Logs 3471282, 3471320, 3471241, 3471256, 3471303

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 15 Amateur Grand Finals Good Golly Gumdrops karma demo 2.5 6.5 koth_ashville_final, koth_proot_b5b, pl_vigil_rc10 Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
112: RED vs dtm pl_vigil_rc10 Highlander karma demo Good Golly Gumdrops 0 1 14:42 Remove log
112: GGG vs dtm pl_vigil_rc10 Highlander karma demo Good Golly Gumdrops 1 0 10:41 Remove log
112: GGG vs dtm koth_proot_b5b Highlander Good Golly Gumdrops karma demo 0 2 10:13 Remove log
112: GGG vs dtm koth_proot_b5b Highlander Good Golly Gumdrops karma demo 0 1 5:35 Remove log
112: dtm vs GGG pl_vigil_rc10 Highlander Good Golly Gumdrops karma demo 0 1 13:38 Remove log
Totals 1 5 54:49


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Red Blue Blue Blue hoot #4kade Scout 54 25 22 276 217 152 15133 11916 8343 7 0 46 0 0 13 54:49
Red Red Blue Blue Blue their uterus #4coin Soldier 41 45 18 289 262 122 15868 14393 6705 4 0 101 0 0 2 54:49
Red Red Blue Blue Blue Salt Pyro 22 21 36 132 254 273 7249 13936 15005 5 0 19 0 0 8 54:49
Red Red Blue Blue Blue her spermcell #4coin Demo 56 24 16 500 320 331 27451 17577 18157 8 1 17 0 0 8 54:49
Red Red Blue Blue Blue pastry Engineer 32 23 25 217 171 96 11918 9409 5293 5 0 31 0 0 13 54:49
Red Red Blue Blue Blue doorknob #4coin Heavy 58 42 19 314 472 269 17247 25914 14800 6 0 49 0 0 1 54:49
Red Red Blue Blue Blue Theory-Y Medic 3 8 38 16 103 902 5647 0 1 0 8 0 0 2 54:49
Red Red Blue Blue Blue floom Sniper 58 36 6 290 252 141 15925 13846 7734 5 0 18 0 43 4 54:49
Red Red Blue Blue Blue √44.3556X TH3 RUiN0US D0SE OF Spy 49 47 6 372 166 20 20407 9105 1109 5 0 55 42 0 2 54:49
Blue Blue Red Red Red oppenheimer yeti enjoyer Scout 30 46 22 209 256 137 11457 14062 7521 3 0 29 0 0 11 54:49
Blue Blue Red Red Red @RealWWEJohnCena摔角 Soldier 34 37 11 319 261 158 17489 14322 8706 6 0 99 0 0 3 54:49
Blue Blue Red Red Red GGG Deez Noodlez Pyro 15 42 17 120 284 196 6610 15570 10769 2 0 28 0 0 3 54:49
Blue Blue Red Red Red ATL | Le4n!!! Demo 38 33 11 488 338 285 26789 18576 15670 6 1 41 0 0 3 54:49
Blue Blue Red Red Red Rafiki Gaming Engineer 17 40 15 179 233 91 9813 12809 5013 2 0 30 0 0 5 54:49
Blue Blue Red Red Red Albino Jellyfish Heavy 45 46 19 278 450 153 15279 24708 8388 4 0 24 0 0 9 54:49
Blue Blue Red Red Red GGG Lylith!!! Medic 0 19 22 2 138 152 7619 0 0 0 13 0 0 4 54:49
Blue Blue Red Red Red loot Sniper 44 50 9 299 251 78 16422 13812 4311 5 0 11 0 34 4 54:49
Blue Blue Red Red Red ATL | to4st Spy 48 60 3 323 193 17 17732 10622 969 4 0 53 34 0 0 54:45
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 81 74 32 1987 2137 1399 29216 31427 20578 6 0 95 9 11 10 6 14:42
Blue 74 81 36 2137 1987 1225 31427 29216 18016 4 1 74 11 10 6 6 14:42
Red 76 43 41 2093 1932 1432 22367 20642 15301 6 0 51 6 9 8 4 10:41
Blue 43 76 16 1932 2093 1025 20642 22367 10956 6 0 40 6 3 2 4 10:41
Red 61 88 34 2911 3094 1104 29748 31613 11285 4 0 84 8 8 16 3 10:13
Blue 88 61 47 3094 2911 1379 31613 29748 14094 6 0 82 14 8 24 3 10:13
Red 36 44 17 2622 2805 983 14641 15663 5491 5 0 44 3 8 8 1 5:35
Blue 44 36 21 2805 2622 1268 15663 14641 7083 7 0 40 5 3 4 2 5:35
Red 57 84 26 1854 2438 1144 25285 33241 15599 6 0 86 6 5 10 6 13:38
Blue 84 57 45 2438 1854 1473 33241 25285 20090 8 1 76 8 12 7 7 13:38


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Red Blue Blue Blue Theory-Y Medic 100% 1407 77146 38 32 6 0 4 7 0:38 1 0 54:49
Blue Blue Red Red Red GGG Lylith!!! Medic 100% 1119 61347 36 26 10 0 5 5 0:40 6 0 54:49



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Blue Blue Blue doorknob #4coin 10 3 10 10 2 5 2 6 10 58
Red Red Blue Blue Blue floom 2 3 8 1 3 6 7 21 7 58
Red Red Blue Blue Blue her spermcell #4coin 6 5 7 6 11 5 3 6 7 56
Red Red Blue Blue Blue hoot #4kade 10 6 8 3 5 4 1 3 14 54
Red Red Blue Blue Blue √44.3556X TH3 RUiN0US D0SE OF 3 7 1 3 11 9 3 10 2 49
Blue Blue Red Red Red ATL | to4st 1 8 1 2 6 7 5 16 2 48
Blue Blue Red Red Red Albino Jellyfish 6 12 2 4 11 2 0 1 7 45
Blue Blue Red Red Red loot 9 5 6 4 6 5 1 7 1 44
Red Red Blue Blue Blue their uterus #4coin 6 7 1 3 5 6 2 3 8 41
Blue Blue Red Red Red ATL | Le4n!!! 4 4 5 3 8 2 1 5 6 38
Blue Blue Red Red Red @RealWWEJohnCena摔角 1 3 4 2 6 4 1 1 12 34
Red Red Blue Blue Blue pastry 2 5 5 5 5 3 0 0 7 32
Blue Blue Red Red Red oppenheimer yeti enjoyer 2 8 3 7 1 1 0 1 7 30
Red Red Blue Blue Blue Salt 6 1 2 2 4 2 1 1 3 22
Blue Blue Red Red Red Rafiki Gaming 1 3 0 2 3 1 0 2 5 17
Blue Blue Red Red Red GGG Deez Noodlez 1 2 0 0 1 1 0 3 7 15
Red Red Blue Blue Blue Theory-Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Red Red Red ATL | to4st 14 8 3 7 10 7 2 7 2 60
Blue Blue Red Red Red loot 3 3 1 6 6 0 0 21 10 50
Red Red Blue Blue Blue √44.3556X TH3 RUiN0US D0SE OF 7 12 7 6 7 5 0 1 2 47
Blue Blue Red Red Red Albino Jellyfish 5 5 4 11 2 5 0 3 11 46
Blue Blue Red Red Red oppenheimer yeti enjoyer 10 6 6 6 10 2 1 2 3 46
Red Red Blue Blue Blue their uterus #4coin 8 3 2 4 12 3 0 5 8 45
Red Red Blue Blue Blue doorknob #4coin 1 6 1 8 11 3 0 6 6 42
Blue Blue Red Red Red GGG Deez Noodlez 8 1 2 7 10 5 0 8 1 42
Blue Blue Red Red Red Rafiki Gaming 4 6 2 5 5 3 0 6 9 40
Blue Blue Red Red Red @RealWWEJohnCena摔角 6 7 1 5 3 5 0 3 7 37
Red Red Blue Blue Blue floom 1 1 3 5 1 2 0 7 16 36
Blue Blue Red Red Red ATL | Le4n!!! 3 3 2 6 10 5 0 1 3 33
Red Red Blue Blue Blue hoot #4kade 2 1 1 4 6 1 0 9 1 25
Red Red Blue Blue Blue her spermcell #4coin 7 2 0 3 4 2 0 4 2 24
Red Red Blue Blue Blue pastry 1 4 1 2 2 1 0 5 7 23
Red Red Blue Blue Blue Salt 3 4 0 5 2 0 0 6 1 21
Blue Blue Red Red Red GGG Lylith!!! 1 2 1 3 2 0 0 7 3 19
Red Red Blue Blue Blue Theory-Y 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 5 8


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Blue Blue Blue doorknob #4coin 14 6 11 11 5 8 3 6 13 77
Red Red Blue Blue Blue hoot #4kade 13 6 12 8 7 4 3 5 18 76
Red Red Blue Blue Blue her spermcell #4coin 7 5 11 8 14 7 4 7 9 72
Blue Blue Red Red Red Albino Jellyfish 8 16 5 6 14 5 0 2 8 64
Red Red Blue Blue Blue floom 2 4 9 1 5 6 7 21 9 64
Red Red Blue Blue Blue their uterus #4coin 9 8 2 5 7 9 2 6 11 59
Red Red Blue Blue Blue Salt 12 3 9 4 10 4 2 4 10 58
Red Red Blue Blue Blue pastry 4 8 11 8 9 6 0 1 10 57
Red Red Blue Blue Blue √44.3556X TH3 RUiN0US D0SE OF 3 9 2 3 13 10 3 10 2 55
Blue Blue Red Red Red loot 10 8 6 4 7 6 1 9 2 53
Blue Blue Red Red Red oppenheimer yeti enjoyer 3 9 5 9 5 3 0 2 16 52
Blue Blue Red Red Red ATL | to4st 1 9 1 3 6 8 5 16 2 51
Blue Blue Red Red Red ATL | Le4n!!! 4 7 6 4 9 3 1 9 6 49
Blue Blue Red Red Red @RealWWEJohnCena摔角 2 5 4 3 10 4 1 1 15 45
Red Red Blue Blue Blue Theory-Y 5 3 5 3 5 2 4 4 10 41
Blue Blue Red Red Red GGG Deez Noodlez 4 3 0 0 7 1 0 5 12 32
Blue Blue Red Red Red Rafiki Gaming 4 7 0 3 7 2 0 3 6 32
Blue Blue Red Red Red GGG Lylith!!! 2 3 3 1 5 2 1 2 3 22


112: RED vs dtm

Time Team Player Kills
1:36 Blue oppenheimer yeti enjoyer 3
2:23 Red √44.3556X TH3 RUiN0US D0SE OF 3
3:51 Blue loot 4
5:13 Blue loot 3
10:28 Red her spermcell #4coin 3
10:54 Red their uterus #4coin 3
13:07 Red pastry 3

112: GGG vs dtm

Time Team Player Kills
7:39 Red doorknob #4coin 4
8:18 Red floom 3
8:29 Red pastry 3
9:38 Red doorknob #4coin 3

112: GGG vs dtm

Time Team Player Kills
2:14 Blue hoot #4kade 3
2:30 Blue √44.3556X TH3 RUiN0US D0SE OF 3
7:20 Blue doorknob #4coin 3
8:27 Red Albino Jellyfish 4

112: GGG vs dtm

Time Team Player Kills
2:57 Blue √44.3556X TH3 RUiN0US D0SE OF 3
4:05 Blue hoot #4kade 3

112: dtm vs GGG

Time Team Player Kills
3:45 Blue floom 3
7:57 Red ATL | Le4n!!! 3
9:57 Red Albino Jellyfish 3


112: RED vs dtm

Team Player Message
Blue GGG Deez Noodlez Can you give me a new airblast kill bind?

112: GGG vs dtm

Team Player Message
Blue GGG Deez Noodlez WAS THAT THE REFLECT OF '87?
Blue GGG Deez Noodlez mining away
Blue GGG Deez Noodlez i dont know what to say
Blue GGG Deez Noodlez ill say it anyway
Blue @RealWWEJohnCena摔角 buwomp
Red her spermcell #4coin in this beautiful minecraft day
Red her spermcell #4coin wait
Red her spermcell #4coin in this minecraft day
Red her spermcell #4coin so beautiful
Blue GGG Deez Noodlez mine
Blue GGG Deez Noodlez wooden
Blue GGG Deez Noodlez plank
Blue GGG Deez Noodlez How do you type so fast?
Red her spermcell #4coin diamonds
Red hoot #4kade ᴸᴼᴸ
Blue oppenheimer yeti enjoyer im straight looking at you
Red √44.3556X TH3 RUiN0US D0SE OF cap
Blue oppenheimer yeti enjoyer gg
Red hoot #4kade gg
Red their uterus #4coin ggs
Red her spermcell #4coin gg
Blue loot gg
Red doorknob #4coin ggs
Blue Albino Jellyfish ggs
Blue GGG Lylith!!! ggss
Blue GGG Deez Noodlez gg
Blue Rafiki Gaming gg
Blue ATL | to4st gg
Red floom gg
Red floom wp wp
Red pastry gg
Red Salt gg
Red hoot #4kade GGG Deez Noodlez: all this talking wont do yall good
Red doorknob #4coin gs
Blue GGG Deez Noodlez ggs
Red pastry ggs
Red her spermcell #4coin Gg
Red pastry GGG Deez Noodlez : all this talking wont do yall good
Red √44.3556X TH3 RUiN0US D0SE OF gg

112: GGG vs dtm

Team Player Message
Blue hoot #4kade wiw
Blue doorknob #4coin aSDFGHJ./

112: GGG vs dtm

Team Player Message
Blue hoot #4kade ᴸᴼᴸ
Red loot gm
Blue doorknob #4coin gm
Blue floom gm gm
Red oppenheimer yeti enjoyer gm
Red ATL | Le4n!!! .ss
Red GGG Deez Noodlez gm

112: dtm vs GGG

Team Player Message
Red GGG Deez Noodlez all this talking wont do yall good
Blue √44.3556X TH3 RUiN0US D0SE OF HOW
Blue hoot #4kade .ss