Logs 3466749, 3466753, 3466590, 3466682

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 15 Intermediate Playoffs 2 EGO L33T G4M3R 5QU4D 3.33 5.67 koth_product_final, koth_ashville_final, cp_steel_f12 Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #523518 koth_product_final Highlander L33T G4M3R 5QU4D EGO 2 0 11:49 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #523518 koth_product_final Highlander L33T G4M3R 5QU4D EGO 2 0 9:25 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #523518 koth_ashville_final Highlander L33T G4M3R 5QU4D EGO 0 2 14:03 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #523518 cp_steel_f12 Highlander L33T G4M3R 5QU4D EGO 1 0 6:33 Remove log
Totals 5 2 41:50


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Red Red Red iceetee Scout 33 27 21 221 186 137 9246 7790 5734 6 0 27 0 0 14 41:50
Red Red Red Red twitch.tv/kegaman_ Soldier 40 28 9 327 225 95 13699 9422 3976 5 1 164 0 0 1 41:50
Red Red Red Red twitch.tv/negaman_ Pyro 23 14 17 118 212 219 4958 8900 9200 4 0 12 0 0 9 41:50
Red Red Red Red meatballfreak Demo 36 21 20 436 294 324 18243 12304 13564 7 1 12 0 0 8 41:50
Red Red Red Red JEFFFFFFFYMEISTER Engineer 25 18 20 235 157 132 9831 6597 5530 5 0 33 0 0 4 41:50
Red Red Red Red DusterDan35 Heavy 41 23 20 307 387 251 12882 16225 10516 8 0 15 0 0 4 41:50
Red Red Red Red resident abyss gazer Medic 1 10 38 4 120 208 5060 0 1 0 15 0 0 1 41:50
Red Red Red Red Roach God Sniper 43 24 9 289 196 130 12106 8240 5462 7 0 22 0 22 4 41:50
Red Red Red Red obser Spy 35 35 0 329 154 12 13774 6464 515 3 0 41 29 0 2 41:50
Blue Blue Blue Blue sotilas Scout 34 18 18 300 186 155 12569 7816 6493 5 0 31 0 0 11 41:50
Blue Blue Blue Blue EGO xiii Soldier 41 34 6 353 232 93 14800 9709 3929 5 1 117 0 0 3 41:50
Blue Blue Blue Blue Spud <3 Pyro 20 28 20 139 245 175 5827 10266 7341 4 0 10 0 0 5 41:50
Blue Blue Blue Blue Arkus (fake) Demo 22 34 7 360 379 326 15075 15893 13666 5 1 5 0 0 2 41:50
Blue Blue Blue Blue Jercer Engineer 19 26 19 183 161 66 7659 6767 2771 3 0 22 0 0 1 41:50
Blue Blue Blue Blue EGO Cinderace Heavy 28 25 15 252 396 189 10571 16580 7939 9 0 17 0 0 3 41:50
Blue Blue Blue Blue EGO Izaquito Medic 2 27 19 4 186 188 7793 0 1 0 12 0 0 2 41:50
Blue Blue Blue Blue atna Sniper 15 36 5 166 261 70 6957 10927 2947 2 0 9 0 12 3 41:50
Blue Blue Blue Blue EGO FIREPOW, EGO FIREPOW #Rip&Tear Spy 18 49 4 175 219 10 7356 9196 445 2 0 36 8 0 1 41:50
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 95 58 58 2718 2090 1436 32127 24708 16969 7 0 91 12 7 13 5 11:49
Blue 58 95 35 2090 2718 1031 24708 32127 12188 4 2 74 2 3 9 2 11:49
Red 68 47 38 2416 2016 1269 22753 18989 11950 8 2 73 6 2 14 2 9:25
Blue 47 68 24 2016 2416 1038 18989 22753 9776 5 0 79 1 2 6 2 9:25
Red 84 78 43 2198 2129 1336 30882 29913 18777 7 0 128 9 10 13 3 14:03
Blue 78 84 47 2129 2198 1220 29913 30882 17152 9 0 76 4 4 11 3 14:03
Red 30 17 15 1402 1128 1038 9185 7392 6801 7 0 49 2 3 7 2 6:33
Blue 16 30 7 1128 1402 979 7392 9185 6415 3 0 30 1 3 5 2 6:33


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Red Red Red resident abyss gazer Medic 100% 1302 54494 20 19 1 0 0 3 0:40 1 0 41:50
Blue Blue Blue Blue EGO Izaquito Medic 100% 1088 45534 13 12 1 0 4 4 0:40 3 0 41:50



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Red Red Roach God 2 3 7 6 4 2 5 9 5 43
Red Red Red Red DusterDan35 4 7 3 9 8 2 1 0 7 41
Blue Blue Blue Blue EGO xiii 8 9 1 1 2 4 5 6 5 41
Red Red Red Red twitch.tv/kegaman_ 5 3 0 2 3 7 4 11 5 40
Red Red Red Red meatballfreak 3 2 10 4 1 4 7 3 2 36
Red Red Red Red obser 0 0 1 3 7 4 5 11 4 35
Blue Blue Blue Blue sotilas 2 4 2 5 11 1 0 2 7 34
Red Red Red Red iceetee 1 7 4 6 0 2 3 2 8 33
Blue Blue Blue Blue EGO Cinderace 3 3 5 3 3 4 1 0 6 28
Red Red Red Red JEFFFFFFFYMEISTER 1 5 1 4 0 2 1 0 11 25
Red Red Red Red twitch.tv/negaman_ 2 6 2 0 2 3 1 0 7 23
Blue Blue Blue Blue Arkus (fake) 4 1 2 3 2 3 1 3 3 22
Blue Blue Blue Blue Spud <3 3 3 0 4 0 1 1 1 7 20
Blue Blue Blue Blue Jercer 1 6 1 1 3 1 0 1 5 19
Blue Blue Blue Blue EGO FIREPOW, EGO FIREPOW #Rip&Tear 1 0 2 2 1 2 1 9 0 18
Blue Blue Blue Blue atna 5 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 0 15
Blue Blue Blue Blue EGO Izaquito 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2
Red Red Red Red resident abyss gazer 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Blue Blue EGO FIREPOW, EGO FIREPOW #Rip&Tear 8 5 7 2 7 11 0 5 4 49
Blue Blue Blue Blue atna 2 11 0 3 0 0 0 9 11 36
Red Red Red Red obser 7 5 7 3 6 5 2 0 0 35
Blue Blue Blue Blue EGO xiii 7 3 6 2 7 5 1 3 0 34
Blue Blue Blue Blue Arkus (fake) 6 2 0 4 9 4 0 6 3 34
Blue Blue Blue Blue Spud <3 4 0 2 10 3 1 0 7 1 28
Red Red Red Red twitch.tv/kegaman_ 4 9 3 1 3 6 0 2 0 28
Red Red Red Red iceetee 2 8 3 4 3 1 0 5 1 27
Blue Blue Blue Blue EGO Izaquito 3 4 1 7 1 1 0 5 5 27
Blue Blue Blue Blue Jercer 2 7 3 4 2 2 0 2 4 26
Blue Blue Blue Blue EGO Cinderace 0 3 2 1 8 0 0 4 7 25
Red Red Red Red Roach God 2 6 1 3 0 1 0 2 9 24
Red Red Red Red DusterDan35 11 2 0 2 3 3 0 1 1 23
Red Red Red Red meatballfreak 5 1 4 3 3 1 0 1 2 20
Blue Blue Blue Blue sotilas 1 5 2 3 4 1 0 2 0 18
Red Red Red Red JEFFFFFFFYMEISTER 1 4 1 3 4 1 0 2 2 18
Red Red Red Red twitch.tv/negaman_ 2 1 0 2 5 1 0 1 2 14
Red Red Red Red resident abyss gazer 0 5 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 10


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Red Red DusterDan35 5 9 5 14 10 3 3 1 11 61
Red Red Red Red meatballfreak 4 4 11 7 4 6 12 4 4 56
Red Red Red Red iceetee 2 11 4 9 2 4 5 5 12 54
Blue Blue Blue Blue sotilas 7 8 5 7 15 1 0 2 7 52
Red Red Red Red Roach God 3 5 7 6 4 3 5 9 10 52
Red Red Red Red twitch.tv/kegaman_ 5 4 3 2 4 8 5 11 7 49
Blue Blue Blue Blue EGO xiii 9 10 2 1 3 4 6 6 6 47
Red Red Red Red JEFFFFFFFYMEISTER 4 10 2 9 2 2 1 0 15 45
Blue Blue Blue Blue EGO Cinderace 7 6 6 5 4 6 1 2 6 43
Blue Blue Blue Blue Spud <3 5 3 2 4 6 3 1 2 14 40
Red Red Red Red twitch.tv/negaman_ 4 8 6 3 4 3 1 0 11 40
Red Red Red Red resident abyss gazer 1 6 8 5 2 1 6 2 8 39
Blue Blue Blue Blue Jercer 5 8 4 3 3 2 1 1 11 38
Red Red Red Red obser 0 0 1 3 7 4 5 11 4 35
Blue Blue Blue Blue Arkus (fake) 4 2 2 5 5 4 1 3 3 29
Blue Blue Blue Blue EGO FIREPOW, EGO FIREPOW #Rip&Tear 1 0 3 2 1 3 1 10 1 22
Blue Blue Blue Blue EGO Izaquito 4 0 0 6 4 2 1 1 3 21
Blue Blue Blue Blue atna 6 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 4 20


na.serveme.tf #523518

Time Team Player Kills
3:01 Red meatballfreak 3
5:14 Red Roach God 3
7:09 Red meatballfreak 3
9:16 Red obser 3

na.serveme.tf #523518

Time Team Player Kills
0:24 Red Roach God 3
1:21 Red iceetee 3
10:19 Blue Spud <3 3
12:17 Blue EGO Cinderace 4
13:18 Blue EGO Cinderace 3

na.serveme.tf #523518

Time Team Player Kills
2:25 Red DusterDan35 3
3:03 Red DusterDan35 4


na.serveme.tf #523518

Team Player Message
Blue atna jesus is good
Blue atna try all you want, you can't undropshot you...
Blue atna try all you want, you can't unfuck the christmass turkey
Red Roach God damn atna
Blue atna ?
Blue atna Roach God : stay in im
Blue atna try all you want, you can't undropshot you...
Red twitch.tv/kegaman_ wtf

na.serveme.tf #523518

Team Player Message
Blue Arkus (fake) ns
Blue atna NotAWeeb : Arkus : ඞ
Red DusterDan35 spy the scout got you killed lol
Red Roach God juicy
Blue atna Roach God : stay in im
Red Roach God atna lol
Blue atna ?
Red Roach God you simply cant
Blue atna ?
Red DusterDan35 let me eat
Red obser sorry spud :P
Red meatballfreak cut your soldier
Blue Arkus (fake) ggs
Red twitch.tv/kegaman_ ggs
Red Roach God ggs you wasted so much time
Blue atna Roach God : stay in im
Red resident abyss gazer ggwp
Blue EGO FIREPOW #Rip&Tear ggs
Red DusterDan35 atna stop typing and play better
Red meatballfreak gg

na.serveme.tf #523518

Team Player Message
Red iceetee gl
Red obser ?????????
Blue atna NotAWeeb : Arkus : ඞ
Red obser tf happened
Red obser 1 HPPPPPP
Red obser fucl
Red obser fuck
Blue atna omg
Red iceetee !extend
Red obser i hate everything
Red resident abyss gazer gh
Blue Arkus (fake) gh
Red obser gh

na.serveme.tf #523518

Team Player Message
Red JEFFFFFFFYMEISTER jercer licking sigafoo's boots
Blue atna we're back
Blue atna to beat in women
Red twitch.tv/kegaman_ welcome back
Blue atna HUH!!!!!!
Blue Arkus (fake) you've been hit by
Blue Arkus (fake) you've been struck by
Blue EGO Cinderace in?
Blue Arkus (fake) atna the woman beater
Blue atna LMAO
Red twitch.tv/kegaman_ ILY
Red DusterDan35 freeeeeeeeeee
Red iceetee ?
Red iceetee sorry
Red obser gr
Red twitch.tv/kegaman_ lol
Red obser gh
Red twitch.tv/kegaman_ WTF
Blue atna LOL
Red twitch.tv/kegaman_ OMG