Logs 3588302, 3588319, 3588324, 3588337, 3588339

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
ETF2L Basketball Cup #7 Group Stage Round 2 Buck3rs sponsored by Buckley Memes For The Win 0.0 3.0 ctf_ballin_sky

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
serveme.tf #1394520 ctf_ballin_sky Ultiduo Memes For The Win Buck3rs sponsored by Buckley 0 0 18:31 Remove log
serveme.tf #1394520 ctf_ballin_sky Ultiduo Memes For The Win Buck3rs sponsored by Buckley 0 0 21:51 Remove log
serveme.tf #1394520 ctf_ballin_sky Ultiduo Memes For The Win Buck3rs sponsored by Buckley 0 0 17:58 Remove log
serveme.tf #1394520 ctf_ballin_sky Ultiduo Memes For The Win Buck3rs sponsored by Buckley 0 0 19:48 Remove log
serveme.tf #1394520 ctf_ballin_sky Ultiduo Memes For The Win Buck3rs sponsored by Buckley 0 0 19:31 Remove log
Totals 0 0 1:37:39


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS IC Time Played
Red Red Red Red Red SynciNG Soldier 308 259 89 487 377 47648 36831 0 6 41 95 48:48
Red Red Red Red Red v!£ Soldier 312 248 136 707 479 69051 46816 0 5 16 30 48:05
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue simply jerome Soldier 188 337 73 344 615 33607 60104 0 4 33 29 48:48
Blue Blue Blue tache Soldier 182 167 36 507 602 29628 35157 0 4 29 1 29:09
Blue Blue Mayh Soldier 117 128 30 519 545 20412 21438 0 3 6 4 19:39
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS IC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS IC Duration
Red 121 97 51 1269 853 0 23505 15813 0 5 7 25 0 18:31
Blue 91 122 26 853 1269 0 15813 23505 0 4 21 4 0 18:31
Red 142 123 47 1230 859 0 26881 18776 0 4 19 25 0 21:51
Blue 119 143 31 859 1230 0 18776 26881 0 4 18 7 0 21:51
Red 104 89 35 1145 780 0 20583 14019 0 5 11 25 0 17:58
Blue 83 105 27 780 1145 0 14019 20583 0 4 11 8 0 17:58
Red 130 105 47 1174 898 0 23260 17796 0 6 10 25 0 19:48
Blue 102 137 29 898 1174 0 17796 23260 0 3 10 6 0 19:48
Red 123 93 45 1151 883 0 22470 17243 0 5 10 25 0 19:31
Blue 92 125 26 883 1151 0 17243 22470 0 3 8 9 0 19:31


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Red Red Red v!£ 0 312 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 312
Red Red Red Red Red SynciNG 0 308 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 308
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue simply jerome 0 188 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 188
Blue Blue Blue tache 0 182 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 182
Blue Blue Mayh 0 117 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 117


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue simply jerome 0 329 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 329
Red Red Red Red Red v!£ 0 245 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 245
Red Red Red Red Red SynciNG 0 242 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 242
Blue Blue Blue tache 0 167 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 167
Blue Blue Mayh 0 124 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 124


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Red Red Red v!£ 0 448 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 448
Red Red Red Red Red SynciNG 0 397 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 397
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue simply jerome 0 261 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 261
Blue Blue Blue tache 0 218 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 218
Blue Blue Mayh 0 147 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 147


serveme.tf #1394520

Time Team Player Kills
0:04 Blue simply jerome 3
0:06 Red v!£ 3
0:17 Red SynciNG 5
0:46 Blue tache 8
1:08 Red SynciNG 5
1:23 Blue simply jerome 3
2:13 Red v!£ 20
2:15 Blue tache 3
2:22 Red SynciNG 9
2:38 Blue simply jerome 3
3:21 Blue simply jerome 5
3:28 Blue tache 3
3:36 Red SynciNG 4
4:00 Blue tache 10
4:12 Red SynciNG 7
4:23 Red v!£ 9
4:29 Blue simply jerome 3
5:16 Red SynciNG 9
5:23 Blue simply jerome 4
5:35 Blue tache 10
6:03 Red v!£ 5
6:36 Red v!£ 5
6:56 Red SynciNG 4
7:12 Blue simply jerome 3
7:13 Blue tache 6
7:23 Red v!£ 3
7:50 Red SynciNG 7

serveme.tf #1394520

Time Team Player Kills
0:11 Red SynciNG 3
0:14 Blue tache 10
0:26 Red v!£ 12
1:34 Blue tache 3
1:51 Red SynciNG 6
2:07 Blue simply jerome 6
2:29 Red SynciNG 19
2:43 Blue tache 6
3:08 Red v!£ 4
3:25 Blue simply jerome 3
3:45 Blue tache 5
4:03 Red v!£ 9
4:09 Blue simply jerome 4
4:30 Blue tache 4
4:55 Red SynciNG 5
5:15 Blue tache 6
5:19 Red v!£ 6
5:28 Red SynciNG 3
5:40 Blue simply jerome 6
6:07 Red SynciNG 7
6:20 Red v!£ 6
6:24 Blue tache 4
7:09 Red v!£ 3
7:11 Red SynciNG 7
7:29 Blue tache 13
7:45 Red v!£ 7
8:13 Red SynciNG 4
8:54 Blue simply jerome 5
8:58 Red v!£ 18
9:05 Red SynciNG 3
9:41 Blue simply jerome 3
10:07 Red SynciNG 5
10:08 Blue simply jerome 3

serveme.tf #1394520

Time Team Player Kills
0:05 Blue tache 4
0:07 Red v!£ 5
0:11 Red SynciNG 3
0:39 Red SynciNG 8
1:24 Blue tache 21
1:46 Red v!£ 4
1:55 Red SynciNG 6
2:09 Blue simply jerome 3
2:45 Red v!£ 16
3:55 Red SynciNG 5
4:34 Blue tache 7
4:44 Red v!£ 6
4:59 Red SynciNG 5
5:33 Blue tache 8
5:49 Red v!£ 7
6:18 Red SynciNG 5
6:44 Blue tache 7
7:01 Blue simply jerome 3
7:03 Red v!£ 9
7:12 Red SynciNG 11

serveme.tf #1394520

Time Team Player Kills
0:05 Red v!£ 6
0:12 Blue Mayh 4
0:34 Red SynciNG 4
0:38 Blue simply jerome 4
0:46 Red v!£ 8
0:56 Blue Mayh 7
1:15 Red SynciNG 8
1:48 Blue Mayh 11
2:03 Red v!£ 4
2:23 Red SynciNG 16
2:26 Blue simply jerome 5
2:55 Red v!£ 8
3:18 Blue Mayh 4
3:56 Blue simply jerome 7
3:57 Red v!£ 4
4:06 Blue Mayh 4
4:50 Red SynciNG 11
4:57 Blue Mayh 8
5:16 Blue simply jerome 3
5:24 Red v!£ 4
6:00 Blue Mayh 3
6:02 Red SynciNG 3
6:23 Blue Mayh 5
6:37 Red v!£ 3
6:48 Red SynciNG 3
7:02 Blue simply jerome 5
7:09 Red SynciNG 7
7:17 Blue Mayh 3
7:33 Red v!£ 6
8:10 Blue Mayh 3
8:22 Red v!£ 4
8:23 Blue simply jerome 4
9:05 Red v!£ 3

serveme.tf #1394520

Time Team Player Kills
0:04 Blue Mayh 4
0:06 Red v!£ 5
0:24 Blue simply jerome 3
0:59 Red v!£ 8
1:04 Blue Mayh 3
1:09 Red SynciNG 3
1:37 Blue Mayh 7
1:40 Red SynciNG 13
2:31 Red v!£ 4
2:51 Blue Mayh 8
3:17 Red v!£ 10
3:53 Blue Mayh 3
3:55 Red SynciNG 6
4:25 Red v!£ 5
5:02 Blue simply jerome 3
5:07 Red v!£ 10
5:37 Blue simply jerome 3
6:06 Red SynciNG 7
6:16 Blue Mayh 9
6:23 Red v!£ 5
7:09 Blue simply jerome 3
7:13 Red SynciNG 9
7:34 Blue Mayh 5
7:41 Red v!£ 5
8:19 Red SynciNG 7
9:09 Red SynciNG 3


serveme.tf #1394520

Team Player Message
Red v!£ !extend