Logs 3541796, 3541928, 3541876, 3541916, 3541777, 3541850, 3541936

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 16 Invite Grand Finals Witness Gaming Team Fun 2.0 1.0 koth_lakeside_r2, koth_ashville_final, cp_steel_f12 Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
The Silly Server: wG vs b00m koth_lakeside_r2 Highlander Witness Gaming Team Fun 0 2 15:26 Dec 5, 2023, 3:19 AM Remove log
The Silly Server: RED vs wG koth_ashville_final Highlander Team Fun Witness Gaming 1 2 17:47 Dec 5, 2023, 5:30 AM Remove log
The Silly Server: BLU vs RED cp_steel_f12 Highlander Witness Gaming Team Fun 1 0 13:03 Dec 5, 2023, 4:06 AM Remove log
The Silly Server: RED vs wG koth_ashville_final Highlander Team Fun Witness Gaming 2 1 17:00 Dec 5, 2023, 5:01 AM Remove log
The Silly Server: wG vs b00m koth_lakeside_r2 Highlander Witness Gaming Team Fun 0 2 12:06 Dec 5, 2023, 2:54 AM Remove log
The Silly Server: RED vs BLU cp_steel_f12 Highlander Team Fun Witness Gaming 1 0 16:11 Dec 5, 2023, 3:48 AM Remove log
The Silly Server: RED vs wG koth_ashville_final Highlander Team Fun Witness Gaming 0 1 40:07 Dec 5, 2023, 6:17 AM Remove log
Totals 5 8 2:11:40


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG blank Scout 90 61 43 254 164 108 33479 21663 14314 9 0 93 0 0 21 1:38:39
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG ether Soldier 74 89 31 220 215 139 29063 28375 18327 3 2 213 0 0 7 2:11:40
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG Melon Pyro 34 71 41 94 197 126 12431 26048 16623 5 0 101 0 0 15 2:11:40
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG dt Demo 73 65 46 316 246 227 41721 32463 29946 6 0 53 0 0 18 2:11:40
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG Rebel Engineer 59 55 38 157 123 70 20734 16279 9263 4 0 60 0 0 11 1:39:45
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG zuchima Heavy 77 80 46 200 354 235 26394 46688 30958 5 0 31 0 0 11 1:38:09
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG Toy :3 Medic 2 38 45 10 100 1437 13216 0 1 0 39 0 0 6 1:39:48
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG Poseidon Sniper 74 67 19 201 169 100 26486 22299 13167 6 0 38 0 47 13 1:38:27
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG Phish Spy 69 77 15 207 139 24 27289 18422 3209 6 0 113 44 0 14 1:41:00
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red pafun, pafun #sorrydaniel Scout 80 72 61 230 170 114 30389 22400 15040 8 0 71 0 0 14 2:11:40
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red [Y3*YO*Y3] JJslim (checking in) Soldier 66 72 23 217 187 107 28578 24667 14106 10 0 235 0 0 9 1:38:06
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red figsyay ´ ▽ ` )ノ Pyro 50 55 52 115 168 123 15194 22251 16273 6 0 50 0 0 15 1:40:53
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red wZ Joey Lemons Demo 81 66 39 354 276 246 46728 36406 32500 8 0 50 0 0 19 1:38:02
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red [Y3*YO*Y3] hyphen Engineer 60 45 51 156 105 89 20665 13869 11761 4 0 53 0 0 15 1:39:28
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red triiiple Heavy 96 72 40 207 330 212 27364 43503 27926 5 0 65 0 0 8 1:38:00
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red blake Medic 5 37 65 13 110 1820 14600 0 2 0 33 0 0 7 2:11:40
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red lenny Sniper 91 71 19 240 199 122 31654 26228 16132 12 0 30 0 57 7 2:11:40
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red agb 4FUN #4LVCKI #BPpugs Spy 70 65 16 175 114 24 23061 15110 3269 5 0 186 33 0 4 2:11:40
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 103 114 55 2473 2634 1482 38170 40666 22879 8 1 101 7 11 9 4 15:26
Blue 114 103 70 2634 2473 1380 40666 38170 21308 8 0 104 4 15 15 4 15:26
Red 112 115 72 2397 2489 1453 42641 44275 25856 8 0 112 8 9 19 5 17:47
Blue 115 112 58 2489 2397 1547 44275 42641 27513 9 0 154 12 16 26 6 17:47
Red 72 59 37 1965 1711 1207 25651 22337 15758 5 0 96 7 5 20 3 13:03
Blue 58 74 28 1711 1965 1061 22337 25651 13858 5 0 130 3 7 7 8 13:03
Red 123 97 79 2541 2384 1544 43204 40532 26248 6 0 120 4 15 17 6 17:00
Blue 97 124 68 2384 2541 1411 40532 43204 23990 9 1 132 7 8 24 4 17:00
Red 57 83 35 2194 2646 1472 26556 32027 17812 4 0 62 4 3 13 4 12:06
Blue 82 57 50 2646 2194 1590 32027 26556 19245 12 0 97 6 8 16 4 12:06
Red 74 65 38 1817 1687 1314 29415 27307 21271 10 0 152 6 3 18 4 16:11
Blue 64 75 40 1687 1817 1085 27307 29415 17562 6 0 154 4 2 8 13 16:11
Red 36 44 29 377 412 229 15163 16543 9221 4 0 58 2 0 6 2 40:07
Blue 44 36 31 412 377 256 16543 15163 10293 6 0 42 3 2 16 2 40:07


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG Toy :3 Medic 100% 1361 135901 48 46 2 0 1 10 0:40 10 2 1:39:48
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red blake Medic 100% 1039 136913 77 46 0 31 2 4 0:40 5 0 2:11:40



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red triiiple 10 16 11 6 22 5 4 7 15 96
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red lenny 2 10 12 14 12 8 8 20 5 91
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG blank 11 11 6 8 16 13 8 8 9 90
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red wZ Joey Lemons 11 6 10 11 11 6 4 6 16 81
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red pafun, pafun #sorrydaniel 5 10 10 12 15 8 5 5 10 80
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG zuchima 18 12 8 8 15 7 2 1 6 77
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG ether 8 11 4 10 6 7 7 10 11 74
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG Poseidon 12 5 12 7 5 5 3 18 7 74
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG dt 9 4 9 12 9 5 6 13 6 73
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red agb 4FUN #4LVCKI #BPpugs 8 4 8 9 9 11 2 18 1 70
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG Phish 3 3 7 16 9 3 9 18 1 69
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red [Y3*YO*Y3] JJslim (checking in) 6 9 6 5 4 7 14 7 8 66
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red [Y3*YO*Y3] hyphen 10 19 9 4 4 4 1 1 8 60
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG Rebel 3 17 6 2 8 2 1 2 18 59
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red figsyay ´ ▽ ` )ノ 8 11 3 4 2 5 0 3 14 50
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG Melon 6 9 2 3 4 3 1 0 6 34
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red blake 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 5
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG Toy :3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG ether 10 9 11 6 16 19 1 10 4 86
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG zuchima 15 4 2 11 22 4 1 12 9 80
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG Phish 10 8 14 16 15 8 0 5 1 77
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red triiiple 16 6 4 9 15 8 0 5 9 72
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red [Y3*YO*Y3] JJslim (checking in) 11 11 9 4 12 17 0 5 3 72
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red pafun, pafun #sorrydaniel 11 8 6 9 18 3 1 12 3 71
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG Melon 10 6 3 10 11 9 1 12 8 70
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red lenny 8 10 0 13 1 2 0 18 18 70
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG Poseidon 5 7 3 6 7 1 0 20 18 67
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red wZ Joey Lemons 8 10 3 12 8 2 0 7 16 66
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red agb 4FUN #4LVCKI #BPpugs 9 11 6 6 6 18 1 7 1 65
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG dt 12 5 4 11 6 4 0 14 9 65
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG blank 5 6 8 11 10 10 1 2 8 61
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG Rebel 8 7 5 6 5 4 1 8 11 55
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red figsyay ´ ▽ ` )ノ 6 4 2 9 8 6 0 12 7 54
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red [Y3*YO*Y3] hyphen 13 7 3 5 7 2 0 5 3 45
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG Toy :3 5 14 0 4 4 1 0 8 2 38
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red blake 8 7 1 6 2 1 0 3 9 37


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red pafun, pafun #sorrydaniel 17 21 15 21 24 14 7 7 15 141
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red triiiple 14 20 20 13 28 7 5 10 19 136
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG blank 16 15 12 13 24 16 13 10 14 133
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG zuchima 24 18 16 14 21 10 5 5 10 123
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red wZ Joey Lemons 14 8 17 16 20 9 7 10 19 120
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG dt 14 6 13 22 18 8 10 19 9 119
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red [Y3*YO*Y3] hyphen 14 31 16 8 15 6 4 1 16 111
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red lenny 4 13 16 17 14 10 9 21 6 110
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG ether 12 17 7 13 9 12 7 16 12 105
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red figsyay ´ ▽ ` )ノ 15 23 3 10 8 7 3 8 25 102
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG Rebel 15 22 9 4 13 5 1 2 26 97
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG Poseidon 13 10 13 11 7 7 4 21 7 93
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red [Y3*YO*Y3] JJslim (checking in) 8 12 11 7 7 8 14 12 10 89
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red agb 4FUN #4LVCKI #BPpugs 9 6 9 10 13 12 4 20 3 86
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG Phish 3 6 8 20 9 4 10 21 3 84
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG Melon 15 18 6 6 13 6 1 3 7 75
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red Red blake 6 5 13 6 8 5 5 6 16 70
Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue wG Toy :3 12 4 3 7 9 2 1 2 7 47


The Silly Server: wG vs b00m

Time Team Player Kills
0:26 Red wG Melon 3
1:25 Red wG zuchima 3
3:07 Blue [Y3*YO*Y3] hyphen 3
6:26 Blue lenny 3
7:04 Red wG Rebel 3
13:42 Blue agb 4FUN #4LVCKI #BPpugs 3
14:31 Blue pafun 3
15:00 Blue [Y3*YO*Y3] hyphen 3
15:03 Red wG Rebel 4
15:03 Blue triiiple 4
16:22 Red wG blank 3

The Silly Server: RED vs wG

Time Team Player Kills
3:07 Blue wG blank 3
6:48 Red triiiple 4
7:31 Red lenny 3
8:12 Blue wG Poseidon 3
8:39 Blue wG blank 3
10:43 Red pafun #sorrydaniel 3
12:56 Blue wG Poseidon 4
15:43 Blue wG blank 3
17:38 Blue wG blank 4

The Silly Server: BLU vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
3:07 Blue [Y3*YO*Y3] JJslim (checking in) 3
6:05 Blue lenny 3
7:25 Blue wZ Joey Lemons 4
11:26 Red wG ether 3
12:19 Red wG blank 3

The Silly Server: RED vs wG

Time Team Player Kills
6:09 Red lenny 3
6:18 Red wZ Joey Lemons 3
7:53 Red triiiple 3
10:45 Blue wG blank 3
11:35 Blue wG Rebel 4
16:08 Red pafun #sorrydaniel 3

The Silly Server: wG vs b00m

Time Team Player Kills
1:12 Blue agb 4FUN #4LVCKI #BPpugs 4
1:52 Blue triiiple 3
5:32 Blue lenny 4

The Silly Server: RED vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
7:33 Red wZ Joey Lemons 3
13:53 Red [Y3*YO*Y3] JJslim (checking in) 3

The Silly Server: RED vs wG

Time Team Player Kills
0:24 Blue wG Phish 3
4:45 Red triiiple 4


The Silly Server: wG vs b00m

Team Player Message
Red wG Phish nice shots
Red wG Phish lucky
Blue [Y3*YO*Y3] JJslim (checking in) im sweatin
Red wG Phish lmao
Blue [Y3*YO*Y3] hyphen Bay gulls
Blue [Y3*YO*Y3] hyphen Kek
Blue pafun Kek
Blue [Y3*YO*Y3] JJslim (checking in) LMFAO
Red wG blank back to the lobby
Blue [Y3*YO*Y3] JJslim (checking in) KOBE

The Silly Server: RED vs wG

Team Player Message
Blue wG Rebel <3
Red [Y3*YO*Y3] JJslim (checking in) <3
Blue wG Phish ?

The Silly Server: BLU vs RED

Team Player Message
Red wG Phish jj
Blue [Y3*YO*Y3] JJslim (checking in) yes
Red wG Phish this pfp is clean
Blue [Y3*YO*Y3] JJslim (checking in) you too brotha
Blue pafun #sorrydaniel LMFAO
Blue [Y3*YO*Y3] JJslim (checking in) LMFAO
Blue [Y3*YO*Y3] JJslim (checking in) well played welll played
Red wG zuchima blank 64 fov
Blue triiiple lol
Blue pafun #sorrydaniel D::::::::::
Blue [Y3*YO*Y3] JJslim (checking in) lol
Red wG zuchima shit look at those
Red wG zuchima magnificent
Blue pafun #sorrydaniel wya
Blue [Y3*YO*Y3] JJslim (checking in) they didnt believe in us
Blue [Y3*YO*Y3] JJslim (checking in) gg
Red wG ether LOL
Red wG Phish gr
Blue pafun #sorrydaniel gr

The Silly Server: wG vs b00m

Team Player Message
Blue [Y3*YO*Y3] JJslim (checking in) hf
Red wG dt ggs gl
Blue figsyay ´ ▽ ` )ノ I love my teammate pablo!
Red wG ether gl
Red wG Phish GLHF
Blue figsyay ´ ▽ ` )ノ I love my teammate AmandaPanda45WOOT!
Blue figsyay ´ ▽ ` )ノ I love my teammate Joey Lemons!
Blue pafun hlhf
Blue figsyay ´ ▽ ` )ノ I love my teammate triiiple!
Blue [Y3*YO*Y3] JJslim (checking in) HI
Red wG ether yto

The Silly Server: RED vs BLU

Team Player Message
Red [Y3*YO*Y3] JJslim (checking in) gl hf!
Blue wG ether glhf :]
Red pafun glhf :D
Blue wG dt hf hf
Blue wG Phish yo
Red [Y3*YO*Y3] JJslim (checking in) wya
Blue wG Phish here bro
Red [Y3*YO*Y3] JJslim (checking in) omw
Red [Y3*YO*Y3] hyphen Nice lobby traps
Red pafun s
Red pafun n
Red pafun s
Blue wG ether WTF
Blue wG ether hahaha
Red [Y3*YO*Y3] JJslim (checking in) LMFAO
Red [Y3*YO*Y3] JJslim (checking in) SUPRISE
Red agb 4FUN #4LVCKI #BPpugs good turns
Red [Y3*YO*Y3] JJslim (checking in) edx
Blue wG Melon fuck lol
Red [Y3*YO*Y3] JJslim (checking in) nice
Blue wG zuchima FEAST IN A SPAWN
Blue wG zuchima SAMMICHJ

The Silly Server: RED vs wG

Team Player Message
Red [Y3*YO*Y3] JJslim (checking in) gg
Red agb 4FUN #4LVCKI #BPpugs ggs
Red pafun #sorrydaniel gg
Blue wG ether GG
Blue wG Phish gg
Red blake gg
Blue wG dt gg
Blue wG Poseidon gg
Blue wG Rebel ggs
Blue wG Toy :3 gg
Red wZ Joey Lemons gg
Red triiiple gg
Red [Y3*YO*Y3] hyphen gg