Logs 3752560, 3752643, 3752656, 3752604, 3752631

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
RGL HL Season 19 Advanced Playoffs 1B - Round 2 Mr. Warabi Corporation Fruit Zoo 6.5 2.5 koth_cascade_rc1a, koth_product_final, cp_steel_f12 Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
Warabi Co. 9v9: FRUIT vs RED cp_steel_f12 Highlander Fruit Zoo Mr. Warabi Corporation 0 1 16:09 Remove log
Warabi Co. 9v9: BLU vs FRUIT koth_cascade_rc1a Highlander Fruit Zoo Mr. Warabi Corporation 0 2 13:11 Remove log
Warabi Co. 9v9: BLU vs FRUIT koth_cascade_rc1a Highlander Fruit Zoo Mr. Warabi Corporation 2 1 18:14 Remove log
Warabi Co. 9v9: RED vs FRUIT cp_steel_f12 Highlander Mr. Warabi Corporation Fruit Zoo 0 1 15:57 Remove log
Warabi Co. 9v9: FRUIT vs RED cp_steel_f12 Highlander Fruit Zoo Mr. Warabi Corporation 0 1 16:32 Remove log
Totals 2 6 1:20:03


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Red Red Blue Red Crump.THUG Scout 51 55 42 290 236 147 23284 18911 11788 7 0 146 0 0 17 1:20:03
Red Red Red Blue Red paz Soldier 66 70 12 346 270 116 27749 21665 9349 6 0 149 0 0 8 1:20:03
Red Red Red Blue Red [FZ]FRUIT22imon.THUG.ZOO#4TATRZ Pyro 53 40 36 197 274 242 15775 21985 19383 8 0 61 0 0 13 1:20:03
Red Red Red Blue Red scarybroccoli Demo 53 78 23 404 378 248 32371 30324 19868 6 0 76 0 0 8 1:20:03
Red Red Red Blue Red Pupper #4TATERS Engineer 42 37 27 194 130 89 15551 10427 7194 5 0 65 0 0 4 1:20:03
Red Red Red Blue Red Apple Zoo Heavy 49 60 23 222 462 284 17826 37047 22801 8 0 72 0 0 6 1:20:01
Red Red Red Blue Red Empyrean Medic 0 25 53 5 116 480 9288 0 0 0 36 0 0 3 1:20:03
Red Red Red Blue Red Sniper 81 50 11 297 208 127 23830 16694 10217 6 0 18 0 49 3 1:20:03
Red Red Red Blue Red illegal Spy 36 62 6 143 146 21 11450 11750 1690 4 0 89 19 0 4 1:20:03
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue avg Scout 57 59 34 271 218 122 21753 17510 9820 5 0 80 0 0 11 1:19:59
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Soala Soldier 50 67 19 297 239 149 23829 19168 12001 4 1 164 0 0 2 1:20:03
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue 9AM.Hornet #4BOBOBO, Hornet Pyro 52 42 36 179 276 229 14333 22158 18373 6 0 54 0 0 8 1:20:03
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue 𝕲𝖍𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖔𝕮 Demo 72 45 36 435 334 325 34856 26737 26077 8 1 58 0 0 5 1:20:03
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue ethanf Engineer 45 38 32 187 155 92 14980 12423 7381 7 0 53 0 0 8 1:20:03
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue hatsune freaku Heavy 61 36 34 259 359 288 20797 28796 23117 11 0 48 0 0 4 1:20:03
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Yamagishi Medic 4 33 47 11 122 945 9799 0 1 0 19 0 0 1 1:20:03
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue bisc Sniper 64 50 14 291 204 135 23310 16399 10819 7 0 16 0 45 2 1:20:03
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue esteban Spy 65 66 6 290 191 15 23288 15326 1231 7 0 179 42 0 3 1:20:03
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 68 95 31 1815 2159 1211 29323 34879 19566 8 0 132 2 5 14 5 16:09
Blue 93 70 51 2159 1815 1379 34879 29323 22272 8 0 157 6 7 11 6 16:09
Red 73 82 37 2254 2317 1386 29719 30556 18276 6 0 103 4 13 5 4 13:11
Blue 82 73 48 2317 2254 1385 30556 29719 18267 7 2 109 13 10 3 3 13:11
Red 131 104 76 2536 2316 1307 46240 42233 23840 8 0 181 7 12 27 7 18:14
Blue 104 132 59 2316 2536 1443 42233 46240 26328 7 0 136 12 13 18 3 18:14
Red 86 96 49 2144 2197 1214 34199 35055 19375 9 0 135 7 9 11 6 15:57
Blue 94 88 52 2197 2144 1334 35055 34199 21293 6 0 124 5 9 13 5 15:57
Red 65 108 37 1692 2190 1168 27979 36224 19315 6 0 172 1 10 7 5 16:32
Blue 105 65 51 2190 1692 1365 36224 27979 22577 11 0 134 4 6 1 4 16:32


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Red Red Blue Red Empyrean Medic 100% 1275 102122 46 44 2 0 0 6 0:40 5 0 1:20:03
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Yamagishi Medic 100% 1361 108987 39 31 8 0 3 8 0:28 6 0 1:20:03



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Red Blue Red 11 12 7 6 8 8 5 17 7 81
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue 𝕲𝖍𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖔𝕮 7 8 8 16 11 8 5 5 4 72
Red Red Red Blue Red paz 13 8 7 1 3 8 7 9 10 66
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue esteban 6 6 2 13 14 11 3 9 1 65
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue bisc 7 9 8 9 4 5 3 18 1 64
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue hatsune freaku 4 10 7 18 9 1 3 1 8 61
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue avg 10 8 4 8 8 2 3 5 9 57
Red Red Red Blue Red scarybroccoli 9 6 6 5 6 4 4 10 3 53
Red Red Red Blue Red [FZ]FRUIT22imon.THUG.ZOO#4TATRZ 2 13 5 7 5 3 6 1 11 53
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue 9AM.Hornet #4BOBOBO, Hornet 11 10 3 4 5 3 2 1 13 52
Red Red Red Blue Red Crump.THUG 6 8 6 11 4 4 1 1 10 51
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Soala 3 6 3 5 4 3 5 10 11 50
Red Red Red Blue Red Apple Zoo 5 11 2 8 7 6 2 1 7 49
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue ethanf 5 12 2 5 5 2 0 0 14 45
Red Red Red Blue Red Pupper #4TATERS 10 7 2 3 1 2 2 0 15 42
Red Red Red Blue Red illegal 3 1 5 4 2 3 5 11 2 36
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Yamagishi 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 4


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Red Blue Red scarybroccoli 8 5 4 16 18 5 0 9 13 78
Red Red Red Blue Red paz 8 6 10 8 10 12 1 9 6 70
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Soala 8 8 13 6 11 7 0 12 1 66
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue esteban 10 10 11 3 7 15 0 7 2 65
Red Red Red Blue Red illegal 9 11 13 4 8 14 1 1 1 62
Red Red Red Blue Red Apple Zoo 8 4 5 11 9 5 0 4 14 60
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue avg 6 13 2 9 5 10 0 11 3 59
Red Red Red Blue Red Crump.THUG 10 3 11 7 4 5 0 7 6 53
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue bisc 1 9 1 10 1 0 0 17 11 50
Red Red Red Blue Red 5 10 1 5 1 0 0 18 9 49
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue 𝕲𝖍𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖔𝕮 11 1 7 5 8 3 0 6 4 45
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue 9AM.Hornet #4BOBOBO, Hornet 6 7 5 6 2 2 0 7 5 40
Red Red Red Blue Red [FZ]FRUIT22imon.THUG.ZOO#4TATRZ 4 3 3 8 7 2 1 8 2 38
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue ethanf 4 8 3 4 6 2 0 8 3 38
Red Red Red Blue Red Pupper #4TATERS 2 3 3 8 1 2 1 5 11 36
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue hatsune freaku 4 3 5 6 7 1 0 8 2 36
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Yamagishi 1 7 6 4 2 2 0 5 5 32
Red Red Red Blue Red Empyrean 3 5 2 5 3 0 0 3 3 24


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue 𝕲𝖍𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖔𝕮 11 13 12 24 20 9 6 8 5 108
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue hatsune freaku 10 15 13 22 16 3 3 2 11 95
Red Red Red Blue Red Crump.THUG 11 18 8 12 8 5 5 4 22 93
Red Red Red Blue Red 11 15 8 7 8 9 5 19 10 92
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue avg 16 15 8 12 14 4 4 7 11 91
Red Red Red Blue Red [FZ]FRUIT22imon.THUG.ZOO#4TATRZ 11 17 9 10 9 8 8 3 14 89
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue 9AM.Hornet #4BOBOBO, Hornet 12 17 7 10 11 5 3 3 20 88
Red Red Red Blue Red paz 13 11 9 2 4 8 9 9 13 78
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue bisc 9 12 8 13 5 5 4 19 3 78
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue ethanf 8 16 7 9 8 6 2 0 21 77
Red Red Red Blue Red scarybroccoli 12 7 12 9 9 5 6 12 4 76
Red Red Red Blue Red Apple Zoo 9 12 6 12 10 6 5 4 8 72
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue esteban 6 6 2 14 15 11 5 9 3 71
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Soala 7 10 4 8 7 5 5 12 11 69
Red Red Red Blue Red Pupper #4TATERS 17 14 2 3 4 4 4 0 21 69
Red Red Red Blue Red Empyrean 8 9 6 6 4 2 0 10 8 53
Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Yamagishi 6 7 4 9 6 5 1 4 9 51
Red Red Red Blue Red illegal 4 1 6 5 2 4 7 11 2 42


Warabi Co. 9v9: FRUIT vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
3:06 Blue 𝕲𝖍𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖔𝕮 3
8:04 Blue esteban 3
9:00 Blue avg 3
9:12 Red [FZ]FRUIT22imon.THUG.ZOO#4TATRZ 4
13:55 Red Apple Zoo 4

Warabi Co. 9v9: BLU vs FRUIT

Time Team Player Kills
2:24 Red 5
5:02 Blue 𝕲𝖍𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖔𝕮 4
6:25 Blue hatsune freaku 3
7:32 Red paz 4

Warabi Co. 9v9: BLU vs FRUIT

Time Team Player Kills
0:22 Red Apple Zoo 3
3:15 Blue 9AM.Hornet #4BOBOBO 3
5:09 Blue esteban 3
6:27 Red [FZ]FRUIT22imon.THUG.ZOO#4TATRZ 3
8:32 Red 3
10:50 Blue 𝕲𝖍𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖔𝕮 3
12:01 Red illegal 3
12:08 Red Crump.THUG 4
13:44 Red 3
16:44 Red [FZ]FRUIT22imon.THUG.ZOO#4TATRZ 3
17:31 Red Apple Zoo 3

Warabi Co. 9v9: RED vs FRUIT

Time Team Player Kills
1:38 Blue scarybroccoli 3
1:42 Blue 4
4:23 Blue scarybroccoli 3
6:33 Blue paz 3
7:37 Blue scarybroccoli 5
7:51 Red 𝕲𝖍𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖔𝕮 3
14:10 Red 9AM.Hornet #4BOBOBO 3
14:27 Red hatsune freaku 4
15:12 Blue paz 3

Warabi Co. 9v9: FRUIT vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
2:29 Blue 𝕲𝖍𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖔𝕮 3
7:49 Blue 9AM.Hornet #4BOBOBO 3
9:08 Blue hatsune freaku 3
9:50 Blue 9AM.Hornet #4BOBOBO 3
14:16 Red Crump.THUG 4
14:21 Blue hatsune freaku 3
15:11 Blue 𝕲𝖍𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖔𝕮 3


Warabi Co. 9v9: FRUIT vs RED

Team Player Message
Blue 𝕲𝖍𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖔𝕮 gl friends
Red Crump.THUG gl hf
Blue Hornet gl
Blue hatsune freaku LOL BRIAN
Red illegal LOL
Red Crump.THUG kill me
Blue avg crump im waiting for u bb
Red Crump.THUG you already know
Blue esteban lol
Blue hatsune freaku LOL
Blue hatsune freaku im so bad
Blue hatsune freaku LOL
Red Crump.THUG gh
Blue Yamagishi Gh

Warabi Co. 9v9: BLU vs FRUIT

Team Player Message
Red Crump.THUG gh

Warabi Co. 9v9: BLU vs FRUIT

Team Player Message
Blue Soala ur losing
Red Crump.THUG gh

Warabi Co. 9v9: RED vs FRUIT

Team Player Message
Red Soala gl hf
Red 9AM.Hornet #4BOBOBO lul
Red 9AM.Hornet #4BOBOBO i missed the det
Blue scarybroccoli NOOB
Blue scarybroccoli NOOBS DOWN
Red Soala its true
Red ethanf GR
Blue Crump.THUG gh
Blue paz gr
Red avg gh

Warabi Co. 9v9: FRUIT vs RED

Team Player Message
Red Crump.THUG i doint understand the source engine tbh
Blue bisc game
Blue 9AM.Hornet #4BOBOBO old ass
Blue 𝕲𝖍𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖔𝕮 please
Blue avg oml
Blue 𝕲𝖍𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖔𝕮 I need this
Red Crump.THUG gm
Red scarybroccoli GG
Blue Yamagishi Gm