100% 917 2354 1 0 1 0 0 0 0:00 2:34
Blue Red Red Blue goku Tarot Medic 100% 1042 54999 14 14 0 0 3 9 0:40 1 0 52:44
Blue BB Smuggs Medic 100% 635 2363 1 1 0 0 0 0 0:00 0 3:43
Blue BB sunbu Medic 100% 671 4926 1 1 0 0 1 1 0:11 0 7:20
Red BB Red_HTKN Medic 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 1:21



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Red Red Blue goku jfk 11 35 15 4 4 5 10 17 0 101
Blue Blue Red Red Blue goku Goobert 6 15 4 3 8 3 15 15 4 73
Blue Blue Red Red Blue goku TreeStal 5 16 12 4 2 4 14 12 1 70
Red Blue Red Red Blue goku Strange 4 16 11 8 5 7 10 6 2 69
Blue Red Red Blue Goku Ultra Devious 7 18 8 1 1 1 9 4 3 52
Red Blue Blue Red BB techno 9 5 4 2 1 1 8 13 1 44
Red Red Blue Blue Red BB Red_HTKN 11 11 5 1 2 1 1 7 2 41
Blue Red Blue Blue Red BB redal93 2 13 3 6 2 0 2 9 1 38
Blue Red Blue Blue Red BB Smuggs 4 10 2 2 2 0 0 2 1 23
Red Red Blue Blue Red BB sunbu 1 9 4 0 0 1 2 2 1 20
Red goku Peppa Pig 0 1 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 19
Blue Blue Red Red Blue goku Tarot 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 5 0 8
Blue Red Blue Blue Red BB Notorious 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 4


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Blue Blue Red BB Smuggs 16 19 8 6 7 1 0 8 2 67
Blue Red Blue Blue Red BB Notorious 11 24 5 7 4 0 0 9 4 64
Blue Red Blue Blue Red BB redal93 18 12 4 7 6 0 0 12 2 61
Red Red Blue Blue Red BB Red_HTKN 5 24 9 5 5 2 1 9 0 60
Red Red Blue Blue Red BB sunbu 6 21 4 6 7 1 0 10 3 58
Red Blue Blue Red BB techno 7 18 5 4 4 1 0 13 1 53
Blue Blue Red Red Blue goku jfk 8 13 3 2 1 2 0 8 3 40
Blue Blue Red Red Blue goku TreeStal 3 8 10 2 3 5 0 3 1 35
Blue Blue Red Red Blue goku Goobert 5 9 5 1 1 2 1 10 0 34
Red Blue Red Red Blue goku Strange 5 5 2 3 4 2 1 6 1 29
Blue Red Red Blue Goku Ultra Devious 7 4 1 2 4 2 1 6 1 28
Blue Blue Red Red Blue goku Tarot 4 0 1 4 0 1 0 9 0 19
Red goku Peppa Pig 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 1 0 14


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Red Red Blue goku jfk 13 41 19 8 9 6 13 18 0 127
Blue Blue Red Red Blue goku TreeStal 8 27 17 6 6 6 15 15 1 101
Blue Blue Red Red Blue goku Goobert 7 25 8 5 9 3 16 18 5 96
Red Blue Red Red Blue goku Strange 5 19 17 9 5 7 18 10 2 92
Blue Red Red Blue Goku Ultra Devious 10 22 13 5 2 2 11 5 4 74
Red Red Blue Blue Red BB Red_HTKN 15 18 5 2 3 1 2 8 4 58
Blue Blue Red Red Blue goku Tarot 5 7 12 2 4 5 10 9 2 56
Blue Red Blue Blue Red BB redal93 4 18 9 7 2 0 2 12 1 55
Red Blue Blue Red BB techno 11 9 6 3 1 1 8 14 2 55
Red Red Blue Blue Red BB sunbu 7 14 6 3 2 2 4 4 1 43
Blue Red Blue Blue Red BB Smuggs 4 14 3 4 4 0 0 2 1 32
Red goku Peppa Pig 0 1 0 10 0 0 0 9 0 20
Blue Red Blue Blue Red BB Notorious 1 4 1 4 2 1 2 3 1 19


na.serveme.tf #518093: RED vs goku

Time Team Player Kills
4:16 Red goku Peppa Pig 3

na.serveme.tf #518093: goku vs BB

Time Team Player Kills
2:21 Blue goku TreeStal 3
2:57 Blue goku Goobert 4
2:57 Red BB Red_HTKN 3
6:23 Blue goku Goobert 3
6:36 Blue goku jfk 3
9:09 Blue goku jfk 3
9:38 Blue goku Strange 3

na.serveme.tf #518093: BB vs goku

Time Team Player Kills
2:32 Red Goku Ultra Devious 3
3:36 Red goku Goobert 4
5:08 Red goku Strange 3
6:58 Red goku Goobert 6
9:43 Blue BB redal93 3

na.serveme.tf #518093: BB vs goku

Time Team Player Kills
7:17 Red goku jfk 3
8:23 Red goku Strange 4

na.serveme.tf #518093: asaRED vs BB

Time Team Player Kills
5:46 Blue Goku Ultra Devious 3
6:51 Blue goku Strange 3
8:54 Blue goku TreeStal 4
10:51 Blue goku Goobert 4
11:40 Blue goku TreeStal 4
14:27 Blue goku Goobert 3
15:05 Blue goku TreeStal 4
17:24 Blue goku jfk 3


na.serveme.tf #518093: RED vs goku

Team Player Message
Red BB sunbu PREC LOL
Blue BB Notorious hunstaman snsiprerr
Blue BB Smuggs huntsmaaan
Red goku Peppa Pig this hyper bolic time chamber
Red goku Peppa Pig we are training
Red BB sunbu real as fuck
Blue BB Notorious this is just mental simulations
Red BB Red_HTKN so how long have you guys been playing competatively for? Or practice?
Blue goku Tarot we play jailbreak
Blue BB Notorious i have
Red goku Peppa Pig jailbreak
Blue goku jfk we main jailbreak
Red goku Peppa Pig theres a bhop pluggin
Red goku Peppa Pig so
Blue BB Notorious skill behind skill
Red goku Peppa Pig you have to be really good
Red goku Peppa Pig at aiming
Red goku Peppa Pig to hit anyone going mach
Red goku Peppa Pig 5
Blue BB Notorious have you tried silent aimbot?
Red goku Peppa Pig no i should
Blue goku Tarot yeah we don't have good team symmetry or anything, we all just have good aim and that's it
Blue goku Tarot (i'm also cracked at medic)
Red BB Red_HTKN yeah we have bad team symmetry and bad aim
Red goku Peppa Pig mt5 gonna be hard game
Blue BB Notorious your all fucking goku, wym no symmetry
Red BB Red_HTKN might need to work on our aims
Red BB sunbu your medic was good but I'm going to be honest, the reason med did so well is the team could protect him too
Blue goku Goobert mge for 8 hours strauight
Red BB sunbu the WATCH OUT MED callouts were good
Blue goku jfk t^
Blue BB Notorious i have 12 minutes in mge
Blue BB Notorious i entered a spy 1v1 and only used my gun
Blue BB Notorious i got kicked
Blue goku Tarot i got good by constantly fighting some guy in mge
Blue BB Notorious please
Blue BB Notorious win
Red goku Peppa Pig join blue <3
Blue goku Tarot i later realized that he was actually cheating
Blue BB Notorious for us
Red BB sunbu well anyways someone add me, I wanna skrim
Red BB sunbu we would have taken a few rounds at the least
Red BB sunbu we should prac sometime
Red goku Peppa Pig sure i will
Red BB sunbu ded
Red BB sunbu HOW
Red BB Red_HTKN I'll take this one and only victory
Red goku Peppa Pig Im mad i missed they game they casted
Red BB Red_HTKN lmfao
Red BB sunbu lol red same
Red goku Peppa Pig so upset rn
Red BB sunbu fair
Red goku Peppa Pig I want them to say PEPPA PIG BOMBS IN
Blue goku Tarot alright
Red BB sunbu apparently teams ff'd a lot
Red BB sunbu we techincally get fourth

na.serveme.tf #518093: goku vs BB

Team Player Message
Blue goku TreeStal have fun!
Blue goku Strange LEND US YOUR ENERGY
Blue Goku Ultra Devious LEND US YOUR ENERGY
Blue goku TreeStal LEND US YOUR ENERGY
Red BB Notorious you might be goku, but your no yamcha
Blue goku Strange ultra instinct
Blue goku Tarot krillin is the better human
Red BB Notorious Yamcha is taller
Blue Goku Ultra Devious Cell is the perfect being
Blue goku Goobert yamcha rolled
Blue goku TreeStal true :pensive:
Red BB Notorious thats why yamcha is apart of cell
Red BB techno --<(0N3-SH0T-G1V3N)>--
Red BB Notorious gr
Blue goku Strange gr
Blue Goku Ultra Devious gr
Blue goku Goobert gr
Blue goku Tarot gr
Blue goku TreeStal gr
Blue goku Strange gg
Blue goku Tarot gg
Blue goku TreeStal gg
Blue goku jfk gg
Red BB techno gg

na.serveme.tf #518093: BB vs goku

Team Player Message
Blue BB sunbu it's still possible
Blue BB sunbu so good luck everyone
Red goku Tarot good luck to you too
Blue BB sunbu well ggs a little unfortunate this isn't our best so rip, need zensu beans
Blue BB sunbu well played
Blue BB Notorious gg
Red goku Goobert gg
Red goku Strange gr
Blue BB Notorious its comeback time
Red goku Tarot if you guys comeback i'm rewatching all of dbz
Blue BB Notorious shonen tech, we finna beat you so hard we are all going to become friends
Blue BB techno im going to spinbot then
Blue BB sunbu I'll buy your crunchyroll
Blue BB sunbu not blackmail
Blue BB sunbu I mean like as a gesture LOL
Red goku Strange i have ultra instinct so it wont matter
Red goku TreeStal i torrent animes (dont quote me)
Blue BB Notorious can you ultra instinct past food
Red goku Tarot ultra instinct is actually the power of friends
Blue BB Notorious dont you have a litteral child to raise goku
Blue BB sunbu rip range
Red goku Strange medival mode rgl when?
Blue BB Notorious you wont go 6 huntsman snipers
Blue BB techno anime
Red goku Goobert goku
Red goku TreeStal gg
Red goku Goobert reported cheater hack
Red goku Strange gg
Red Goku Ultra Devious gg
Red goku Goobert gg
Blue BB Notorious gg
Red goku jfk gg
Blue BB sunbu gg
Red goku TreeStal i love goku

na.serveme.tf #518093: BB vs goku

Team Player Message
Red goku Tarot we live
Red goku jfk m
Blue BB techno --<(0N3-SH0T-G1V3N)>--
Blue BB techno --<(0N3-SH0T-G1V3N)>--
Blue BB sunbu gr
Blue BB Notorious gr
Red goku TreeStal gr
Red goku Goobert gr
Red Goku Ultra Devious gr
Red goku jfk gr

na.serveme.tf #518093: asaRED vs BB

Team Player Message
Blue goku TreeStal shoutout to my peope on blackwonder community tf2 server for banning me
Blue goku TreeStal lend me your energy
Blue Goku Ultra Devious nuh uh
Red BB Notorious yall need atleast 1 Mr satan for that to work
Red BB techno satan????????
Red BB Notorious and you only have 6 gokus
Blue goku TreeStal tr_walkway
Red BB techno fire
Blue goku TreeStal gg
Red BB sunbu gg
Red BB Notorious gg
Blue goku Goobert gg
Blue goku jfk gg
Blue Goku Ultra Devious gg