Logs 3438573, 3438558, 3438583, 3438604

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL NA Chucklenuts Cup #1 - Hosted by RGL RGL-Div-3 (Amateur) Playoffs Round 2 - Best of 3 Maps F1V3 N1GHT5 @ H0GZ WELCOME TO CHILI'S 1.7 1.3 cp_process_final, koth_bagel_rc6, pl_vigil_rc10 Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #518111: CHILI vs H0G pl_vigil_rc10 Sixes F1V3 N1GHT5 @ H0GZ WELCOME TO CHILI'S 1 0 14:56 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #518111: H0G vs CHILI pl_vigil_rc10 Sixes WELCOME TO CHILI'S F1V3 N1GHT5 @ H0GZ 0 1 23:12 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #518111: CHILI vs H0G koth_bagel_rc6 Sixes WELCOME TO CHILI'S F1V3 N1GHT5 @ H0GZ 2 0 12:55 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #518111: CHILI vs H0G cp_process_final Sixes WELCOME TO CHILI'S F1V3 N1GHT5 @ H0GZ 0 4 14:25 Remove log
Totals 3 5 1:05:28


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Blue Blue Blue Apple Pie Footjob Scout Soldier Heavy Spy Pyro Sniper Engineer 49 49 18 341 234 167 22360 15342 10943 5 0 58 0 0 8 1:04:16
Red Blue Blue Blue H0G H0G H0G H0G H0G SKIESRED Soldier Engineer Demo 33 38 16 282 219 185 18476 14358 12153 4 0 85 0 0 6 1:04:30
Red Blue Blue Blue meatballfreak Demo Soldier 53 37 26 486 283 280 31877 18575 18366 7 2 54 0 0 8 1:04:42
Red Blue Blue Blue rageheavy Heavy Pyro Spy 57 41 18 325 364 217 21322 23894 14221 5 0 66 0 0 8 1:03:57
Red Blue Blue Blue Swifz Medic 2 17 45 16 106 16 1110 6954 1094 1 0 19 0 0 6 1:05:28
Red Blue Blue Blue H0G H0G H0G H0G H0G Steve.pp Sniper Scout Pyro Demo Medic Engineer Spy 39 38 16 260 199 171 17080 13063 11213 4 0 34 1 9 13 1:03:53
Blue Red Red Red camp3r Scout Soldier 63 51 20 332 230 177 21742 15081 11611 6 0 65 0 0 5 1:04:48
Blue Red Red Red raspy Scout Sniper Demo Soldier 61 51 16 377 249 173 24700 16356 11371 8 0 49 0 14 5 1:05:29
Blue Red Red Red Dr. Professor PJ, Ph.D Pyro Soldier 32 39 23 246 300 257 16147 19649 16880 8 3 48 0 0 9 1:04:31
Blue Red Red Red sq Engineer Medic Demo Scout Soldier Pyro 18 16 30 137 150 157 9007 9834 10291 7 0 53 0 0 7 1:04:17
Blue Red Red Red Chili Heavy Scout 39 51 18 289 606 450 18930 39726 29510 3 0 14 0 0 8 1:04:59
Blue Red Red Red h20verdrive Medic Pyro 7 26 34 25 176 65 1660 11579 4315 2 0 34 0 0 7 1:05:28
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Ü Duration
Red 64 47 32 1880 1334 1021 28075 19925 15259 7 0 50 1 4 6 5 14:56
Blue 47 64 35 1334 1880 1240 19925 28075 18531 4 0 62 0 2 5 6 14:56
Red 69 78 39 1347 1630 1102 31263 37827 25589 7 0 110 0 11 12 6 23:12
Blue 77 69 49 1630 1347 996 37827 31263 23129 6 1 103 0 3 3 7 23:12
Red 63 37 44 1833 1904 1851 23678 24606 23911 8 2 50 0 1 20 10 12:55
Blue 37 63 24 1904 1833 1060 24606 23678 13699 4 1 87 0 1 17 11 12:55
Red 41 55 23 1201 1506 1106 17320 21717 15947 4 1 41 0 0 4 6 14:25
Blue 55 41 34 1506 1201 1103 21717 17320 15903 5 0 76 0 1 23 4 14:25


Teams Player Class H% H/M H Ü MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Blue Blue Blue Swifz Medic 100% 979 64114 48 24 2 22 1 9 0:40 6 0 1:05:28
Blue Red Red Red h20verdrive Medic 100% 953 62279 31 22 9 0 0 6 0:40 8 0 1:05:18
Blue Red Red sq Medic 100% 923 21753 18 2 3 13 0 1 0:19 3 0 23:34
Blue Blue H0G H0G H0G H0G H0G Steve.pp Medic 100% 517 2182 1 0 0 1 0 0 4:13



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Red Red camp3r 16 14 0 9 7 4 6 5 2 63
Blue Red Red Red raspy 12 9 2 11 9 2 9 7 0 61
Red Blue Blue Blue rageheavy 15 10 8 2 12 2 6 2 0 57
Red Blue Blue Blue meatballfreak 19 1 9 3 7 0 8 6 0 53
Red Blue Blue Blue Apple Pie Footjob 14 3 5 3 13 1 4 6 0 49
Blue Red Red Red Chili 3 9 3 10 10 1 2 1 0 39
Red Blue Blue Blue H0G H0G H0G H0G H0G Steve.pp 9 6 3 0 11 0 7 3 0 39
Red Blue Blue Blue H0G H0G H0G H0G H0G SKIESRED 8 9 2 1 7 0 4 2 0 33
Blue Red Red Red Dr. Professor PJ, Ph.D 9 8 2 3 6 0 1 1 2 32
Blue Red Red Red sq 2 2 3 3 4 2 0 1 1 18
Blue Red Red Red h20verdrive 2 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 0 7
Red Blue Blue Blue Swifz 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Red Red Chili 12 11 0 8 13 1 0 5 1 51
Blue Red Red Red raspy 11 4 0 23 9 1 1 2 0 51
Blue Red Red Red camp3r 11 9 2 7 15 3 0 4 0 51
Red Blue Blue Blue Apple Pie Footjob 16 11 4 1 8 1 3 5 0 49
Red Blue Blue Blue rageheavy 12 5 3 2 9 2 3 5 0 41
Blue Red Red Red Dr. Professor PJ, Ph.D 4 5 1 11 12 3 0 2 0 38
Red Blue Blue Blue H0G H0G H0G H0G H0G Steve.pp 12 8 3 3 7 2 0 3 0 38
Red Blue Blue Blue H0G H0G H0G H0G H0G SKIESRED 14 10 3 3 4 0 1 3 0 38
Red Blue Blue Blue meatballfreak 14 4 1 2 11 2 0 3 0 37
Blue Red Red Red h20verdrive 4 4 3 6 5 2 1 1 0 26
Red Blue Blue Blue Swifz 13 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 17
Blue Red Red Red sq 6 1 3 2 4 0 0 0 0 16


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Red Red camp3r 17 16 2 11 16 6 8 5 2 83
Red Blue Blue Blue meatballfreak 26 7 14 3 13 0 9 7 0 79
Blue Red Red Red raspy 18 11 3 16 10 2 9 7 1 77
Red Blue Blue Blue rageheavy 18 13 11 2 17 2 8 4 0 75
Red Blue Blue Blue Apple Pie Footjob 17 6 8 3 20 1 6 6 0 67
Blue Red Red Red Chili 9 12 3 13 13 2 3 2 0 57
Red Blue Blue Blue H0G H0G H0G H0G H0G Steve.pp 9 9 7 1 15 1 9 4 0 55
Blue Red Red Red Dr. Professor PJ, Ph.D 16 12 3 7 10 0 3 2 2 55
Red Blue Blue Blue H0G H0G H0G H0G H0G SKIESRED 14 11 2 1 15 0 4 2 0 49
Blue Red Red Red sq 5 11 6 7 10 3 2 2 2 48
Red Blue Blue Blue Swifz 18 2 4 2 9 0 10 2 0 47
Blue Red Red Red h20verdrive 6 6 2 8 14 0 3 1 1 41


na.serveme.tf #518111: CHILI vs H0G

Time Team Player Kills
4:36 Blue camp3r 3
5:38 Red rageheavy 3
7:08 Red H0G H0G H0G H0G H0G Steve.pp 3

na.serveme.tf #518111: H0G vs CHILI

Time Team Player Kills
2:19 Red raspy 3
11:16 Blue Apple Pie Footjob 3
13:08 Blue rageheavy 3
13:57 Red sq 3
17:27 Red raspy 3
18:51 Blue meatballfreak 3
21:36 Red raspy 3

na.serveme.tf #518111: CHILI vs H0G

Time Team Player Kills
3:35 Blue H0G H0G H0G H0G H0G SKIESRED 3
3:48 Red camp3r 3
5:36 Red raspy 3
5:53 Red Chili 3
6:50 Red raspy 3
8:57 Red raspy 4
11:08 Red camp3r 3

na.serveme.tf #518111: CHILI vs H0G

Time Team Player Kills
4:28 Red Dr. Professor PJ, Ph.D 3
8:26 Blue meatballfreak 3
9:57 Blue meatballfreak 3
12:44 Blue rageheavy 3
12:46 Red camp3r 3


na.serveme.tf #518111: CHILI vs H0G

Team Player Message
Red H0G H0G H0G H0G H0G Steve.pp gg
Red H0G H0G H0G H0G H0G Steve.pp gr
Red H0G H0G H0G H0G H0G Steve.pp my bad
Red H0G H0G H0G H0G H0G Steve.pp im an idiot
Blue Dr. Professor PJ, Ph.D gg
Blue Chili ggwp
Red Apple Pie Footjob gg
Red H0G H0G H0G H0G H0G Steve.pp gg
Blue camp3r gg

na.serveme.tf #518111: H0G vs CHILI

Team Player Message
Red raspy wyd
Blue rageheavy the fuck
Red raspy like
Red raspy disrespectful
Blue rageheavy trying to airblast you off
Blue H0G H0G H0G H0G H0G Steve.pp the pain train

na.serveme.tf #518111: CHILI vs H0G

Team Player Message
Red camp3r LOL

na.serveme.tf #518111: CHILI vs H0G

Team Player Message
Blue Swifz ?
Red raspy pistol inacc moment
Blue H0G H0G H0G H0G H0G Steve.pp homewrecker?????
Blue H0G H0G H0G H0G H0G Steve.pp i beef
Blue Apple Pie Footjob gg
Blue H0G H0G H0G H0G H0G Steve.pp ggs
Red Dr. Professor PJ, Ph.D gg
Red Chili GG
Red camp3r ggs!