Logs 3559723, 3559717, 3559699, 3559686, 3559673

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
ETF2L Highlander Winter 2024: Premiership Qualifiers None Lower Bracket Round 1 Feila eSports finanzieren durch Double Clutch 6.0 3.0 Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
serveme.tf #1384005 pl_upward_f10 Highlander Double Clutch Feila eSports finanzieren durch 0 1 22:34 Remove log
serveme.tf #1384005 pl_upward_f10 Highlander Feila eSports finanzieren durch Double Clutch 1 0 11:21 Remove log
serveme.tf #1384005 pl_vigil_rc10 Highlander Double Clutch Feila eSports finanzieren durch 0 1 15:06 Remove log
serveme.tf #1384005 pl_vigil_rc10 Highlander Feila eSports finanzieren durch Double Clutch 0 1 19:10 Remove log
serveme.tf #1384005 pl_vigil_rc10 Highlander Double Clutch Feila eSports finanzieren durch 0 1 19:28 Remove log
Totals 1 4 1:27:39


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Blue Red Blue Red JENNY Scout 61 81 25 212 238 82 18598 20905 7232 6 0 101 0 0 8 1:27:39
Red Blue Red Blue Red black Soldier 62 78 27 303 257 140 26562 22597 12278 5 1 191 0 0 4 1:27:32
Red Blue Red Blue Red Népal <3 Pyro 35 50 29 116 275 205 10170 24161 18043 5 0 29 0 0 4 1:24:13
Red Blue Red Blue Red Derpy Hooves Demo 57 61 38 460 324 272 40393 28408 23880 4 1 19 0 0 3 1:27:39
Red Blue Red Blue Red DD Engineer 45 40 28 159 131 96 14012 11521 8452 7 0 12 0 0 11 1:27:39
Red Blue Red Blue Red ReseF Heavy 68 72 33 256 435 228 22505 38165 20013 5 0 67 0 0 4 1:27:39
Red Blue Red Blue Red Buck824 Medic 2 21 52 6 93 604 8231 0 1 0 9 0 0 1 1:27:39
Red Blue Red Blue Red 97-7$@lit @8773451 Sniper 94 65 20 362 253 113 31780 22192 9947 7 0 36 0 60 0 1:23:21
Red Blue Red Blue Red lupe Spy 66 96 3 299 192 24 26244 16886 2138 5 0 86 50 0 3 1:27:39
Blue Red Blue Red Blue lit.fam FEILA Scout 77 64 34 236 218 104 20762 19192 9148 7 0 82 0 0 12 1:27:05
Blue Red Blue Red Blue orange FEILA Soldier 59 74 23 284 259 138 24930 22717 12127 4 0 142 0 0 1 1:27:39
Blue Red Blue Red Blue oldschool FEILA Pyro 71 49 43 171 278 212 15065 24403 18592 6 0 40 0 0 9 1:27:39
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Joen FEILA Demo 68 54 32 427 298 240 37463 26161 21043 8 1 80 0 0 6 1:27:39
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Clootie FEILA Engineer 52 30 29 153 114 88 13491 10067 7772 6 0 7 0 0 8 1:27:39
Blue Red Blue Red Blue aryanne FEILA Heavy 71 68 36 276 468 329 24229 41083 28862 5 0 18 0 0 2 1:27:39
Blue Red Blue Red Blue BIG ROOMBA© Leila Feila Medic 0 21 67 2 120 198 10582 0 0 0 34 0 0 1 1:27:39
Blue Red Blue Red Blue chocolate FEILA Sniper 88 63 22 316 264 158 27700 23204 13921 7 0 22 0 55 1 1:27:39
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Raelyn Spy 78 68 9 333 153 28 29228 13459 2505 4 0 81 52 0 1 1:27:39
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 140 178 62 2412 2652 1035 54437 59851 23373 6 0 166 15 17 7 5 22:34
Blue 178 141 86 2652 2412 1160 59851 54437 26184 7 0 167 15 17 7 7 22:34
Red 74 53 39 2056 1922 1356 23337 21823 15393 6 1 48 7 8 8 2 11:21
Blue 53 74 26 1922 2056 1118 21823 23337 12700 5 0 72 8 6 6 3 11:21
Red 71 80 46 1990 1916 1234 30052 28932 18642 5 1 74 9 5 8 4 15:06
Blue 80 71 45 1916 1990 1378 28932 30052 20814 7 0 85 7 9 7 4 15:06
Red 111 131 58 2027 2331 1214 38851 44682 23280 7 0 123 10 8 11 4 19:10
Blue 131 111 70 2331 2027 1247 44682 38851 23915 7 1 109 8 19 5 6 19:10
Red 95 121 51 2048 2162 1199 39874 42095 23353 7 0 129 10 13 12 5 19:28
Blue 121 95 67 2162 2048 1453 42095 39874 28299 8 0 83 13 13 8 6 19:28


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Blue Red Blue Red Buck824 Medic 100% 1162 101868 40 40 0 0 2 3 0:28 6 0 1:27:39
Blue Red Blue Red Blue BIG ROOMBA© Leila Feila Medic 100% 1301 114085 43 43 0 0 5 9 0:40 9 0 1:27:39



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Red Blue Red 97-7$@lit @8773451 12 10 9 13 14 6 6 18 6 94
Blue Red Blue Red Blue chocolate FEILA 13 2 10 15 14 8 4 16 6 88
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Raelyn 7 8 5 11 6 5 6 27 3 78
Blue Red Blue Red Blue lit.fam FEILA 13 11 5 5 8 4 2 6 23 77
Blue Red Blue Red Blue oldschool FEILA 10 13 3 7 10 6 0 2 20 71
Blue Red Blue Red Blue aryanne FEILA 7 21 6 7 9 6 0 3 12 71
Red Blue Red Blue Red ReseF 10 11 7 7 11 3 1 7 11 68
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Joen FEILA 7 5 12 7 15 8 3 4 7 68
Red Blue Red Blue Red lupe 3 6 3 4 9 7 10 21 3 66
Red Blue Red Blue Red black 14 16 2 3 10 3 0 3 11 62
Red Blue Red Blue Red JENNY 9 9 6 14 5 3 2 6 7 61
Blue Red Blue Red Blue orange FEILA 14 13 3 3 5 3 3 7 8 59
Red Blue Red Blue Red Derpy Hooves 6 5 7 8 12 7 1 7 4 57
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Clootie FEILA 10 5 6 6 5 0 3 0 17 52
Red Blue Red Blue Red DD 5 8 7 2 2 0 1 1 19 45
Red Blue Red Blue Red Népal <3 5 7 7 3 5 1 0 0 7 35
Red Blue Red Blue Red Buck824 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Red Blue Red lupe 23 8 20 7 12 17 0 6 3 96
Red Blue Red Blue Red JENNY 13 14 10 7 7 10 0 13 7 81
Red Blue Red Blue Red black 11 13 13 5 21 5 0 2 8 78
Blue Red Blue Red Blue orange FEILA 9 16 7 5 11 8 1 10 6 73
Red Blue Red Blue Red ReseF 8 5 10 15 9 5 0 14 6 72
Blue Red Blue Red Blue aryanne FEILA 5 10 5 12 11 2 0 14 9 68
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Raelyn 7 11 7 4 11 19 0 6 3 68
Red Blue Red Blue Red 97-7$@lit @8773451 6 7 2 4 3 0 0 16 27 65
Blue Red Blue Red Blue lit.fam FEILA 9 14 5 6 10 5 0 12 3 64
Blue Red Blue Red Blue chocolate FEILA 6 3 0 7 7 1 0 18 21 63
Red Blue Red Blue Red Derpy Hooves 5 3 7 7 7 6 0 15 11 61
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Joen FEILA 14 3 3 8 7 2 0 13 4 54
Red Blue Red Blue Red Népal <3 5 3 3 12 6 6 0 10 5 50
Blue Red Blue Red Blue oldschool FEILA 6 2 7 7 7 7 1 9 3 49
Red Blue Red Blue Red DD 4 3 6 8 6 0 0 8 5 40
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Clootie FEILA 3 3 1 7 3 0 0 6 7 30
Red Blue Red Blue Red Buck824 2 3 0 3 0 3 0 4 6 21
Blue Red Blue Red Blue BIG ROOMBA© Leila Feila 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 6 10 21


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Red Blue Red 97-7$@lit @8773451 12 13 11 18 16 6 6 22 10 114
Blue Red Blue Red Blue oldschool FEILA 21 16 8 12 16 8 1 2 30 114
Blue Red Blue Red Blue lit.fam FEILA 20 19 6 9 9 10 3 9 26 111
Blue Red Blue Red Blue chocolate FEILA 16 2 14 18 16 9 5 17 13 110
Blue Red Blue Red Blue aryanne FEILA 11 26 13 11 16 8 1 5 16 107
Red Blue Red Blue Red ReseF 17 17 11 9 18 3 1 10 15 101
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Joen FEILA 11 10 14 17 18 10 5 6 9 100
Red Blue Red Blue Red Derpy Hooves 10 8 13 12 22 10 3 11 6 95
Red Blue Red Blue Red black 20 22 3 6 17 4 0 4 13 89
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Raelyn 8 11 7 12 6 6 6 28 3 87
Red Blue Red Blue Red JENNY 11 14 9 16 10 4 3 10 9 86
Blue Red Blue Red Blue orange FEILA 17 19 3 6 7 5 4 10 11 82
Blue Red Blue Red Blue Clootie FEILA 14 8 9 11 11 0 3 0 25 81
Red Blue Red Blue Red DD 11 12 10 3 3 2 4 1 27 73
Red Blue Red Blue Red lupe 3 6 4 6 9 7 10 21 3 69
Blue Red Blue Red Blue BIG ROOMBA© Leila Feila 10 7 9 2 13 6 2 5 13 67
Red Blue Red Blue Red Népal <3 7 8 10 10 8 3 1 0 17 64
Red Blue Red Blue Red Buck824 6 8 8 4 6 5 1 6 10 54


serveme.tf #1384005

Time Team Player Kills
2:29 Blue oldschool FEILA 3
3:09 Blue lit.fam FEILA 3
5:38 Red 97-7$@lit @8773451 4
6:43 Blue chocolate FEILA 3
7:29 Blue oldschool FEILA 3
10:12 Red black 3
12:11 Red DD 3
12:53 Blue orange FEILA 3
13:50 Red Népal <3 5
14:01 Blue orange FEILA 3
14:15 Red 97-7$@lit @8773451 4

serveme.tf #1384005

Time Team Player Kills
4:35 Blue JENNY 3
5:10 Red chocolate FEILA 4
9:56 Red Joen FEILA 3

serveme.tf #1384005

Time Team Player Kills
1:40 Blue chocolate FEILA 3
4:10 Blue Clootie FEILA 3
5:23 Red lupe 3
6:02 Blue oldschool FEILA 3
7:29 Red ReseF 3
11:47 Red 97-7$@lit @8773451 3

serveme.tf #1384005

Time Team Player Kills
1:31 Blue 97-7$@lit @8773451 6
4:07 Blue black 3
4:51 Blue 97-7$@lit @8773451 3
7:05 Blue 97-7$@lit @8773451 3
7:09 Red Joen FEILA 3
7:17 Blue DD 3
9:33 Blue JENNY 4
9:35 Blue ReseF 3
10:31 Red Raelyn 3
10:50 Red lit.fam FEILA 3
13:02 Red oldschool FEILA 3
13:33 Blue Derpy Hooves 3
14:59 Blue ReseF 3
16:59 Red lit.fam FEILA 4

serveme.tf #1384005

Time Team Player Kills
1:38 Blue oldschool FEILA 3
2:00 Blue chocolate FEILA 3
4:23 Red black 3
5:38 Blue aryanne FEILA 3
5:44 Blue orange FEILA 3
9:45 Red ReseF 3
13:12 Red JENNY 3
14:43 Red DD 4
17:46 Red 97-7$@lit @8773451 3
19:30 Blue chocolate FEILA 3


serveme.tf #1384005

Team Player Message
Blue chocolate FEILA !log
Blue oldschool FEILA !log
Blue chocolate FEILA lol
Blue chocolate FEILA okay
Red Buck824 rofl
Red Buck824 ninja lvl 2 bro
Blue lit.fam FEILA weeeee
Blue orange FEILA /r
Blue chocolate FEILA i cant
Blue chocolate FEILA fucking hell
Red lupe gg
Red black gg
Blue chocolate FEILA ggggg ig
Blue BIG ROOMBA© Leila Feila GG
Red DD gg
Blue oldschool FEILA gg

serveme.tf #1384005

Team Player Message
Red lit.fam FEILA chippi chippi
Red lit.fam FEILA chappa chappa
Red lit.fam FEILA dubi dubi
Red lit.fam FEILA daba daba
Red chocolate FEILA i had to try

serveme.tf #1384005

Team Player Message
Blue lit.fam FEILA OMG
Blue lit.fam FEILA phasmophobia
Red lupe xd
Red black gg
Blue Joen FEILA gg
Red black gg
Blue lit.fam FEILA kurwa
Red lupe gg

serveme.tf #1384005

Team Player Message
Red lit.fam FEILA xd

serveme.tf #1384005

Team Player Message
Red ReseF Uwu
Red 97-7$@lit @8773451 I ATE DAT
Blue chocolate FEILA lit good?
Blue Raelyn do u need pause?
Red Buck824 y
Blue chocolate FEILA whatsup with lit
Red ReseF hes throwing
Red Buck824 p
Blue lit.fam FEILA japierodle
Blue chocolate FEILA u good lit?
Red Buck824 what
Red Buck824 ?
Red Buck824 lmfao
Red Buck824 cool
Blue Joen FEILA gg
Red black gg