Logs 3541864, 3541833, 3541920, 3541932

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 16 Main Grand Finals Ceviche de tiburon Animan Studios BLACK 5.0 4.0 koth_lakeside_r2, pl_upward_f10, koth_ashville_final Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #538258 pl_upward_f10 Highlander Ceviche de tiburon Animan Studios BLACK 1 0 16:02 Dec 5, 2023, 3:54 AM Remove log
na.serveme.tf #538258 pl_upward_f10 Highlander Animan Studios BLACK Ceviche de tiburon 0 1 19:29 Dec 5, 2023, 3:28 AM Remove log
na.serveme.tf #538258 koth_ashville_final Highlander Ceviche de tiburon Animan Studios BLACK 0 2 13:12 Dec 5, 2023, 4:59 AM Remove log
na.serveme.tf #538258 koth_lakeside_r2 Highlander Animan Studios BLACK Ceviche de tiburon 1 2 19:11 Dec 5, 2023, 5:30 AM Remove log
Totals 2 5 1:07:54


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Blue Red Blue earl Scout 66 49 39 282 210 125 19211 14315 8550 6 0 56 0 0 10 1:07:54
Red Blue Red Blue CDT eddie Soldier 54 56 21 338 303 150 23013 20597 10191 5 0 150 0 0 2 1:07:54
Red Blue Red Blue 22imon Pyro 57 42 49 187 258 209 12709 17528 14209 6 0 24 0 0 4 1:07:54
Red Blue Red Blue Hyperion Demo 45 51 17 423 368 316 28746 25054 21461 6 0 23 0 0 4 1:07:54
Red Blue Red Blue r4bbit Engineer 47 37 52 280 196 85 19044 13364 5810 7 0 37 0 0 3 1:07:54
Red Blue Red Blue DrexxoHD Heavy 51 43 38 291 476 220 19812 32357 14950 9 0 73 0 0 6 1:07:54
Red Blue Red Blue /G/ Punish ♥ 牧濑红莉栖 Medic 1 30 40 8 167 568 11402 0 1 0 23 0 0 6 1:07:54
Red Blue Red Blue norphel08 tw.tv @lan Sniper 79 49 8 373 251 139 25346 17048 9477 7 0 22 0 48 7 1:07:54
Red Blue Red Blue BustaMcNasty Spy 69 52 4 425 150 11 28859 10222 775 5 0 92 62 0 1 1:07:54
Blue Red Blue Red feloniousdolphin87 Scout 53 47 29 273 222 123 18540 15128 8368 6 0 41 0 0 13 1:07:54
Blue Red Blue Red Apple Zoo Soldier 52 63 18 357 280 117 24299 19055 7973 4 3 160 0 0 2 1:07:54
Blue Red Blue Red TeatsMcghee #WienerWater Pyro 37 55 28 192 348 229 13078 23638 15610 3 0 28 0 0 9 1:07:54
Blue Red Blue Red untamed Demo 40 60 22 368 450 349 25031 30562 23725 3 0 30 0 0 7 1:07:54
Blue Red Blue Red kho Engineer 47 39 28 210 187 105 14325 12749 7137 5 0 12 0 0 10 1:07:54
Blue Red Blue Red wideface Heavy 59 56 37 284 499 285 19310 33914 19401 6 0 18 0 0 3 1:07:54
Blue Red Blue Red Crump.THUG Medic 2 26 38 8 153 556 10397 0 1 0 35 0 0 8 1:07:54
Blue Red Blue Red King of the Black People Sniper 63 61 16 346 322 98 23496 21886 6711 8 0 34 0 40 4 1:07:54
Blue Red Blue Red Pupper Spy 55 64 7 342 146 19 23252 9979 1295 5 0 42 45 0 5 1:07:54
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 94 74 58 2190 1949 1341 35122 31251 21509 7 0 97 13 8 10 6 16:02
Blue 73 95 42 1949 2190 1308 31251 35122 20974 6 1 69 9 8 9 5 16:02
Red 105 127 59 2092 2592 1376 40772 50512 26826 8 1 118 7 17 9 8 19:29
Blue 127 105 60 2592 2092 1217 50512 40772 23712 7 0 132 23 13 4 6 19:29
Red 99 104 59 2637 2838 1296 34810 37470 17110 6 0 120 6 16 14 3 13:12
Blue 104 100 63 2838 2637 1357 37470 34810 17917 5 0 60 12 9 18 4 13:12
Red 126 149 59 2731 2964 1277 52394 56864 24503 6 1 153 17 6 25 7 19:11
Blue 149 126 91 2964 2731 1203 56864 52394 23092 9 0 151 20 11 15 6 19:11


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Blue Red Blue /G/ Punish ♥ 牧濑红莉栖 Medic 100% 1257 85357 34 32 2 0 0 8 0:40 7 1 1:07:54
Blue Red Blue Red Crump.THUG Medic 100% 1329 90286 44 39 5 0 1 6 0:40 13 0 1:07:54



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Red Blue norphel08 tw.tv @lan 7 8 5 14 12 10 7 11 5 79
Red Blue Red Blue BustaMcNasty 5 2 4 10 12 4 0 27 5 69
Red Blue Red Blue earl 6 10 11 8 3 7 4 6 11 66
Blue Red Blue Red King of the Black People 5 9 4 9 6 5 4 17 4 63
Blue Red Blue Red wideface 8 12 7 13 2 6 1 1 9 59
Red Blue Red Blue 22imon 4 9 8 4 5 3 3 3 18 57
Blue Red Blue Red Pupper 0 3 4 4 13 5 9 16 1 55
Red Blue Red Blue CDT eddie 7 11 3 5 4 6 5 5 8 54
Blue Red Blue Red feloniousdolphin87 9 11 4 7 3 4 3 4 8 53
Blue Red Blue Red Apple Zoo 7 4 5 3 4 6 7 7 9 52
Red Blue Red Blue DrexxoHD 5 9 10 5 11 2 2 3 4 51
Blue Red Blue Red kho 7 10 3 7 4 6 0 0 10 47
Red Blue Red Blue r4bbit 7 9 7 3 6 3 1 3 8 47
Red Blue Red Blue Hyperion 6 4 7 10 3 4 4 3 4 45
Blue Red Blue Red untamed 6 1 10 3 6 3 6 2 3 40
Blue Red Blue Red TeatsMcghee #WienerWater 7 6 4 5 4 2 0 2 7 37
Blue Red Blue Red Crump.THUG 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2
Red Blue Red Blue /G/ Punish ♥ 牧濑红莉栖 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Blue Red Pupper 11 8 18 4 4 8 1 5 5 64
Blue Red Blue Red Apple Zoo 10 11 9 4 9 9 0 8 2 62
Blue Red Blue Red King of the Black People 6 5 3 3 3 3 0 11 27 61
Blue Red Blue Red untamed 8 5 4 10 5 3 0 14 10 59
Red Blue Red Blue CDT eddie 11 4 6 1 12 10 0 9 3 56
Blue Red Blue Red wideface 3 4 5 3 11 6 0 12 12 56
Blue Red Blue Red TeatsMcghee #WienerWater 11 3 8 7 10 7 0 5 4 55
Red Blue Red Blue BustaMcNasty 8 9 7 3 9 10 1 4 1 52
Red Blue Red Blue Hyperion 7 3 5 3 13 7 0 9 4 51
Red Blue Red Blue earl 9 7 7 6 8 7 0 5 0 49
Red Blue Red Blue norphel08 tw.tv @lan 4 7 2 2 1 0 0 17 16 49
Blue Red Blue Red feloniousdolphin87 6 7 4 6 5 7 0 7 5 47
Red Blue Red Blue 22imon 4 5 4 10 7 3 1 4 4 42
Red Blue Red Blue DrexxoHD 3 4 4 6 2 4 0 6 13 42
Blue Red Blue Red kho 7 6 3 4 2 3 0 10 4 39
Red Blue Red Blue r4bbit 4 6 2 3 6 6 0 5 5 37
Red Blue Red Blue /G/ Punish ♥ 牧濑红莉栖 3 7 0 6 1 0 0 4 9 30
Blue Red Blue Red Crump.THUG 4 5 3 4 2 1 0 7 0 26


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Red Blue 22imon 9 18 15 13 11 7 6 8 19 106
Red Blue Red Blue earl 9 14 15 12 13 10 5 10 17 105
Red Blue Red Blue r4bbit 13 15 18 8 12 6 2 4 21 99
Blue Red Blue Red wideface 12 18 12 16 12 11 1 3 11 96
Red Blue Red Blue DrexxoHD 8 15 16 15 15 3 5 5 7 89
Red Blue Red Blue norphel08 tw.tv @lan 8 10 6 14 13 12 8 11 5 87
Blue Red Blue Red feloniousdolphin87 13 16 8 14 4 7 5 5 10 82
Blue Red Blue Red King of the Black People 8 12 5 9 8 5 5 20 7 79
Blue Red Blue Red kho 11 14 4 11 5 10 1 1 18 75
Red Blue Red Blue CDT eddie 11 15 6 7 7 8 5 7 9 75
Red Blue Red Blue BustaMcNasty 5 2 5 11 12 4 1 28 5 73
Blue Red Blue Red Apple Zoo 10 7 8 3 5 6 8 9 14 70
Blue Red Blue Red TeatsMcghee #WienerWater 8 11 10 8 6 4 2 4 12 65
Blue Red Blue Red untamed 15 3 10 8 9 4 7 3 3 62
Red Blue Red Blue Hyperion 8 5 8 12 6 6 7 5 5 62
Blue Red Blue Red Pupper 1 3 5 6 13 7 9 16 2 62
Red Blue Red Blue /G/ Punish ♥ 牧濑红莉栖 4 6 8 8 4 4 0 1 6 41
Blue Red Blue Red Crump.THUG 5 3 4 4 7 3 4 3 7 40


na.serveme.tf #538258

Time Team Player Kills
6:48 Red BustaMcNasty 3
10:49 Blue wideface 3
12:22 Red CDT eddie 3
14:35 Red norphel08 tw.tv @lan 3

na.serveme.tf #538258

Time Team Player Kills
4:56 Blue CDT eddie 3
6:15 Blue DrexxoHD 3
10:48 Red King of the Black People 3
10:53 Blue 22imon 3
11:13 Blue norphel08 tw.tv @lan 3
16:40 Red Pupper 3

na.serveme.tf #538258

Time Team Player Kills
1:01 Red norphel08 tw.tv @lan 3
7:14 Red norphel08 tw.tv @lan 3
11:50 Blue Pupper 3

na.serveme.tf #538258

Time Team Player Kills
4:49 Blue Hyperion 3
4:57 Blue DrexxoHD 5
5:46 Blue DrexxoHD 3
7:16 Blue earl 4
9:19 Red wideface 3
9:23 Red Pupper 4
10:37 Red feloniousdolphin87 3
10:42 Blue earl 3
11:31 Red TeatsMcghee #WienerWater 3
15:05 Red feloniousdolphin87 3
17:25 Blue r4bbit 3


na.serveme.tf #538258

Team Player Message
Red CDT eddie heaven or hell, let's rock!

na.serveme.tf #538258

Team Player Message
Red Apple Zoo ?
Red Apple Zoo real
Red King of the Black People ٠○•۩۞۩[̲̅Ŋ̲̅σ̲̅σ̲̅Ь̲̲̅̅۰̲̅đ̲̲̅̅σ̲̅ώ̲̅ŋ̲̲̲̅̅̅]۩۞۩•○٠

na.serveme.tf #538258

Team Player Message
Blue wideface !extend
Blue untamed lel
Red CDT eddie gz
Blue Crump.THUG gm
Blue feloniousdolphin87 gm
Blue wideface gm
Blue untamed gm

na.serveme.tf #538258

Team Player Message
Red Crump.THUG earl u are too good
Blue earl im actually ass