Logs 3637333, 3637355

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Exp #6 Amateur-2 Round 5 - Clearcut i really need to smoke Dark Magician Training 0.0 9.0 koth_clearcut_b17

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #555468 koth_clearcut_b17 Highlander Dark Magician Training i really need to smoke 2 0 9:03 Remove log
na.serveme.tf #555468 koth_clearcut_b17 Highlander Dark Magician Training i really need to smoke 2 0 9:56 Remove log
Totals 4 0 18:59


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Red able Scout 33 10 7 380 246 191 7214 4673 3633 12 0 0 0 0 5 18:59
Red Red Cipherlock Soldier 19 21 2 263 190 48 5010 3620 923 4 0 25 0 0 1 18:59
Red Red mOoOoOoO Pyro 17 6 18 270 291 299 5133 5531 5688 5 0 6 0 0 5 18:59
Red Red trapbeforeyourap Demo 32 12 11 558 359 328 10608 6828 6240 11 1 12 0 0 5 18:59
Red Red momiji fumo Engineer 14 9 10 246 127 38 4683 2417 739 4 0 17 0 0 0 18:59
Red Red Dr.Bananas89 Heavy 28 12 8 344 372 130 6539 7080 2476 10 0 11 0 0 4 18:59
Red Red Phantom Medic 1 3 27 4 148 76 2815 0 1 0 24 0 0 6 18:59
Red Red ❋Winteŗ❋Pƴrô Sniper 24 11 5 531 181 105 10083 3442 1998 8 0 3 0 22 3 18:58
Red Red axe French Fry Senpai™ Spy 18 19 2 426 178 58 8094 3387 1108 4 0 16 16 0 0 18:59
Blue Blue Aerol1th Scout 17 24 4 289 253 51 5495 4818 974 3 0 17 0 0 0 18:59
Blue Blue csw74 Soldier 8 23 4 256 316 124 4876 6017 2372 2 0 8 0 0 2 18:32
Blue Blue AU5T1N Pyro 14 19 9 174 344 121 3312 6546 2309 2 0 15 0 0 2 18:59
Blue Blue Scoobert Doobert Demo 16 20 3 426 421 212 8103 8002 4039 7 0 13 0 0 4 18:59
Blue Blue Spookyanonymous | cigar Engineer 11 19 7 228 202 71 4347 3843 1350 2 0 5 0 0 1 18:59
Blue Blue NinjaB75 Heavy 11 20 6 281 615 213 5343 11687 4054 2 0 13 0 0 2 18:59
Blue Blue CatisticallySpeaking Medic 1 17 14 12 274 229 5203 0 1 0 17 0 0 2 18:59
Blue Blue fuji Sniper 15 21 3 231 394 40 4402 7480 770 3 0 13 0 11 3 18:59
Blue Blue Reit the Lobotomized Protogen Spy 9 23 0 194 202 17 3686 3844 323 2 0 8 7 0 0 18:59
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 84 43 40 2962 2038 1283 26811 18445 11613 10 0 58 9 10 15 3 9:03
Blue 43 84 23 2038 2962 964 18445 26811 8728 3 0 45 5 3 7 2 9:03
Red 102 60 50 3083 2149 1126 30629 21348 11192 12 1 56 7 12 14 4 9:56
Blue 59 102 27 2149 3083 751 21348 30629 7463 7 0 64 2 8 9 1 9:56


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Red Phantom Medic 100% 1200 22792 12 9 3 0 0 2 0:33 1 0 18:59
Blue Blue CatisticallySpeaking Medic 100% 853 16204 5 5 0 0 1 0 0:00 2 1 18:59



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red able 6 4 3 2 4 5 1 2 6 33
Red Red trapbeforeyourap 4 3 5 3 4 3 4 2 4 32
Red Red Dr.Bananas89 2 6 2 2 2 8 2 1 3 28
Red Red ❋Winteŗ❋Pƴrô 3 2 4 5 6 0 2 2 0 24
Red Red Cipherlock 2 3 2 4 1 0 4 2 1 19
Red Red axe French Fry Senpai™ 1 1 1 1 2 0 3 9 0 18
Red Red mOoOoOoO 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 5 17
Blue Blue Aerol1th 1 5 2 1 2 2 0 1 3 17
Blue Blue Scoobert Doobert 2 2 2 4 0 1 1 1 3 16
Blue Blue fuji 5 2 1 1 2 0 0 4 0 15
Red Red momiji fumo 3 2 1 1 0 1 0 2 4 14
Blue Blue AU5T1N 0 4 0 0 2 2 0 0 6 14
Blue Blue NinjaB75 1 2 0 3 3 0 0 0 2 11
Blue Blue Spookyanonymous | cigar 0 3 0 1 2 2 0 0 3 11
Blue Blue Reit the Lobotomized Protogen 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 4 0 9
Blue Blue csw74 1 2 0 2 0 0 1 1 1 8
Blue Blue CatisticallySpeaking 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Red Red Phantom 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Aerol1th 6 2 3 4 2 3 0 3 1 24
Blue Blue Reit the Lobotomized Protogen 6 1 5 4 3 4 0 0 0 23
Blue Blue csw74 4 3 1 3 6 2 1 2 1 23
Blue Blue fuji 2 2 1 2 1 2 0 2 9 21
Red Red Cipherlock 5 2 4 2 2 3 0 2 0 20
Blue Blue Scoobert Doobert 2 4 2 3 2 1 0 5 1 20
Blue Blue NinjaB75 4 1 1 4 2 0 0 6 2 20
Blue Blue AU5T1N 3 2 1 5 2 1 0 4 1 19
Blue Blue Spookyanonymous | cigar 5 0 2 3 8 1 0 0 0 19
Red Red axe French Fry Senpai™ 3 1 6 3 2 3 1 0 0 19
Blue Blue CatisticallySpeaking 1 4 1 4 2 0 0 2 3 17
Red Red Dr.Bananas89 2 0 2 0 3 2 0 2 1 12
Red Red trapbeforeyourap 1 2 0 4 3 1 0 1 0 12
Red Red ❋Winteŗ❋Pƴrô 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 4 4 11
Red Red able 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 5 0 10
Red Red momiji fumo 2 0 2 1 0 2 0 0 2 9
Red Red mOoOoOoO 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 6
Red Red Phantom 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red trapbeforeyourap 5 3 5 7 5 6 5 3 4 43
Red Red able 7 5 4 3 6 5 2 2 6 40
Red Red Dr.Bananas89 4 7 3 2 3 10 2 1 4 36
Red Red mOoOoOoO 6 3 1 5 5 3 1 2 9 35
Red Red ❋Winteŗ❋Pƴrô 3 3 4 5 6 0 2 2 4 29
Red Red Phantom 3 5 5 4 2 1 4 2 2 28
Red Red momiji fumo 5 3 1 4 2 2 0 2 5 24
Blue Blue AU5T1N 3 4 0 2 3 2 1 0 8 23
Red Red Cipherlock 2 3 2 4 1 1 4 2 2 21
Blue Blue Aerol1th 1 6 2 1 3 3 0 1 4 21
Red Red axe French Fry Senpai™ 1 1 1 3 2 0 3 9 0 20
Blue Blue Scoobert Doobert 2 3 2 5 0 1 1 2 3 19
Blue Blue Spookyanonymous | cigar 0 5 0 1 3 2 1 2 4 18
Blue Blue fuji 5 3 2 2 2 0 0 4 0 18
Blue Blue NinjaB75 2 3 0 4 3 2 0 0 3 17
Blue Blue CatisticallySpeaking 2 3 1 1 1 0 0 1 6 15
Blue Blue csw74 1 5 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 12
Blue Blue Reit the Lobotomized Protogen 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 4 0 9


na.serveme.tf #555468

Time Team Player Kills
3:58 Red Cipherlock 3
5:08 Red trapbeforeyourap 3
5:40 Red Dr.Bananas89 3
7:59 Red axe French Fry Senpai™ 3

na.serveme.tf #555468

Time Team Player Kills
2:24 Red able 4
3:05 Red able 3
5:31 Red able 6
6:07 Red Cipherlock 4
7:18 Blue Scoobert Doobert 4
7:55 Blue fuji 3
8:04 Red mOoOoOoO 3
8:48 Red trapbeforeyourap 8


na.serveme.tf #555468

Team Player Message
Blue Scoobert Doobert nah bootle
Blue csw74 vry laggy :(
Red Dr.Bananas89 no
Blue Aerol1th oh
Blue Aerol1th fuck
Red Dr.Bananas89 :(
Red Phantom gr
Blue AU5T1N gr
Blue Spookyanonymous | cigar gr
Red Cipherlock meds legit invisible for me so I am purely guessing lmao
Blue AU5T1N nice stab
Blue Aerol1th lmao
Red axe French Fry Senpai™ :D
Blue Aerol1th killing myself
Red ❋Winteŗ❋Pƴrô gr
Red Phantom gr
Red momiji fumo gr
Red axe French Fry Senpai™ gh
Red Phantom .ss
Blue CatisticallySpeaking gr

na.serveme.tf #555468

Team Player Message
Red axe French Fry Senpai™ potty break
Red Dr.Bananas89 NO
Blue Scoobert Doobert · ͜ .
Red axe French Fry Senpai™ brb
Red momiji fumo ᗜˬᗜ
Blue Aerol1th i am a steakhouse with how much i beef
Blue NinjaB75 my mouse keeps locking
Red axe French Fry Senpai™ :)
Blue Scoobert Doobert No Onions pls :)
Blue Scoobert Doobert · ͜ .
Red ❋Winteŗ❋Pƴrô gr
Red momiji fumo gr
Red Phantom gr
Red Dr.Bananas89 gr
Blue Reit the Lobotomized Protogen .w.
Blue Aerol1th gg
Red momiji fumo gg
Red ❋Winteŗ❋Pƴrô gr
Red Phantom ggs
Red Dr.Bananas89 gg tho
Blue CatisticallySpeaking ggs
Red ❋Winteŗ❋Pƴrô gg!
Blue NinjaB75 gg
Blue fuji gg