Logs 3715037, 3715077, 3715084, 3715099, 3715015

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
ETF2L Highlander Season 32 (Summer 2024): Open Playoffs None Grand Final BRAINROT! Disconnect Party 3.0 6.0 Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
serveme.tf #1437936 pl_vigil_rc10 Highlander BRAINROT! Disconnect Party 0 1 14:38 Sep 11, 2024, 7:26 PM Remove log
serveme.tf #1437936 pl_upward_f12 Highlander Disconnect Party BRAINROT! 1 0 16:35 Sep 11, 2024, 8:05 PM Remove log
serveme.tf #1437936 pl_upward_f12 Highlander BRAINROT! Disconnect Party 1 0 12:11 Sep 11, 2024, 8:21 PM Remove log
serveme.tf #1437936 pl_upward_f12 Highlander Disconnect Party BRAINROT! 1 0 16:41 Sep 11, 2024, 8:42 PM Remove log
serveme.tf #1437936 pl_vigil_rc10 Highlander Disconnect Party BRAINROT! 0 1 22:55 Sep 11, 2024, 7:10 PM Remove log
Totals 3 2 1:23:00


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Retrogue Scout 50 52 21 169 196 80 14107 16339 6695 7 0 79 0 0 12 1:23:00
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! qek Soldier 59 56 31 333 247 132 27691 20561 10981 6 0 134 0 0 1 1:23:00
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! Houi Pyro 33 50 33 133 290 221 11106 24125 18344 6 0 72 0 0 2 1:23:00
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! alz LFT HL Demo 68 48 29 438 279 273 36372 23221 22737 8 1 36 0 0 2 1:23:00
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! Milosz52 Engineer 30 47 27 154 150 72 12849 12492 6015 5 0 14 0 0 10 1:23:00
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! Timka Heavy 70 53 38 293 419 315 24323 34844 26211 7 0 47 0 0 2 1:22:58
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! Hugoiskonk Medic 1 21 48 7 111 644 9230 0 1 0 36 0 0 2 1:23:00
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! Zoo Sniper 78 60 11 366 282 123 30427 23454 10209 6 0 18 0 52 1 1:21:18
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! silvaN Spy 39 72 6 190 159 13 15842 13263 1104 4 0 56 31 0 3 1:23:00
Blue Red Blue Red Red DCP 197 Scout 58 38 42 203 138 80 16910 11486 6701 7 0 28 0 0 14 1:23:00
Blue Red Blue Red Red let's create art 🖤 Soldier 69 53 25 403 267 159 33453 22225 13264 12 0 162 0 0 1 1:23:00
Blue Red Blue Red Red Erosey Pyro 56 45 50 247 295 248 20568 24511 20623 5 0 57 0 0 4 1:23:00
Blue Red Blue Red Red suleli Demo 45 53 12 312 314 261 25922 26074 21708 6 0 43 0 0 1 1:23:00
Blue Red Blue Red Red Lemmy (*^‿^*) Engineer 29 38 30 121 151 92 10087 12562 7710 5 0 24 0 0 10 1:23:00
Blue Red Blue Red Red LAME #HUNCHO Heavy 52 60 28 222 425 211 18507 35279 17538 6 0 350 0 0 4 1:23:00
Blue Red Blue Red Red Noot (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) Medic 1 34 49 7 147 606 12276 0 1 0 22 0 0 1 1:23:00
Blue Red Blue Red Red Meow :(, Meow :) Sniper 82 42 7 312 194 137 25899 16137 11413 9 0 16 0 59 2 1:19:21
Blue Red Spino Spy 31 34 2 308 195 14 11598 7345 534 7 0 39 21 0 0 37:30
Red Blue Red Belfast Spy 33 33 2 307 120 13 13979 5466 595 4 0 34 29 0 1 45:27
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Ü Duration
Red 59 83 29 1958 2188 1265 28658 32022 18519 4 0 92 3 5 5 4 14:38
Blue 82 59 41 2188 1958 1288 32022 28658 18850 7 0 173 10 9 8 4 14:38
Red 108 102 61 2331 2200 1060 38672 36495 17591 9 0 142 13 17 6 4 16:35
Blue 101 109 57 2200 2331 1090 36495 38672 18088 7 0 81 9 11 9 4 16:35
Red 63 47 36 1939 1640 1366 23632 19987 16647 7 0 70 5 9 10 2 12:11
Blue 47 63 21 1640 1939 1148 19987 23632 13988 7 0 99 6 5 7 2 12:11
Red 94 93 46 2188 2182 1162 36504 36404 19389 7 0 154 10 13 7 4 16:41
Blue 93 94 55 2182 2188 1138 36404 36504 18986 6 0 89 6 12 7 5 16:41
Red 125 113 78 2196 2102 1320 50344 48172 30268 12 0 207 11 15 10 7 22:55
Blue 112 126 67 2102 2196 1311 48172 50344 30056 8 1 160 8 15 4 6 22:55


Teams Player Class H% H/M H Ü MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! Hugoiskonk Medic 100% 1232 102296 38 33 5 0 4 9 0:29 8 0 1:23:00
Blue Red Blue Red Red Noot (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) Medic 100% 1205 100086 34 34 0 0 5 10 0:40 10 0 1:23:00



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Blue Red Red Meow :(, Meow :) 11 8 10 13 7 6 3 21 3 82
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! Zoo 8 1 8 17 11 6 8 16 3 78
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! Timka 3 11 14 7 17 0 1 2 15 70
Blue Red Blue Red Red let's create art 🖤 9 8 4 6 5 12 3 10 12 69
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! alz LFT HL 12 9 4 6 11 7 8 5 6 68
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! qek 5 12 3 9 7 8 5 4 6 59
Blue Red Blue Red Red DCP 197 7 6 8 6 4 2 0 1 24 58
Blue Red Blue Red Red Erosey 4 6 6 7 9 5 6 4 9 56
Blue Red Blue Red Red LAME #HUNCHO 5 12 4 4 13 4 1 1 8 52
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Retrogue 3 5 4 7 6 4 5 1 15 50
Blue Red Blue Red Red suleli 6 5 7 5 4 12 0 2 4 45
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! silvaN 2 5 3 4 2 4 6 12 1 39
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! Houi 2 5 5 2 3 4 1 1 10 33
Red Blue Red Belfast 1 4 3 2 6 2 4 11 0 33
Blue Red Spino 1 3 3 3 2 3 4 9 3 31
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! Milosz52 3 4 4 0 3 5 0 1 10 30
Blue Red Blue Red Red Lemmy (*^‿^*) 8 3 5 2 3 1 0 1 6 29
Blue Red Blue Red Red Noot (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! Hugoiskonk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! silvaN 24 12 9 4 8 6 1 3 3 70
Blue Red Blue Red Red LAME #HUNCHO 6 7 3 11 17 3 0 11 2 60
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! Zoo 1 10 4 2 1 1 0 21 20 60
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! qek 6 8 6 5 12 3 0 8 7 55
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! Timka 4 5 9 4 13 3 0 7 8 53
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Retrogue 7 9 4 6 5 8 0 11 2 52
Blue Red Blue Red Red suleli 7 9 2 6 7 0 0 17 4 52
Blue Red Blue Red Red let's create art 🖤 5 12 5 9 11 4 0 1 5 52
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! Houi 8 4 6 7 4 5 0 10 6 50
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! alz LFT HL 6 6 7 5 4 2 0 13 5 48
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! Milosz52 2 12 5 12 4 1 0 6 5 47
Blue Red Blue Red Red Erosey 4 3 5 4 14 4 0 8 3 45
Blue Red Blue Red Red Meow :(, Meow :) 1 4 1 5 2 1 0 16 12 42
Blue Red Blue Red Red Lemmy (*^‿^*) 4 8 4 7 0 5 0 6 4 38
Blue Red Blue Red Red DCP 197 3 5 2 12 3 3 0 8 2 38
Blue Red Spino 8 2 3 3 10 3 1 3 1 34
Blue Red Blue Red Red Noot (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) 5 5 1 8 1 0 0 8 6 34
Red Blue Red Belfast 7 4 7 3 5 7 0 0 0 33
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! Hugoiskonk 0 3 6 0 1 0 0 3 8 21


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! Timka 5 12 17 16 26 3 5 3 21 108
Blue Red Blue Red Red Erosey 10 12 10 13 21 13 7 7 13 106
Blue Red Blue Red Red DCP 197 14 11 11 12 9 4 0 5 34 100
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! alz LFT HL 13 13 10 9 19 10 11 6 6 97
Blue Red Blue Red Red let's create art 🖤 12 12 6 7 13 16 4 11 13 94
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! qek 8 15 6 12 11 12 5 11 10 90
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! Zoo 9 3 10 17 13 8 8 16 5 89
Blue Red Blue Red Red Meow :(, Meow :) 13 8 11 15 8 7 3 21 3 89
Blue Red Blue Red Red LAME #HUNCHO 8 15 10 5 18 8 3 4 9 80
Red Blue Red Blue Blue Retrogue 6 10 6 8 8 6 6 1 20 71
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! Houi 5 9 8 8 7 6 3 4 16 66
Blue Red Blue Red Red Lemmy (*^‿^*) 12 7 10 6 6 3 0 2 13 59
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! Milosz52 5 7 5 4 10 7 2 2 15 57
Blue Red Blue Red Red suleli 9 7 9 5 7 13 0 3 4 57
Blue Red Blue Red Red Noot (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) 2 5 8 8 7 1 3 6 10 50
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! Hugoiskonk 5 4 4 3 7 5 4 2 15 49
Red Blue Red Blue Blue br! silvaN 3 5 3 4 4 5 6 12 3 45
Red Blue Red Belfast 1 4 3 2 7 2 4 12 0 35
Blue Red Spino 1 3 3 4 2 3 4 9 4 33


serveme.tf #1437936

Time Team Player Kills
5:07 Blue LAME #HUNCHO 3
6:20 Blue let's create art 🖤 3
7:00 Blue Spino 3
8:03 Blue Erosey 4
8:12 Red br! qek 3
10:27 Blue Meow :( 4
12:33 Red br! alz LFT HL 3
13:33 Blue let's create art 🖤 3

serveme.tf #1437936

Time Team Player Kills
1:58 Blue br! alz LFT HL 3
2:32 Blue br! Zoo 3
3:24 Blue br! Milosz52 4
3:59 Blue br! Zoo 3
6:40 Blue Retrogue 6
8:06 Red Erosey 3
12:30 Blue br! qek 3
15:07 Red Meow :) 3
16:03 Blue br! Zoo 3

serveme.tf #1437936

Time Team Player Kills
1:19 Blue Meow :) 3
3:47 Blue suleli 3
8:28 Blue DCP 197 3
8:32 Red br! Milosz52 3

serveme.tf #1437936

Time Team Player Kills
2:02 Blue Retrogue 4
2:12 Blue br! alz LFT HL 3
2:55 Blue br! Houi 3
6:07 Red Meow :) 3
6:17 Blue br! qek 3
8:09 Blue br! qek 3
9:05 Red Erosey 3
9:37 Blue br! alz LFT HL 3

serveme.tf #1437936

Time Team Player Kills
5:11 Blue Retrogue 3
8:42 Blue br! alz LFT HL 3
11:03 Blue Retrogue 3
11:14 Red Meow :( 3
18:05 Red Spino 3
18:10 Red LAME #HUNCHO 3
19:24 Red let's create art 🖤 3
19:25 Blue br! Timka 3
19:29 Red Erosey 3
20:06 Red DCP 197 3
22:09 Red Erosey 3


serveme.tf #1437936

Team Player Message
Red br! silvaN is it 1 more ?
Red br! silvaN ok
Blue Erosey yeah
Red br! Zoo okay
Blue Meow :( ?

serveme.tf #1437936

Team Player Message
Red let's create art 🖤 GG
Blue br! Zoo gg
Red Erosey WHAT
Blue br! Timka gg ez
Red Erosey WHAT
Blue br! Zoo god saves his hardets jumps for his most powerful upward soldiers
Red Meow :) LOL
Red let's create art 🖤 n1
Red Erosey asdas
Blue br! silvaN wow
Red let's create art 🖤 lmao
Red Lemmy (*^‿^*) WHNAT
Red Erosey waha
Red Meow :) christ
Red Noot (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) wtf

serveme.tf #1437936

Team Player Message
Blue Meow :) im lagging
Red br! Hugoiskonk ss2sa d
Red br! silvaN what if we win , is there another map ?
Blue Meow :) 1 last
Blue Erosey no
Blue Meow :) upward
Blue Lemmy (*^‿^*) yes
Red br! Houi no golden cap
Blue Erosey no
Blue Meow :) why cant we just set it as a draw
Blue Erosey 3rd round poopie
Red br! silvaN lel
Blue Meow :) and we both get gold medals
Red br! silvaN this
Red br! Timka both get silver
Red br! Timka <3
Blue Erosey no
Blue Erosey you have no idea what i endured with these mfs... :C
Red br! Timka Erosey : you have no idea what i endured with these mfs... :C
Blue Erosey ^^
Red br! alz LFT HL br! Timka : Erosey : you have no idea what i endured with these mfs... :C
Red br! Zoo Erosey : you have no idea what i endured with these mfs... :C
Red br! silvaN my legs are cramping

serveme.tf #1437936

Team Player Message
Blue br! alz LFT HL pausing
Blue br! silvaN pausing
Blue br! silvaN how did that burn me
Red Noot (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) gg
Blue br! silvaN gg
Blue br! Timka gg
Blue Retrogue gg
Red Lemmy (*^‿^*) МЫ ПОБЕДИЛИ
Red Lemmy (*^‿^*) гг
Red Meow :) gg

serveme.tf #1437936

Team Player Message
Blue br! alz LFT HL mentor in vc/
Red Spino no he aint bro
Blue br! alz LFT HL i got screenshot
Blue br! alz LFT HL gg def win
Blue br! silvaN hes jokgin
Red let's create art 🖤 ?