Logs 3688031, 3687914, 3687946, 3687993, 3688072, 3688097

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 18 Main [Main] Playoffs 1B - Round 2 Hugs In The Bag Packfamily 3.0 6.0 pl_swiftwater_final1, cp_steel, pl_vigil_rc10

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
HugsInTheBag: Hugs vs RED pl_swiftwater_final1 Highlander Hugs In The Bag Packfamily 1 0 21:48 Remove log
HugsInTheBag: P&S vs Hugs cp_steel Highlander Packfamily Hugs In The Bag 0 1 11:06 Remove log
HugsInTheBag: Hugs vs P&S cp_steel Highlander Hugs In The Bag Packfamily 0 1 19:42 Remove log
HugsInTheBag: P&S vs Hugs cp_steel Highlander Packfamily Hugs In The Bag 1 0 10:54 Remove log
HugsInTheBag: RED vs Hugs pl_swiftwater_final1 Highlander Packfamily Hugs In The Bag 1 0 20:13 Remove log
HugsInTheBag: Hugs vs RED pl_swiftwater_final1 Highlander Hugs In The Bag Packfamily 0 1 17:09 Remove log
Totals 3 3 1:40:52


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red stewie9k Scout 80 71 29 218 200 64 22051 20208 6467 9 0 163 0 0 12 1:40:51
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red boo! Soldier 93 87 24 356 278 100 35998 28052 10166 7 1 283 0 0 2 1:40:52
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red SGUH Vincent2247 Pyro 50 70 29 177 255 201 17935 25757 20313 4 0 73 0 0 5 1:40:52
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red katryna Demo 75 58 25 421 301 295 42502 30435 29796 8 1 44 0 0 8 1:40:52
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red Cooper02 Engineer 38 70 38 225 180 68 22727 18180 6876 5 0 57 0 0 5 1:40:52
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red lampin Heavy 57 65 46 224 391 291 22675 39459 29438 4 0 56 0 0 7 1:40:52
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red hollandese Medic 0 31 68 0 107 65 10842 0 0 0 35 0 0 5 1:40:52
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red Zachas Sniper 72 68 9 247 207 126 24957 20961 12754 6 0 21 0 51 3 1:40:52
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red E_leet Spy 63 105 7 235 185 17 23777 18679 1734 4 0 89 36 0 2 1:40:52
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue P&S>> Thomas Scout 78 50 42 226 179 87 22834 18144 8872 10 0 145 0 0 19 1:40:51
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue P&S Cristanc99 Soldier 78 80 24 292 300 90 29467 30264 9140 7 5 228 0 0 5 1:40:52
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue P&S lapras Pyro 70 53 51 195 292 244 19695 29500 24686 8 0 62 0 0 13 1:40:52
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue P&S fingers Engineer 54 49 41 180 126 65 18236 12762 6636 7 0 68 0 0 13 1:40:52
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue P&S dragon Heavy 90 55 35 234 374 260 23663 37743 26288 6 0 51 0 0 6 1:40:52
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue P&S Eugene Gripnasty Medic 10 37 66 12 152 1281 15383 0 2 0 53 0 0 9 1:40:52
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue Cloudy Sniper 95 66 17 342 194 68 34530 19624 6946 7 0 50 0 66 5 1:40:36
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue PS andy Spy 66 78 11 240 179 22 24239 18137 2296 5 0 171 36 0 9 1:40:47
Blue Red P&S Tyler The Destroyer Demo 26 24 13 409 338 263 13481 11134 8669 5 0 6 0 0 1 32:54
Blue Red Red Blue Phaze Demo 52 39 28 369 294 268 25147 19996 18225 11 1 36 0 0 6 1:07:58
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Ü Duration
Red 141 135 81 2272 2265 1218 49551 49395 26568 8 2 210 8 15 7 6 21:48
Blue 135 142 71 2265 2272 1071 49395 49551 23354 6 0 189 10 13 12 7 21:48
Red 59 58 35 1849 2088 1060 20531 23186 11768 5 0 96 3 4 21 4 11:06
Blue 57 60 27 2088 1849 1207 23186 20531 13403 5 0 54 3 9 12 13 11:06
Red 108 125 59 2302 2217 1053 45352 43691 20758 9 0 190 5 9 11 7 19:42
Blue 125 109 62 2217 2302 1072 43691 45352 21128 11 1 210 5 15 12 10 19:42
Red 71 41 37 2049 1786 1172 22342 19476 12777 7 2 82 6 7 18 3 10:54
Blue 41 75 17 1786 2049 1073 19476 22342 11701 4 0 48 2 3 4 5 10:54
Red 130 101 76 2019 1967 1121 40822 39780 22677 8 0 162 5 11 13 6 20:13
Blue 101 131 50 1967 2019 1172 39780 40822 23703 5 0 163 7 9 3 5 20:13
Red 80 99 41 2060 2086 1248 35342 35792 21411 5 0 156 11 6 12 7 17:09
Blue 99 80 47 2086 2060 1169 35792 35342 20054 10 3 131 7 16 10 6 17:09


Teams Player Class H% H/M H Ü MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red hollandese Medic 100% 1165 117587 67 57 10 0 2 13 0:39 7 0 1:40:52
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue P&S Eugene Gripnasty Medic 100% 1107 111715 82 45 9 28 5 15 0:40 12 2 1:40:52



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue Cloudy 17 8 6 9 16 12 3 17 7 95
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red boo! 5 23 9 12 7 14 6 11 6 93
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue P&S dragon 7 16 17 9 7 8 5 5 16 90
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red stewie9k 9 17 6 5 10 4 5 12 12 80
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue P&S Cristanc99 13 11 8 4 3 11 7 13 8 78
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue P&S>> Thomas 13 11 7 2 10 8 1 7 19 78
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red katryna 4 12 10 7 5 10 3 5 19 75
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red Zachas 11 8 7 8 6 6 4 18 4 72
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue P&S lapras 5 14 8 7 4 3 4 2 23 70
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue PS andy 4 5 7 7 10 9 6 13 5 66
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red E_leet 5 7 5 8 7 4 7 15 5 63
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red lampin 5 6 8 11 9 3 5 1 9 57
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue P&S fingers 6 11 4 3 5 6 2 2 15 54
Blue Red Red Blue Phaze 3 3 10 10 7 6 2 7 4 52
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red SGUH Vincent2247 3 4 2 9 4 3 7 3 15 50
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red Cooper02 7 3 6 3 7 4 0 1 7 38
Blue Red P&S Tyler The Destroyer 2 6 2 4 2 5 1 1 3 26
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue P&S Eugene Gripnasty 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 5 10


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red E_leet 19 8 23 7 16 15 5 7 5 105
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red boo! 11 11 14 9 16 11 1 8 5 86
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue P&S Cristanc99 17 23 4 12 6 3 0 8 7 80
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue PS andy 12 6 15 19 9 7 0 4 5 77
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red stewie9k 13 13 5 5 7 6 1 17 4 71
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red Cooper02 8 11 3 11 8 6 2 12 9 70
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red SGUH Vincent2247 7 8 8 12 17 4 1 6 7 70
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red Zachas 7 13 2 8 5 2 0 17 13 67
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue Cloudy 12 11 3 5 1 1 0 18 15 66
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red lampin 10 3 4 9 7 5 0 16 10 64
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red katryna 2 4 7 14 9 3 0 9 7 55
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue P&S dragon 10 7 4 5 9 7 0 6 7 55
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue P&S lapras 6 9 2 10 8 6 0 7 5 53
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue P&S>> Thomas 9 5 3 4 5 7 0 11 5 49
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue P&S fingers 4 14 3 10 3 4 0 6 4 48
Blue Red Red Blue Phaze 3 8 4 5 8 1 0 4 6 39
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue P&S Eugene Gripnasty 5 6 7 3 5 0 0 4 7 37
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red hollandese 1 7 4 3 5 2 0 3 6 31
Blue Red P&S Tyler The Destroyer 2 4 5 2 3 2 0 4 2 24


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue P&S dragon 10 22 19 13 14 10 5 9 23 125
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue P&S lapras 10 21 18 15 10 8 7 4 28 121
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue P&S>> Thomas 14 19 14 3 20 12 5 8 25 120
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red boo! 11 27 10 12 10 16 8 12 11 117
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue Cloudy 18 12 6 9 17 16 3 18 13 112
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red stewie9k 10 24 10 7 15 6 6 12 19 109
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red lampin 7 14 14 16 19 8 7 6 12 103
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue P&S Cristanc99 18 14 10 7 3 19 8 13 10 102
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red katryna 5 13 16 10 10 13 6 6 21 100
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue P&S fingers 12 16 9 6 9 12 5 3 23 95
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red Zachas 11 10 8 10 6 6 4 18 8 81
Blue Red Red Blue Phaze 6 6 13 13 8 8 7 13 6 80
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red SGUH Vincent2247 6 11 3 13 8 5 10 4 19 79
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue PS andy 4 7 8 7 13 10 8 14 6 77
Blue Red Blue Red Red Blue P&S Eugene Gripnasty 5 11 15 10 6 5 1 4 19 76
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red Cooper02 13 9 11 8 10 6 4 5 10 76
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red E_leet 5 7 6 8 9 5 8 16 6 70
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Red hollandese 2 8 11 10 6 5 3 3 20 68
Blue Red P&S Tyler The Destroyer 3 10 5 4 3 5 1 5 3 39


HugsInTheBag: Hugs vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
3:21 Red katryna 3
3:26 Red SGUH Vincent2247 4
7:43 Blue P&S Cristanc99 3
8:18 Blue P&S fingers 3
8:27 Red stewie9k 3
10:20 Blue P&S>> Thomas 3
10:21 Red Zachas 3
10:31 Blue P&S Tyler The Destroyer 4
10:41 Red boo! 3
19:20 Red stewie9k 3
20:28 Red E_leet 3

HugsInTheBag: P&S vs Hugs

Time Team Player Kills
1:49 Blue katryna 3
5:28 Blue stewie9k 4
5:46 Red Cloudy 3
7:51 Blue Zachas 3

HugsInTheBag: Hugs vs P&S

Time Team Player Kills
2:33 Red boo! 3
5:42 Blue Phaze 3
9:25 Red boo! 3
9:36 Blue P&S dragon 3
16:30 Red lampin 3
17:26 Red katryna 3

HugsInTheBag: P&S vs Hugs

Time Team Player Kills
5:21 Red P&S dragon 4
9:42 Red P&S fingers 3

HugsInTheBag: RED vs Hugs

Time Team Player Kills
5:28 Blue E_leet 3
5:52 Red Cloudy 3
14:08 Red P&S Cristanc99 3
15:41 Red P&S>> Thomas 3
15:42 Red P&S lapras 3
17:02 Red Phaze 4
19:06 Red P&S fingers 3

HugsInTheBag: Hugs vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
4:54 Red E_leet 3
8:28 Red katryna 3
12:18 Blue P&S dragon 4
16:11 Blue P&S>> Thomas 3


HugsInTheBag: Hugs vs RED

Team Player Message
Blue P&S Cristanc99 ????????

HugsInTheBag: P&S vs Hugs

Team Player Message
Red Cloudy THE PIT

HugsInTheBag: P&S vs Hugs

Team Player Message
Blue lampin On average, cats spend 2/3 of every day sleeping.
Red PS andy I wish I had a cat
Red P&S Eugene Gripnasty Holland
Blue lampin bro they are so good
Red P&S Eugene Gripnasty if we win, can I get an unusual
Red P&S lapras Yes.
Red P&S Eugene Gripnasty left on read
Red P&S Eugene Gripnasty killing myself
Red P&S lapras I answered u
Red Cloudy I got no reg'd
Red Cloudy feelsbad
Blue stewie9k ong?
Red PS andy lol
Red PS andy gg
Red P&S>> Thomas gh
Blue boo! ggs!
Red Cloudy gr

HugsInTheBag: RED vs Hugs

Team Player Message
Blue Cooper02 fuck tf2 deadlock is my new game
Blue lampin lol
Red P&S Eugene Gripnasty add me
Blue lampin bet
Red P&S Eugene Gripnasty and Ill give you info for deadlock
Red P&S Eugene Gripnasty you are gonna give me info :]
Blue lampin are you a scammer
Red P&S Eugene Gripnasty no
Blue Cooper02 i hate the wrangler
Red PS andy ??? WHAT
Red P&S Cristanc99 invalid opinion
Red PS andy #4daLogz

HugsInTheBag: Hugs vs RED

Team Player Message
Blue PS andy lcuky me
Blue PS andy lucky me
Blue Cloudy rip
Red stewie9k .ss
Blue PS andy huge
Red SGUH Vincent2247 gg
Red hollandese gg
Blue PS andy gg wp
Blue Cloudy gg
Blue P&S Eugene Gripnasty ggs
Red Zachas gg
Blue P&S>> Thomas gg
Red Cooper02 gg
Red stewie9k ggs
Red lampin gg
Blue Phaze gg
Red boo! ggs!