Logs 3604649, 3604533, 3604549, 3604585, 3604681, 3604732, 3604748

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 17 Invite [4DE/SE] Playoffs 1 - Round 1 Witness Gaming somebody help 7.0 2.0 pl_swiftwater_final1, koth_product_final, pl_vigil_rc10

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
you have cat to be kitten: heep vs RED pl_swiftwater_final1 Highlander somebody help Witness Gaming 0 1 12:15 Remove log
you have cat to be kitten: BLU vs heep koth_product_final Highlander somebody help Witness Gaming 0 2 10:24 Remove log
you have cat to be kitten: BLU vs heep koth_product_final Highlander somebody help Witness Gaming 2 0 10:08 Remove log
you have cat to be kitten: BLU vs heep koth_product_final Highlander somebody help Witness Gaming 2 1 18:44 Remove log
you have cat to be kitten: RED vs heep pl_swiftwater_final1 Highlander Witness Gaming somebody help 1 0 18:14 Remove log
you have cat to be kitten: heep vs RED pl_vigil_rc10 Highlander somebody help Witness Gaming 0 1 17:18 Remove log
you have cat to be kitten: RED vs heep pl_vigil_rc10 Highlander Witness Gaming somebody help 1 0 19:26 Remove log
Totals 6 5 1:46:29


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue bffl Scout 94 78 48 288 244 172 30695 26084 18401 6 0 72 0 0 13 1:46:29
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue Lil Zok Soldier 53 84 29 278 241 147 29620 25766 15738 8 0 210 0 0 4 1:46:29
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue March 24th Pyro 53 79 50 167 316 192 17886 33717 20511 6 0 66 0 0 11 1:46:29
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue The Darkness Demo 73 67 20 421 349 323 44884 37174 34492 5 0 47 0 0 7 1:46:24
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue help! consta Engineer 41 50 41 157 157 72 16750 16792 7756 4 0 86 0 0 14 1:46:29
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue sophisticated cuck chair, zokimane Heavy 45 63 38 207 368 235 22060 39229 25098 6 0 46 0 0 5 1:44:56
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue heepie fleebie 🍄 Medic 2 38 51 12 122 1335 13084 0 1 0 28 0 0 5 1:46:29
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue /ᐠmountainマ Sniper 79 80 12 261 263 142 27882 28096 15156 6 0 19 0 59 7 1:46:29
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue help! Professor Backshots Spy 64 96 12 234 186 12 24987 19910 1287 5 0 148 35 0 2 1:46:26
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wg pabo Scout 101 63 49 304 218 170 32464 23268 18129 10 0 52 0 0 17 1:46:29
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG blank Soldier 81 68 38 306 218 180 32649 23260 19221 7 1 174 0 0 7 1:46:28
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG Melon Pyro 38 54 44 93 236 207 9964 25143 22047 3 0 65 0 0 7 1:46:29
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG exile Demo 70 64 40 412 328 304 43913 34954 32383 8 0 40 0 0 8 1:46:25
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG hyphen Engineer 64 42 42 185 127 115 19736 13568 12337 11 0 54 0 0 16 1:46:27
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG flu Heavy 55 54 46 184 361 290 19625 38442 30944 9 0 66 0 0 7 1:46:29
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG blake Medic 2 29 86 11 114 1264 12234 0 1 0 24 0 0 4 1:46:29
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG brax -iwnl- Sniper 174 49 24 551 234 204 58681 24979 21749 19 0 25 0 130 6 1:46:29
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG deaftjoe32 Spy 50 83 15 202 190 32 21556 20251 3484 3 0 121 35 0 6 1:46:29
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 37 89 15 1354 2470 1130 16589 30269 13854 4 0 92 4 4 3 3 12:15
Blue 89 38 55 2470 1354 1617 30269 16589 19819 17 0 53 5 22 0 4 12:15
Red 41 73 31 2286 2611 1230 23779 27157 12801 6 0 90 4 8 6 4 10:24
Blue 73 41 39 2611 2286 1634 27157 23779 17001 19 0 68 3 20 17 4 10:24
Red 78 57 48 2638 2368 1325 26736 23999 13432 6 0 91 1 12 11 3 10:08
Blue 57 78 32 2368 2638 1345 23999 26736 13634 6 0 77 1 12 10 3 10:08
Red 110 114 65 2457 2322 1302 46036 43506 24408 6 0 142 13 12 17 6 18:44
Blue 114 110 59 2322 2457 1388 43506 46036 26009 12 0 121 14 26 19 5 18:44
Red 111 76 75 2178 1750 1505 39720 31922 27454 11 1 99 2 19 15 6 18:14
Blue 76 111 44 1750 2178 1256 31922 39720 22905 6 0 103 7 6 11 6 18:14
Red 76 89 49 1895 1969 1391 32789 34070 24068 6 0 100 3 8 11 5 17:18
Blue 89 77 62 1969 1895 1526 34070 32789 26409 8 0 102 4 11 8 6 17:18
Red 102 86 62 2116 1968 1542 41131 38248 29968 9 0 101 6 20 9 7 19:26
Blue 86 102 49 1968 2116 1387 38248 41131 26971 8 0 104 3 9 9 6 19:26


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue heepie fleebie 🍄 Medic 100% 1301 138557 64 59 5 0 0 8 0:22 14 0 1:46:29
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG blake Medic 100% 1504 160176 56 56 0 0 1 13 0:40 6 2 1:46:29



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG brax -iwnl- 18 12 31 24 15 15 10 42 7 174
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wg pabo 12 21 12 8 11 9 9 7 12 101
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue bffl 14 21 5 9 18 6 6 3 12 94
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG blank 9 13 3 9 4 4 10 12 17 81
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue /ᐠmountainマ 10 4 11 16 7 9 4 9 9 79
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue The Darkness 5 5 15 12 7 7 4 6 12 73
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG exile 12 7 12 9 12 10 2 3 3 70
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG hyphen 10 12 10 1 2 3 0 1 25 64
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue help! Professor Backshots 3 4 5 7 8 5 5 23 4 64
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG flu 8 14 8 4 9 3 1 0 8 55
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue Lil Zok 1 9 7 5 4 5 9 7 6 53
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue March 24th 8 9 3 8 2 2 1 1 19 53
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG deaftjoe32 0 1 1 12 6 4 4 15 7 50
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue sophisticated cuck chair, zokimane 9 6 5 4 5 6 0 0 10 45
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue help! consta 12 10 3 1 3 1 0 0 11 41
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG Melon 8 4 2 0 4 2 2 0 16 38
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue heepie fleebie 🍄 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG blake 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue help! Professor Backshots 12 17 16 3 8 25 1 7 7 96
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue Lil Zok 21 13 4 7 14 12 0 12 1 84
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG deaftjoe32 12 6 19 12 10 11 0 9 4 83
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue /ᐠmountainマ 7 12 0 3 0 1 0 42 15 80
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue March 24th 12 3 2 12 8 10 0 31 1 79
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue bffl 12 9 8 12 8 10 1 18 0 78
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG blank 21 9 9 5 6 10 0 4 4 68
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue The Darkness 8 9 0 9 4 1 0 24 12 67
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wg pabo 14 1 8 5 9 12 1 10 3 63
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue sophisticated cuck chair, zokimane 11 4 4 12 9 2 0 15 6 63
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG exile 9 5 8 12 4 1 0 16 7 62
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG Melon 5 7 3 15 5 3 0 11 5 54
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG flu 18 4 2 7 5 3 0 7 8 54
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue help! consta 9 4 2 10 3 3 0 15 4 50
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG brax -iwnl- 3 7 1 6 0 0 0 9 23 49
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG hyphen 6 5 2 7 6 1 1 9 5 42
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue heepie fleebie 🍄 9 10 2 2 1 0 0 10 4 38
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG blake 6 9 1 4 0 0 0 4 5 29


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG brax -iwnl- 20 15 34 27 17 17 11 46 11 198
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wg pabo 22 27 17 14 23 11 13 7 16 150
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue bffl 19 31 16 18 24 6 8 5 15 142
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG blank 14 18 8 12 8 4 15 18 22 119
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG exile 16 11 17 17 18 14 6 8 3 110
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG hyphen 16 25 14 3 5 5 1 2 35 106
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue March 24th 11 20 6 16 9 4 4 6 27 103
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG flu 15 27 12 7 15 9 3 1 12 101
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue The Darkness 13 5 17 14 9 10 4 7 14 93
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue /ᐠmountainマ 11 5 12 16 8 9 4 13 13 91
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG blake 9 10 14 7 9 10 5 10 14 88
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue sophisticated cuck chair, zokimane 15 13 7 8 10 8 2 2 18 83
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue help! consta 17 15 8 10 9 2 0 0 21 82
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG Melon 13 14 8 2 11 3 2 0 29 82
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue Lil Zok 6 12 10 10 7 7 10 8 12 82
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue help! Professor Backshots 3 6 5 9 8 8 6 26 5 76
Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Red wG deaftjoe32 1 1 6 14 7 5 5 18 8 65
Red Red Red Red Blue Red Blue heepie fleebie 🍄 8 4 5 6 5 5 1 3 16 53


you have cat to be kitten: heep vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
1:28 Blue wG brax -iwnl- 3
4:11 Blue wG brax -iwnl- 4
4:23 Blue wG flu 3
4:50 Blue wG brax -iwnl- 3
7:32 Blue wG exile 5
8:33 Blue wG brax -iwnl- 3
9:14 Blue wg pabo 3

you have cat to be kitten: BLU vs heep

Time Team Player Kills
0:20 Blue wG flu 3
2:31 Blue wG brax -iwnl- 4
5:05 Blue wG brax -iwnl- 3
5:46 Blue wG brax -iwnl- 3
6:48 Blue wg pabo 3

you have cat to be kitten: BLU vs heep

Time Team Player Kills
1:43 Red bffl 3
1:52 Blue wG brax -iwnl- 3
4:59 Blue wG brax -iwnl- 3

you have cat to be kitten: BLU vs heep

Time Team Player Kills
0:23 Blue wG brax -iwnl- 3
3:17 Blue wg pabo 4
3:17 Red bffl 4
5:21 Blue wG brax -iwnl- 3
5:45 Red help! Professor Backshots 4
8:23 Red Lil Zok 3
11:29 Red bffl 3
11:30 Blue wG brax -iwnl- 3
12:18 Red help! Professor Backshots 3

you have cat to be kitten: RED vs heep

Time Team Player Kills
4:43 Red wG brax -iwnl- 3
6:03 Red wG brax -iwnl- 4
7:13 Red wG brax -iwnl- 3
7:39 Blue help! Professor Backshots 3
8:29 Blue help! consta 3
8:31 Red wG brax -iwnl- 3
9:01 Red wG hyphen 5
11:53 Red wG blank 3
14:34 Red wg pabo 4
16:42 Blue bffl 3
17:33 Blue help! Professor Backshots 3

you have cat to be kitten: heep vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
1:14 Blue wG brax -iwnl- 3
3:21 Blue wg pabo 3
7:36 Blue wG exile 3
9:48 Red Lil Zok 5
12:39 Red sophisticated cuck chair 5
13:39 Red bffl 3

you have cat to be kitten: RED vs heep

Time Team Player Kills
2:41 Blue The Darkness 3
4:00 Blue bffl 3
6:26 Blue Lil Zok 3
9:11 Red wG brax -iwnl- 3
14:23 Blue The Darkness 3
15:39 Red wG flu 3
17:13 Red wG brax -iwnl- 4
18:29 Red wG flu 3


you have cat to be kitten: heep vs RED

Team Player Message
Red zokimane LMFAO90
Blue wG deaftjoe32 kiss me
Red zokimane · ͜ .
Blue wg pabo gh
Blue wG deaftjoe32 grats on cheev
Red March 24th gh gh
Red help! Professor Backshots gh
Blue wg pabo gh

you have cat to be kitten: BLU vs heep

Team Player Message
Blue wg pabo cant wait for game time
Blue wG blake glhf!
Blue wg pabo holeeyyyy
Blue wg pabo OMGGG
Red bffl game time
Red help! Professor Backshots glhf
Blue wG exile gl hgf
Blue wG exile gh
Red help! Professor Backshots gh

you have cat to be kitten: BLU vs heep

Team Player Message
Blue wG exile NICE FIND
Red help! consta thanks!

you have cat to be kitten: BLU vs heep

Team Player Message
Blue wg pabo LMAO
Red zokimane 0PFT
Blue wg pabo my shit did 20
Blue wG exile GH
Blue wG exile gm
Red March 24th gm gm
Red help! Professor Backshots good map

you have cat to be kitten: RED vs heep

Team Player Message
Red wg pabo can someone say it back
Blue March 24th gm gm
Red wg pabo gm
Blue help! Professor Backshots gm
Blue heepie fleebie 🍄 gm
Blue bffl gm
Red wG deaftjoe32 gm!

you have cat to be kitten: heep vs RED

Team Player Message
Red March 24th OMG
Blue wG flu ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\з= ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀) =ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ baddie down
Blue wG flu oops
Red March 24th gh gh
Red help! Professor Backshots gh
Blue wg pabo gh

you have cat to be kitten: RED vs heep

Team Player Message
Red wg pabo wat did u do to that pack bro
Blue Lil Zok gg
Red wg pabo gs
Blue bffl gg
Red wg pabo ggs\
Blue March 24th ggs
Red wG exile GG
Blue help! Professor Backshots ggs
Red wG blank ggs
Red wG deaftjoe32 gg!
Blue heepie fleebie 🍄 ggs
Red wG blake gg
Red wG flu gg
Red wG brax -iwnl- gg
Red wG Melon gg
Blue Lil Zok !log