Logs 3453220, 3453160, 3453122

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 15 Amateur Week 6 Nonagon Infinity karma demo 2.0 7.0 koth_ashville_final

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #520941: dtm vs 9gon koth_ashville_final Highlander karma demo Nonagon Infinity 1 0 4:12 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #520941: dtm vs 9gon koth_ashville_final Highlander karma demo Nonagon Infinity 1 2 18:34 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #520941: dtm vs 9gon koth_ashville_final Highlander karma demo Nonagon Infinity 2 0 13:05 Remove log
Totals 4 2 35:51


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Red Red Walter White Scout 60 24 13 414 288 179 14843 10342 6440 8 22 0 0 7 35:51
Red Red Red Ted Beneky Soldier 30 27 9 306 222 46 10980 7977 1682 4 107 0 0 1 35:51
Red Red Red Hector Salamanca Pyro 14 15 17 167 291 270 6013 10465 9701 3 14 0 0 8 35:51
Red Red Red kid named finger Demo 31 21 15 422 369 332 15144 13263 11921 9 14 0 0 10 35:51
Red Red Red pizza on roof Engineer 21 20 20 190 202 104 6829 7277 3730 3 16 0 0 9 35:51
Red Red Red 9GON doorknob Heavy 37 26 34 338 542 371 12134 19458 13310 7 10 0 0 4 35:51
Red Red Red Saul Goodman Medic 1 12 28 12 154 433 5544 0 1 4 0 0 0 35:44
Red Red Red Walter Jr. Sniper 47 20 13 501 195 120 17994 7020 4333 10 2 0 36 0 35:49
Red Red Red jesse pinkguy Spy 31 29 4 353 148 19 12685 5337 690 4 38 21 0 0 35:51
Blue Blue Blue 9gon darts state champion Scout 27 34 13 271 230 45 9750 8251 1636 6 58 0 0 9 35:51
Blue Blue Blue 9gon Danmar33 Soldier 29 41 7 419 338 81 15040 12130 2924 3 104 0 0 1 35:51
Blue Blue Blue 9gon LegacyKiwi Pyro 20 26 13 153 261 187 5513 9384 6721 2 20 0 0 4 35:51
Blue Blue Blue 9gon dougrocks421 Demo 17 33 9 350 363 235 12550 13023 8441 2 22 0 0 5 35:45
Blue Blue Blue 9gon Salt Engineer 8 30 15 193 253 127 6925 9093 4558 1 20 0 0 4 35:51
Blue Blue Blue 9gon Fitts1099 Heavy 25 34 10 322 629 251 11569 22567 9017 4 6 0 0 8 35:43
Blue Blue Blue 9gon sxl Sniper 40 27 5 458 262 67 16446 9403 2427 8 16 0 25 1 35:51
Blue Blue Blue 9gon syco Spy 26 40 2 232 258 9 8319 9263 331 3 76 10 3 1 35:51
Blue Blue 9gon Rezmond Belmont Medic 2 7 13 16 120 518 3804 0 1 16 0 0 3 31:39
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 37 8 25 2869 1815 1812 12053 7627 7611 8 26 4 4 5 1 4:12
Blue 8 37 2 1803 2837 0 7574 11916 0 2 20 0 1 2 1 4:12
Red 135 112 66 2625 2504 1396 48752 46505 25926 10 119 8 21 17 5 18:34
Blue 112 135 55 2504 2625 1134 46505 48752 21067 6 180 8 14 17 6 18:34
Red 100 74 62 2770 2487 1396 36250 32551 18270 7 82 9 11 17 5 13:05
Blue 74 100 30 2487 2770 1145 32551 36250 14988 8 138 2 13 17 4 13:05


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Red Red Saul Goodman Medic 100% 1449 51807 18 18 0 0 1 0 0:00 4 1 35:44
Blue Blue 9gon Rezmond Belmont Medic 100% 1139 36055 17 17 0 0 2 2 0:14 1 31:39



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Red Walter White 9 12 11 9 2 8 1 2 6 60
Red Red Red Walter Jr. 5 2 4 5 12 8 1 9 1 47
Blue Blue Blue 9gon sxl 2 4 3 9 4 4 0 10 4 40
Red Red Red 9GON doorknob 5 11 2 7 2 5 0 0 5 37
Red Red Red jesse pinkguy 0 4 2 7 6 1 2 4 5 31
Red Red Red kid named finger 3 4 3 2 8 5 0 5 1 31
Red Red Red Ted Beneky 5 2 0 1 3 2 2 5 10 30
Blue Blue Blue 9gon Danmar33 4 5 1 0 1 5 6 4 3 29
Blue Blue Blue 9gon darts state champion 9 3 5 1 2 3 1 0 3 27
Blue Blue Blue 9gon syco 2 4 1 3 6 1 2 3 4 26
Blue Blue Blue 9gon Fitts1099 0 2 3 4 8 1 2 0 5 25
Red Red Red pizza on roof 4 5 1 1 1 0 0 0 9 21
Blue Blue Blue 9gon LegacyKiwi 3 7 0 3 0 2 0 2 3 20
Blue Blue Blue 9gon dougrocks421 2 0 2 1 4 3 1 1 3 17
Red Red Red Hector Salamanca 3 1 3 1 0 1 1 2 2 14
Blue Blue Blue 9gon Salt 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 8
Blue Blue 9gon Rezmond Belmont 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2
Red Red Red Saul Goodman 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Blue 9gon Danmar33 12 2 1 4 11 5 0 2 4 41
Blue Blue Blue 9gon syco 6 10 2 1 5 9 1 1 5 40
Blue Blue Blue 9gon Fitts1099 2 3 0 8 2 1 0 12 6 34
Blue Blue Blue 9gon darts state champion 9 5 3 3 5 4 0 5 0 34
Blue Blue Blue 9gon dougrocks421 9 1 1 2 7 1 0 5 7 33
Blue Blue Blue 9gon Salt 8 2 1 5 5 0 0 8 1 30
Red Red Red jesse pinkguy 3 3 3 3 5 2 2 4 4 29
Red Red Red Ted Beneky 3 5 7 0 2 2 0 4 4 27
Blue Blue Blue 9gon sxl 2 5 2 5 0 0 0 9 4 27
Red Red Red 9GON doorknob 2 1 0 4 8 1 0 4 6 26
Blue Blue Blue 9gon LegacyKiwi 11 0 3 3 2 1 0 4 2 26
Red Red Red Walter White 9 4 3 2 0 2 0 2 2 24
Red Red Red kid named finger 1 0 3 1 4 0 0 9 3 21
Red Red Red pizza on roof 3 5 2 3 1 1 0 4 1 20
Red Red Red Walter Jr. 0 4 2 1 0 0 0 10 3 20
Red Red Red Hector Salamanca 5 1 0 2 3 0 0 3 1 15
Red Red Red Saul Goodman 1 6 0 1 2 0 0 0 2 12
Blue Blue 9gon Rezmond Belmont 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 7


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Red Walter White 9 16 11 11 4 11 1 2 8 73
Red Red Red 9GON doorknob 9 16 6 12 7 9 0 2 10 71
Red Red Red Walter Jr. 6 4 5 6 13 11 1 11 3 60
Red Red Red kid named finger 5 4 3 5 11 9 1 6 2 46
Blue Blue Blue 9gon sxl 3 4 4 9 4 6 0 10 5 45
Red Red Red pizza on roof 9 9 2 3 5 1 0 0 12 41
Blue Blue Blue 9gon darts state champion 11 5 5 3 6 4 1 1 4 40
Red Red Red Ted Beneky 7 3 0 2 3 2 3 7 12 39
Blue Blue Blue 9gon Danmar33 4 5 1 0 4 7 7 4 4 36
Blue Blue Blue 9gon Fitts1099 0 5 3 7 10 2 2 0 6 35
Red Red Red jesse pinkguy 1 4 2 8 6 2 2 5 5 35
Blue Blue Blue 9gon LegacyKiwi 4 8 2 4 1 5 0 2 7 33
Red Red Red Hector Salamanca 4 6 6 2 1 2 1 3 6 31
Red Red Red Saul Goodman 4 4 3 5 4 3 0 0 6 29
Blue Blue Blue 9gon syco 2 4 1 3 7 1 2 3 5 28
Blue Blue Blue 9gon dougrocks421 2 0 4 3 6 3 1 3 4 26
Blue Blue Blue 9gon Salt 6 5 2 0 4 3 0 0 3 23
Blue Blue 9gon Rezmond Belmont 2 1 1 1 2 1 0 2 5 15


na.serveme.tf #520941: dtm vs 9gon

Time Team Player Kills
2:43 Red 9GON doorknob 5

na.serveme.tf #520941: dtm vs 9gon

Time Team Player Kills
2:28 Red 9GON doorknob 3
4:04 Red Walter White 3
7:51 Red Walter White 6
12:54 Red Walter White 3
14:08 Red Walter Jr. 3
15:38 Blue 9gon sxl 3
17:42 Blue 9gon Fitts1099 3

na.serveme.tf #520941: dtm vs 9gon

Time Team Player Kills
4:30 Blue 9gon sxl 4
5:22 Red Walter White 3
8:34 Red Ted Beneky 3
12:14 Red Walter White 4
12:16 Blue 9gon sxl 3


na.serveme.tf #520941: dtm vs 9gon

Team Player Message
Red 9GON doorknob gg
Blue 9gon sxl gg
Red Walter White gg
Blue 9gon Danmar33 gg
Blue 9gon Salt gg
Console gg
Blue 9gon Fitts1099 gg
Blue 9gon dougrocks421 gg
Red Ted Beneky gg
Blue 9gon LegacyKiwi gg
Red jesse pinkguy rg?
Red pizza on roof gg
Red jesse pinkguy rq?
Red jesse pinkguy sniper
Red jesse pinkguy lel
Blue 9gon sxl ?
Red Ted Beneky .ss
Red Walter White winlim
Blue 9gon Danmar33 !rcon mp_winlimit 1

na.serveme.tf #520941: dtm vs 9gon

Team Player Message
Red Walter White rupping
Blue 9gon sxl ?
Red jesse pinkguy bm while u lose crying laughing emoji
Blue 9gon sxl u got me
Blue 9gon LegacyKiwi gr
Blue 9gon Salt gr
Blue 9gon Salt gr

na.serveme.tf #520941: dtm vs 9gon

Team Player Message
Blue 9gon syco
Blue 9gon Salt gr
Red Walter White OGM
Blue 9gon Danmar33 lol
Red Ted Beneky we are used to 6s config
Red Ted Beneky lol